Heroes of the Aturi Cluster, the free co-op campaign using X-wing models. and should be in the OP because it's cash >dockingbay416.com/campaign/
Chase Garcia
The only one I have found in my admittedly short rummaging is the Gunslinger from Fly Casual.
Isaiah Baker
If i make the next one (and thats pretty doubtful) ill remember to put it in
Hudson Nguyen
New X-wing spoilers today.
Shiny new Han.
Brody Allen
Would anyone experienced with the Fantasy Flight RPG tell me a good dual pistol shooter spec?
Aaron Bennett
As said, Gunslinger in Fly Casual is the main option. I think it's the only specialization with talents specifically for dual-wielding.
Samuel Diaz
Gadgeteercould be cool with it, but mostly gunslinger. Could try multiclassing them. Other than that get a bantha's eye laser sight for a free advantage to trigger dual wielding stuff more often
Adrian Rogers
Robert Mitchell
So how exactly does one fight the Rebellion in a way that doesn't make you look like chaotic evil loons intent on increasing the very resistance you are fighting? tl;dr Sheev invites you to his Staff meeting to formulate a plan for winning the Galactic Civil War goes without saying, minimal use of superweapons, supercloning, superlightsaber and superchosen ones.
Jace Mitchell
Just like a normal force would fight an insurgency. A "hearts and minds" campaign coupled with regular patrols and total air superiority. Build a new space port, hospitals, houses, etc, ask the planet what the rebellion had ever provided them with.
That's how I'd do it, if I wasn't black and white evil.
Juan Taylor
Just lump them in with pirates, slavers, hutt cartels, and other criminal syndicates. Treating them like anything else besides common criminals is just asking for trouble, because the whole movement gains validation and credibility once you actually start referring to them as rebels.
Dominic Russell
>False Flag operations to cast the rebels as bloodthristy terrorists and incite hatred for the rebellion
>Black Ops surgical strikes/counter-terrorism ops aimed at tactical and strategic decapitation (or in plain english: kill the leaders and planners)
>Propaganda blitz promoting the stability, safety and jobs created under Imperial rule
>Propaganda blitz decreeing the chaos, bloodshed and galactic instability that would come from rebel rule
So essentially a mix of American alphabet soup agencies and pre-WWII Nazi propaganda
Sebastian Russell
This, show you provide the stability the Empire promises and embed yourself within the local population while improving the locals standards of living so that rebels not only risk threatening civilians if they want to strike at your troops but also their improved social and economic conditions. To the local populous the Empire would bring improved medical care, housing, and safety while the rebellion becomes a menace. The real problem is doing this on majority alien worlds, because we all know what the empire does with those. I suppose encouraging human settlement after a standard "relocation" program could work for that but it wouldn't be as clean.
Basically act in such a way that you become a positive benefit they can rely upon or even need. If the rebels threaten that the locals futures' become uncertain and people fear uncertainty, especially when it stems from what seems unnecessary.
Brayden Gomez
Christopher Wood
That's assuming the culture in question gives a shit about such things. Hasn't the "hearts and minds" stuff largely failed in the Middle East?
Jack Robinson
50 pt minimum for the rey finn combo
Luis Lee
The problem is that the Empire regularly destroys local industry and replaces it with slavery under their nationally backed corporations. Raising the quality of life requires changing how the empire functions.
Xavier Roberts
>can still fit Rey+Finn+Hann and Po with BB-8. I'm good.
Luis Brooks
Matthew Sanchez
It doesn't work when you prop up warlords who go wild with death squads on a large minority/majority which then creates resistance (see iraq, afghanistan). And it really doesn't work when you are allied with the largest originator of all resistance/terrorism in the area (See Saudi arabia)
Jace Nguyen
Partly due to shit follow through, but yeah. US politics like to quickly call a win to get support at home while doing minimum on the ground in the long term.
Josiah Robinson
Michael Martinez
Im ready to add advanced slam on emon for maximum cluster mining shenaniganery
Brody Ramirez
that would require the Empire not to be based around, well imperialism. Which they were, depressing local quality of life in order to extract resources to funnel towards a central hub. They were even based on a cultural philosophy of the strong being rewarded by being able to take from the weak whatever they wanted, which they incorporated into how their government operated.
as said, in order for the empire to do those things, it has to stop being the empire.
