>You have 3 Veeky Forums-related wishes
You have 3 Veeky Forums-related wishes
I wish there was no genies.
1.Fully painted,assembled and paid for Tempestus Scion army
2.Fully painted,assembled and paid for Ariadna army
3.a new FLGS with plenty of space and friendly cool people to play games with
I wish OP would go away
Make all games REQUIRE number crunching and optimisation
Ban Roleplaying & crunch from all games
Advertise Veeky Forums on all websites
I wish for 1,000 additional wishes available to me and me alone immediately
I wish OP wasn't a faggot
I wish no more editions of RPGs would come out. Fuck it, just expand on what exists. This is it, folks.
I wish that if you start to turn into that guy/girl/DM your tongue would be replaced by a dick until you stopped as a quick way of letting you know you are fucking it up.
I wish women had no rights.
>I wish no more editions of RPGs would come out. Fuck it, just expand on what exists.
1. I wish I understood all systems I play completely and intuitively.
2. I wish I always knew exactly which players are going to show up to the session.
3. I wish I had a savant like ability to keep several hundred distinct, their relation to each other, their stats, their states etc. in my mind simultaneously and the ability to instantly calculate any change to this.
Tough shit, deal with your current and last edition.
The edition wars are dead. Do you want a new way to play your RPGs? THEN MAKE A NEW RPG FUCKO!
You are wishing for Autism, user.
>The tabletop community eventually stagnates and dies off entirely within 20 years or sooner. It is considered an Pony-tier hobby after this point.
>This horrifying phenomenon vindicates Jack Chick in the eyes of the far right media and D&D is soon banned in many states for causing choking and mutation. No explanation is ever found. This also expediates the first wish.
>Half of the human population now consists only of their left halves. Men of all ages fly into a panic, and only the most advanced first world countries are able to pursue cloning measures, causing current international tensions to boil over. Things eventually settle back down, but it takes hundreds of years for the human race to return to its current state.
Pretty sure #3 isn't Veeky Forums related.
I ain't passing the opportunity to fix all the world's problems.
t. butthurt virgin
I am a simple man with simple desires.
I wish the shitposters in Magic threads would fucking chill.
I wish that /pol/ leaves.
I wish that there were more Veeky Forums related gay shit, like those male armor threads.
>1.Fully painted,assembled and paid for Tempestus Scion army
>2.Fully painted,assembled and paid for Ariadna army
>3.a new FLGS with plenty of space and friendly cool people to play games with
Granted, none of them play warhammer 40k or Infinity, they mostly play flames of war and warmahordes
I wish for virtualoptim to be unbanned And for him to release his own role-playing game system.
Trips and it happens, quads and it happens and OP has to put a cucumber up his ass.
I wish to have the powers of a lvl20 3.5 Wizard
I wish Paizo would go bankrupt
I wish I was able to actually write and make stuff for my own setting.
No, you dumbass, you said not to do something then immediately said to do it.
>lvl20 3.5 wizard
You dun goofed son.
5e has better wizards
>Immortal with clones
>Infinite demiplanes
>Can make other immortal too
>Not wishing for epic levels
I wish my Dad would come back and play RPGs with me again.
I wish for no more political shitposting, ever.
I wish for my own system to be accepted for publishing.
I wish for a set of dice made from a meteorite.
For my first wish, oh djinn, I ask thy blessing.
For my second wish I ask that Dungeons and Dragons be destroyed for all time.
And for my third wish; that Percentile Die roll-under systems will flourish in it's place.
>Introducing Dragons and Dungeons! The new percentile roll under roleplaying game!
>We use increments of 5% for convenience
I was not prepared for that
I wish my dad would come back.
>It's still better than anything we have now
>I wish that a fairly simple system, that allows for any character, with additional books that altered the system to be an exact fit for any given setting or genre, existed, and that I had the only printed copy, along with a pdf file, on a personal drive, for sharing and sale purposes.
>I wish for a boost to both my ability to run games and to my ability to get better at running games.
>I wish that, every time I ran a game, I would receive the equivalent of a minimum wage salary, plus tips based on how much each players actually enjoyed the game.
