As an actor, I think he had a prior commitment that he forgot about, and he expressed a new out, after all, they had a player ready in the wings. you watched LA acting work in action.
/5eg/ D&D Fifth Edition General
well unless your dm is nice to you and allow you to have a enchanted armour that remove the sound it makes hence no disadvantage to stealth I guess no
I mean I tried do the same and and had my pally wear something else when sneaking around
Same here, when everything is measured in feet and have exact areas of effect etc. it feels like you might as well play freeform if you're just going to ignore all that.
dex pally is viable if thats what you really want. doubly so if you can convince your dm to allow ranged smites.
but overall no, if you just want breastplate instead of heavy armor, but stay str, you're just wasting stat points (unless you rolled amazing or something)
more likely, you should find a magical/enchanted gear, or look for a local druid circle and attempt to get nonmetal plate.
breastplate itself though? you're a little too smack dab between heavy, and light armor, to really bother
Cthulu's blessings upon you, friendo.
I'd recommend Dark Sun, but that brings in a whole bunch of other baggage you probably don't want. Maybe Ravenloft, but that might hit the gothic dial a bit too much.
Most of the official DnD settings were created in late 80s/early 90s, with the only outlier created later being Eberron. There's ways to make them work with the dark fantasy world, but I don't think any of them are there by default.
(Greyhawk might be the easiest to fit Warhammer stuff into, given that the demihumans are mostly sidelined, so changing them up doesn't have a bajillion rebound effects on the setting. *Plus* it had a huge war featuring a half-fiendish demigod, a decadent emperor who turns his entire nobility undead, and Nazi monks.)
Anons? I'm curious; since 5e has been really slow on the releasing new crunch part, are there any classes you think actually need to get added to 5e? Or do you think it all can be done by, at most, adding new subclasses to the corebook?
Like, 4e had the Invoker and PF has the Oracle, which are both basically "spontaneous/innate divine spellcasters". Do we need a class like this, or would a Favored Soul revamp for the Sorcerer, perhaps one not trying to add the Cleric's free armor & weapons proficiencies, do the job better?
It's good and fun. Fairly balanced and you can make the op fighter crossbow build with it if you really want to minmax.
our paladin has stripped for stealth on a few occasions, though it almost got him killed when we failed stealth anyways