Eli Jackson
Does it? Was that a legend thing or new canon depiction of how it operates? For understandable reasons there were few mentions of the economic policy of the galactic empire in the OT, besides that mention of nationalizing farms in episode IV But didn't the brits have a good go at it for quite some time? Isn't a similar operation applicable?
Mason Lewis
Samuel Thompson
>America Rebelled >India Rebelled
Canada and Australia stuck around, but they basically got rid of all the natives, and started treating the colonists a lot better and not just using them as resource extractors after the American revolution.
I'm not saying Imperialism can't work for a time, but it doesn't let you pull of 'hearts and minds' and like sticking with you is good for the locals. If you are Imperialistic, you suppress rebellion, you can't dissolve the tension and bring the local population around to your side.
Jace Robinson
I'll cite Charlie Wilson's War as a prime example of a movie based upon very real lack of follow-through on the US's part.
>Supplying Afghan forces to fight erhgerd communists? Have a shit ton of AA Missiles and support!
>Paying 1/10th of what we spent on schools to help develop said country? Go fuck yourself!
Granted that's paraphrased, but it is pretty damn close to what happened.
Ryan Hughes
Benjamin Russell
So what's the risk of FFG discontinuing the Falcon standalone expansion anytime soon? I want one, but I'd rather prioritize other things first. Is there any way to get a fair warning if it'll disappear or should I panic and buy one now?
Isaac Kelly
Oooh, okey. I was thinking much more in the context of asymmetrical warfare. I mean take America as an example, there's not going to be a foreign entity entering the war on behalf of the Rebels and ensuring their victory, nor will there be a much greater conflict that draws the empires attention away from the backwater front of the rim/america (if you will pardon the analogy)
Anyway, fair point made on your behalf and something to consider.
Juan Sullivan
hell, fuck it. Use two examples of the same damn country. WWI: fuck over German and do nothing to help them rebuild. Hey look they started attacking people. WWII: Fuck over Germany, but stick around and help Germany rebuild. How are you doing long lasting democracy and ally.
I mean part of the reason for sticking around for the rebuilding was fighting communism, but at least some people pointed out at the time that letting Germany collapse again would just result in the same damn problem.
Henry Miller
I dont see it going away any time soon. Han and chewie are good in both plus you have lando as a pilot not to mention the upgrades that come with the pack
Wyatt Carter
>Rey+Finn actually combo YES! Also, Finn kinda sucks for his cost with most pilots, and looks like he just kinda sucks, but works really well with Rey. Very nice.
Caleb Sanders
Pretty much the entirety of that double-standard with how the US handled Germany, was knowing that the problem was who was in power. Remove the problem, and now you can use the country as a nice little roadblock in case Unthinkable happens.
Blake Peterson
>Dat card art That's almost as unintentionally funny as IG-88D's.
Parker Hill
That sort of thing is nothing new though, look at Bossk (crew) alone and Bossk with gunner or IG-88D(crew)+IG-88B
Jayden Martinez
I love this shitty meme and whatever user that made it.
Daniel Smith
They will keep making it until the game stops (if it ever does). There's cards and pilots that come with it and only it.
That won't stop it from probably going out of print for a bit in the future though. That's true of all expansions though.
Best card they've previewed so far. Gives Rebels a way of getting focus past Palob and Old Teroch. Also allows you to bank a focus you didn't need to spend, or get a focus even if you bump. Just insanely good utility for two points.
Is going to be crazy awesome on Bossk. Do a U-turn when you desperately need to. Or open up with a 10-straight for flanking shenanigans.
I've changed my mind from my first opinion of Finn. Not only will he be great on Rey pilot, I think he'll be quite good on the Ghost. Finn+Rey together with FCS should give you all the mods you need. Take them with Hera so you have some ability to keep opponents in arc.
Owen Hall
> unintentionally funny I'm pretty sure Finn looking like a goofus was intentional.
Though random sidetracking, I'm a bit pissed that they implied that Finn working in sanitation meant he'd be shit at breaking into the place. As someone whose been a janitor, you know how to get fucking everywhere in the buildings you clean, where the keys are, how people move around the building, how to avoid running into people while getting where you are going, and even how to break fucking everything in there (because you told not to do these things). That is the person you want when breaking into a building.
Brody Ramirez
I like putting daredevil on Bossk, you can combine it with his white 3-turns and it's like having a red U-turn maneuver that you can change your mind about at the perform action step, and unlike Burnout Slam it's multiple use.
