Is Neotenic just the morph itself or is it a quality you can apply to other morphs as well? I vaguely recall seeing something like that in one of the books
Wyatt Sanders
That synthtaur's gonna fugg that Neotenic.
Hudson Torres
There's a Social Stigma on Neotenic I believe, but specifically they are a type of morph.
And technically, you can make a cheaper variant of any morph that is already medium sized by applying Reduced Size and Social Stigma (Neotenic) to it - which could indicate the core morph form kept in neoteny.
Luke Powell
thank you. I'd like to imagine somewhere on mars there are a bunch of hipsters who have reduced size pods the same way people today try to live in pods.
Only in simulspace, it's a neuter who identifies as female.
Aaron Williams
Connor Brooks
>appearance of a ten year old >“I have seen nations crumble and civilizations fall. Show me something I haven’t seen.” Jesus christ.
Gavin Green
Doesn't mean you can't have a cock attachment.
Jacob Reed
Neuter morphs most often lack sex drives altogether.
Camden Nguyen
>Bitch never saw such a dick that I showed her
Michael Thomas
Hey, some of you know about rocket science and stuff, right? We even talked about speed in space last thread.
So a point came up on the forum about the idea of infomorphs being useful against borders, because the ship could then do a high speed/g maneuver to deter them or something otherwise unpleasant.
But actually, can it? Assuming the Bulk Carrier uses the same Fusion Rocket the Standard Transport does, which generates .05 gs of thrust as per the book - could it actually cause something unpleasant to a biomorph? A quick google search means you need to put like 5gs of force on a person to render them unconscious. Am I missing something or is that correct that the Fusion Rocket can't generate enough acceleration to cause more than a mild inconvenience to somebody?
Bentley Long
Another technical question.
Can you make an immense tin can telephone with the Spindle?
Chase Lee
Boarding actions are basically impossible in a hard scifi setting unless your target has been completely disabled. Actually matching speed with a vessel and sending people aboard doesn't work if they have even the slightest inclination to prevent you from doing so.
Benjamin Campbell
Neat. Doesn't actually answer the question.
If your autism doesn't allow you to actually work around that, then for the purpose of the hypothetical, assume they did not "board" persay, but instead stowed away on the ship.
Caleb Edwards
That really depends on what the ships are designed to do. If the target has only very low thrust engines for the sake of long range efficiency, for example, they'd be an easy target for a shorter range craft.
Benjamin Perry
>If the target has only very low thrust engines for the sake of long range efficiency, for example, they'd be an easy target for a shorter range craft. >look at picture on
Jason Sullivan
Making no sense there, user.
Henry Phillips
I'm agreeing with the point in
Or drawing obvious supporting evidence to it, however you want to look at it.
Big, long range ships in the setting use Fusion or Plasma Rockets, which have a much smaller amount of thrust generated over Metallic Hydrogen or Hydrogen/Oxygen -based systems used by LOTVs, your smaller, more localized ships.
Zachary Davis
Wait -
is this from an actual EP book? It does not look familiar...
Oliver Parker
>Doesn't actually answer the question.
Yes it does.
>So a point came up on the forum about the idea of infomorphs being useful against borders, because the ship could then do a high speed/g maneuver to deter them or something otherwise unpleasant.
>But actually, can it?
Justin Watson
I don't get why there's taboo associated with animals or children anymore when basically anyone can sleeve into an animalistic or child-like morph.
Isaac Moore
Okay, I'll accept then that my original point may have been unclear. The forum post I referenced speaks about "unkind things" to biomorphs by firing the engines and performing maneuvers - which seems to indicate somehow using the acceleration to deter the boarders by affecting them physically.
Even if it was the intention to the read as "yes they can perform maneuvers to evade any ship before it can board", what's your response to ?
Liam Williams
Well, can it? Why would some ship designed for deep space operation be capable of high G maneuvering in the first place?
Luke Reyes
Nope, its from an artists page, I don't think its from anything.
Unless you get lucky and every boarder bangs their head on something when the ship jerks nothing will happen. You could try to give them radiation poisoning with X-rays but that's not likely to do much unless you're getting boarded by flats and the ship is horribly designed.
Liam Wilson
Its only been about 30-20 years since resleeving has been viable by 10 AF, and less than 15 since its been available to the person on the street. IRL, its been way longer than that since homosexuality was taken off the United State's list of mental illnesses, and its still taboo in large parts of the US.
Benjamin Price
Completely ignore that table. Those numbers are completely arbitrary. That being said, except for military vehicles and couriers where they don't give a fuck about efficiency, thrust will be minimal, since the higher the thrust, the lower the specific impulse.
Levi Rivera
Nolan Cruz
Parker Sullivan
Anthony Nelson
>get the Robocop treatment >ten years before resleeving was even a thing >finally get to leave your old body behind >Fall happens >Firewall picks you up >decides your background makes you the 'combat guy' >keep trying to put you in Reaper morphs
Jackson Bennett
What comic is this? where can I get it?
Connor Brooks
It's worth remembering that "Social Stigma" isn't necessarily everyone going "euwwww, gross", but that such a viewpoint is still common enough to cause problems for the player character. You'll inevitably find places where people just shrug their shoulders, and other places where it's a community wide taboo, and everything in between.
>In social situations where the character’s nature is known to someone who view that nature with distaste, fear, or repugnance, they suffer a –10 to –30 modifier (gamemaster’s discretion) to social skill tests
Cooper Gonzalez
Global Frequency, by Warren Ellis.
Mason Richardson
So continuing from last thread, has anyone had their GM pull them into their magical realm while playing EP?