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>How to Jumpchain
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>Jumpchain IRC Chat
>How to Jumpchain
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Weird that nobody has posted yet.
Ehats your favorite jump that never gets talked about?
... The CoC jump.
Proof that I'm actually working on it. Have a WIP.
Nigga what! Holy shit, reading.
Disney Princess for no particular reason.
Can't you take a fucking hint?
>Black Crusade WIP
Wow, I actually didn't think we'd get to see this, at least not this quickly. Thanks, Red.
Skulduggery Pleasant. I like the style and it has a ton of nice magic and perks.
So Cool
>The Chaos God's positive elements will also be used
Oh. I...actually really like that. A lot of people forget that as twisted and psychotic as the Dark Powers are, they're also supposed to represent the good as well as the evil. It's just that the universe is so fucked up evil is currently taking precedence.
Bravely Default. The setting is neat for a Final Fantasy game and nobody ever talks about what they do with all those asterisks.
Go the fuck to sleep so you can get up for school in the morning.
There's nothing of fucking substance, much like her god damn personality. Why do you idiots insist on feeding this dreck when we could have someone better make it.
Because fuck you in particular.
We're a bit busy receiving good content, sir, so if you're having a problem with our Jumper Service - please call 1-800-EAT-A-DICK.
What are you really going to do with a bunch of Final Fantasy jobs?
Get a job, nigger.
I'll second this.
My Joy is endless. It could only increase if That jump was finished and posted
Quick question:
I know you said earlier that there'd be an Imperium Loyalist option, however I'm not seeing it on the list of patrons. Is Big E going to ambush the jump at a later date / section or did the shitposting cause him to lose interest?
Shit man the writers forget about that.
As always, please leave critique and/or suggestions you want to see.
Loyalist will be getting its own section at the end of the jump. Think of it as a jump within a jump. The reason for why will become clear.
>A lot of people forget that as twisted and psychotic as the Dark Powers are, they're also supposed to represent the good as well as the evil.
It was the idea. Between criticism I've seen from prior 40k-themed jumps and the fear that people had for BC being a trap jump, I wanted to make it clear from the get-go that at the end of the day, it's not about what Chaos can do with you. It's about what you can do with Chaos, and like any tool, its purpose and intent changes with how the owner uses it.
tl;dr Even though evil is the focus of most 40k Chaos literature due to grimderp, the positive traits are brought up just for you.
My desire for flaming chainaxe cannot be contained.
>suggestions you want to see
I wish to see Bilethrowers, and those cool as fuck noise-guns.
Maybe a perk related to memetic warfare? Where you can "corrupt" people to a specific view point with things that seem innocuous?
I really want a perk for Space Marines that make them part of one of the Legions, Thousand Suns, World Eaters, and Word Bearers especially.
As a suggestion, a perk for followers of Slaanesh that allows them to "safely" use drugs on the same scale as Doomrider. Speaking of, an item for a motorcycle like his would also be awesome.
For you user
DeSu user, could one, with upgraded Niceae and/or COMP crack Dragon Stream stuff? I mean, eventually they made it able to steal the Factors so I guess?
Otherwise it is a tad bit harder to determine what can or cannot be cracked out of jump. I noticed one thing, though. We don't have to kill a person to crack a skill, only defeat...
TICO Challenge scenario/drawback with you getting them as companions as reward?
>Positive traits to chaos being shown.
The path of Chaos is not a road I thought I would travel nor want to, but now it might be so.
I am a bit scared of myself now.
You learn the stuff with use. It's not like you have to stay in the job to use it.
Not to mention that some of the stuff the jobs can do. Steal someones health with thief, or cast spells through your weapon with spellfencer. Flare with every strike gets out of hand fast.
From nulling all damage to everything in the area with Spiritmaster to turning back time with Timemage there's good stuff in there. You can also with Conjoined Conjures use Wizard metamagic on any of your spells. Turn your Balefires into AoE DoT spells. That isn't even getting into Exorcists undo abilities. Retcon out damage to yourself or healing done to others. It can even retcon death if you're quick enough.
Furthermore asterisks can be used to easily teach these skills to just about anyone assuming they've got some magic potential for the mage classes. Oh and it's totally possible to learn to make them assuming you can convince the guy who did it to teach you. He's not likely to bother, but tha'ts what charisma perks are for.
>I wish to see Bilethrowers, and those cool as fuck noise-guns.
Was already planned, but made a note anyway.
But user, that's going to be in part 2. You know, with its own customization table.
