It's not impossible to think that all the Runelords/Smiths would agree to keep the Valaya situation under wraps. They've just gone through a period where some of their biggest names have been (potentially) assassinated in locations they thought they were safest.
Owen Evans
Second for bretonnian battle royale
Hunter Collins
Valaya, if returned, would be safely secured in the heart of everpeak, away from any assassins or creatures powerful enough to hurt her.
Henry Rodriguez
I don't think bringing literally divine leadership back is a good idea for endhammer, Gilles coming back as an immortal god king kinda begs the question why he left in the first place, also having the ancestor gods make an appearance and literally leading the dwarfs would create really bad premises.
let's leave that really thick end times skub in end times and come up with proper solutions without retconning half the original setting.
Anthony Brown
>Valaya, if returned, would be safely secured in the heart of everpeak, away from any assassins or creatures powerful enough to hurt her.
That would be the theory, but villains would try to kill her anyway. Could make for a great bait-and-switch.
>I don't think bringing literally divine leadership back is a good idea for endhammer,
I tend to agree, but I suspect the Gilles God-King concept is too widely received by the Endhammer crowd to be swayed against it. If that's the case, I think the idea of a gods rumoured return is a good way to compromise.
Luke Morgan
Reposting dwarf scenarios for endhammer 1. Everpeak stands, most other holds fall, dwarfs consolidate their power at everpeak and plan their next steps. Valaya not recovered
2. Everpeak, Zhufbar and Barakk Varr stand, the later are badly damaged but their reconstruction and reconquest is The dwarfs first move. No Valaya
3. Everpeak falls, Zhufbar and Barakk Varr stand, no Valaya. Dwarfs are trying to take back everpeak the way they did 8 peaks
4. Imperial schism level grimderp. All the major holds fall, dwarfs flee into the empire or the western holds, finally realize there is no chance at recovering the golden age
5. Valaya recovered, everpeak somehow lost, she leads the dwarfs into a new unknown age
6. Valaya recovered, she settles in everpeak, the last remaining major hold. Dwarfs suffered major losses but are now all concentrated in everpeak and have an ancestor goddess leading them into a new golden age.
7. everpeak stands, valaya recovered, but she hides in everpeak and works behind the scenes to avoid causing a major upheval in dwarf society, and to avoid being targeted by enemies who want to consume her great power. Only the rune lords aNd the high king know about her return and have sworn an oath of silence. Other dwarfs swear they can feel the presence of an ancestor God and rumors start to spread about her return.
William Lee
I like how we Dwarfs can simply come to a compromise without throwing a gigantic bitch fit, whereas the elf players need votes and anger and yelling to get things done.
Players fit the temperament of the races. Dwarfs coming to a solution and elfs arguing over glory.
I'm in favor of Valaya being very much a rumor, if existing at all, because I understand this fella's fears God-King Gilles allows for some radical changes to Bretonnian society which might not be accepted from other leaders, and the Green Knight was always a unit for Bretonnia. However, I suspect he spends most of his time in the forest communing with the Lady... kinda like if King Arthur spent most of his time in quiet contemplation near the Lake.
Benjamin Cox
Why doesn't Nagash eat Valaya in Endhammer?
Easton Brown
I don't really see why we would make radical changes to bretonnian society?
especially since Gilles was the guy who came up with the social rules in the first place.
Zachary James
We're discussing if he does or not. If Valaya isn't recovered we assume that the gates are either never opened and she continues to sleep inside, or Neff got in and Nagash eats her like in the original. if this trend continues, lizard players will contemplate the manner for a long time before making one drastic choice that ruins things more than intended, Tomb KANGZ players will do anything they can to jerk off Settra and shoot down any ideas that don't agree with him, and ogres will kinda just wait tonsee what everyone else is doing and adapt accordingly
Isaac Miller
I didn't see any yelling during the elf discussion, or any other fits, most people who got angry were people opposed to the elves as a whole, which usually is the dwarf fags.
and the vote over weekends was introduced to reach a general consensus and eleminate vocal fringe opinions, a discussion between 3 people in european night time is not representative of what all people want for the dwarfs in endhammer.
Noah Campbell
Endhammer is confirmed run by dwarf players, that's why they're totally fine with destroying Ulthuan and the empire,and raping their lore in the process, but the dwarfs get to keep their main hold and possibly recover an ancestor God.
