What's your opinion on the new set?
Hate it?
Whats your favourite card?
Mine right now is this bad boy here. Makes me want to create a deck around it and polish it until it's viable.
What's your opinion on the new set?
Hate it?
Whats your favourite card?
Mine right now is this bad boy here. Makes me want to create a deck around it and polish it until it's viable.
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With Madcap Experiment the combo involves looking for a big OHKO artifact creature and go to town with it.
The problem? Making creatures be on the top part of your library. Deck control is easy with ponders and such, but what if we have creatures in our hand? Well, then you can use Brainstorms or pic related to make sure Madcap Experiment doesn't kill you
>the card are neats
>Energy mechanic is horrible
or just use phyrexian unlife or soulfire grandmaster
Can't removal be dangerous to the deck if I use permanents?
I think it is waaaaaay too son to judge the mechanic right now
>Chandra has always been my favorite Walker
>always tricked myself into believing any of her cards were good
>run flip Chandra as a commander for edh
>Torch of Defiance is spoiled
>excited to see a legitimately good Chandra
>get super depressed because I'll never be able to afford her
>waaaaaay too soon
No it isn't, unless it become evergreen it's the second coming of splice onto.
>Opinion on set
Overall looks alright. I'm mostly happy that it's not another "return to" block. Artifacts are P cool and I like Tezz and the world of Kaladesh seems fun.
Seem fun
Stupid. Couldn't have 2 sets in a row without a faggoty +1/+1 shtick could we?
Awful and parasitic mechanic. Easily the worst part of this set so far.
At least so far they seem to be making everything that generates energy also spend it. Makes them a bit less trouble if you don't run a heap of them.
>all this hate towards energy
Why tho? Some precise arguments would be great, because I'm quite interested on it and I can't wait till they spoil more energy uses.
This is....real?
So...what if I only put one artifact in my deck. I can just reveal over 20 cards until I find the artifact and insta-win off the damage?
It deals the damage to you
>i literally can't read cards
>look up her presale price
>around 50-60
Wew. I think people need to realize she isn't the Mind Sculptor
Because it doesn't interact with a lot of magic. It just interacts with other cards in this set.
and before you say "well most energy cards can make their own energy so it's okay" realize that splice into the arcane spells can be played by themselves to some effect as well.
lol I guess not
It REALLY depends on the support it gets, user.
the RG creature, voltaic brawler, is independently excellent.
decoction module has potential with enough good creatures like VB.
longtusk cub is a bear with respectable growth potential.
lathnu hellion could be interesting
live fast/die young ain't terrible
and the big demon is good, if not really fitting the deck
So does this have combo potential, in the vein of ad nauseam decks? Some combo with one artifact component?
Liking the look and feel of the set but it really seems like they could have done a lot more with the card designs
>Run 2-3 Blightsteels
>Flameshadow Conjuration
>Intervention Pact/Hallow
That's a bloc deck user.
It doesn't interact right now, but it's a mechanic and concept promising enough for it to become evergreen and become the greatest thing since bread came sliced imo
>become evergreen
I would quit magic
>quitting magic due to a mechanic
You can smack your balls with the lid of a piano for all I care
>Wew. I think people need to realize she isn't the Mind Sculptor
She decidedly isn't, but she's still a 4CMC card advantage Walker with 4 abilities, and shouldn't necessarily be underestimated.
She'll certainly drop in price after release, but who can say what happens after rotation, especially if she does turn out to be Modern playable?
Is Fabricate the worst +1/+1 counter mechanic in a long while or was it Outlast?
>oh shit this overcosted piece of shit is useless
>slap fabricate 1 and call it a day
>it's still shit? Well, there gotta be shit cards for new players to identify myth...good ones among the rest tehehe!
>it's already in nahiri colors
so, jeskai control variant?
outlast was garbage, with fabricate you have the option to make a token at least
also you pay mana to tap the creature at sorcery speed lmao
And what about the battle royale between Unleash vs Outlast vs Fabricate vs Evolve vs amplify?
no more eldrazi pls
Probably more like an artifact token deck, too. You can use the Origins artificer that gives artifacts haste. Maybe Blade Splicer, ect. Just need to make sure that the only actual artifact is Blightsteel.
Maybe Outrider En Kor and Angels Grace.
nothing will ever top spikes for the shittiest +1/+1 garbage.
Nah., Megamorph is the worst +1/+1 mechanic ever, they slapped the word mega, some +1/+1s together and got some janky shit that was in no way an improvement over morph to begin with.
Oh hey, looks like charbelcher has a friend in the "Super gimmick" deck idea
No because at least it gives you a choice to turn those +1/+1 counters into 1/1 creature tokens.
splice onto arcane is meaningless (and overpriced) if you have no arcane cards in your deck. cards that give you energy still work and aren't too bad if you have no other energy cards in your deck. The permanents work similar to if they were charge counters. The spells give you energy that you van immediately blow. It's true you'll probably never get a charge ramp deck working outside of this block, but any one card alone isn't terrible.