I wish for the perfect gaming table and chairs.
I wish for a permanent performing-arts grant to create the ultimate fantasy roleplaying game.
I wish for acting abilities commensurate with my goal.
1. I wish the smut threads came back
2. I wish scion and exalted players would leave the /wodg/.
3. I wish video game character 'stat me' threads would be banned on sight.
>Not wanting new things as time goes by
>Wanting more and more system bloat
>I want to use a wish to get around me having to not be an autist and talk to people
>I wish for a fedora to tip
FTFY fampai
You monster.
> and that I had the only printed copy, along with a pdf file, on a personal drive, for sharing and sale purposes.
Just because you have the only copy doesn't mean you have the rights, you should have just said you wished you created it or something.
You gonna get sued man
>I wish for a fedora to tip
Top notch, user
1. To automatically spawn any army from any miniature wargame, fully painted and with any models I want.
2. A brand new FLGS that's closer to my house
3. I wish all Veeky Forums companies that need to get their shit together do, and release quality content all the time.
I wish Games Workshop cared about its customers
I wish to be the little girl
I wish I didn't have to think of a use for my third wish
>Kingdom Death: Monster
>To finish the games I'm writing
>To get these games published
1. I wish all tabletop game companies started branching out into other media even harder than before
2. I wish all game-related media outlets became politically moderate
3. I wish everyone on /qst/ and everyone on Veeky Forums who makes, interacts with, or defends quests would get ovarian cancer. Those who don't have ovaries will painfully grow them and then get ovarian cancer.
I like you. You seem like a good guy.
It at least means that DnD wouldn't be the assumed standard for everything.
>literally GURPS
>work harder scrub
>thats actually good
I like it when other people speak well of percentile roll-under. Makes me glad I'm not the only one to appreciate the granularity.
>I have the only copies
>no one else has ever heard of it
>someone else claims to have made it
>no legal grounds for a case
I'm sorry, what? I can't hear you over the sound of me gaming the legal system. And I can barely hear that over the sound of me not even needing to sell it, if it comes down to it, because I make money by running games.
No GURPS splat book turns it into an exact fit for a setting. It does everything passably, but it's never the perfect fit for any system. The one I wished for is.
I wish I could get by with just 4 hours of sleep a day without negative impact on my cognitive capabilities, health or lifespan.
I wish for inherent ability to translate what people say into what they mean.
I wish for doujin series set in the universe of Kingdom Death consisting of at least 5 individual stories, at least one of which is in color and at least one of which has happy end. By ShindoL.
I dunno. GURPS Low-Tech fits a low-tech setting pretty well.
Except you didn't say that at first so you have no clue how your wish will be granted.
Just because you have the only copy doesn't mean no one has ever heard of it before, you're just assuming, if the genie or whatever was even a little bit tricky you'd be pretty screwed.
Plus what if the wish made it so that the PDF had a big WotC logo on the bottom.
> I can't hear you over the sound of me gaming the legal system
But I wouldn't be complaining if you were actually doing it well
ALL these DUMB IDIOTS didn't notice OP posted a picture of a fancy cup and not a magic lamp, therefore all their wishes are useless.
No wonder people think Veeky Forums is full of brainless nerds.
What is that picture supposed to be.
t. brainless nerd
>I wish for inherent ability to translate what people say into what they mean
Even better, I wish people would always take my meaning easily and directly. I wish they would always understand my intentions when I fuck up
Unlimited money for the purpose of buying Veeky Forums things
Instant shipping on all Veeky Forums things
An unlimited container of paint that always contains whatever color I want, perfectly thinned.
>He thinks only genies or whatever wish granting being can live in lamps because his baby cartoon told him so
That's a pitcher, not a cup
Ha ha, I know someone who's not getting any wishes today! ;)
1. For the players in my group to know the rules and not ask me why armour doesn't factor into a to-wound roll.
2. For someone else to GM with a Campaign that wasn't hurriedly written the night before.
3. For a new Adepta Sororitas codex to be released along with new miniatures.
Dubs confirm wish pls.
