Redpill me on the Dark Angels.
Redpill me on the Dark Angels
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Maniacs in plain sight
>Redpill me
>Implying you don't already know that the first legion is the most loyal and incorruptible of them all
Please, come with me to the Rock where we will reeduca- I mean discuss the greatness of the lion and his legion.
The Dark Angels are the most faithful marines in the history on mankind. They were loyal to the Emperor before the Dark Age
What is there to repill you on? Nothing happened on Caliban
So who is this Cypher fellow? Surely an emperors champion right?
The greatest allies for any loyal soldier of the Emperor
They're pretty cool famalambroghini
Cypher? What a peculiar name. Where ever did you hear that from?
Asmodai? Make him repent.
Indeed it is, fellow inner circle member, and not one of the traitorous fallen! And most CERTAINLY not the worst of them all, Cypher, of who we would instantly know by sight the second we find him!
Whos the Fallen?
They're gay.
All of them.
They buttfuck.
With or without power armor.
clank clank clank
Indeed, carry on Grand Master! Surely the services of the most loyal of all Astartes are needed elsewhere
Nothing you need concern yourself with. It is most definitely not a ten millennium old secret that has permanently damned the first legion!
They are an Astarte Chapter that use to be the Dark Angel Legion. They like to shoot their enemies from a distance, preferably with plasma. Their chapters 1st and 2nd company are not codex approved. The 1st company is called "Deathwing", which is an all Terminator armored squad painted bone white. The 2nd company "Ravenwing" is painted all black and specializes in mobility and are equipt with land speeders and bikes. They have a close relationship with their descendant chapters and are know for working on coordinated missions together. And their old color scheme was black, now it is green. They also like to ware robes over their armor.
I legit don't know much of their fluff/lore - what's all this funposting about
Bluepill me on the Dark Angels.
See what this not!undercover operative has to say
Lets just say during the Horus Heresy they may have switched sides for a little and then said fuck that shit
How? The Empire scarcely seem like the forgiving types, and Chaos seems just as likely to take a dim view of traitors to its cause.
He's telling the story wrong. Basically the tl;dr version is half of the legion turned traitor and the other half stayed loyal. The traitor half got scattered through space and time and the loyal half has spent the last ten thousand years tracking them down, covering it up and teamkilling anyone who finds out
After the Horus Heresy was over, Lion went home and discovered his adopted dad turned half his legion traitor. There was a big fight, and a chaos-mega-buffed Luther defeated the Lion, but Luther, realizing he couldn't kill his son, dropped his sword and cried out in anguish.
Pic related
Now the Dark Angels are desperately hunting the scattered Fallen fearing that someone might find out that half of them turned,
>literally the entire thread
So some shady shit went down during the Horus Heresy. Supposed, the dark secret is that some of the Dark Angels turned to Chaos and were summarily wiped out in a brutal, apocalyptic conflict that shattered their homeworld, Caliban. This also threw some of these brethren out into space-time (via direct intervention by the ruinous powers). The chapter's actions are secretive and inscrutable because they are deeply ashamed of this betrayal, and seek to make up for this horrifying lapse.
The dank-meme-theorists point out a few things pretty consistently: it's AWFULLY convenient that Lion El Johnson (their primarch) was 'trapped in the core of Caliban' and 'cannot awake' or be reached in any way. Also, why do the battle-brothers of the Dark Angels so vigorously hunt down and murder, and try to keep secret, the time-and-space lost brothers that occasionally crop up? Is it only on the off-chance that maybe one of them is stupid or wounded or something and accidentally mentions that a bunch of dead Dark Angels were traitors? And who is this Cypher guy, and why does he care about reaching the Emperor that badly? What secret is he carrying? Combined with other small things, this has created the theory that the currently existing Dark Angels are a traitor chapter, carefully maintaining the illusion of loyalty to work their way in as deep as possible before betraying the Empire in its hour of greatest need.
Oh, also, 'Dark Angel' is a poem by Englishman Lionel Johnson about his super secret, super wrong gay love. So there's that too.
