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Complete the Cycle edition
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I think 6 mana nissa will see play.
She's only 5 mana
I think he means the planeswalker deck nissa and if that is the case then he is crazy.
he's talking about the precon one, because he's dumb.
There's also a 6 mana Nissa but if that user really think's she'll see play then he's delusional.
Wizards has a hard enough time making cards strong enough to see play in the real world they WANT to be played. I doubt a card they're intentionally making bad would manage.
To be fair most of the strongest cards wizards has made haven't been intended to be such.
There's a difference between unknowingly making a good card and purposefully making a bad card and it ending up being good. I thought I worded my post carefully to imply the latter.
You did but I think you have too much faith in wizards design not to accidentally do exactly what they were trying not to do.
It's a lot easier to intentionally make a bad card than unintentionally make a good one
Post your 3 favorite cards so far.
All I'm saying is that I think at some point in the future someone will mess up and there will be an intro deck planeswalker that is standard playable.
Nightsoil reprint when?
>metallurgic summonings
>In top 3 favorite cards
shit taste tbqh famalamadingdong
>Torrential Gearhulk
>Madcap Experiments
Honorable mention goes to the modules.
Seems exploitable and fun
Chandra, Fennec artifact and new fastlands and if I can't chose fastlands than I'll go with Demon of Dark Schemes.
Slim Shady Demon is pretty fun.
Just happy to see dwarves back along with inclusion of vehicle cards. Now reveal meld and this'll be another favourite set of mine.
If energy gets just a but more strong cards he'll be better than massacre wurm while the card was in standard. I'm happy that he's not hype because I can buy some foils cheap for me deck, before he rises.
If there are at least 4 things in play that die when he enters and there is something good to resurrect he is really good by himself too.
All the designs so far have knocked it out of the park. Energy is really cool and feels like it adds a totally new layer to the game. I hope it will return. Vehicles are also very different and my first impression is that they will be very fun to play with. Perhaps even powerful in some cases. Fabricate is much more simple and subtle but the choices it gives you always make it interesting and sort of responsive to the game depending on what you need right now, more power on a single creature or more creatures.
Torch Chandra
Voltaic Brawler
Green hulk
Filigree Familiar
Aerial Responder
Madcap Experiment
Who doesn't want a pimp ass Skyship, that only needs an average Bear and some baseline grunt to operate?
You get to deny your enemy a card, and can even use it yourself. Repeatable if there is some flicker effect.
Demon of Dork Schemes
I like graveyard shenanigans.
Listing in no particular order. Even though the place for the demon is more contested than the other 2. Metallurgic Summonings or Rashmi could have gone there, among other things.
>Play a demon
>-2/-2 across the board
>Activate the ability, reanimate another demon
>-4/-4 across the board
>Opponent's shit dies
>Both demons trigger off the deaths
>It rains energy
What is the difference in usage between "all other creatures" "each other creature" and "other creatures"?
how many displays have you ordered?
Depends on the effect. An overrun is each. A wrath is all.
Generally just readability; there's no mechanical distinction between those phrases, but some abilities roll better if you think of them as happening to each creature in turn, some roll better if you think of them as happening to all creatures as a blanket thing.
>You get to deny your enemy a card
This is one of the dumbest things I've read today.
I think what gonti does is vastly overestimated or misunderstood in general. It really just chalks up to look at top 4 and draw a card which is better than just draw a card but still.
Technically he's right... If the deck is one of the ones that runs, say, Old'mrakul as a one-of and you manage to hit it.
Most of the time that aspect won't be at all relevant though, yeah. It's not something that should be listed as a plus of the card.
>genderless magical special snowflake beings
>Indians everywhere
>Chandra shaping up to be a dyke
>some random dyke is a character in the narrative
When did Wizards get so cucked?
>Only important male in the storyline of Kaladesh so far is an evil cis white(?) male
>Indians everywhere
...It's a fucking plane inspired by India. What were you expecting, France?
Don't forget Jace is gay for Gideon.
Why can't everyone leave me alone to SUCK DICKS IN PEACE
I thought he was already gay for Ral.
Everyone is gay for gideon. He has that charisma. Every sapient being the galaxy wants to be penetrated by his beefslab.
Even the name is merely a way for Liliana to openly crave that spicy grecian sausage while looking above it all.
She wants it the most. His not wearing a shirt just enflames her loins. No one in any fictional universe can resist Buff McLargehuge.
I can't wait for him to start shitposting about all the fucking middle easterners in the egyptian plane.
>everything -8/-8
>even greenhulk dies
>both demons survive
>laugh at your enemies' boardstates
>Chandra shaping up to be a dyke
When did this happen? I'm not complaining, lesbians are hot, Chandra especially, but I never heard of this happening.
At the end of the OGW storyline, when Nissa and Chandra teamed up to combine their powers and take down the two titans on Zendikar, they formed a close bond or connection and it's been "hinted" at ever since that they're more than just friends.
>the +1/-1 on skull skull clamp was added as a downside
They were trying to make it worse, not building a bad card from the ground up.
>Darksteel was 12 years ago
>When did this happen? I'm not complaining, lesbians are hot, Chandra especially, but I never heard of this happening.
Since the end of Battle for Zendikar where Nissa used her magic touch on Chandras special spot making Chandra release a super explosion of fire that killed the Eldrazi and left her weak in the knees and barely able to walk.
Huh. Oh well. It's almost like her entire backstory in the purifying flames was entirely retco- Oh wait.
