Players bring guns to the session

>players bring guns to the session
Post good things that happen

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Wacky hi-jinks involving convoluted plots and accidents, leading up to a resolution in which everyone is revealed to be completely incompetent and probably criminals.

That pizza isn't even cooked

The guns are unloaded, no ammo anywhere, and the gun nuts teach the gun virgins the love of GUN for a more high-tech game.

Profit. No ??? involved.

playing in an auto body shop owned by player/DM
take my CCW with me every time cause it's in a sketchy as fuck part of town.
occasional parameter checks during pee breaks.
ready at hand during gaming but rarely out in the open.
smoke herb, drink, game have a good old time all night.
leave about blue 30 with everyone else with plans to meet same time next week.

never had an issue that i needed to draw my weapon but after a few nearby shootings i've noticed the other players seem calmer knowing someone at the table is armed just in case. most of my best sessions have been within reach of a gun despite it rarely if ever coming up.

yes it's a .22

>Bring CCW to session at player's place, because I bring it everywhere
>Players drool over modern tactical goodness as it passed around the table (unloaded)
>Players are now also afraid of challenging the GM

Everyone wins!

Pic related

that looks like a well loved gun.
how's she at the range?

Enjoy getting raped by the guy you shot five times.

Never failed to put cheap steel-cased lead down range at high rates of fire. Not to mention next to no cleaning and, as you can see, plenty of contact with the earthy stuff.

More precise than it needs to be

tl;dr its a Glock 19, no surprises

Also, this

I thought I was on /k/ for a moment.

So I have a problem. When I shoot, I always seem to pull down and to my left.
What am I doing wrong? I know it's not my 1911, because it happens with EVERY pistol I use... as well as when I use a bow and arrow.

Over compensation for recoil?

What kind of tard doesnt have a ccw on them at all times out of the house.
We play at this dudes house he owns alot of guns, if he buys a new one he shows it off, saftely, never had issues, 3/4 of table carry a pistol, except guy who owns the house, i assume he has something near by, never ever been an issue

I'm AIMING for the dead center.
And would that explain the arrows pulling low and to the left?

What do you guys think of a Five Seven? Worth the money? How much should I be expecting to pay for one?

I've been looking into one as well. From what I've heard and seen, it's a fun pistol but if you aren't in it for novelty don't do it. Civvies don't even have access to the correct AP loads.

CCW means concealed carry weapon, right?

OH MAN! My range is part of a gun shop. They have a Thomson Gun (Semi-auto unfortunately) and a 1911 combo for just $1899! I need to save up.
That would be right.

What's worthwhile, then? Preferably under $500 with cheap ammo, but still effective.

>guy brings gun to the game
>ask him to leave it in the other room and not bring it again

Guns are shit and gun lovers are even worse

Get a revolver that can shoot different calibers. I think something like a .38 special can load some other shot I dunno not a gun guy.

But my dad is an instructor and that's one of the things he does to get people to not compensate for recoil, because you don't know what the next bullet is going to be so you stop anticipating it.

Otherwise I would say that you clearly are not aiming for the centre, and should aim up and to the right a bit more.

Why do you feel that way?

>should aim up and to the right a bit more.
I've started to do that... but it means I'm doing something wrong.

There are quite a few different choices in your price range and there aren't really any "wrong" choices, since most of it is your personal preference.

Look around gun shops, ask to handle any pistol you think you might like, if you get a chance to try one out at a range, and buy based off of what you get from that.

I myself think CZ75s are sexy as fuck so I'm planning on buying an SP-01 sometime soon. Some people will tell you to buy a Glock, others will say buy four Hi-Points and practice your New York Reloads. It's ultimately up to you.

But what will you do if the government tries to infringe upon your rights in the middle of a game???

New York reloads?

Taking out another gun when the mag is empty.

Yes that part was mainly a joke.

But I do admit I would try it just for fun at least once.

Not worth it, now that you can get a xdm with a 20 round capacity of 9mm the only reason to get a five seven other than they are cool is if you own a ps90

Best guess I have for you is that you may be squeezing your whole hand like you are trying to crush an egg. Hard to tell without watching you shoot.