But why would the Dark Angels what to betray the Imperium? I don't think there are any CURRENT evidence of chaos taint to support this theory.Although, I'm also doubtful that Luther fell to chaos. I think that The Lion was weighing is options on which side to join and Luther was a loyalist that rebelled and tried to join the Imperium. But then again, I wouldn't put it past the Dark Angels actually betraying at the last moment in hopes of being on the winning side
Don't think I don't see your name, Heretic.
Thats right, go get that traitor!
*want to betray
What are the Lion's goals in this whole hullabaloo. Is it himself, his legion? I didn't take the Lion for drinking the Chaos coolaid.
Loyalty is it's own reward
The Dark Angels were extremely late to the battle of Terra. Depending on what lore you're looking at they could either be held up by warpstorms or have been biding their time to see who was winning. That and in earlier lore it wasn't certain who was the traitor between Lion and Luther. It could be construed in some ways that Lion was the one turning traitor and the others were trying to stop him.
Regardless, nearly half of all Dark Angels got scattered about the galaxy and are traitors. The DA are really anal about finding all of them and trying to not let anybody else know about them.
Or it could have been because Russ had to take constant pitstops on every besieged planet along the way
I read that a lot of the Fallen lead normal lives and don't start heretical shit. They just want to settle on an Agri-world or something.
Is there any proof of that in the books or Codexs'?
Alright, I'm not going to meme like some of the meme sperging morons idiots in this thread.
A long-ass time ago, before even the Great Crusade, the First Legion is created at the end of the Unification Wars after the Primarchs were lost. The First Legion are the Emperor's firstborn space marines, and as such they are the testbed of Space Marines themselves. The First Legion is organized in the Hexagrammaton. This consists of six specialist "wings"; Dreadwing, Deathwing, Ravenwing, Ironwing, Stormwing and Firewing. Along with this unique structure the First Legion has strong Terran origins- they possess lots of areotech from the Dark Age of Technology thanks to being first, and also have lots of Volkite along with WMD's like phosphex.
Skip forward decades. The First Legion serves as the Emperor's tip of the spear in the Great Crusade. They have the greatest and most numerous first victories, but start to wind down because they take a lot of casualties courtesy of being the first into the breach. Eventually they discover the Lion on Caliban. Long story short, Caliban is a chaos corrupted hellhole and it had a major impact on their newly rediscovered Primarch. The Lion is paranoid as fuck due to growing up initially in a forest infested with Chaos Spawn- his trust is slow to be earned and very easily broken. The Lion is an antisocial autistic asshat who even has killed one of his chief officers for back-talking to him, but he is NOT a traitor despite memes. We know the Lion to actually be among the most fervently loyal sons of the Emperor, on par with Dorn.
Fast forward some more. Luther, the man who discovered the Lion in the forests of Caliban and raised him as a son, has betrayed the Lion after planning to assassiante the Lion with a nuclear bomb and take control of the Dark Angels- but has second thoughts and stops the plot. The Lion understandably loses his shit, his ability to trust people is permanently destroyed, and he exiles Luther.
The Lion exiles Luther and all the Dark Angels he doesn't like to Caliban out of suspicion, basically sidelining them from the Great Crusade to basic police action on their homeworld. This pisses them all off. While on Caliban it is discovered that the heart of the planet is actually a Greater Daemon. The Chaos Gods begin to manipulate Luther and all his Dark Angels, corrupting their minds and sowing seeds of heresy and rebellion, like they did with Horus but failed to do so with the Lion (who told them to sod off). During this time, there's also a civil war amongst the exiled Dark Angels, and all those who would choose the Emperor over Luther are culled.
Meanwhile, also long story short, the Dark Angels are largely in the galactic pacific when warp storms block off Terra. This leads to the formation of Imperium Secondus by Guilliman and Sanguinius, fearing the worst and that Horus has killed the Emperor and destroyed Terra. The Lion drops by to make sure they aren't betraying the Emperor, and very very long story short, he says OK and plays Policeman, hunting down Konrad Curze and his Night Lords. After a very long series of books the Night Lords are literally decimated by a brutal ambush launched by the Lion, and he later corners Konrad Curze on an Ultramarine world and breaks his back. Guilliman and Sanguinius however are mega-pissed that he killed a shitload of civilians to finally cripple the Night Lords and kidnap their Primarch, Sanguinius snaps the Lion's sword and exiles him. But the Lion later comes back telling his two brothers that the Emperor isn't dead, Curze's visions are right, and that they need to fight traitors.