Chase Fisher
Even if it's not completely new, it's still a cool thing and I'm happy every time it happens.
Wyatt Edwards
Finn is actually going to be pretty good. He's going to be like Latts Razzi, or Bossk. At face value, you think "why the hell would an extra miss help me???" But at closer examination, you begin to see how useful he can actually be.
Christian Brooks
But then you're not running Zuckuss, and so your build is pretty bad.
Also eats your EPT, which is important. Party Bus doesn't care about the EPT.
Ryan Richardson
Being stressed actually doesn't prevent you from using Zuckuss, although I can get not wanting to pile up the stress.
Elijah Gray
Bossk and Latts are easier to see uses for. Also they don't have as clear story connection which is the part I'm really loving.
Finn seems like a loser, but then when he's around Rey he's awesome.
Also, does Finn interact with reroll Han the way a I think he does. In that you add a die with a blank result, which can be rerolled with Han's ability.
Also, kinda funny, his ability would work well in the SF tie fighter that Finn and Poe steal, because of the tech slot those have.
Christopher Evans
>The Rebellion built its T-65 X-wings in hangers and drydocks hidden from imperial spies. The New Republic has no such constraints, but its demilitarization efforts and rampant corruption have steered the few remaining starfighter contracts to well-connected manufacturers. The Resistance can build few X-wings on its own, and instead must make do with fighters donated by local security forces or lent by senators who share Geneeal Leia Orgona's fears about the First Order. The New Republic is kinda pathetic.
Jordan Roberts
Or maintenance... I think the implied joke of sanitary/janitor is mostly the audience reception of his statement. Yes it's implied heavily and makes for a haha scene to laugh about, but nobody in the movie is actually laughing at his statement (iirc). And you're 100% correct. Aside from janitorial service, only maintenance, architect / design-engineer, and construction project manager/surveyor, would have a comparable level of knowledge.
Jacob Howard
Yes, that's the kind of the point... Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the other ones we've tried.
Jason Murphy
Latts is a bit less obvious, as removing opponent's stress is not generally considered a "good thing" to do. Bossk is one who pairs well with Gunner, but outside of that you scratch your head.
Angel Foster
Have we tried Robot yet? I think we should try Robot. Robot would definitely be the best form of government.
Blake Nelson
target locks last, and focus can then be used or defense. And while removing stress isn't seen as a 'good', removing evades is. Am I missing something where you're using him because you want to remove stress? I assume you just want a means to make sure they have stress, because the second part is so good.
Carter Thomas
The TFA era pretty much pissed all over the efforts of the Rebellion. It's depressing as fuck. I miss the Legends New Republic already. At least they didn't completely lose their balls.
>tfw Zahn never got to write the story about Luke, Mara, and Ben being a family
Adam Nelson
Sure, the same way as fusion would be the best energy source. We just don't have the technology. Not to mention all the inherent problems with humans having to design the AI in the first place. Even if it'll be mostly evolutionary algorithms there's gotta be some pre-defined staring point and success-metric that a human has to decide on. If we could solve that dilemma and all the scientific hurdles in the way, then yes, Robot for government 100% support.
James Rogers
Bureaucracy. Bureaucracy never changes.
Isaiah Murphy
(IG-88A) (IG-88B) I wonder who could be behind these posts
William Edwards
The point with Bossk is that he's not one you tend to want to take, even for defense or next turn, because of the stress hit he (usually) gives you. Yet... I have found him quite useful in a Mindlink squad...
For Latts Razzi, I was more talking about her as a crew option. The pilot ability is blatantly good, but the crew provides you with an Evade result if you remove one of the attacker's stress tokens.
Is this the fastest motherfucker in the Galaxy? It fucking DWARFS the A-Wing, TIE Interceptor AND TIE Defender.
Hunter Diaz
They need to make the New Republic pathetic in order to recreate the environment that will let them basicly recreate the original trilogy/do the reboot that is Sequels. Only the most incompetent and retarded of behavior from the NR could set up such an environment, which is why you get such a pathetic sounding NR. Honestly the fault has to be laid at the writers in a meta sense. In a way, you can blame the force/the writers who want to repeat the same old conflicts.
Jayden Jones
The nucanon nurepublic is hilariously trash, honestly as bad as if not worse than the legends old republic in it's last days, which is almost impressive
Daniel Price
fuck you, it changes a lot and converse a wide variety of organizations.
