We all know that the mating can happen if the dragon is taking a humanoid form.
However, how can a human mother give birth to a half-dragon offspring? Is it physically possible?
Can it be possible with magic? If so, what kind of magic should be used on the mother in order to breed a healthy offspring?
All half-dragons are a result of human on dragon rape.
Most chromatics and metallics hit sexual maturity around Medium/Large size, which are compatible for human women.
That doesn't answer his question, necessarily
Why can't a girl human rape a male dragon?
Half-dragons are born looking like a normal member of the non-dragon race, and only develop their half-dragon features when they hit puberty.
That is not true in every case since dragons can fall in love with humans and vice-versa. I am talking about something completely different though. I am talking about the process of giving birth to half-dragon child by a human-woman. I am talking about the physiology of both species.
No, Dragons can't breed anything not of their own species just like you can't have half-elves or half-dwarves. It'd be like trying to breed a dog and a cat together on this case a lizard and a monkey which just doesn't work.
>you can't have half-elves
Half-dragons are born with blunt horns, soft scales and a stump tail.
Elves and Humans are different species entirely and it makes no sense for them to be capable or breeding. That's how Warhammer Fantasy does it which I very much approve.
In DnD it is possible. However, I do not understand how.
Lets say it is possible but you should still be getting the genetic equivalent to mules.
Captain Kirk rules apply. Humans are really really good looking. Also, magic.
The human lays an egg in a scene worthy of /d/.
...No, I refuse to accept that. Well, mostly, as I can see it being done a small scale by the very rich or those with large magical powers but on any widespread basis? No, just no. I'd call it magical realm bullshit if it wasn't so widely accepted.
Wizards like to play god by breeding animals of different species together with arcane magic, ie: owlbears.
Why wouldn't the Gods themselves, who spun humans and elves and all the fingered folk from pure thought, ALSO want to play god by using their infinite divine magic to breed humanoids.
It IS a magical realm. Created with magic by the gods.
It *completely* is magical realm bullshit, but there are dragons, so I'm not seeing inconsistency. The real question for me is if its xenophilia or betiality?
No, but for real. Just like anything it can be used well or poorly. What exactly do you have a problem with? like, for me its just an extension of the idea of a "half breed", which has a storied history is it the physical limitations or what it says about the world itself?
I mean, these are two separate species. Elf, and Human. It's not like race where you mix black and white to get mixed babies. I think to make the two mix, you would have to prove Elves and Humans share a common ancestor for them to be cross-compatible.
Ok, just going of D&D lore here, but, they have a thing called the positive plane of energy right? so, i'm thinking, folks can get it on and their unique positive energies can merge. Into a baby.
Well not with positive energy, but that could work.
What it says about the world as rather than being different they might as well just be pointy eared humans with a longer life span. Also, it'd probably be considered xenophillia as most elves are sapient in fiction.
i should not find that gif nearly as funny as I do.
There are quite a lot of different species that can interbreed, the young just can't reproduce themselves. In fact what constitutes a species is often excatly the ability to produce procreative offspring with other members of the species. Thus if elves and humans can interbreed they are part of the same species, otherwise they aren't.
But since in fantasy some form of creationsm rather than evolution is often the canon origin of species, you might also argue that the whole concept of "species" is fundamentally different from the one in the real world as well, rendering the whole discussion pointless. Maybe the god whoever created dawrves simply designed them in a way to be interbreedable with humans.
Yeah, ok, I can see that. That's a legitimate gripe. I think that's the draw though right? From what I've seen alot of authors use the idea of a half elf to have that whole idea of 'caught between two worlds' and like, it makes it really apparent when, like you said, the difference between elves and humans are real and they're not just long eared humans.
One of your player's female character got knocked up by a dragon huh
No, we need to find a solution for a blue dragon who wants to have offsprings with human-beings. The problem is that the children end up deformed/abominations or dead. The mothers die too during childbirth, so I was wondering if there is a possible solution for that either by magic or anything else.
Some of the mothers*
Elves are descended from fey and retain the ability to interbreed with humans from this. They are essentially part magical nature spirit.
Dragons can make half dragons because they are powerful magical entities filled with elemental power whose essence overrides the forms of whatever children they produce with other species. They aren't just big lizards who can talk and cast magic.
D&D and many fantasy worlds function on mythological, folkloric, and pseudoscientific ideas of inheritance and "genetics".
Rupert Sheldrake's pseudoscientific Morphic Resonance and Morphic Field theory is a good basis to understand how dragons and elves can interbreed. Dragons morphic field is stronger than anything else and simply overrides aspects of the lesser races form. Elves and orcs have compatible morphic fields with humans and thus they can interbreed forming half breeds.
