What are some good magic items to give to players at lower levels? I had an idea where wizards failed ideas are a hot item in market stalls.
What are some good magic items to give to players at lower levels...
You're welcome.
like a bag of holding or that beard growing belt
A single Boot of Striding or Springing.
Myrlynd's Spoon
>Thank you brave adventurers. For helping our kingdom in defeating the flaming rape-goblins, have a lifetime supply of gruel
Or just give them something powerful, but incredibly impractical like that lobster tank
shitty 5e shit
A lamp that burns for an hour straight before becoming incredibly hot and turning off, becoming unusable for the next 4 or more hours.
Small utility items make good low-level magic items. Open up your phone, see what apps you have and make a magic item based on that.
> Immediately create a woodcut image of a scene (camera)
> Record a sound and replay it later (recorder)
> Know where the nearest inn is (OK Google)
> Send a brief message to a person with the other half of the magic item (text message)
> Replicate the effects of bardsong at the cost of, say, 50gp (Spotify)
> Scry a scene where the other half of the item is (Skype video)
> A small bonus on a knowledge skill check related to specific circumstances (IMDB/First Aid/Wikipedia/etc)
It doesn't have to be on your phone, either. What else do you have in your house? Thermos flask. Permanent marker. Power drill. Speakers. Electric lamp. Washer-dryer. And so on. They don't have to be mechanically useful, just interesting.
damn it... I really like that idea... fuck why didn't I think of that...
Ring of Enduring Bears
It grants the wearer a bonus to constitution but is cursed to attract the attention of hostile bears. Black bears, grizzly bears, dire bears, ghost bears, fiendish bears, whatever is an appropriate encounter without being too threatening. Give it early, it can be a set up for a reveal much later down the line as to "what the fuck is up with all these bears, user?"
I have the players a magic 8 ball that answered yes or no questions randomly
>shitty 5e shit
This is a terrible meme you're trying to force. Why couldn't you just ignore him like everyone else in the thread?
>I had an idea where wizards failed ideas are a hot item in market stalls.
What, like a wizard fails a spell and it manifests as an item someone can use? Neat.
>not too threatening
dude, bears are fucking terrifying.
>it's about memes
>whenever somebody does something it's an attempt to persuade others to do the same
>all human beings ever hope for is to be imitated
It's not about memes.
It's about a message.
If you weren't from /v/ you would know that.
I just give my players something that they can all use so I don't seem like I favor some players over the others when one of them gets something good.
An example would be me giving them a foldable boat in a campaign where they had to travel by water quite often.
had a boat in a box in my 2e game
i liked to be the guy who held onto it
i always imagined my druid just chucking that shit into the water and screaming gibberish to activate it while the savage island folks looked on in confusion and bewilderment
dm also gave us a bag that contained a bunch of camping gear, it was like a bag of survival or something and it held like 3 crates worth of tents and other misc camping supplies
"Let's make a flaming sword! Aaaand... okay it's flaming, it's bright... and it gives off no heat. Back to the drawing board."
>oh no someone disagrees with my opinion, I better say that they're a bad troll
Later... "aw shit a sword that doubles as a light source! I can totally use this!"
Yeah, those moments are the best.
A fire enchanted sword that is only a little warm to the touch. It is being advertised as an appliance for keeping food hot before being served at meals.
>oh no, someone called out my troll for being a troll!
>o-obviously it's just an opinion! It's not like I have an entire bullshit argument I use to back up my statement
An enchanted helmet that blocks magic attacks but lets weapons through. Any pieces attached to it gain the same property.
Well, mine stole an old woman's magic headband that makes natural looking hair appear when worn.