+1/+1 counters are worth more than you might think at first. megamorph (while not exactly inspired design) did play well. Outlast sucked because it asked you to try to build up a dude by keeping him out of all combat, which was never going to be a winning proposition
you forgot Reinforce
Unleash at least adds a meaningful choice and was good on the card they printed it on. Evolve, while simple was good. Reinforce adds another option to creature cards which is always good
Who would win in a fight between Nicol Bolas and Emrakul?
They are still boring as fuck
I'd argue most energy related cards revealed so far function horribly in a deck with no other energy sources much like Splice into the Arcane. There are a few exceptions however but there were a few exceptions to Splice too (into the breach anyone?)
While so far it hasn't been shown to be as bad as Splice it seems really close
Aside from Evermind, every splice card can splice onto another copy of itself. You can also just cast them by themselves for their base effect. Goryo's Vengeance, Through the Breach and Desperate Ritual all see play, even if they never get spliced.
Stop drinking Maro's kool-aid. Energy is just as parasitic as Splice, but just because it's parasitic doesn't mean it won't be fun to play with or that there won't be energy cards that make it to non-rotating formats.
>+1/+1 counters are worth more than you might think at first. megamorph (while not exactly inspired design) did play well
Well, it was just fucking morph after all.
What? Fabricate is the best in a long time. Since probably RTR's Evolve/Unleash.
Though, in its defense, Outlast gave us more and playable counter lords which are fun. But outlast itself was unbearable. Even the ones that intentionally for constructed like Herald of Anafenza never did anything iirc.
Crew, while janky, at least gives them a reason to exist beyond just making your creatures bigger. Suddenly your 2/2 can crew a flagship.
Also hadn't he said before that splice is something they wouldn't mind doing again, just that splice onto arcane was the mistake?
I'm excited for Energy myself, maybe I can finally make a deck using Proliferate without relying on Infect or Poison counters. It already worked with Everflowing Chalice and such but there wasn't enough yet, between Energy and Fabricate there MAY be hope
If you want to cheat out Blightsteel Colossus, then Thopter Engineer into Shape Anew is likely the better deck.
Vehicles are mostly inefficient shit and will be a trap option to draft.
Energy is parasitic and uniteractive so it will be the star of draft.
I am betting artifact destruction will be inefficient with limited options to encourage drafting vehicles.
Vehicles should be pretty good. They turn fabricate creatures and shooter makers in to threats and the format should have a lot of those. They're like auras except you don't two for one'd. Equipment coincidentally are not a very good or efficient card type either but have the same upside over auras and same utility in limited. Don't know how much worse it is to lose the aura instead of the creature though. I'd imagine keeping the sword is better than keeping the token attached to it generally so that's a strike against vehicles.
Im excited to figure out how Vehicles work. Will the give 17 land aggro decks access to beefy creatures and give midrange something to worry about?
Will midrange have to fight back with their own vehicles? Only time will tell.
I only care about draft
Premending Bolas >= Emrakul > post- mending Bolas
Can't think of any good uses for this card. Pretty sure someone is happy for it for EDH though.
Kind of strange, cant see it being more than a 4th -5th pick though.
How is the Inventor's Fair existing a "pivotal" story card and this card isnt. I love this idea but they really need to execute it better.
My problem is that you are tapping out multiple creatures to swing with one "big" one that can be chump block by a servo token.
Plus vehicles are just too hard to draft. How many vehicles do you draft vs creatures? What happens when you draw into a bunch of vehicles and no creatures?
Equipment was just a trap option on Zendikar and I think Vehicles will the same.
Basically a reaction to Wraths.
4 Nissa, Vital Force
4 Gideon Ally of Zendikar
3 Ishkanah, Grafwidow
4 Sylvan Advocate
4 Lambholt Pacifist
4 Oath of Gideon
4 Oath of Nissa
2 Vessel of Nascency
4 Declaration in Stone
2 Stasis Snare
4 Canopy Vista
4 Fortified Village
4 Evolving Wilds
1 Westvale Abbey
8 Forest
4 Plains
This is pretty good for certain EDH commanders. Especially because boardwipes and the like are par for the course.
It seems like Metalcraft is back in some capacity albiet not in name. If that's true then Vehicles are going to be fine because with Metalcraft you played 1-mana-do-nothing spells all the time. Even if Metalcraft isn't back, Vehicles will be fine if the format is really fucking slow.
I imagine that Sorcery effects will be exceptionally powerful to address that Vehicles can be activated in the declare blockers step and dodge whatever effects they offer. And the funny thing about that is that it just might make the Vehicles even more useless.