Jordan Long
Can anyone give me a quick rundown on Mousillon?
Ryder Edwards
Sylvania: Not!French edition. Regular people there get mutated more often than people in Sylvania, though.
Jaxon Reyes
What new dwarf elements do we want to explore or go into? I've had a few ideas that have come up with in our WFRP games that might be interesting to people.
1. A Dwarf Underwater Mining rig being set up after the dwarfs of Barak Varr reach a treaty with the new Fish People society. 2. Assorted mercenaries set up an outpost in a location in the Dark Beneath the World, using the chaos to establish their own foothold in the resource rich environment. 3. Chaos Dwarf Space Program.
Leo Hall
As the guy who started Endhammer (for whatever that's worth), let me say that I would prefer Valaya not to be recovered (though she can also not be eaten -- after all, Nagash's plot fails and he becomes the God of Death in current Endhammer canon). I don't want the Dwarves to suddenly be resurgent (despite Dwarfs being the first army I bought). I'm okay with the concession of giving them Everpeak and a very weakened (possibly flooded) Barak Varr/Zhufbar.
Empire's lore is nowhere near raped. The Empire stuff is that of which I'm most proud -- it's the stuff I wrote. There's just one fucker in here that keeps pretendingthe "Schism" means open war between them and not just a rivalry between the two most likely candidates for Emperor.
Whoever mentioned one of the other Elector Counts being emperor... in the words of John Henry Eden (your president), let's take a tally.
Valmir von Raukov (Ostland) - Ostland's a wreck and he's behind enemy lines in Kislev; presumed dead.
Aldebrand Ludenhof (Hochland) - Murdered by Gelt at the Auric Bastion after he confronted Gelt about the zombies.
Wulfram Hertwig (Ostermark) - Killed by a champion of Nurgle while defending the Auric Bastion.
Marius Leitdorf (Averland) - Dead
Emmanuelle von Liebwitz (Wissenland) - Dumb broad (literally, she's ceded control of most of Wissenland to other families and really only rules Nuln).
Theoderic Gausser (Nordland): Living? But province borked by the Glottkin. Currently, in Endhammer, he supports Heinrich and is just happy to say he outlived his rivals in Marienburg.
Alberich Haupt-Anderssen (Stirland): Unknown, though I think I remember Reynolds saying he drowned in a river or died at a river battle. Someone should post the Reynolds stuff.
Helmut Feuerbach: Unknown. We can say he's living. But Talabecland is mostly fucked by the Glottkin as well.
Eli Martin
I could see an underwater mining rig as the place the dwarfs of Barak Varr escaped to, and they can be coming back to the hold.
Jaxon Hall
Personally I don't get the point of Endhammer, I just like the post-storm canon well enough.
Hunter Thompson
Sub-Dwarfs being totally isolated from the shit going on in the rest of the world after Barak Varr goes to shit and waiting with fear and trepidation for a rescue to come makes for a fun one-shot.
John Cooper
The basic argument is that post-SoC canon is a little too samey. It kind of underplays the sheer scope of war. It wasn't really an issue in WFRP, but a lot of WFB players tend to feel like the SoC was just a speed bump.
End of Times, goes too far the other direction and basically just shit over everything.
Endhammer is trying to take the best of both paths to make something interesting and playable, but different enough from the old setting to make it feel like there's been actual development.
Cameron Watson
I wanna see Age of Exploration -- Tilea, Bretonnia, Estalia sending refugees/adventurers to the broken remnants of Tilea and having conquistadores come back rich with boatloads of warpstone from the crashed moon. And gold/jade from sunken lizard cities now devoid of lizards, but full of giant sharks and plesiosaurs and maybe even a mosasaur...
Skinks with magical bubbles of air around their heads to help them breathe, riding howdas on a mosasaur...
Dylan Phillips
Why do Corpse Carts get pulled by zombies instead of by skeletal steeds or a zombie version of some beast of burden? Before the cart was corrupted by Morrslieb into a Corpse Cart it surely wasn't pulled by humans.
Hunter Gutierrez
Because they based them all on the Ghorst model
James Ortiz
Lazy bastards, also I guess making them the slowest pieces of shit in the army has some "Balance" reason.
Oliver Brown
It's a cart pulled by zombies. OF course it's slow.