>Maybe a perk related to memetic warfare? Where you can "corrupt" people to a specific view point with things that seem innocuous?
So... basically Erebus/Kor Phaeron-esque conversion? I'll see what I can do, it would work well for Chaos Undivided.
>I really want a perk for Space Marines that make them part of one of the Legions, Thousand Suns, World Eaters, and Word Bearers especially.
I'm unsure on how to make it work considering the timeline. But. I'll see what I can do.
I'll do you one better. A motorcycle that shapes itself/has different traits based on your Patron.
>The path of Chaos is not a road I thought I would travel nor want to, but now it might be so.
>I am a bit scared of myself now.
Then I know that I am on the right path, and to continue full steam.
Curse you Red!!! Why must you tempt my berserker to follow Khorne.
Anyway this look good so far.
As a BC fan I am a little torn on this approach. Sure its all based on actual canon but does feel a bit against the spirit of what should be happening. On the other hand everything you've said about issues with BC being a trap jump is true and I probably wouldn't use this jump without your take on it.
So in the end I will put away my misgivings and commend you on making a BC I'm probably going to jump as things stand. I look forward to more and wish you luck.
...c-cultist chan companion option?
I don't talk about it much because I don't know specific spells/skills because I avoided it do to the censorship.
Will the resistances always be to DeSu element system?
What determines if the person gets resistance and not Null like Alcor?
Looks promising so far.
I have a question, but more for WH40K in general than about your actual jump.
Would a craftsman!Jumper who focuses on making all the things go to Slaanesh or Tzeentch?
I mean, Tzeentch is sort of the intellectual Chaos God, IIRC. Gotta be smart to craft smart.
But Slaanesh has a focus on 'perfection', right? Gotta perfect those literally mad skills.
I'm not super familiar with 40K beyond the wiki and getting into the books.
I understand completely. I pirated the second game because of that. Although the first one wasn't too bad as far as I remember. The second definitely was.
Still a wiki dive might not be a bad idea just to see whats available. I know the more esoteric stuff would definitley be useful for even a later tier jumper.
You can even be someones stand if you max out Guardian.
>its own customization table
I love those customization tables
>Erebus/Kor Phaeron-esque conversion
Basically what I had in mind. Maybe with a bit of the canonical "If you build things in certain shapes it attracts the Warp powers, because reasons".
>I'll see what I can do
Thanks for at least trying.
Embrace Papa Nurgle user.
From my knowledge of the setting it would be a 50/50. There are great craftsmen in both camps.
Well the risk then is nobody would want to go anything but Loyalist if I did it the way most literature does it nowadays. And considering the reception of prior 40k jumps, I really didn't want to shoot myself in the foot. After all, if nobody wanted to go Chaos in the Chaos jump... ...why have a Chaos jump?
Convince me.
It really depends. On one hand, Tzeentch is fucking amazing with its enchantments. On the other, Slaanesh encourages constant self-perfection and improvement.
...but on the third, Khorne praises those who works with the sweat of their brow, they who forge with their own power and prove the strength that lies within. The crafter and the scientist are just as important as the swordsman.
Eh, not really. Keep in mind, they were only able to steal the Factors because Miyako and Yamato broke reality. And even then, it took extensive upgrades from both Alcor and Miyako in order to do that. For reference to what skills you can crack, look at the skills in game. Can anyone, in theory, learn/use them? Then it can be cracked. So, something like the One-inch Punch or Rasengan could be cracked, but the Sharingan or Kenshiro's pressure point thing couldn't. You could crack something like Force Lightning in theory, but unless you have the Force, you won't be able to use it. It's like trying to cast spells without having any MP. Yes, you don't have to kill, only defeat.
Is it really that hard? I beat it on my first try. Alice was harder for me. And Lucifer drove me to near insanity. I will not speak of the Demi-Fiend or Satan. And I'll consider that drawback idea.
>a motorcycle that shapes itself/has different traits based on your Patron
To be honest? I'm not sure. Miyako is technically Alcor's equal, given that you can also unlock Lucifer from her FATE path, for some reason (aside from it not fitting her character, it's also strange why there would be a repeated FATE demon), but she didn't get a Null. On average however, I'd say anything less than the local equivalent to Alcor (not like a local equivalent in role, but in general...stuff) would get only a resistance and not a null.
I could pirate them, my 3DS has all the cfw and everything, it's just that unless someone has made a patch to fix it, all the bothersome censorship is still around.