So they do, and the Dark Angels spread out across the galaxy, putting Horus' dogs to the sword. After a very long series of adventures that haven't been finished by the book series yet, the siege of Terra concludes without the Lion, who rushes back home.
>The Lion understandably loses his shit, his ability to trust people is permanently destroyed, and he exiles Luther.
But not before getting his ass handed to him so badly he went into a regenerative coma from which he has yet to wake, 10,000 years later. Oh, and the Lion was so pissed at his traitor brothers, the bombardment on his own home planet was enough to crack it apart. They outfitted the largest chunk of the planet left with some archaeotech to turn it into a massive flagship for the Legion and carry on today as a Fleet based Chapter.
Hell, they aren't even a Chapter. The LIon's idea of 'Codex Astartes, neato' was to tell his Legion 'Scatter! They can't call you out if they can't do a head count without you all in the same place.'
Hurr, you were telling the WHOLE story. Muh bad. Will report to Interrogator-Chaplin at once.
The Lion rushes back home to investigate, and his worst fears come true. Luther betrayed him once and for all and turned the space marines against their Primarch and Emperor. The purging of Caliban happens, where several things happen that are important. Firstly the Lion begins dueling Luther on the planet's surface, but the Chaos Gods have empowered Luther like they did to Horus, and Luther is too strong. The Lion is struck down and vanishes, presumed dead by the Legion. The battle drags out and the Dark Angels enact Exterminatus upon Caliban. A warp rift opens and sucks all the surviving Fallen Angels under Luther and scatters them across space-time, popping up hundreds of lightyears and years apart.
Several other important things happen in conclusion.
>The Legion's monastery, the Tower of Angels, survives Exterminatus thanks to its void shields. This gigantic chunk of Caliban is nearly as big as a continent and is turned into a giant mobile fortress by the Dark Angels.
>Unbeknownst to everybody else, Luther survived the exterminatus in the Tower of Angels. He is later revealed at some point later to the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels by the Watchers in the Dark, who guard his cell.
>Unknown to everybody (including the Supreme Grand Master) save the Watchers, the Lion has survived and lies in the heart of the Rock, healing from his injuries and tended by Watchers.
>The Surviving loyalist Dark Angels embark on a massive crusade against Chaos in Guilliman's reformed Imperium, showing up with the gigantic Rock fortress. The hunt for the Fallen Angels of Luther has begun.
what i wanna know is why everyone in this universe doesnt just worship chaos gods, like you can literally become immortal, more powerful than even the emperor is
The Lion never saw the Codex Astartes, bruv. The throw down at Calliban happened way before Guilliman tried to shove his "spiritual liege" into every chapter's behind.
The Legion decided to hell with the Codex, and it makes sense. They've got more important things to do, like BE THE MOST LOYAL.
This is some grade A Dark Angel fanatic wank.
Literally everything I posted is canon from the current books made by GW. I just left out the time travel and areotech FTL artifacts they have to avoid confusion.
You should include those too.
>I just left out the time travel
You should have left that out because it's shit.
>what i wanna know is why everyone in this universe doesnt just worship chaos gods
Because they're fickle cunts.
>like you can literally become immortal
If you like constantly dying, just to be reborn and shit out of a portal on another planet to die again. And that's only if they like you. Hint: They don't like anyone.
>more powerful than even the emperor is
False. The only time this almost happened, was when the Emps was fighting Horus, who was empowered by all four Chaos Gods (Something they don't do anymore after the double failure of Horus/Luther) and that was only because he was holding back until the very end where he OBLITERATED HORUS' SOUL WITH A THOUGHT. So... Ain't nobody but the Chaos gods stepping to the Emperor. There's a reason they're scared of him and want nothing more than to piss in his cheerios.