Also, chariots are dogshit. It's only for buffing. I think that might be the first time CA's done that, as even the Holy Cross unit could be used as a good center-line block that wouldn't break.
Michael Peterson
>it surely wasn't pulled by humans.
Jaxon Morgan
Yes but it's so slow it's fucking worthless, it can barely ever reach the front lines in a timely manner.
Also even Volkmar's chariot is shit, it's bugged so neither he nor the "Rear hammer" attack at all and the horses only occasionally kick.
I think one of the only melee chariors that works is the Beastmen one.
Joshua Rogers
CA's current engine can't handle cavalry, much less chariots. Reiksguard should cut down crossbow men, but it takes an age to chase and break them.
Nothing like Med 2.1.5
Hudson Davis
I don't mind a little more durability.
Battles are short enough as is.
Charles Sullivan
i have a feeling they will fix this chariot attack business since khazrak and actually all razorgor chariots have the guy attack normally
Jayden Perez
>can't handle cavalry well memed faggot. You do realize that the game is not balanced around realism right? Heavy cavalry like the reiksguards should realistically be impervious to a line of bretonnian spearmen with farm tools, or chaos warriors should be torn a new one from massed gunfire. Or gyrocopters should be impervious to arrow fire. None of these things are there because the game is arcadey.
Wait for someone to make a realism mod or do it yourself.
Medieval 2 could not handle pikemen, nor could it handle ranged combat, and people praise it like it was the second coming of christ because of the Total Conversion mods.
Landon Kelly
Endhammer should be the perfect setting for a new Age of Exploration. Shattered warriors recovering what was lost, discovering new locations and settling new cities.
Michael Bennett
My personal preference is for an Underworld Outpost. Makes for a great jump-off point for potential adventures and an interesting sideline into the concept of the Age of Exploration. The only issue is that there's next to no detail given about the location, other than it's probably swarming with skaven and that they have a planet wide train network down there.
The Underwater Mining rig makes for fun flavour, but that's about it. There's not a whole lot you can do with it without adding in the Fishmen race - which isn't a bad idea.
The Chaos Space Program is a little bit...out of left field. But I guess the Skaven crashed the moon into the planet, so anything goes right? Depending on where Endhammer goes with that side of things, it could be fun to see Chaos Dwarfs working against the Ratfolk to stop the moon from crashing down, or to stop them from setting up a base on the remaining moon.
Jaxson Roberts
What happens to glorious Nippon in Endhammer.?
Sebastian Peterson
Anybody got this but high res?
Carson Ortiz
anybody know where the bull comes from? doesn't ring a bell for gw kits.
Kayden Bailey
A weeaboo crusade into not!Korea to take back Ork occupied territory.
Mason King
Logan Davis
Thanks man!
Brayden Lee
Brets and Wood elves when? Haven't really touched the game for weeks and it feels a bit empty for my liking
Isaac Hernandez
"In coming months".
Joseph Flores
That, missing skaven and the amount of dlc made me not buy the game to this point. Empire looks like the only faction I would have much fun with, all the other don't seem like they offer much variety to this, but wood elves and skaven would change up things a lot in my opinion.
Henry Mitchell
be careful what ghosts you are calling up.
mind you that in current endhammer dwarfs have been fucked the hardest out of all races, a few survivors squatting in the barren grey mountains
if your ideas can't gain enough traction with the general community, and you keep agitating all other fans, people might look it stays that way.
Jordan Perry
I heard some talk about the Nipponese either: a. Launching an invasion of Cathay following the ruination caused by the events of the End Times or b. Supporting Tilean, Estalian and Border Prince mercenaries and adventurers set up shop on the wrong side of Naggaroth, trying to form a not!USA.
Justin Johnson
Nippon was ravaged by Skaven and Greenskins, both those options would be outlandish.
Lucas Barnes
I never understood this picture.
Kayden Cox
>dont play warhammer >looking for cool minis to paint >just discovered tomb kings, got some really nice minis. >necrosphinx/warsphinx looks GREAT >open GW store. >GW have killed them off.
fucks sake. there must have been a logical reason (ie production difficulties, they wouldn't kill anything for 'lore'). they look pretty recent, sculpt wise. was most of it finecast or something?
Jason Howard
Any place where I can listen to the different lines from the characters from vermintide?
the guy is just the TW advisor.