Try to only pull with you trigger finger and not hulksmash your magwell.

If your trigger is too difficult to do that with get the pull weight adjusted.

Hahahahaa ok kid, self defense is your job, the police are under no obligation to protect your life.
Guns are fun, and very useful

A .357 can shoot 38 specials is what your thinking.
Also .45lc and .410 shot gun round can be substituted in .410 revolvers.

See pic related

>bringing a gun with wherever you go as a type of lucky charm or a toy you really like


/k/ anons never cease to amaze me, you guys are like living satire

We all generally aim for dead center but you have to understand that you are holding a 3 pound handgun and trying to keep a 5 inch barrel as still as you possible can through trigger pull and recoil.

There are lots of minor factors that will move the barrel just a hair but that hair opens up your groupings the further down range you get.

>as a type of lucky charm or a toy you really like

It's for shooting people m8

I don't carry my gun every day because I want to rub it on my peepee as I drive around town.

I carry it for the one day I might need it so it's not at home with the other things I rub on my peepee.

I wouldn't trust a single one of the people I game with with a gun, they can't not point bb guns and airrifles at my head, something that could actually kill me is not something I would want them to have around me.

If your friends are actually competant individuals then have fun.

Well hopefully they aren't pointing bb guns at your head, thats mad unsafe.

Most people who cc a gun are pretty stable.

a slide show has more frames than this gif

According to that chart, I'm Jerking. I THINK I know what you mean by this, but I'm not sure.

While being a toy I really like, it can also blow large holes in people threatening my physical well being!

It's pretty great, I'd consider getting one.

That said, by the tone of your post, it sounds as if you were raised/live somewhere it's illegal.

Yeah, they somehow didn't get the message of not pointing it at my head, even after I said, 'If that thing goes off and I am blinded I will blind you' they pointed it at my head again and I called off the game and told them to go home and that they were allowed to come back when they had grown a brain.

He has not rejoined the game.

I just dont get how people cant be safe with this shit. I'm english so guns are the evil boogey man around here.

before Iwas handed the cadet version of the SA80 for the first time. It was drilled into us treat it as 'loaded and lethal' at all times

High possibility of coast born and raised either NY or CA. Two states with wonderful laws and anti-fun educational syatems.
That or filthy aussie

Shit. Doing it even after you told them not to. I'd not do that even if it was a paintball gun.

Well that dudes retarded, sorry, you did the right thing. And some one that cant handel a bb gun is likely to be scary-er with a real one, not that they are easy to get in the UK

Work on trigger push, balance a penny on your front sight and pull the trigger without knocking the penny over.

The general population is a bunch of dinguses that natural selection would have taken already if not for human development.

I know plenty of people that were in the military that are still dinguses with guns and plenty who are just hobbyists that are safety nazis.

You did the right thing, best thing is to just cut ties and wait for the news story of them shooting their eye out.

paintball and bb/airsoft is just eye murder.

They take it so seriously, they have all been shot with paint and bb's so many times, so they know that there is power to injure and blind, yet there is some disconnect between them being tacticool in a field and when they are in my house

Thats retarded and those people are retarded.

Get a high powered rubber band gun and point it at their heads.

thats the dumb thing they dont like having nerf guns pointed at them.

>you dont like me treating guns as toys so you must be jealous of muh guns

i live in a country where a 15 year old can get a license for a gun (hunting license). i have had a license since i was 14 and ive used various guns. my country was invaded in the 2nd world war and that is a real threat still today, so theres a large gun population and culture still present.

i just think the way americans treat guns is juvenile and reckless

>i just think the way americans treat guns is juvenile and reckless

>all Americans treat guns the same
>I know how all American treat guns based on shitposting on Veeky Forums

I hope you get invaded bub


Yeah I was thinking the same. Ave Nex Alea, /k/omrade.

>next to no accidents
>vast majority of gun related crimes committed by a fraction of a small subsection of the population infighting with itself in specific neighborhoods

>all Americans

>using the pound sign like a nigger

>I live in a culture where owning guns for defense is present and an understood precaution

>A different culture where owning firearms for defense is common is childish and reckless

Cool dewd. Enjoying being from wherever you're from.

