Kaladesh Preview Thread #27!
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Kaladesh Preview Thread #27!
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Fill out your Kaladesh spoiler bingo sheet today!
For each square you cross out, name a spoiled card from the Kaladesh set that matches it.
Can we please talk about how awesome this cycle is?
Wasn't that explicitly what the last thread was for?
Did i miss a bout of spoilers? I haven't seen a bunch of stuff the mothership says was spoiled at the PAX play event.
I like this little guy. counters for counters, grow you a cat.
Wait so once I have all three out and
a) a permanent of mine gets a +1/+1 counter
b) a creature enters the battlefield under my control
c) I get energy
I pay X mana and get X 1/1 tokens which also each get X +1/+1 counters while I get X energy counters?
What a wonderful engine.
Looks fun in muh Daretti EDH
>mtg 2050
>finding card from booster pack isn't enough also have to buy ability dlcs
>For 50$
3 loyalty counters
>For 150$
+1: Creatures you control get +1/+1 and gain haste until end of turn.
>For 500$
-7: Win the game.
>For 4000$
+5: Target player sucks your cock.
Or as I call this engine...SERVOBEARS FOR DAYS!
That's correct, although you need to play a creature card or create a creature token to start the engine.
>Chandra flame sculptor already at 60 dollars pre order
Or have one of your servobears left on the field and use the ability of the first card.
Either module can be the starting point.
Inefficient use of mana, which is better spent on amassing more servobears.
Does this have potential?
>What a wonderful engine.
Run it in a Sliver deck for maximum FUN (Seriously this combos really well if you have a Manaweft Sliver to overfill your mana pool.) maybe use Artificial Evolution to change the wording on Animation Module so that it creates Slivers as opposed to Servos.
Wow, I knew they said they price the intro pack planeswalkers out of standard but I didn't think they'd make their abilities absolute shit too.
Cheating things into play always has some potential.
Daretti's spaghetti
Probably not in standard but this is good for eternal I think. It's definitely going in my daretti commander deck.
Yeah, except it has to be an instant and has to be cast right there. And you have to be able to pay 6 for it.
or pay 3-4 mana if you the only card left in your hand is land.
I do like that the paid ability can be used to activate themselves, so they can't sit on the battlefield doing nothing if you don't have another card to use them.
Snapcaster's strength comes from being a 1U card.
What blue deck is willing to spend 4UU to cast an instant card from the graveyard?
>only instants
>casts for free
similar but not identical, clearly much less powerful as well since to get your mana's worth out of it you need to be getting back something very expensive, if you get back something with cmc 4 you have equivalence to a snapcaster more than that it is more mana efficient less and it is less so.
>play conspiracy
>shout "SLIVERS"
>manaweft and haste sliver
>infinite slivers
>comes into play with 5 loyalty
>ultimate costs -6
Oath of Gideon first, so you can get a one-sided Horn of Greed for the rest of the game.
Her ultimate isn't really an ultimate-y ultimate. Honestly it could have been a -5 I think or had her come into play with 6 and she could drive-by like Garruk. Weaker than worldwaker but the -3 is utility.
people were complaining about having boring planeswalkers that were all the same in terms of how they played.
Wizards prints planeswalkers that play differently
people complain about that
wizards goes back to printing planeswalkers by their tried and true method.
repeat from the top
Did you miss the part where it says
>without paying its mana cost
With Snapcaster you still have to pay mana for the instant in question, so its effectively a 4 or 5 drop most of the time anyways. This is 1 to 2 mana more and also gives you a 5/6 body.
We're looking at Snapcaster #5-7 for a lot of decks, here.
Was that even a complaint? What's the issue?
>that Chandra face
I want Nature's Artisan's art on It's a shame the shitty card for idiots has the good art.
Either Conspiracy or Artificial Evolution works here. I think Artificial Evolution id cleaner because you only have to target the Animation Module with it, and with Darksteel Forge you should be safe to shit out as many 2/2 Blurred Manaweft Sliver tokens as you like.
Strictly better Shape Anew?
Did you miss the part where it says '4UU'?
The prohibitive mana cost destroys the versatility that makes Snapcaster a good card.
>What blue deck is willing to spend 4UU to cast an instant card from the graveyard?
six mana to drop what should be your wincon and simultaneously draw cards ir counter yoyr opponent's whatever seems fine. it may not be a 4x but it's a card that can win a game once it lands, and enables control on its way in.
Holy god these are bad. I now they're intro pack rare equivalents but the come fuck on.
If there's some kind of way to redirect damage, sure. Just run a deck with no artifacts.
Ask yourself this; is shape anew played in any eternal format?
Chandra looks like a gypsy
Nissa looks like a dirty fuckingelf and should be executed on the spot
>Kaladesh Preview Thread #27!
What did he mean by this?
Maybe drop a Sentinel Sliver if you feel like being even more unfair.
Some people were complaining about it in the last thread and I assumed it had carried over to this one, it could be taken as a complaint but it could also not be.
Six mana can't snap sorceries
Chandra isn't technically white, shes a light-skinned ginger poo in loo
Nissa isn't Human
Gideon got a lip and nose enhancement, looks more bi-racial now
So the only two left are Nerdboy Jace and Semen Slurper Liliana, and Lily is being put out as the "strong womyn" walker
>tfw box art chandra looks 100x better than card art chandra
wotc plz stop what are you even doing?
Liliana's always had a very strong Romani appearance.
Jace is the only straight-up Caucasian.
it's a very different card to snapcaster. Snapcaster is better, because it has more variety, but that doesn't mean the new mecha is bad.
It's well set up to be a finisher in a control deck if there is the material for a good control deck that needs a finisher.
Wut? Two Walkers for Chandra and Nissa?