>watchers tending to lion
>watchers telling grnad master Luther survived
Dark Angels confirmed to be tzeench puppets
but really who isn't
>Unknown to everybody (including the Supreme Grand Master) save the Watchers
There's another who knows
>Guaranteed to be some degree of insane
>Can become exceptionally powerful if you're the right combination of lucky and skilled, but your patron god(s) may take it away when you no longer amuse
>May get turned into a gibbering mass of mutated flesh just for lols
>Spend as much, if not more, time infighting as fighting the enemy
>Rightfully hated by everyone with two brain cells to rub together
Gee, I wonder why!
It's posts like this is why THE MOST LOYAL meme comes from. Cutting out the ambiguity of the Dark Angels loyalty is a discredit to them and you should feel ashamed unless you are a falseflagger. Otherwise, ace work.
I merely post what's canon user. The ambiguity of Dark Angels loyalty comes from Astelan, an unreliable source, who we now know dropped all pretense of loyalty to anything.
Only point wrong is sang was on terrA unlike that bitch girlyman
The Dangles are the most pathetic Space Marine Chapter, not original legion but chapter in general.
Not only did half of them turn traitor but the remaining half go full traitor hunting the other half.
They got caught torturing a fallen by the Crimson Sabers who then started to massacre them, the Dangles were so terrified they fled the system.
The Crimson sabers then became the Crimson slaughter who then came back to massacre the Dangles a second time, steal genestead and corpses.
Then these fucking retards got tricked by the flicker of a minor warp entity who convinced their spastic cunt chapter master the Space Wolves, a shining beacon of loyalty and purity compared to their heretic cunts, were traitors, oh the fucking irony.
Seeing a person play Dangles has the power to make a grown man cringe and burst into tears.
>being this booty blasted
>The state of Veeky Forums
Just read the Lore parts of their Codex. That's the only thing that's "Canon" anyways.
The loyalty of the Dark Angels has never been ambiguous. Canon sources are pretty fucking specific.
They are gay. I don't mean that in a meme way, like, they enjoy having sex with men.
Helps if you know the peom:
>Not only did half of them turn traitor but the remaining half go full traitor hunting the other half.
Half of them didn't turn Traitor you mong. You'd know that if you actually read any 40k books and weren't a waste of space.
They're shit.
There's your red pill, faggot.
>have full BS overwatch and 2++ rerolling jinks
>can infiltrate all the way to the center of the board and basically right on top of all objectives
You have a strange definition of shit.
Then how they explained that their primarch was missing without engaging in any major battles against rebel Chaos forces? Surviving primarchs would want to find their brother unless he was a total cunt.
He was killed by Horus.
Latest HH books makes it clear Luther is researching warp sorcery to 'protect Caliban from the rest of the Imperium'.
When has this ever NOT led to someone falling to Chaos.
>He is later revealed at some point later to the Supreme Grand Master of the Dark Angels by the Watchers in the Dark, who guard his cell.
I think it's more than just the Supreme Grand Master who knows, they mention in one of the novels that his screams of pain and horror at what he'd done echo throughout those deep chambers in the Rock, and several of the Inner Circle know that he's there.
Those are the Black Templars.
The Dark Angels technically split into chapters (the Unforgiven), but all the chapters secretly report directly to the Rock anyway and take all marching orders from the Dark Angels Chapter Master, they're absolutely still a legion.
While the two were in different places?
>Redpill me
Fuck off and die /pol/.
Also he contacted Typhus for help.
Russ vanished, Jaghatai vanished... Guilliman kept on leading the Smurfs for quite a while after they stopped being a legion, and as far as I remember he didn't go looking for his missing brothers. Neither did Dorn.
>not contracted Typhus
Missed opportunity.
I never said Dark Angels were good at lying. The Grey Knights after-all know all about it.
Aren't the Grey Knights partly formed from Space Marines from traitor legions that turned against their legion to stay loyal?
Every official gw employee who ever made a statement about canonicity disagrees
Tg May not like the HH books, but they are Canon as fuck
You don't get to pick official Canon, GW does, stop pretending your headcanon is more than it is you pathetic cunt
They'd be alot better if the faggot Gav Thorpe would stop writing their fluff.
OMFG THIS why can't THIS be cannon, its actually interesting! a twist of tzeentch level's.
the inner circle are active cultists!