>fully painted
>removing the best part of buying miniatures
I wish for a greaterbag of holding, as described in PF rules
I wish for wisdom
I wish for the ability togrant wishes.
Not for some and if you have fucked up hands even worse
I forgot
>i am now St. Nicolas
Let me change it to make you happy, user.
...Full painted if I'm feeling too lazy to paint 100 guardsmen or whatever horde army I want.
>not knowing the genie of the ring
Lapis lazuli dragon cup Gasparo Miseroni Milan, c. 1565/70
Shut up idiot.
Wait, that thing is a genuine antique and not some plastic shit for nerds? What pimp-ass motherfucker used to drink from it?
Who said anything about magic lamps? This scenario has no context given about where the wishes come from. Might not even be a genie.
>only printed copy
>and a pdf file, on a personal drive
>for sharing and sale purposes
The implication of those, together, is that they're the only copies in existence, and I'm clear to sell them.
If it turns out that they're not, which I can find out fairly quickly by checking; even if the genie is tricky, I can find out about his trick with a Google search for whatever the title of the system is. Which I would do, because I'm not stupid enough to try and sell something without making sure the license to it doesn't belong to someone else first.
So, I'd check. If the license isn't owned by anyone else, I prep the pdf version for sale, and get in touch with someone to print physical copies with the money from the pdf sales. If it is someone else's thing, I don't. That just seems like common sense to me, which, because it's common sense, I don't think I should have to mention it. It goes without saying.
I'm surprised you didn't go the road of exploiting that I said, "a pdf file," and not, "a pdf copy," to just have it be a blank pdf file on a personal drive. That would be an even bigger trick; unless I wanted to completely destroy the book, or recreate it from whole cloth, I couldn't sell anything.
>1) I wish for my next two wishes to be interpreted in the manner I intend instead of any literal or otherwise detrimental interpretation
>2) I wish for 4 copies of each vintage legal MtG Card and 3 copies of every Android: Netrunner Card printed thus far.
>3) I wish for the local ANR scene to undergo a sudden revival at several of the local gaming shops.
Selfish, probably. But the LGSs are fine and don't need an overhaul, I just want to be able to play games I like with other people.
1. A playset + 2 of each Magic the Gathering card, including alternate versions, I could possibly own all in mint condition.
2. A vault to store the above in, keeping them in mint condition
3. A group to play pen and paper RPGs with and the time to play once a week
Oh, look! GURPS 5th edition.
Nice! A controlling interest in GW? Yes, please. I have some plans to grow the hobby rather than chasing higher margins from smaller numbers of pre-teen customers. You're welcome. That controlling interest makes having a gamer-friendly GW buy out White Wolf and taking over the WoD licenses from Onyx Path an easy move that won't cost another wish. With their mastery of fiction, art, and minis, GW can fill in the gaps at SJGames to make GURPS 5e much prettier.
Ahh, and look! Hot, sexually adventurous gamer girls for my RPG group? Yes, please.
>ctrl f
>no elf slave
wat do?
I wish i could pick any women even tangentially related to Veeky Forums to love me utterly and completely
I wish i had a dick that perfectly pleases any women even tangentially related to Veeky Forums
I wish i had infinite stamina in all categories so i could run to a game on time or bang as many tangentially related to Veeky Forums women as i want.
1. I wanna die
2. I wanna die
3. I wanna die
>no "I wish"
user fails yet again
>I wish for Ironclaw 2nd edition to get better art
>I wish for Pathfinder to die of cancer
>I wish for both Warhammer series to become noblebright high adventure games where everyone make an unsteady pact to fight the necrons, tyranids, and Chaos.
>>I wish for Ironclaw 2nd edition to get better art
inb4: repurposed Furoticon art
I disagree with the noblebright and high adventure, but dialing back the retarded grimderp on some points would make it fucking dope.
1. The ability to use all level 0 spells from pathfinder
2. A magic tome that can never permanently leave my possession that acts as a journal, encyclopedia of the region, and the method of casting any spell I already know
3. The ability to hop into the worlds of Veeky Forums settings
The most Veeky Forums wish of all is to go on an adventure myself
Dearest genie in my thread,
Oh, how light my wishes tread!