Brayden Stewart
They killed their most beautiful lines (Brets and Kangz).
They killed them because they wanted to 1. simplify the undead for AoS tard-brains and 2. they don't have exclusive, IP control over "ancient egyptians" or "mummies."
Play Vermintide.
Connor Thompson
They removed wood elves and empire knights as well, soon there will be no WHFB models available.
Leo Cox
>Play Vermintide. no.
Nathaniel Taylor
>You played the game - now try the miniatures! >page has literally nothing cheeky CA.
Blake Ramirez
it's good and cheap. y naut?
Austin Turner
So, question to Veeky Forums,
Can Dragon Ogres reproduce?
Because it seems to me that if they're incapable of reproduction, as I believe I've read in some places, there are two inconsistencies resulting:
1) The deal with the Chaos Gods to grant them eternal life in exchange for eternal servitude, in order to keep their race alive. If said servitude involves putting themselves in mortal danger as a matter of course (because what else are the Gods going to ask them to do, accounting?) then surely over time they'd go extinct anyway.
2) If they don't reproduce, then why are the regular Dragon Ogres so small? Considering the time span between the time they made the pact and the End Times (or just before), surely they should be much bigger given that lightning storms gradually enlarge them and it's stated in lore that there's no real limit on how big they can get.
What do you fa/tg/uys think? And can anyone point me towards more reading on them if possible?
Much obliged.
Justin Jones
GW site still has total war range.
Kevin Butler
I don't like MP games I don't know how alive the game is I don't want to lose my shit because I am a low levelled n00b.
Sebastian Morales
Redcon it and you're good to go. I mean gw only did it so they could kill off all mayor powers or interesting regions that had no armies. Otherwise people would want to play them. Can't have that when you try to kill a setting.
Cameron Robinson
Game's alive. You can play 'normal' difficulty single player, though it's not as fun. The MP in thsi game is great, and it's actually priced as an MP-only game, not like fucking Overwatch. If you're low-level, just play 'normal' difficulty. And slowly ramp up from there until you're playing Nightmare with hardcore badasses.
Colton Fisher
I've never found anything to even out that inconsistency.
Jayden Fisher
Because undead oxen don't attack stuff that gets close without breaking their yokes, and make better Ghoul food.
Huh, the one on the left has a head like those space-orcs from the 5th Element.
Austin Stewart
Ugh. I prefer the Total War models over the tabletop Dragon Ogres.
Matthew Carter
Eh, they're both pretty fine, unlike say Manticores and Razorgors where TWWH blows Tabletop out of the fucking water.
What do you like more about TWWH models? The helmets and longer tails?
John Fisher
GW design work, everybody.
Ryder Hill
Only thing that looks worse in TWW is damsel.
Jace Morris
Mortis Engine.
Leo Hill
Yeah, they look just as bestial, but way more "viking" and savage with the helmets.
Carson Walker
I personally like the longer tails, but I'm not big on the viking look the other user likes. It's good for Norscan armies I guess, but not if I want to do something else. The models are a lot more free for kitbashing.
Jason Williams
Jaxson Morris
Leo Cooper
its not really 'undead egyptians' im after its just that one huge necrosphinx thing in particular
Julian Harris
Find yourself a chinaman.
Nathan White
yup, trying that at this very moment, but i'm only finding 40k forgeworld stuff, unless someone can prod me in the direction of a better one
Brody Walker
TMS is literally making two of that. Check the second link and scroll.
They're replacing the entire TK line.
Robert Martinez
Who's the best VC lord in TWWH?
Joshua Watson
user, you don't understand. He wants a certain miniature that GW no longer produces. He doesn't want not!Tomb Kings as a whole.
Jacob Lee
Joseph Davis
Vlad von Carstein by a country mile.
But you should probably be asking that in the TW:W threat in Veeky Forums, not here.
Or not, I dunno.
Ayden Smith
What makes Vlad the Lad so great? Vanguarding?
Luke Butler
For an army with no ranged units, it's unbelievably powerful.
Oliver Diaz
Only available in campaign, in custom battles he's basically just Sigvald with the lore of Death.
Noah Phillips
Well he didn't specify multiplayer specifically and I only really play campaign so I talked about Vlad from a campaign perspective.
Daniel Long
>‘Great Ulric’s beard,’ whispered Pendrag. ‘Do you mean to kill them all?’