Dagnabbit. I sort of figured it would be a toss up like that. I guess I'll flip a coin when the time comes.
>Khorne praises those who works with the sweat of their brow, they who forge with their own power and prove the strength that lies within
…Khorne is a Randian Objectivist?
I always knew Ayn was a little evil, but goddamn.
I think there was someone working on a translation patch for the second one. Other than that there's always learning Japanese.
They're still fun games, but it is annoying to have things obviously patched out. Several sidequest endings included.
Although that was apparantly focus group bullshit on people being upset actions have consequences.
Many moons ago, I was wandering through the archives and saw these posts.
I knew it once that someday, it would be time to post it again.
Keep going, this is looking good.
First two phases of Tico fight aren't bad.
Third one is. Especially if you didn't equip anti almighty. And I didn't have Satan unlocked. Megidolean
I assume that we are still limited to three skills in fight, but having the skills cracked lets one study them afterwards and replicate them in a proper way.
What determines if a person gets two resistances instead of one, then?
As for Miyako, she doesn't unlock Lucifer. That's mistranslation. She unlocks a different, weaker, demon.
Also fuck I realized I need FATE for DeSu2 Lucifer aspect
>Khorne is a Randian Objectivist
My GM once had a Khorne-World that was like something out of 50's America. Only instead of the kids playing baseball or football it was some manner of bloodsport.
The joke was that that kind of era was anathema to Slaanesh, who Khorne hates.
Our scientists confirmed that inclusion of Cultist Chan raises the amount of Heresy generated not by 50%, nor by 100%, but by 200%!
Not to mention her being locked by "Deadlight broken" route is a crime.
Although she could be gotten through Love Can Bloom drawback in imperium 40k jump
I have to wonder what Nintendo and Square both are fucking thinking lately, they've ramped up censorship to and in a few places beyond early to mid 90's level.
>nobody wanted to go Chaos in the Chaos jump... ...why have a Chaos jump?
Yeah I agree. Your way is probably the best way to do it.
>Convince me.
You yourself took Cultist-chan under your wing in an attempt to force her to make something of herself rather than be a useless waste of space.
Therefore you have already shown you see the value, and potential, inherent in Cultist-chan.
>Personally gives no fucks if she's in the jump or not, and doesn't intend on grabbing her.
In before someone exaggerates your Waifu-grabbing.
I already have a cultist-chan so I think we don't need anymore of them.
Nintendo is shareholders being dumb and management being inexperienced. Nintendo's localization staff is also run by fuckwits and probably SJWs. Combined it's a recipe for disaster
As for Square I want to say it's the same thing, but I've been thinking it's more of the stupidity that brought about all the FF13. Someone is obsessed and they're getting what they want because noone has the balls or influence to say no.
There is no one worth waifuing in 40k.
That spell still haunts my dreams. Lucky me they only got one turn to use it before I beat them to a bloody pulp.
Given that Airi and Otome both have two resistances like Miyako despite being relatively meh mortals? Again, no clue. Personally, I would say something like this: Joseph would have one resistance, Jotaro would have two resistances, and World Over Heaven Dio would have two resistances and a null. Does that make sense?
Ah, that clears that up then.
Yep. Look on the brightside, that can help with other things as well.
Will there be an End Jump option? I wouldn't mind an End Jump Scenario where you have to claw your way to the very centerpoint of the Screaming Vortex and pry your Spark from amidst the quarreling Chaos Gods (or something to that effect).
Needs more Cultist Chan please!
I second this, but less "safely use drugs," more "safely engage in excess." So your muscles wouldn't tear if you overexercised, your eyes wouldn't get strained if you read too much, and so on.
>Not Jumping on that chitinous Norn Queen Booty
I'd rather retroactively swear an oath of chastity and celibacy for my entire chain, just before it began.
Excess isn't fun without risk.
...I shall take it into consideration.
That was retconned.
That's really far down the line, user. Let's work on one thing at a time.
Isn't Isha actually a nice warp entity who is basically being held as Nurgle's uguu waifu in a cage? I mean, I don't know if its nice, or monumentally retarded, but I plan to save that Eldar from the disgusting fat blob called Nurgle during my stay any of the Warhammer jumps when I get strong enough.
Says the user who doesn't own a pocket dimension made entirely out of ice cream and chocolate.
Are Magidynes and Megidos and such actually area spells, like how Bels cast the ENTIRE MAP range ALL TEAMS stuff, that a jumper could eventually do with enough practice, magic and Mana or is it at most 3 people max?