>the pound sign
That's £. sign


>GM figures out I carry
>is a whiny bitch about it
>laugh, switch to pocket carry, pretend with a wink that I'm totally unarmed
>other player that the GM doesn't know carries follows suit
>laugh and joke about it together to the point that the GM is probably painfully aware

It almost gives me a sexual sort of pleasure knowing how vulnerable and weak the gunless are. I'm looking forward to ending my break from GMing so I can kick this new dumb liberal fuck that my friend invited for some reason, everyone is pretty sick of him but apparently just a little too desperate for conclusion to their characters to walk.
Perhaps you were thinking of the number sign?



son, in proportion to population, your police force kills more than 3 times ss many people as ours. you guys obviously arent responsible enough for guns

theres a slight difference between stockpiling guns in case of foreign military invasion and an occasionsl hunting trip, and bringing your favorite pimped out glock to a d&d session because youre afraid of a hypothetical badman appearing (and totally not because of some childlike modern day cowboy fantasy)

>needing a gun to feel like a man
what a cuck

That's what happens when you live in country with thousands of city centers, lots of interactions between criminals and the police is going to lead to some shootings.

>b-but I adjusted for population!

You also have to take into account the criminals being interacted with.


State employees interacting with a subsection of the population is not a good representation of gun owners as a whole.

My country has way more guns than people.

0.003% of them being used to kill someone annually is a non issue.

>theres a slight difference between stockpiling guns in case of foreign military invasion and an occasionsl hunting trip, and bringing your favorite pimped out glock to a d&d session because youre afraid of a hypothetical badman appearing

>pimped out gock

First of all that thing is barebones you ginormous faggot.

>hurr some fantasy scenario

>bad things don't happen and if they do you should just call the police!

Your country is not going to be invaded, you are a bunch of lunatics stockpiling deadly killing machines for no reason, even if it did you should just call the UN.

It is better to have something and not need it, then need something and not have it.
I don't believe I will need a pistol at a game session. And I hope I never need it on the drive to and from one. Hell, I hope I NEVER need it.
But if I ever do need it, then I will be grateful that I have it.
>The symbol # is most commonly known as a number sign, hash, or pound sign.

Protection from outlaws and the tyranny of statist agents

Furthermore a generally higher level of respect and understanding of weapon ownership and use, allowing for a more verisimilitudinous fiction.

Do you people feel like the government is going to kick down your door tomorrow? I can get having guns as a hobby, or general self defense... But some of you guys seem crazy paranoid.

>Do you people feel like the government is going to kick down your door tomorrow?


Do you trust politicians?

I don't think they have my best interests at heart and refuse to leave my wellbeing and the wellbeing of my family in their hands.

My firearms are mainly for self defense/hobby and will also be useful for any potential balkanization/riots/civil and or global wars.

>there are people in this thread who think americans are crazy for carrying their guns everywhere
I live in a Slavic shithole, and trust me - over here, anyone who even is remotely dangerous and/or competent?
He already owns a gun, regardless whether it's legal or not.
Sure, we don't carry them around willy-nilly, because government has to uphold a facade of civility, but anyone, ANYONE who has literally anything to protect - a family, a business, or just plain simple money - owns a gun.

There's a common saying in my country - "Gun control doesn't work because every criminal already has a gun".
So yeah, buy a fucking gun. You don't need to carry it literally everywhere, but you should have it close at all times.

But isn't the issue that if defecation hits the oscillation, you have a rifle or pistol when they have the tanks, flamethrowers, and fully automatic weapons?

I generally don't carry if I'm going to be sitting down for hours at a time. It's damned uncomfortable with the automatic and I hate the way the revolver feels in my hand. We live in a pretty white part of town, somehow I doubt I'm going to be bushwhacked on my way to the Bevmo here.

First off

We can buy tanks, we can buy flamethrowers and until 86 we could buy full auto pretty easily.

Specifically in a rebellion type scenario fighting tanks with small arms is not optimal, there is lots of discussion on the matter on /k/ among other places and off the internet (moreso off the internet) about guards working at armories opening up the gates and lots of defections in such a scenario.