Guess what the two biggest bureacracies in the USA are.
Did you guess the Military and the Post Office. Probably not, because no one thinks of those as bureaucracies despite the fact that they fit every useful definition of the term. The police, also a bureaucracy. Fire department. CIA, NSA.
Fuck, war changes plenty. What's going on in the middle east now doesn't look a thing like Rome fighting Carthage.
Colton Phillips
(Old) New Republic was more of a "best case scenario". I always felt like "this is what a democracy should look like, if greed, corruption, gerrymandering, and career polticians, didn't fuck the whole system up. TFA New Republic is much closer to the bullshit we could expect to see, with the proxy wars and side-stepping the red tape of beuarcracy.
Jaxson Turner
Fusion is a lot more likely at this point than AI is...
Josiah Allen
>Only the most incompetent and retarded of behavior from the NR could set up such an environment, You mean, like exactly the shit that happened during the Cold War?
Isaiah Butler
The entire "demilitarization" of the New Republic in NuCanon was clearly written with the intention of maintaining the status quo of the underdog good guys fighting a facist regime. It doesn't make much sense within universe regardless of whatever quickly written explanation Mon Mothma gives in Aftermath.
Aside from that though, I hate how the new trilogy seems to be picking up what I consider the worst part of the Gundam franchise, in that a military vehicle is out of date within a single decade. I understand that in the real world that stuff can get outdated real quick, but this is a space opera setting where something like that doesn't make sense. (And don't jet equiped b52's still see use today?) The technology has been around for 5,000+ years; it should really have been perfected by now.
I have my own qualms with the Old Republic setting in Star Wars, but I rather like the consistant technological level. It means that ship design is dictated not by technological breakthroughs but by resources and design philosophy.
Also, they have picked up colorful ace paint schemes from Gundam. More pls.
Leo Hernandez
Show me where during the cold war the Allies retreated out of west germany, demobilized with an imminent threat looming in the soviet union and watched as the Nazis rebuilt from a tiny little village in argentina to a major regional threat again
Brayden Torres
>mach 6.5
I suppose it is technically feasible with Star Wars' "the technology is made up and the science doesn't matter" approach to things. The fastest manned atmospheric vehicle clocked just under 7,300 km/h, the X-15 in 1959.
The thing is, at those speeds you better have some batshit Force-trickery to be able to react in time to pretty much anything, so It's really only good for traveling quickly.
Angel Morgan
To be honest the TFA-new republic feels depressingly realistic, but maybe that's just my cynism speaking.
Joseph Cooper
To be fair, the original Legends was also a clusterfuck of rehashed conflicts, perpetual war for no reason and bureaucratic snafus - the difference is that instead of "OUR HEROES" being there to perform miracles and bail everybody's ass out all the time, and then our villains and their plan of "it will work this time because we made it, and we are clearly not all those guys who failed even though we're trying will hard to be" actually did it. Which, y'know, is a tragedy for us who saw this "go right" once before, but now we're going with it not going right.
And actually, by the time like 30 years had gone by in Legends, it had all gone wrong anyway, like it always eventually does in Star Wars - this at least is more sensible than the Vong.
Julian Cooper
wait, are you going off the whole 'Gobel's incompleteness implies no strong AI'. Because while it totally dies, that's only if you're AI is working a Turing Machine, and people are now starting to work on ways to get AIs that go outside the bounds of a pure turing machine. I understand the computer science and math only just well enough to get that it is doing that, and it could lead to strong form AI, so don't expect to much more from me on this.
Easton Gray
>picked up That's been a thing since the mid-90s.
Dylan Campbell
The New order situation is more like the allies crushed the nazis, took control of Germany, then did nothing as a new nazi party started to grow and arm themselves within their borders.
Jace Lee
Well, Legends was a patchwork of writers (post Rotj) writing not together with one another, but storylines that often were retroactively pushed into a coherent timeline. that's why you get the joke about the weekly new warlord and the incoherent mess of a post ROTJ timeline that is still more reasonable that we we've gotten.
The new canon on the other hand is built with a supposed coherent vision with one team behind it, who had as an explicit reason for wiping away the old canon was making a better one. Obviously that's just bullshit and it's just a reason to make more money by rehashing easy stories, but hey
I genuinely don't think the new canon will make any sense untill 10-15 years from now, when the new seque trilogy is finished and the autists who publish the "essential guides to X" series have released a new one for the new canon. That's honestly where a great majority of the settings incoherent shit was "fixed" and made coherent.