Running out of questions. That's good? Soon I shall slip back into obscurity. Tommorow or so.
Well, maybe mitigating consequences then. Or minimizing the direct ones. I mean, if you pick a fight with Angron while on goofballs, you deserve what you get.
Let's say we took Alice, Nebiros and Belial as companions. How does FATE affect them?
Actually, if we made Abel king of bel and we take the drawback that has us fight Belial in DeSu2 did they just... Escape somehow, without weakening Abel?
>That was retconned.
Also you still attempted it, before it was retconned, so the point still stands.
Nice for a 40k Entity sure. None of the Eldar gods are actually Nice. Pretty sure she killed or mutilated or did something horrible to another Eldar God before Slaanesh's birth.
If we take the drawback with Alice and Belial and we take Errai rising, just like with the actual game we only have to fight them during Septentriones Arc?
Nah Justice, only Kaine is a teamkilling fuck on the Eldar God side.
Isha is legitimately the nicest Warp entity in the entire setting. She whispers secret cures to Nurgle's diseases and several times convinced Khaine and Asuryan to show some kind of mercy.
The stones that protect Eldar souls are said to be her tears.
Do Custom COMPs just start us with higher level, with stat points put into the stat the custom comp mentions? As in, we don't just have bonus points?
The COMP and Niceae aren't going to give us EXP penalty if we are level 1 but we have the high jumper powers?
We break the system if we were a demon with Dormant Power in SMT, as we add Comp stats on top of SMT stats. And other than multiple bodies or racial stuff, even Polaris's stats matched the stat points her level would give
Isha tries to whisper out cures to Nurgle's diseases to anyone who will listen and hear them.
That seems pretty nice just in general.
Don't forget, she shares those cures with ANYONE of any species, not just Eldar.
Fucked it up. Here
>tfw you realize you could probably actually DO this with mystcraft with enough time and research
I would do anything for such a thing, nearly.
Nah, those are different. Each of the field attacks have special names (Vampiric Draining, Fire of Sodom, so on and so forth) They just hit a one group of enemies. So, a field attack would hit an entire army, while Megido, for example, would hit only a squad or so.
Basically, it works as a stat boost, since they already have resistances and nulls. Alice, as a former human, gives access to demons like normal, specifically access to Fiends. You decide on that one, about which Fiends. Just keep it reasonable, yeah?
Pretty much, yes. Though Abel is obviously going to be very confused about the whole thing.
Yes. Think of it sort of like how the MC starts off with five strength instead of four.
Nope, though they do count SMT levels. So if you're a level 99 from SMT, you'll get an EXP penalty.
Really? I would swear I read something about her doing something horrible to another Eldar God.
I'm aware. But I have a distrust of Warp Entities in general. Yes I know this seems strange considering I gunned for the Harlequin path in the Eldar jump, but eh.
It needs Cake.
But Justice, your soul is a warp entity.
Given the complete lack of information I can find on them, does anybody mind if I drop the Qlurians and the Gaur as playable races from the Xenoblade X Jump?
Do we know what they look like?
Speaking of Black Crusade.
Am I the only one who finds it weird that we have like half a dozen different 40k jumps, but no Dawn of War jump? I'd kill for a chance to befriend Tarkus or Gabriel.
Not quite the same thing user.
Qlurians seem to be space elves, whereas the gaur are...
space trolls? sort of? or maybe were rabbits, given the huge ears.
how do i add pictures to a post?
Where is this even from? Is this an edit? Because those last two panels look like an edit.
It's from one of Seanbaby's articles. Funny guy. It is an edit.
Fucked if I know, I got it from Veeky Forums.
Qlurians. (Celcila to be precise.)
I can understand a bit why we don't have a Dawn of War jump as it probably feels a bit "meh" and limited compared to just a general 40k Faction Jump.
That being said, I would like a grantee that I could participate in the DoW campaigns and fight along side people like General Sturnn or General Castor.
And Rock the Guar, who is huge.
>how do i add pictures to a post on an imageboard
Are..are you serious?
Either way when you go to make a reply just click on the part where it says browse next to file. Then find the image you're looking for on your computer and upload it.
You should be able to post it then if it isn't too big.
Uh, it should be an entry field with 'browse' next to it if you're on raw Veeky Forums, I think.
Image fail, try again.
>Picking up a random picture from Veeky Forums without knowing where it's been.
That's how you get digital STDs.
No image
I know. posted again.
She's cute. Sorry man, but I'd really want to be one of these.