Why do your characters never dress fancily?
Why do your characters never dress fancily?
Because all that ever happens to my characters is ravening monsters leaping at them in a muddy dungeon/field
Its too much work to do by yourself and servants cost a lot.
Because OP makes uninformed generalizations and is, as always, a faggot.
Jebidiah Ross has only the finest taste in clothes.
Just what sort of person do you think I am?~
>Implying she doesn't
She's dead last among her siblings for the throne, being Veeky Forums is the only way she has to show she is better than everyone else!
She prefers being comfy to fancy.
You dare slander my name?
I shall have the tongue from your head, harlot.
Because no one in my group wants to hear how frilly, lacy, or fabulous my character dresses no matter how much I want him too.
They do. Constantly.
But I am fancy with all this human treasureloot, am I not?
Because why would I spend the coins on something I'll never use?
I mean really then the king calls me to his court the most he's going to get out of me is a bow and a "yes my lord"
Oh im-fucking-PLYING.
Shit outfit.
>I mean really then the king calls me to his court the most he's going to get out of me is a bow and a "yes my lord"
>bowing to the king
Where will you be when Robespierre needs you?
Because why the fuck would a robot need clothes.
Can't get more fancy than he already is.
The last time my character dressed fancy he got eaten by a vampire hiding in my "friendly" wizard's necklace at the ball we were at
To save time on maintenance in the future when you're getting all the dirt out
Because she feels self-conscious in a dress, due to her muscles and scars.
Because they are on the move and need to dress practically. Managing an elaborate get up like that when you spend most of your downtime in shitty ins an tents in the woods would be a nightmare. I imagine that the magic jewelry counts though.
He prefers to pose half-naked
>Why do your characters never dress fancily?
But they do.
But she do. A lot. Maybe even too much.
Because I'm still working on the alchemy system so that we can finally play an Atelier-based game. Then our dresses will be so frilly can cute.
My characters are almost always dressed fancily.
Tell you what. you find me something fancy in the badlands, I'll wear it.
Okay, you got me, there's no way in fuck I'd wear it even then. The fuck do you care about dresses so much for? Go scavenge me some ammo or some canned goods.
I once had a gothic lolita witch I played on a homebrewed RPG some dude was running while I was in college. Nothing fetish filled, but I really liked the fashion at the time. Game ended up driving like most do, but that character spent about an hour every day getting dressed.
Driving= dissolving
What sort of fruit implies that even a regular's uniform from the Napoleonic era isn't fancy?
We try, but every time we go to a party the DM tries to poison us, sics ghosts on the partygoers,or has the Empress assassinated (which puts a damper on things) so after the first few attempts we just dressed to kill and waited for things to go horribly horribly wrong.
He fights with a chainsword. Dealing with the constant stream of battle injuries AND the blood soaking into my PC's tabard is bothersome enough for our poor techpriest companion; let's not trouble him further with formal wear.
Because it's the post apocalypse. Well one of them dresses fancily.
Nardack's sameface is so bad and she's been drawing moe for forever.
Limited inventory space, and you don't often find nice suits in a dungeon that hadn't degraded into tatters.
Besides, it wasn't until the early modern era that most people could afford more than a couple identical outfits. My dude isn't adventuring because he's already wealthy.
Because I'm a dirt poor, arcanoloth bound warlock. I can manifest the arcanoloth as a nice fur coat, but that's about it.
He's not got enough elven blood to get invited to any fancy noble parties where he's from. Also that's assuming the ritual garments he wears to his weird wizard cult don't count.
We're already pinching pennies as it is!