F**k it, i'm gonna field a DA army with this lore anyway.
Because its fucking stupid and has no basis in fact?
The Dark Angels are the redpill
We're the only legion with a theme poem. It might have cropped up in this thread before, but our name and theme was inspired by Lionel Johnson's "The Dark Angel". Other than that, we also have one of the most diverse potential rosters among space marines and the best fluff for anyone who likes space marines as stoic warrior-priests rather than drunken furry convention attendees or boy scouts in power armour.
>Cries whenever he sees DA
At least he's honest.
Show us on this tactical marine where the Black Knight touched you...
Hol up hol up hol up.
Wasn't the Lion the one weighing his options, which led to Luther chimping out and leading the loyalists into attacking their brethren? And then, after routing the loyalists, didn't the Lion's forces take the Emperor's side because their victory was evident, and are presently hunting the Fallen (in fact remnants of the loyalist forces) to keep their betrayal secret? Or was that changed to Luther being the traitor?
Current canon holds that Luther, envious of The Lion and bitter at his demotion to Caliban from the Great Crusade, fell under the sway of the ruinous powers and turned the garrison of Caliban to Chaos.
Inspiration by the Templars is fun, too.
Ive played dark angels since 3rd edition and this has always been the codex canon. All this lion secret traitor stuff always been Veeky Forums headcanon just like exagerating the orks psychic field because of one old piece of fluff where a techpriest just didnt know how ork tech worked. But itll never change no matter how much Veeky Forums is corrected.
Yeah I never understood it either. 50% of games I play include some exceptionally autistic manchild trying to make jokes about my "Chaos space marine" army.
Cypher is a title, not a person. No need to worry, all you need to know is that a named rank is above yours, and you don't bother your superiors now do you?
So, what does the rest of the Imperium think of the Dark Angels? The ones who don't know any of their secrets, that is.
You don't like it and that's fine, but the idea that official Canon could be used to spread misinformation on that kind of scale has me liking GW and the Dark Angels way more than I did 5 minutes ago
Bunch of quasi-heretical, team killing bastards with a stick up their collective ass. Never show your back to a Dark Angel for they will abandon you in your hour of need to chase after a single lowly chaos marine and will kill your afterwards for knowing about it.
All the while they dare pretend to be the "purest" and "most loyal" chapter. They kill loyal allies for knowing something they know while meddling in the internal affairs of other, more honourable chapters. Oh, and they're legion building, too.
>t. angry yiff
Remember when your primarch got the One-punch man treatment?
Remember when your Primarch willingly gave weapons of mass destruction to Perturabo who proceeded to use them on Terra?
Yeah, and it was still less damaging than when your primarch wasted his legion attacking Prospero, causing the TS to turn traitor, effectively turning the Horus Heresy from a 10v8 to a 8v8 and therefore allowing the siege of Terra to occur in the first place?
This my chapters better in everyway attitude is why people cannot stand danglefags. Your chapter is shit, and that seems to be the general consensus.
>waaaa you like your chapter too much
>waaaa everyone says its shit, I swear
I certainly don't believe that the are better in every way, but they played a less destructive role in the HH than the Space Wolves, which you'd realize was what SW-user and I were talking about if you had a level of reading comprehension above nonexistent.
DAngels are shit, I don't like the smurfs either but I'd fight side by side with them or the furry freaks before I'd ever trust a shitbag Dark Angel.
Do you still sell weapons to the bitter Iron Warriors?
Still cavorting with Xeno scum?
Did you ever actually make it to Terra or are you still tied up chasing a broken Night Lord Legion around?
My White Scars might not get any love from GW, but Khan was a beast and even we made it to Terra and got shit done.
Ill cut straight to the point and say i dont like any of the big four. I find successor chapters a lot more interesting. The less you know the more likely they wont soil the lore.
>Do you still sell weapons to the bitter Iron Warriors?
Might as well, they're so incompetent there's no harm in it
>Still cavorting with Xeno scum?
Just to annoy the Inquisition
>Did you ever actually make it to Terra
We broke those Night Lords. And in all fairness, only three legions got to Terra, and one of them was basically the live-in wall builders for the area.