Whats the most furry friendly rpg?
Whats the most furry friendly rpg?
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Gurps, of course.
You must be new here
ironclaw or any of the ones made specifically for furries.
Russian roulette
Ironclaw. Or Mutants And Masterminds/Gurps with setting tweaks. Pathfinder; it only takes 3rd level spells to make your own.
Alternatively , which is also the gateway to ponyville.
Nobody seriously believes this, so they?
... let's face it, we've both been on the internet long enough and seen enough things for such lies to no longer comfort either of us.
I regret googling this
This one should do the trick.
I can't parse that reaction image.
Haven't heard of a particular one before...
However, I don't see why you can't just use typical classes for your furry characters. Don't really see the point. Just swap out human or elf with the species.
I need to see more. This is incredible
It's like a chick tract for furrys.
Moen's about as crazy as Chick, just in the opposite direction.
As a furry, I'd like to say these are fucking awful.
Then what would you classify as GOOD?
Because these are horrifying.
Mutants & Masterminds
Savage Worlds
Any system and just say they are all animals.
>Not just about the sex
>3/4ths about the sex
After the Bomb
Something that doesn't try to normalize our fetish?
We're fucking weird and we fuck weird. Most of us are fine with that.
If there was a comic that went "Yeah, it's an odd turn-on, but we aren't molesting children or raping people so mind your own goddamn business you moralizing prick" that'd sum up the general attitude of the furries I know.
Maybe also one that just has "I'm only here for the porn. The subculture is fucking stupid"?
I thought the main complaint with ferries was their annoying tendency to shove it into anything and everything they could rather than reviling it from a moral perspective.
Yeah, that too.
Most of the complaints I've seen have been from the moral "one step away from beastiality" claim. With regards to the shoving, most furries are on board with normal people about the idiots who use 'yiff' non-sarcastically.
To be honest furries would be the tightest shit if they weren't either too /d/ or too tumblr.
>possibly just not tumblr because fursuit sex sounds comfy
I cant think of one off the top of my head, just make a homebrew d&d with furries.
Balticon (sci-fi/fantasy con) had a fursuiter do a presentation (she thought it was going to be a panel, but was then informed she'd be the only one) about it this year. The points she made were pretty much the same as those in the comic: it's almost never sexual, it's extremely hot and hard to see, cleaning's a bitch, full suits are expensive, but it's a neat way to slip into another character (clothes and costumes doing this is an increasingly-researched topic; eg a recent study showed that wearing a doctor's white coat increases attention and focus on tests).
Obviously, there's probably people who fuck while wearing partial suits, like the head and maybe paws, but I don't see much wrong about the comic.
Hc Svnt Dracones is actually a system based around furries, it's a science fiction setting though so I don't know if it's what you're looking for.
Take two mascot costumes, cut a hole in the crotch of each one, then have you and your partner each put one on and try to fuck.
That's about as 'comfy' as it gets unless you spend upwards of ~$3000 per suit for a proper custom.
If you want the appropriate 'feeling' just have your partner wear a fur coat and fuck them doggystyle.
These Dracula jokes keep on gettin me
this was the most obvious bait thread i've ever seen so of course you dumbfucks would fall for it. the op pic alone should've clued you in
cringe culture really is cancer
This image makes me glad I've watched a few episodes of Death Note
I'd legit be up for a somewhat levelheaded discussion of furries as a community (enjoys anthro art) and as a fetish ("enjoys" anthro "art").
The public internet image of furries seems to be getting better, and some actually make decent podcasts.
>furries are autistic spergs
well gee who could have known, certainly not Veeky Forums. thanks for the thinly-veiled reminder op
>Ctrl + F
>No WoD / Werewolf
Have to admit, a bit surprised.
Every day we drift further from God's light.
We've been making fun of them for so long that they've become a "safe" degenerate fetish, comparatively innocent next to the sheer depths of madness that Tumblr has plumbed in its pursuit of escaping normalcy.
I think one of the big parts of this is, "It felt safe, because my character wasn't me...but also sort of was."
Isn't that one aspect of any RP?
just remember the ancient natural law: it's only bad when furries do it, and if it only has animal ears or tail, it's kosher, and weird fetishes are okay so long as humans are involved. especially if it's from a japanese artist.
Pathfinder has more furry races than I can shake a stick at and I'm really good at shaking sticks. First campaign I ever played in was with my older borther and his furfags, I mean friends. It was 3.5 because Pathfinder didn't exist yet but they wer all playing homebrew races. When Pathfinder came around, they took it like a duck to butffucking a wolf.
"It let me be something I'm not!"
"It makes me feel X."
This is a crutch. Learn to stop needing it.
You've never been in Veeky Forums back in the day.
Baitthreads mean nothing when you can have legit discussion about the things you enjoy.
If you weren't from /v/ you'd understand that.
It is.
People with broken legs should use crutches.
Obviously, but only until their legs get better. Relying too much on crutches is bad for you, eventually you get to a point where your legs need to be used if you want to keep them in good shape.
The fursuits in that concept were being presented as an emotional crutch; those people aren't strong enough to be themselves and make themselves better, so they wear masks to hide who they actually are instead of becoming more like the person that they want to be. They are the ones holding themselves back.
It's okay, vore and guro aren't mainstream yet.
Remember those halcyon days of your youth when scat was the weirdest of fetishes.
>When Pathfinder came around, they took it like a duck to butffucking a wolf.
They lassoed it with their cocks?
That's still not really all that mainstream.
They sure fucking did. With their grotesque corkscrew penises.
No. Stop playing a brooding, silent guy who sits alone in bars.
So... hypothetically... having furry sex in my backyard at winter would counteract most of those problems right? Like, if i put a tarp down in advance to catch the snow and prevent mud from getting on the knees and back...im asking for a friend btw...
Eh, sometimes crutches are fun. Or you just get used to em.
Not that bad so long as you aren't trying to be a sprinter or something.
Nah, scat is the weirdest.
What the fuck?
Do you even roleplay?
>people who like things I don't are mentally ill
fuck.. now I gotta search my cache just to delete this,
It's a hard sci-fi PTSD simulator that is as devoid of yiffing as you can get.
The comic is great too
Fuck off, I hate you and the likes of you, if your subculture haven't been spawn from whatever hell you came from I wouldn't have to deal with all the space Wolves haters that call me furry, damm you to hell.
>furries aren't mentally ill
TMNT and After The Bomb, its all furries all the time
Good info here.
Being Furry is okay. Being a shitty person is not.
You should play a system because it's good, not because it has anthro fapbait in it. If you've let your fetish control your life so much that you can't even play a game of D&D without thinking about yiffing, it's time to consider suicide.
t. Furfag
I've only seen a few mentions for Ironclaw and never used it myself but from everything I've heard about it and being in a character creation thread the system seemed pretty great as long as you aren't too distressed by the idea of being an animal man. Just try to ignore the fucking awful artwork they got for the covers. I liked the way the skill system worked and incorporated natural abilities into it.