Three of these I make today,
so let us not delay...
First, I want, a tiny hope,
I want to see the greatest pope,
in space atop his golden chair,
awaken from his slumber.
I want a new crusade again,
where murder bonds and makes us friends,
where heretics are burned and maimed
and all the furries killed and raped,
I want those fucking xenos dead,
I want those fucking xenos dead
Next, I want, for D&D,
to nerf those fucking casters ree,
and balance shit for martials too,
and kill of all the weeabos,
and 3.x and pathfinder,
must die in hell's great meat grinder,
and really all the edgelords too.
Third, I..
>I wish to win four of every single Magic card in some grand Magic contest
Is this wish foolish?
>ITT people literally think every new rpg is a new edition of an existing game
This is why people call DnD players idiots.
>No one said anything like that
>But user has to have a little bitch fit and blame DnD like a tumberlina blames the patriarchy
Really fires up those neurons .
>balance shit for martials
>No weeabos
Not even magical wishes can solve this.
This thread makes me glad that people don't just get wishes granted.
It also makes me realize I may genuinely hate some of the posters here, if these happen to be their dearest Veeky Forums desires.
Who do you hate, user?
But literally said that making a new RPG was the exact same thing as a new edition of a game.
But sure, you didn't make a mistake. You're perfect user.;-)
A full half of the people in this thread, which is shocking because I didn't actually think Veeky Forums had gotten this bad.
If I had one wish, I guess it would be that everyone who came to this board just came here to discuss traditional games, without dragging all sorts of horrible agendas into the mix.
Including all the stupid game-related agendas.
I think the other user was just asking for examples.
I'm a little curious too. What's bugging user so much? Was it the two or three political statements?
>Including all the stupid game-related agendas.
That's pretty vague and opinion based from where that differs from discussion
>That's pretty vague and opinion based from where that differs from discussion
Not by much. Liking or disliking a game is one thing, crusading for or against it is another, especially when people treat their opinions with nearly religious fervor.
I think it's the point where people have convinced themselves that they're not dealing with subjective concepts that they truly go astray.
1. I wish for a set of a dozen dice which can shift their shape to the desired number of sides or alternative numbering scheme, and which never fall off the table when rolled.
2. I wish for a reasonably sized, leather-bound hardcover book whose pages change to contain a full copy of whichever system I wish to play, and always opens to the page I'm looking for.
3. I wish for a second book of similar size and appearance, which contains self-updating copies of all character sheets, campaign notes, NPC statblocks, and so forth created for the campaign being run in the system currently displayed in the first book.
I see, well I think it's a pretty thin line, some systems are just really bad for certain reasons, but anons shouldn't have such fits that xgame is liked/disliked
I think I hate you, and with good reason.
Why? Because I said some systems are pretty broken?
Or that people shouldn't have fits?
>"People should have actual discussions"
>Okay, this is my statement and what I believe
>"REEEE you're a bad person"
Did you ever think you're also the problem with Veeky Forums?
I think I hate you.
Call it the air of your posts, or the arrogance inherent in your ideas, or simply the notion that what you call discussion is more likely than not you deafly complaining.
You sound like a person who is also desperate to argue, because you're both so certain of yourself but so terrified of the idea that you can't force anyone to take you seriously.
Call it intuition, but I think I hate you.
Please, prove me wrong, and drop it.
But user, I don't care if you hate me, why would I?
You're the one who first came here complaining about what everyone was saying, yet you think I'm the one who's deafly complaining, you're trying to go with a "be the bigger man" when all you can do is repeat the same old thing over and over.
You're the one being argumentative and trying to make this into some kind of debate.
You're being a little childish to try to bitch about how everyone is thinking and talking the wrong way.
No, it wasn't about proving that I hate you, but about proving you were just a dumb argumentative troll, too arrogant and too stupid for your own good.
Since you've proven that, I do believe it's fair to say I do hate you.
Wow, you really pegged me there buddy, I'm just a troll here to ruin your safe space. Any time anyone criticizes something you like, no matter how valid that critique is, they're just argumentative.