Joseph Richardson
Fair enough, but I mean from a movie-goers perspective. Clearly, Poe Dameron is meant to be the Char Aznable of Star Wars.
Not saying he is, mind you, but I'm pretty sure that's the note they're trying to hit.
Cooper Smith
>The technology has been around for 5,000+ years; it should really have been perfected by now. >perfected >an end to science or technology I strongly, reject this very notion. There is no 'end point' to our knowledge, certainly not something that could be reached in a mere 5,000 years. Not without a fundamental change in the way in which knowledge is gained.
Ayden Hall
I agree. In Legends, the GA/NR was using ISDs way after even the Vong War because at the end of the day they were damn reliable and cost effective, moreso than other designs.
At the end of the day, by the GCW, Star Wars cannons were a variety of turbolasers, ion cannons and missile launchers. It would just be a change in design philosophy like say... Empire gets tired of their Star Destroyers being taken down by shitty old fighters so they make ships with point-defense weaponry.
I'm assuming the T-70 was fucking shit (think shipfag's fanfic analysis on it, I'd say it was spot-on) and the T-85 was more reliable and overall better. So the Resistance uses dinky old T-70s because the T-85s in Republic service are harder to attain.
Jace Peterson
>key equipment: Jedi Starfighter Ace Master
Christian Williams
The KOTOR Ships when you look into them are far, far inferior to the GCW era ships. It isn't literally the same technology, just that GCW Era reached an apex in development thanks to ol' Sheev and Tarkin's constant military research.
The SSD Equivalent of KOTOR is a 1200 meter ship with laser cannons and no turbolasers. It would get fucking trashed by a GCW Imperial heavy frigate. I assume what he means is that development from Ep6 to 7 was too quick, which for a demilitarized Galaxy, it was.
>but you want new shit yet also say old shit should stay
Nope, TIE Interceptors were set to replace TIE Fighters by Episode 6. Why did they go back to repainted TIE Fighters? My problem with the T-70 is that it's design is really, really, really bad. I would've gone NJO-style and introduced an X-Wing that has minor, subtle changes from the original T-65. Basically an XJ.
Austin Johnson
>within their borders wasn't the FO supposed to be starting from a good ways away. I mean, Sci-fi authors=no sense of scale, but it at least felt like there was a good distance between the Republic heartland and where the FO was starting up shit. And a galaxy is a very big place.
Kayden Roberts
No. I'm going off the basis that we already have Fusion reactors, and a lot of their limitation comes down to efficient design. Tokamak designs have shown to (currently) be a dead-end, but backtracking into Stellarator designs has shown promising. And then there are other Fusion designs that are making headway, such as magnetic inertial containment.
AI is certainly a possibility. But there will have to be some serious breakthroughs first before we have actual machines capable of self awareness, critical thinking, and reactive processing. From a pure technological standpoint, Fusion is much closer possibility than AI is.
Parker Martinez
>Char Turn Phennir, Baron Fel, and countless Royal Guard TIEs say hello.
Leo Bailey
>Why did they go back to repainted TIE Fighters? well that I can answer. The FO doesn't have the massive resources that the empire had. They had a section of those resources and made do what they could based on what they had. It makes perfect sense that what they'd use would be based upon the empire, but not exactly the same as what the empire had, or what the empire was going for.
>My problem with the T-70 is that it's design is really, really, really bad. could you be more specific. I mean, it looks really similar to the T-65 to someone who doesn't spend hours hunting down difference.
Anthony Martinez
So you mean both are theoretically possible, but Fusion is a good bit less theoretical and more possible? Then we agree.
Robert Davis
Yeah, the problem is that due to the physical pragmatism of a live-action continuation, we immediately have to jump to a period where our original cast is "too old for this shit" and a new generation has to step in. Now, Legends also jumped to this complete clusterfuck where everything is ruined for ever... multiple times, in roughly the same time period that TFA takes place, but we had loads of the "good years" to build from that point, where we saw a lot of the ups and downs and saw "our heroes" trying real hard to keep all their shit together.