Man, I liked her and Giddyon having a relationship where they simultaneously want to jump each other's bones, but can't stand their personalities. It actually developed in a not shit way, and they both came out better at the end of the story than they were before.
Don't forget that she spilled her spaghetti when she tried to talk to her about it before jumping off to Kaladesh, and now Nissa is chasing after her.
Common misconception. They weren't trying to make it worse. It was changed from +1/+1 to +1/-1 to make it better, but last minute.
As a lesbian, I now have reason to read the lore.
>thanks wizards! I will now upvote your product on social media.
They went out with a bang.
Nissa really wants to give Chandra her wood.
Nissa saw Chandra doing her thing and thought she was hot stuff.
Seeing Nissa makes Chandra hot under the collar.
As above, but reverse.
Chandra ignited Nissa's passion.
Chandra saw Nissa and thought she was the only person hotter than herself.
As above, but reverse.
Okay, I think I'm done.
>captcha images with trees
it knows
More like attend prerelease with my wife
I'll admit, I'm a bit surprised by the blue one. I'd have pegged that as the red one if I just knew the effect.
I still get the impression Gideon and Chandra kinda have a thing, it's just that it hasn't been as prominent as the writing starts working on the four-person dynamic of the Gatewatch.
don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again
Me and my friend refer to it as "Snapcaster's Fat Uncle."
It doesn't have quite the punch of his nephew, who's younger and more spry, but he sure as hell is trying.
Chandra is likely bi because that's her character.
Dude I don't think my wife has any kids senpai. That sort of thing doesn't happen by accident.
wtf i really identify with chandra now
I think having kids is exactly the sort of thing that happens by accident.
>Voltaic Brawler
Honorable Mentions: Gonti because I'm a sucker for good and abusable ETB effects, Saheeli because she's a cute and Torrential Gearhulk because MUH MECHA SNAP.
Not if you're gay. Then it takes a lot of planning.
>blue is the worst one
Hey, we haven't seen how they're gonna shit on red yet.
Probably gonna be haste and an Act of Treason effect
Red has been getting good shit this set. The red one might deal 6 damage to target player and each creature he controls.
So far, green feels like an overglorified Sandsteppe Mastodon with options, white is Duneblast Bot, and blue is Snap-fatty. Which implies to me we're gonna get reprints of almost-mythic level effects on a fatty.
These fellas have the right idea.
I'm getting flashbacks to the titans. They're so pushed relative to everything else at that CMC I can see them edging out everything else at that slot. Hope I'm wrong.
Best thread theme, though.
What? Blue is easily the most pushed one. Flash is infinitely better than the other shit.
You could make a cycle of instants, have blue be head and shoulders the best in that cycle while the other four are terrible, and people will still say Blue got shafted if that instant wasn't a counterspell.
Elf Hitler likes the planeswalker that's a living oven?
Golly that makes no sense atvall.
Does that mean that I can plop down those +1/+1 on the hulk itself?
Can I have a 8/8 with trample for 5 mana?
>Probably gonna be haste and an Act of Treason effect
like pottery
>Honorable mention
Speedway Fanatic, but i'm pretty sure that there are going to be other creatures that do things when they crew. The flavor on her is great though.
As for my top three, Build-A-Bear Lord is pretty cool and generally useful for future EDH stuffs. Magic Brann Bronzebeard will obviously lead to some fun interactions. Ovalchase Dragster just looks cool and i'm always a fan of Ball Lightnings
If you want to use the card like a pleb, sure.
You can, though that's the least of what you can do with it.
Still, if nothing else is available it's a nice cheap beater.
What do you mean. It's a 8/8 trample for 5 mana.
And when it dies you lose 8 power. Think of it like Wolfir Silverheart- put the counters on something else, making two good creatures instead of one big target.
>Madcap Experiment out a Platinum Angel for 4 mana
>entire deck is dedicated to keeping that angel alive until your opponent decks himself
I guess you are right actually. Sorry I am sort of bad at magic.
There will probably be times where it'll be good to stack it up too if you need something to just overpower your opponents' creatures and you know/think your opponent has no removal.It's a card that'll work well in different situations.
If you already have another creature that can attack, then you can say it's half haste if you didn't put the counters on itself.
what instants would it want to hit in standard right now anyways? i was thinking madcap experiment interacted nicely until i realzed it's a sorcery. (it still interacts nicely just not as dumb as if you could flash it back with the hulk.)
and rather, what instants are impactful enough you'd want to flash them back with this guy to avoid him just being a vanilla 5/6 with flash?
Don't sweat it, everyone on Veeky Forums is bad at magic
It would also be nuts if you could hit pore over the pages, since it would then be a 4 mana draw 3 discard 1 put a 5/6 into play. As it is I think scour the lab is the best card to hit right now.
Hm, let's see...
...Yeah, you're right. Doesn't seem like there's anything worth the time. I guess we'll have to just wait and see if any good instants get printed in Kaladesh.
I want to do this
are you around gA, am I correct in assuming that state-based actions are not checked until the spell is finished resolving so you could technically go into a negative life total and hit Plat Angel to survive?
You take the damage after the creature is on the board so it doesn't matter.
Not him, but you are quite correct. This trick works with Platinum Emperion as well.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not but
>anguished unmaking
allright you've got my attention. People have been trying to make esper control work too
>tfw when we never got Mirrodin Pure so we never got the Darksteel Angel
just fuck my shit up
Do you attend every event that includes references to your sexuality?