There are no magic spells or other things within any 1pp book that would assist you in your campaigns attempts to breed half dragons at least as I can remember of the top of my head with no Idea of what complications are being introduced. Unfortunately your DM has taken standard lore, human mothers can give birth to half dragons just fine with possibly the assistance of Bless and low level fortitude buff spells, and thrown it out in favor of something much worse. You can try looking at 3pp books, but I have no idea what ones to even begin looking at.
Your going to need to detail the lore for us to give any good advice.
Why would it be a human mother?
Aren't half-dragons only possible with certain dragon types and certain demihuman types?
Dragons who wish to sire a half-dragon learn the polymorph spell, which they cast on the one they want to be the father or mother, usually into a size smaller if the mate is unwilling. If the human is male, they impregnate the female dragon who then gives birth to a clutch of half-dragons. If the human is female then they either willingly stay with the dragon or are kept as a prisoner until they give birth to a half-dragon.
>how can a human mother give birth to a half-dragon offspring?
Well, half-dragons aren't necessarily that big apparently.
>settings always have the stupid sexy race everyone loves to fuck
>humans are that race
Why has this not happened?
Why don't we have the pheromones that makes us super fuckable to everything?
Dragons can universally shapeshift in D&D. They very rarely fug dragon to human.
let us not go there.
At least in Tolkienverse, Elves and Men are the same species. Yes this is confirmed in one of his letters.
Love makes it work
It works if the human mother is a giant.
So who did Seath fuck?
Yes, yes, yes, and unnecessary
>Evil and good are physical real substances and you can just travel to the outer planes to pick some up
>Negative and positive energy are things with verifiable effects on people's physiology
Obviously chemistry/genetics works EXACTLY the same as in the real world
It's easiest to assume physics don't work the same in fantasy settings, we *know* they can breed despite being different species (and given the number of weird half breed species, the results of their union can likely breed as well), it doesn't work under the same model our world works on, so obviously our model is wrong when applied to their world
>But since in fantasy some form of creationsm rather than evolution is often the canon origin of species, you might also argue that the whole concept of "species" is fundamentally different from the one in the real world as well, rendering the whole discussion pointless. Maybe the god whoever created dawrves simply designed them in a way to be interbreedable with humans.
This is what I normally assume in fantasy settings
>Rupert Sheldrake's pseudoscientific Morphic Resonance and Morphic Field theory is a good basis to understand how dragons and elves can interbreed. Dragons morphic field is stronger than anything else and simply overrides aspects of the lesser races form. Elves and orcs have compatible morphic fields with humans and thus they can interbreed forming half breeds.
This is actually extremely similar to how I think breeding works in fantasy settings
A bit annoyed that it was already a thing though now
Unless they changed things in 5e, No, true dragons can breed with pretty much ANYTHING
>Why has this not happened?
>Why don't we have the pheromones that makes us super fuckable to everything?
Do you know why half elves, half orcs, half dragons, half golems, ect are only ever referred to by one half?
Because everyone know 90% of the time the other half is human
Hell no, unless they changed it in 5e, only THREE dragons get the ability to shapeshift into humans
The others can learn to just like a PC can, but they can't naturally shapeshit into humans
The Amazing chest.
FFXIV has pretty cool dragonkin, the Au Ra.
>Males are HUGE
>Females aren't HUGE
This isn't my fetish.
>huge monster dudes
>average humanoid ladies with monster features
It's not even a sexist thing, I just don't like it being inconsistent.
>He doesn't want to see small girls on big dicks
Why though
But they're not dragons. They're Voidsent.
That's what humans are for!
Not him but I'm all aboard the /SSLoli/
If you are triggered, please keep in mind the Au Ra are also Muslim, so you may not criticize them.
I'm just commenting on their design, not lore. Also even though my buddy bought me Heavensward I couldn't be assed to finish those boring fucking patch MSQs
I'd just do it, m8. Just rush through them and skip all the cutscenes. I did it in a short amount of time. Plus the primal fights are pretty fun. Currently at 3.3 end-game and trying to clear Nidhogg EX. RIP me.
I would but I'm working on my Final Fantasy-inspired homebrew game and everyone temporarily jumped ship for Legion anyway.
Also I just struggle to have fun in FFXIV. All the classes feel like something straight out of vanilla WoW, most of the questing is boring af and the PvP might as well not exist. The group content is a blast with friends and the game and setting have tons of charm but is the struggle to get to that fun worth $15/month?
I only do the 12$ a month subscription and only really have on character per server. I'd say that WoW has a bit more diversity since other classes can be played with multiple roles and aren't 'locked' by their definitive 'role'
What server do you play on? Also the PvP is trash in almost anything I've played, so that's nothing new. And the questing gets really great in Heavensward since you're actually going to new places and exploring. Maps are bigger too. Much bigger.