NuCanon skips all that. And because the destination is set, they feel the need to establish early with the new continuation the reasons why things end up so bad by TFA. This is slightly better than the Legends from that time period tendency to roll out a new book at the start of a multipart saga which is has a plot point of "suddenly vong", or "suddenly Lumiya" or "suddenly force psychosis", and also all the other stuff that stacks in under that to be really bad situations all around. But it also basically cuts a lot of the surprise out of the middle. We know it ends bad, and we know how it starts bad, so while we haven't seen the middle yet, it's probably going to go poorly. They are weaving a cohesive story, just, y'know, gotta shoot the first story and it's semi-cohesiveness in the foot first.
Carter Moore
my thing with fusion is scaling and implementation. I think we'll have some form of fusion power soon, but how long is it going to be able to design one that's the size of a powerplant, and then to build a significant number of them.
If AI turns out to be a software solution, once we get one, getting a large number of them comes fairly quick. Though the work arounds for Godel's seem to suggest straight software replication won't be that easy. So who knows.
Camden Anderson
Also, the TIE/fo I supposed to be an advancement. Tech advances mean the First Order can manage to put shields, hyperdrives, even a backseater in the /sf in roughly the same airframe as the old TIE/LN. But because they want to be the Empire real bad, the First Order deliberately models the physical design after the original TIE which was a simple of imperial power for 15-20 years. Maybe longer, never know how many guys actually got to transition to the IN design post-Endor and the fracturing of Imperial power.
Nevermind, Wookiee seems to have added an extra 0 to the 800 km/'h of the original model with no source or anything. SLAMmed Missile Boat still is the fastest starfighter.
Mason Gonzalez
>Empire have two Ace-expansion >Rebels soon getting their second >Still none announced for scum
I'm gonna cry like an entitled manchild about this until Least Wanted Is announced.
Joshua Thompson
But why would they make the expansion that everybody wants least?
Xavier Powell
AI is theoretically possible, and is quickly losing that theoretical tag. Fusion has been out of the "theoretical" realm for decades. We've just got a monstrous hurdle to contend with, in the form of efficiency. Which is where the popular tokamak designs hit a roadbloak (due to needing more containment fields than magnetic inertial or stellarator designs).
So, no. I would say Artificial Intelligence is certainly possible, mostly theoretically possible, and making quick headway. But Fusion has been a long-standing possibility, currently only held back by the need for energy output efficiency and government/corporation effort.
Samuel Jackson
What do y'all think the (oldcanon) new republic's laws around privately owned military gear? Like say starfighters and freighter-mounted guns and even something as simple as a blaster rifle
Andrew Peterson
>T-70 Poor wing design. Shit looks way too flimsy for the high-speed maneuvering it needs to perform. The way the foils come together in cruise mode also looks like an unnecessary mechanical complication.
Overall, it also lacks the rugged, war-winning looks of the T-65. It looks too much like an oversized, modified Headhunter. It looks boring. It lacks soul. It lacks the classic muscle car feel.
Evan Bell
really hoping for M3-A interceptor and Starviper for skum aces.
Jason Moore
Yeah but it worked for Colombia, a serious attempt at this probably requires digesting some COIN literature.
Wyatt Morgan
>worst part of the Gundam franchise, in that a military vehicle is out of date within a single decade. But that's exactly how Gundam stays in business. How are you going to sell new toys/model kits without new designs? Disney understands this as well.
Adam Moore
It's because it'll be a pack focused on the least wanted ships (mainly M3-A, but people are also asking for Kihraxz and/or Starviper), but fixing them. Also it's a pun on the Most Wanted pack if that weren't obvious.
Nathaniel Torres
It's supposed to appeal to a different sort of nostalgia, being pretty much patterned after the McQuarrie illustrations. It's supposed to evoke a sort of Flash Gordon aesthetic, but the problem is when rendered up with a "gritty" paint job the effect is ruined.
Nicholas Richardson
wow, I had actually not noticed that and kinda agree. I don't mind the halved wings so much, because sitting and locking together front to back doesn't look that much worse than doing it stacked on top of each other. But the halved engine looks really weird and somehow I'd fucking missed that.
Owen Moore
AI's breakthrough will come from a breakthrough both in the software side of things, and in quantum processing. The latter is already happening, but it's too new and hasn't gone beyond a handful of quantum transistors yet (each holding data in the form of "yes", "no", and "maybe").
The current leading fusion developments have been Germany's large-scale stellarator that was just finished, and magnetic inertial containment reactors that are roughly the size of a truck.