>Sigmar bit back a sharp retort and simply nodded.
>‘They deserve no less,’ snarled King Wolfila. ‘The bloodgeld of my people demands vengeance upon the northmen.’
>‘But this…’ said Pendrag. ‘This is murder.’
>Sigmar said nothing, for how could he make his sword-brother understand? The Norsii were not part of his vision and could never be part of it. The northern gods were avatars of slaughter, the Norsii culture one of barbarism and human sacrifice. Such a people had no place in Sigmar’s empire, and since they would not accept his rule, they must be destroyed.
Sigmar confirmed racist. He didn't even try to assimilate the Norse into his Empire. He did his best to genocide them from the face of the world.
How could you follow such a man?
Elijah Thomas
I don't think you understand. They're making a not!Necrosphinx.
That's all I'm saying.
Luis Wood
Jackson Adams
>Pendrag gripped his arm, his eyes imploring and forcing Sigmar to face the blazing sea. ‘Is this how it is to be, my brother? Is this how you mean to forge your empire? In murder? If so, then I want nothing more to do with it!’
>‘No, this is not how it is to be,’ said Sigmar, shrugging off his sword-brother’s arm. ‘But what would you have me do with the Norsii? Bargain with them? They are savages!’
>‘What does this act make us?’
>‘It makes us victorious,’ said Sigmar. ‘I listen to their screams, and I remember the people that died beneath their axes and swords. And I am glad we do this. I remember the women raped or carried into slavery, the children sacrificed on altars of blood, and I am glad we do this. I think of all the people who will live because of what we had to do today, and I am glad we do this. Do you understand me, Pendrag?’
>‘I think I do, my brother,’ said Pendrag, turning away, ‘and it makes me sad.’
>‘Where are you going?’ asked Sigmar.
>‘I do not know,’ replied Pendrag. ‘Away from this. I understand now why it was done, but I have no wish to listen to the screams of the dying as we burn them to death.’
Sigmar the murder! Sigmar the merciless! Sigmar the slaughter of women and children
Now who is the REAL bad guy?
Dominic Bailey
killing chaos worshipping scum can never be wrong.
The only thing you can blame Sigmar, is that he didn't kill all of them.
Then again, Humans in Warhammer are the #1 source of chaos manpower.
Samuel Hernandez
>that image Elves are manlets?
Asher Rivera
Jeremiah Thomas
a chaos champion being impaled while standing on a hill may give you the impression
but Elves are quite tall.
Josiah Baker
Is he supposed to be of the Bretonni tribes?
Landon Bennett
He is from the same tribe as Sigmar.
Liam Russell
Sigmar was always genocidal. It's part of the reason the Norse hate the Empire.
No. Just Black Library running out of names.
Bretonnians fighting Chaos Warlords is the best
While "The Four" are the main gods of the Kurgan and Hung, they form part of a larger pantheon for the Norscans. They're still the most powerful, of course, but the Norscans also have their own more violent version of Manaan (meant to represent the sheer danger of the Sea of Claws and its many leviathans/sharks/etc. and also the fact that it carries their longboats) and Ulric.
The Norsii were not that different from the early Germanics in the Empire. It's just that they were closer to chaos and corrupted more easily.
Noah Jackson
>4 tournaments this year >Only 1 of them allowed End Times units
Fucking why. I understand not wanting no points limits/Khaine magic etc, but why the fuck does everywhere ban the new units and characters? Even Verminlords, which are just updates of the shitty Verminlords in the skaven book, are banned.
I just want to use my new units I spent ages building and painting...
Aaron Hughes
Retcon, Be'lakor corrupted the Norse. He invented Chaos worship and spread it.
Christopher Murphy
Be'lakor is the Bitch King.
Grayson Sullivan
yep it was specifically the GW one I was after just for the visual coolness of it, im not really collecting an army or anything
but to be fair, this concept looks like it might turn out pretty good also, assuming they can pull it off in 3d. i'll keep an eye on the site for more progress, cheers!
Brody Baker
That's kind of disappointing. A not Pendragon would go with the Arthurian theme GW pushed with Bretonnians pretty well, and he sounds like the kind of guy that would hold chivalry in high regard. It would help explain why the Bretonni never joined the Empire aside from vague cultural reasons.