My buddies are all on Gilgamesh, so that's where I rolled, but I'm not subbed right now. The class variety should be plenty, my problem is that most of them are based on rote memory, like the monk, and built around unfun mechanics like positionals. Whereas (most) WoW specs have a much more dynamic, decision-based style. And when a game makes me pine for WoW's gameplay, that's a bad sign.
Pretty sure there's an InCase comic about that with humans and some cute aliens.
Well, the monk is the only job that depends on positional. And everyone plays on Gilgamesh because that's the 'raid server'. And I'd like it if more jobs in XIV were more based around the WAR's design philosophy than trying to take shots in the dark and hope you get something that works (design wise).
You mentioned FF-styled Homebrew. What exactly do you mean? Are you using anything as a base?
>What exactly do you mean? Are you using anything as a base?
No, it's 100% homebrew but takes a lot of influence from existing systems. It's more in line with earlier FF titles, Fire Emblem and other JRPGs I played as a kid, both tonally and, to some extent, mechanically. Despite that, my goal is fast, simple and theater of the mind.
It's very embryonic right now; I've got characters (and jobs) mostly figured out, but I'm still trying to nail the core mechanic. I push out about a page per day but most of it is still in my head, and I haven't touched the GM, setting or bestiary chapters yet.
Basically this. Folklore elves fucked humans and made magic halfbreeds all the damn time.
Dragons and Chinese people made their half blood emperors a few times apparently.
there were tons of half god and half nymph kids roaming around.
Asparas, Rakshasas, nagas, selkies, djinns, trolls, and Yuki Onnas had kids with people too.
The trick is every damn one of them took on a human form to do it.
>InCase anything
I thought in fantasy games humans were more along the lines of the barbarian conqueror race that comes in, burns shit and then rapes all the holes they can find. Then the halfbreed kids come along.
Basically humans are the slightly more organized evil barbaric horde species who uses the primary tactic of outbreed and out numbering the enemy like Orcs, goblins, rat people,lower level demons etc. Then make rape babies like Orcs, Goblins, lower level demons etc.
>user wanted humans to be the cute species everyone wants to fuck
>Turns out they are the slightly less oogly Orks that wants to fuck everyone
seems legit
In situations like this, I always imagine it to be like that the child comes out normal human or at least looking that way, and then in adolescence the non-human half starts to emerge and show through.
No that's when you send giant purple robots after it to kill it. Mutants aren't magical and cool, they are an abomination!
Everyone knows that user
Unfortunately but realistically, this.
If you imagine dragons to be proud, then the last thing they'd want for a child, if they even wanted a child, would for it to be part-not-dragon.
If they go raping and a half-dragon results, consider it lucky if they don't kill it in disgust. Actually, consider it lucky if they don't kill/eat the rape victim after. Actually, consider it lucky if they even bother to transform out of their dragon form when they do it.
You should try it user. It is cute.
I would like to see what you have so far.
Pretty sure the aliens in that comic are a race of nymphos and InCase accidentally shows just how badly being one fucks up the MC's life
>The trick is every damn one of them took on a human form to do it.
There's an image where a warrior gets raped by a dragon, gives birth to a half-dragon, has a life of downs and more downs before dying from grief at what a bitch she became.
Pretend I posted it because I can't find it, and I don't feel like going through dozens of pages of dragon furry porn on e621
thats kinda hot
>Unfortunately but realistically, this.
>If you imagine dragons to be proud, then the last thing they'd want for a child, if they even wanted a child, would for it to be part-not-dragon.
>If they go raping and a half-dragon results, consider it lucky if they don't kill it in disgust. Actually, consider it lucky if they don't kill/eat the rape victim after. Actually, consider it lucky if they even bother to transform out of their dragon form when they do it.
The 3e draconomicon actually heavily implies the exact opposite of this, hell one of the sample dragons takes great pride in having more or less turned EVERY LIVING THING in his swamp into a half dragon by his virility alone and implies while he takes it to the extreme, dragons typically view (what is from their view) bestiality as a neutral to slightly positive character trait
>The 3e draconomicon actually heavily implies the exact opposite of this
Not muh dragons.
I kinda want some half chinese dragons
I will give you
>Actually, consider it lucky if they even bother to transform out of their dragon form when they do it.
