This is
Game of /B/ros
Pick a
>Lord’s/Lady’s name
RP is highly encouraged, but as long as you aren’t hear to simply fuck up the game all may play.
Please read the two posts that follow this OP.
A Game of /B/ros Risk Thread
Additional Notes:
*For Veterans and Newfags- things will be pretty much as you know it being. I will point out that sea travel (excluding those with special sea travel attributes) is preferred along the designated routes on the map (cost of 1 tile), but for rather short distances (e.g. Flint’s Fingers to the iron islands) the OP will allow crossing of water at a cost of 2-3 tiles. Oldfags and newfags (read map), yes, if surrounding a city completely you get +1 to siege rolls on that city.
*For Newfags- rolls will be taken in real time. That is, as a player’s rolls/orders come into the thread I will their movements into the map before yours if you roll second (or after yours if you roll before them). Keep this in mind when giving your orders. Also map involves sieging cities and strongholds (capitols). You must be bordering or surrounding a city/stronghold to take it if you roll high enough. Please read the rules on siege rolling. Lastly when you are sieging a city, the word “Siege” must be in your roll to count.
*Everyone at least read the rules in the center of the map and your own House attributes. I encourage you to read the entire map.
*Lastly, yes we are using afk/leaderless faction defense based on the mupdate post number.
I claim Targaryen!
>Princess Ash Targaryen, The Lazy Dragon
Claimin House Bartheon
going outside for a smoke. there is a game ongoing on pol. i linked once but dont know if they saw it or ignored it. brb
I could but I don't think I can bring myself at this moment to start a game with 2 players.
Claim Freefolk
you guys still here?
Are you?
I claim City of Braavos.
Lord Dimitri Sverdlov
If Baratheon is still here we have 4 players
use dice
you here?
Oops,i had the name of the game of /pol/
Claiming Tyrell
You may roll
Targaryen > Surround Astapor
>Princess Ash Targaryen, The Lazy Dragon
Tyrell > Baratheon
will use post numbers this round but we should do dice. should you link a set of dice i will count those too.
Okay,i don't know well how this risk works.
Claiming City of Baavaros,
If i clan roll,i declare war upon Volantis.
Lets not use dice, it's fine
Rolled 15694 (1d99999)
Gambole son of Gambiol dismounted from his new spearwife. His morningwood woke him with such urgency that he couldn't help but break Talias in some more, but now he had to leave the warmth of his woman and his tent and address his army. The freefolk were still fragmented and he knew that this needed to change before the wall would ever fall. Gambole mounted his mammoth and began another march.
Freefolk>neutral territories north of the wall
cool yes you can roll
its just too predictable.
maybe if you're an autist
Then assault Volantis positions,´pls
ok maybe i am that autistic to predict gets on a slow board...
counting your dice since you rolled higher with those.
Baratheon appears to be afk, but we gained one person so still have 4 rollers
Braavos is the low roll this round
I claim the house of Tully
you may roll this turn
hey bro
Ayy im back im rolling did i miss anything
I keep forgetting about this game
Tyrell marched on you last round
Rolled 23381 (1d99999)
Melting ice had caused his greenest mammoth to slip on the edge of a glacier and fall. Gambole luckily was able to vault off of it before it tumbled into the crevice below. The ice where he landed was hard on his leg where he landed and the progress of the march suffered as he waited for himself to heal. But now Gambole knew he had to push to make up for lost time.
Freefolk> neutral territories
make sure to add that +2 tiles to your name or orders. i will likely forget at some point
Attack house Lannister
Targaryen > Siege Astapor
>Princess Ash Targaryen, The Lazy Dragon
Oh shit I forgot about that too.
Fuck a tyrell, atack tyrell.
Attack Volantis!
We have 5 players and one afk (Tryell)
I claim house stark, can I role this turn?
Descend upon the miscreants of the Lannister house
Tyrell > Baratheon
Be back in 5 minutes
I attack the neck and spill into the flint fingers
Attack tyrell.
Targaryen > Siege Astapor
>Princess Ash Targaryen, The Lazy Dragon
I'm not good at this :/
Rolled 22098 (1d99999)
The last of the river clansmen joined once Gambole's mammoth trampled their leader Phoenicus. He was a coward anyways and wouldn't have helped the war effort. Now with the North galvanized, the Wall was next.
Freefolk>Shadow tower in the west
Rolled 76150 (1d99999)
>northern name
we have decided not to use the dice i guess. Also, by edict of the OP the Freefolk can siege the wall fortresses the same as everyone else can- with a value of 5. They must roll a 0 to siege all capitols and strongholds other than the wall.
>Northern name
>implying he's not a man of the night's watch who deserted to the freefolk, but grew up in the south
Roger roger.
>anybody named phoenicus in westeros
Go back to Kanto then
We have had a different afk every round lol
sorry bout that 0 tile get man :^) not
>implying i choose my name from pokemen
Press the rape button on Tyrell
Keep taking Lannister holding, burn their villages! Rape and plunder through the entire land
Targaryen > Siege Astapor
>Princess Ash Targaryen, The Lazy Dragon
Attack the twins
Tyrell > Baratheon\
Yer done, bud!
Gambole's best general Hannibalius was given a shadowcat with a beautiful sable coat, a mammoth with dark chestnut fur, and Talias' younger sister as a reward for taking Shadowtower. Their commander was the young and ambitious Streffron Harlaw who had the habit of charging straight into the thick of combat to inspire his men; against Hannibalius however this was folly. The whole of Westeros lay before Gambole now, but old rivalries pestered him.
Freefolk>Siege Eastwatch-by-the-sea
Thank you bro.
Braavos is still afk.
Seige the twins
Attack Tyrell
Glory to the old gods
Finish taking Lannister lands
Targaryen > Siege Astapor
>Princess Ash Targaryen, The Lazy Dragon
>My terrible ass gets
Who's this guy?
I'm me
You got 2 spills, bud
Tyrell > Baratheon
House Axuri>sail to the valyrian peninsular
Pali vs trip
lol and with that
I gained it all back, just like my wife with dat ass thank the 7
Nigga you lucky this game broke as shit my nigga
Push back the Targaryen invaders.
oh shit!
Lord Baratheon, I ask for an alliance, for I fear a conspiracy against me soon
Not all the crows stationed at Shadowtower died there. Many retreated to warn and reinforce the other 2 garrisons, while still some deserted all together. "Cowards" grumbled Gambole one night thinking about that past battle as he fed his 5 mammoths some meat from aurochs that used to belong to the night's watch. Although surely he could not say the same of the crows encountered at Eastwatch. Among the sounds of battle that day he would still hear a crow yell out a cry in honor of Streffron Harlaw. To have lost at one castle and yet still fight back at another was beautiful in a way Gambole thought. It filled him with an almost feeling of respect, but was such fierce resistance to be encountered throughout Westeros? A chill shot through Gambole at that moment, but not from the cold...
A couple mornings later the dawn arrived to find Gambole at the head of his army with Hannibalius leading light cavalry on the right flank. A Thenn lead the 'cavalry' on the left flank that turned out to be nothing more then a ragged pile of warriors that the Thenn leader swore could sprint as fast as a shadowcat...fucking Thenns. But it was all he had at the moment and so it had to do.
Freefold>Castle Black
Gladly Baron.
Well shit is interesting
Tully being attacked by Stark
Astapor strikes back at Princess Ash
Freefolk have taken the wall and the only remaining Crowes lie between then and Stark... Winter is possibly coming.
Siege Mereen