>6 mana, but plays the instant for free
>prohibitive in a control deck where you often have a dozen lands or more in the lategame
What the fuck are you smoking, and why is Veeky Forums so bad at magic.
For it to be a good control deck finisher we will need an instant worth recurring as currently the best two are either scour the laboratory or scour from existence neither of which quite do it for me as far as finishers go.
>if there is the material for a good control deck that needs a finisher.
The thing is, pic related is just better all around win-con for control because it can produce as many threats as spells you cast, plus can later be used to pick up your graveyard and craft a perfect hand.
Probably thinking about modern where games don't go that late.
This. No one is saying run this instead of snapcaster. even explicitly said its #5-7. You run it in a deck WITH snapcaster as the higher end version for later game.
If you consider non-blondes to be caucasian, I guess.
so wizard clearly supporting the white genocide.
And remember, Gideon counts as fully white when we want to complain about non-whites in theros. Liliana is fully white when we want to complain about non-whites in Innistrad. and Elves don't count as not human when we want to complain about set not fitting our version of what we think is realistic.
coco's worth recurring :^)
Nissa is kinda decent. You can just plus her all day to prolong you survival and in return she gets fucking huge and if they don't have removal then the opponent has to focus attackers on her instead of you.
Chandra is basic burn shit which is good for a new player who doesn't understand burn.
Man I don't care. I would sit on Gideon's face all day, any day. Afterwards, we would hold hands
And it won't be in standard when this is.
CoCo's dead come Kaladesh standard.
No, Chandra is white. Her father is white. I thought she got her hair from him too but apparently Pia is supposed to have red hair. It does not look like it at all but whatever.
That sounds pretty fucking gay user.
true, we've also seen like a tenth of the set so far, so I'm not making claims one way or the other on this.
no, because you need this to be in play before you start casting your spells to get advantage, and if it gets killed it gives you nothing. and you need to cast it on your main phase.
I disagree, I think your more likely to run them in different decks.
Partly because I don't think the mecha is making it out of standard, and partly because snapcaster pairs best with small spells, and the mecha pairs best with big spells.
>so wizard clearly supporting the white genocide.
What are you going to do about it, race warrior?
>5 mana for a card that dies nothing on its own or 10 mana to get your yard back
yeah, nah, that card's way worse. you're either getting little dorks that are good for nothing but chumping, or going way over curve. the gearhulk is still a 5/6 with flash even if everything has gone wrong
Cute, but it still doesn't explain why there are two versions of the same walker with the Khalaedsh logo.
Yeah I don't think the writers and the artists really talk to each other or look at each other's works or maybe even have the same prompts for what characters look like.
user, Chandra is a real Indian name.
>you need to cast it on your main phase
Yeah, because contorl decks never tap out for planeswalkers or anything, right?
The days of Draw, go are long gone. It's all tap out control with no evil counterspells and 12 different walkers.
In that case, you can't read and you don't deserve to be educated.
They are to replace intro packs.
Ok, then just the last part.
>I do not have reading comprehension of basic information gathering skills
get off the internet before you hurt yourself.
the art is bad on this, but there is a trait for red hair in parts of india.
Which looks very different from the red hair of the irish, which is what Chandra looks like.
So the idea of a fairer skinned red-headed bi-racial girl who mixes Indian and Caucasian traits isn't itself unrealistic. That person just wouldn't look like Chandra.
Weird design. How does this work with x spells?
>true, we've also seen like a tenth of the set so far, so I'm not making claims one way or the other on this.
my only concern is that wizards is super scared of printing good instants since those by definition get around timing restrictions.
they don't tap out for a card that says "do nothing until you untap" moron. if you tap out for a planeswalker either your board is secure, or the planeswalker itself will still tap/bounce/kill something.
Cast it? Fuck that, its ETB, I'm gonna cheat that into play and flicker the fuck out of it.
The converted mana cost of an X spell assumes the X to be zero.
So, XRR would have a CMC of 2, assuming X to be 0.
She was born on India world you idiot. Of course she would have an indian name.
x = 0
It's not the total mana paid, just the cmc
yes, they tap out, for cards that do stuff the turn they are played.
They really don't like tapping out for cards that require other cards be cast for them to do anything.
while on the stack, X in a spell's mana cost has the declared value for X and CMC is calculated accordingly.
X is actually a variable while it's on the stack. And since this triggers on cast, it would be on the stack, right?
I don't think they were going for realistic. I think the best they could hope for with Chandra being from an India plane which her name would imply that she has a white parent and just accepted that she wouldn't have mixed race skin color.
How do you like Kaladesh so far? What are your first impressions?
But user, everyone on that plane is poo in loo
Even the Dwarves are poo in loo/stouts in loo
can you just admit you're talking out if your asses so I don't have to go look up the specific rule?
>just the last part
That's the sick filth user, the rest was fine.
mana for a card that dies nothing on its own
So planeswalkers are shit now too because they don't always do something amazing when they come down?
Not very well. The X is ignored when calculating CMC.
>if you tap out for a planeswalker either your board is secure
You tap out for Metalurgic when your board is secure. It's easily as strong if not stronger than most walkers at closing out games. It creates threats every time you cast instants/sorceries (something control decks do as their fucking gameplan) so it DEMANDS answering and with Dromaka's Command leaving, has a decent chance of not always being answered.
>CoC exists
>Kozi's return
>grapple with the past
>rally the ancestors
those cards don't combo great with the mecha, but there isn't actually any bases for the whole 'wizards doesn't make powerful instants'
That is the literal rule though, dumbass.
CMC does not change while on the stack.
I like how the tech looks, skysovereign and the gearhulks look great as do the other pieces of tech, I haven't seen a card that really speaks to me yet though many of the cards are quite cool.