At least, that dragon in particular is noted to NOT transform (and that unless they were already in human form for some other reason, most evil dragons won't) when they fuck and leave the survival of their partner during/after the act entirely up to their own devices
Good dragons are a bit better about this (one breed noted for taking human form quite often for one night stands, but of the 5 core true dragons in 3e, only three can take human form naturally and the other two aren't really any less interested in fucking everything
I personally actually really dislike dragon shape changing. I think it ruins the threat ideal, and also just doesn't fit with their personality.
Okay, but I'm warning you it is super super rough. I'm still refining the layout (thinking of switching to a more rustic parchment scheme from the modern FF style), some parts are incongruous because my ideas are still shifting and a lot of it is missing. Even what I do have is missing examples; I plan to make a full page of nothing but examples for just about every page you see here.
You'll also notice some terms, such as "pressure" or "test of faith" aren't explained, because they belong in chapters that haven't been written yet. Other terms seem out of place, but they'll be moved to the more appropriate section once it is created.
Still brainstorming a better core mechanic, but that will come with playtesting, methinks.
I see it as fitting only if the dragon is the type to have spent decades/centuries of it's life learning how like most other spell casters (and in all fairness, dragons do have the time)
But on the whole I agree with you
Kinda why it annoys me when people say all D&D dragons can shapechange
They can LEARN how, but naturally only 3 can, the rest can't, and probably won't to be honest
Also I dislike it cause if feels like a cop-out when interacting with a dragon, regardless if it's a face to face talk, dragon fucking/rape, or whatever
>I dislike it cause if feels like a cop-out when interacting with a dragon,
That's what I meant by threat ideal, it's supposed to be a fucking dragon. If it's just a human who is actually a dragon, then it's not the same, it's not the same feeling or tone or what have you. It's always supposed to be intimidating.
I prefer my women to not look like caricatures
The coloration makes me think of something toxic
The Half-dragon is in a baby sized egg at birth the hatches sometime later
>However, how can a human mother give birth to a half-dragon offspring? Is it physically possible?
>Live birth
>laying eggs
Magical sperm nigga
>someone else has embraced the greatest reaction image
bless you, sir
>I sure hopes you don't do dat Milkshake
I figured it could go either way, but never paid too much attention to it.
They are not that big and probably not that spiky from get-go.
And who knows, they might have not have scales or horns at all.
Personally not a fan of the design.
Don't get me wrong, I have played way too much FFXIV recently, but the races are basically humans with bits attached or potatoes.
I am on that stance as well - plus having such cumbersome and threatening bulk is a weakness in its own right. Political manipulation becomes bit more difficult, since they have to make their underlings do that.
Theyre just humans with scales slapped on, theyre pretty bland design wise.
I agree especially on the point that they always seem to take on human form all the time. I would understand to some extent but if all you do is roll around living a human life and adapting the mannerisms theres really no difference between the dragon and a human mage who can turn into a dragon.
It takes away the majesty of being a giant overgrown death machine, also a cunning dragon would make his bulk word regardless.
Do you honestly think that eggs come about from sperm? Humans would give live birth to their half dragon children. Why? Because humans lack the organs to create the shell that is needed to "lay an egg". Dragons however would lay an egg because they have those organs.
Silver dragons in D&D are one of the few dragons with the ability to shapeshift into a human form. They do this because they are intensely gregarious towards humanity. They like humans, and like being able to walk among them and experience humanity up close. They are also the dragons who are mostly NG and tend to be fairly involved in helping people via charity and such.
Of course this also lends itself to them falling in love with a human, and then comes the half dragon children. Yes they can be intimidating in dragon form, mostly because dragons are always intimidating, but they really don't like to do that to their friends and people they protect and like.
Personally, having a few dragons that can be mentors or quest givers, and you don't know they are centuries old dragons is good for storytelling, but thankfully D&D allows for both types and the few that can shapeshift don't have to be in human form to interact with the group.
And I forgot to specify that the dragon would only lay that egg if it was in dragon form. The few dragons that can shapeshift have it as an at will, so they can remain human for as long as they please, and likely stay human for the duration of the pregnancy if they are female. Obviously to better blend in with the human community they live in.
Isn't it possible for a Half-Dragon to be the result of a certain ritual involving bathing in dragon's blood?
>people actually arguing that half breeds is silly magical realm shit that devalues fantasy worlds
I guess we should just throw out the entire Classical canon, then. And the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Arthurian romances, and Volsunga Saga, and the Ulster Cycle, and the Saga of King Hrolfi, and Beowulf, and the Bible.
Half breeds in fantasy fiction are not some newfangled magical realm shit for millennials. They're as old as the written word. Maybe older.
But how many of those were written by fat greasy neckbeards masturbating about their own human self-insert getting all the non-human pussy because he's so humanly and awesome because of his innate human-powers?
>They're as old as the written word.
That doesn't automatically make them good.