I feel that the Vehicles are very much like Rusted Relic and less like Chrome Steed.
I have mixed feelings. There are some very cool cards in the set, but I have no interest in the energy mechanics or vehicle cards. Usually I crack a fatpack and dozen boosters. With this set I am just going to buy singles.
That's what I was thinking. For EDH it is a nice wrath dodge, and you get draw on top of it.
You run these along with shape anew + something like "masters call" or any of the blink/inkmoth nexus
Basically jeskai colours
Not everything. Some things create energy without using it. Everything that uses it seems to produce it however.
Very unlikely. Maro has said that energy is dependent on the setting having a higher than normal tech level. And it requires quite a bit of space to function properly.
I despise vehicles. They're fucked up and putting a fucking spider into a dragster so that it cam drive it is retarded beyond reason.
I like energy though. Especially the RG uncommon because you can see he has some "power glove/hand" thing going on so he uses the energy we got to charge himself which makes sense.
Cards so far are so-so. Chandra is much more fucked up than people think it is. I preordered mine at 31 euro and couldn't be happier because when I tested her she turned out to be dominating everything.
The artifact fenec, artifact land that gies life and tutors, RG two drop, fastlands and of course chandra are all modern playable. I also like the insane common that gives life and energy, massacre wurm demon and that kinky Orrery.
Overall 7/10 so far because of the vehicles and more +1/+1 counter mechanics.
Boros reckoner and pariah, shoot them in the dick for 40+
>putting a fucking spider into a dragster so that it cam drive it is retarded beyond reason.
Oh please. The only time thenlorenin this game is worth anything at all is when stuff like that happens.
Give it a month, she's not the mind sculptor.
You'll get one! Sell/""donate "" your blood/plasma if you're in the US, it's like 25$ a session
Do it for Chandra
Fabricate is decent as fuck dude, it gives you a lot of meaningful game options and lets you pilot your deck to victory while also leaving space for you to cram in fatties that will close out the game.
>my chariot will jump into a "aether car" and drive it
>dat flavour
Chariot in a car in an airship.
I really want to win a match in draft Gurren Lagann style.
Don't forget to cram the airship into a Stomper. maybe find a way to stick the barge on there as well.
And emerge a monster out of the starship in standard.
Someone should make a comic about the wonders of Crewing.
Start with Arcbound Ravager.
Use it to crew incrementally larger vehicles. Attack with them all at once and sac them to arcbound Ravager as they die in combat. Then fling the Ravager at your opponent.
Bolas, he already had a ritual set up to pull her fully into reality. Then it just takes one touch and shes dead
Predictions on what the black and red Gearhulks are gonna do?
black one
>shits out a murder spell but you gotta sac a dude, might give you energy on entry and when it attack and costs energy to shit out its murder
red one
>act of treason and haste
Black will have death touch or lifelink and return stuff from graveyard to hand.
Red will have haste and act of treason.
I don't think they have given black lifelink on a creature cycle card in a long time, if at all. It'll be deathtouch with the biggest butt in the entire cycle.
>Doesnt think the black one will be the killdozer
wew lad
Pretty meh.
Vehicles look bad. Why would I want to tap a medicore creature to attack with a mediocre creature?
Makes me want to have a papadum and some chutney though, that shit is delicious.
I prefer Chicken Tikka meself.
Its like equipment but lets your guy bit die to blockers. Stick a creature you onky keep around for its ability in a car and let.it whack face. Give Bob somee wheels
That's a classic choice as much as I like a spicier option myself like a Madras.
I wont be able to do it at my FLGS because they'll think I'm some kind of racist but when I'm inevitably drafting this set in my underwear on MTGO I'm so ordering in curry and listening to Hindi pop.
> Build a Green Vehicle Deck
> "Who is driving? Oh no Bear is driving how can that be?"
Love the picture
Megamorph wasn't that bad in that it was strictly better than Morph.
Morph had the problem of being weak in concept so its hardly worth building around even if its fun and very neat to play with. It needs better payoff to be truly good.
That's what Megamorph was trying to do, but it failed in overcosting the Megamorph costs. Wizards should just discontinue Morph for Megamorph and reduce the flipping costs overall.
I'd love to have a viable morph deck some day.
>Red is Ruination on a stick lolnotreally ;_;
>Black reanimates an artifact
I don't recall megamorph being over coated. Morph in general is pretty badly coated in terms of pure efficiency. I thought they explicitly made some megamorph costs cheaper to encourage morphing more than regular morph creatures. I seem to remember mark saying that in an article.
>to attack with a mediocre creature?
a 5/5 that draws a card ETB is mediocre? A flying 6/5 that bolts a creature when it attacks is mediocre?