IEDs are not that complicated otherwise and you can't drive tanks through a city without infantry support and expect not to get bombed.

Infantry aint bullet proof.

That wouldn't be the problem. The Pentagon did a study and found that most of the military would simply desert in the event of a civil war, the chief problem would be militarized police and mercenaries hired by the state department. The point is that in a city full of armed people, the military cannot simply march in and establish martial law without causing collateral damage. Every citizen killed is three citizens radicalized, and four sources of tax revenue lost.

Civil wars are impossible to pursue for the State if the populace is armed, because the State requires the cooperation and material support of the very people it would have to kill in order to maintain order. If you can force the government into a shooting war with civilians, it doesn't matter how many of you die, the military would probably pull a coup just to stop the violence.

This is to say nothing of the fact that you cannot search houses with drones, or check someone's papers with a tank. You need men on the ground to do this, and men are vulnerable to gunfire. The point is that an armed populace cannot be bullied, they can only be annihilated or reasoned with.

Yeah. This. Anyways it trains you to not move in anticipation of the recoil even at the last moment.

Serb here. This is true. You know what is best, they have a law that limits the number of bullets you can buy.
Bullets. It is like nobody who writes laws has ever refilled their own ammunition before. You can go to ranges and scrape casings off the ground. Some places charge by the pound, they're "souvenirs," they know damn well you're going to go put new primers and rounds in, but they pretend that this is black magic that only professionals can do, so the government is oblivious.

Ah. Ahahaha. No. Not that guy, but no. Speaking as an Enlisted that's been in for quite some time, the government would be ludicrously fucked in a full on tyrannical government causes/risks an actual civil war kind of scenario.

Even a tiny bit of America's gun owning populace is a huge threat in an asymmetrical warfare situation, much more dangerous than sandniggers that we slaughter like cattle, and at least as importantly, the majority of the military wouldn't even comply for shit.

We hate the government more than most citizens because of how much we get to see its bullshit in person as is, telling us to fuck with our own countrymen, the targets probably being people that many of us have a lot of similar opinions to?

Fuck that. The government would have a fuck ton of veterans, national guard, rogue active duty, civilians, and people from other countries that'd like to fuck with the US government to deal with.

Also we don't exactly use flamethrowers much m8, especially not against American civilians.

>so the government is oblivious.

Better than them banning reloading components

Dude, America is already a sort of Tyranny. Your Gini Coefficient shows that most of you are getting poorer and poorer whilst one or two of you get richer and richer. You can't rebel because you have made yourselves love the system that forces more shit down your throat. If you try to step out of line, those with far more money and power will push your shit in.

You worship the free market, but what America has has isn't capitalism. It's a terrifying corporate oligarchy that crushes any attempts at competition and yet you vote consistently to make sure that never changes.

America was meant to be about the little guy with his own blood and sweat pushing forward towards a better future for himself and his family. The spirit of the strong, stoic self sufficient provider and pioneer.

But you won't turn those guns of liberty on Pharma companies and Insurance groups that bankrupt you when you get sick. Or on prosecutors that force you to plead guilty or be sent away for decades. Or on companies that despoil the great American wilderness.

Trump will make those big companies fuck you harder with a smile, AS will Hillary. You should have fought years ago for your liberty, and now it's far too late.

Liberty is overrated tbqh, it leaves room for Marxists and the like to flood your country with shit people and destroy your values.

The general population is too stupid to defend their value systems for long and elect retards that offer them free shit and lots of brown people to rape them.

how can you simultaneously argue that gun violence is a non-issue and a statistical anomaly in your country, but then at the same time it's perfectly good reasoning to bring a gun wherever you go because you *might* need it, even if the chance of needing it is exceedingly small? why not bring a 50ft rope wherever you go as well? you never know when you might need to descend down from a burning building

i can't even tell if this is ironic

>It's a MUH GUHNS thread outside /k/

Second Amendment solutions!

Shall Not be Infringed!

>even if the chance of needing it is exceedingly small?

Because I value my life more than I value not having to carry a gun.

I am deathly allergic to wasps and have only ever been stung once or twice and it's highly unlikely that I will be stung again.

I still keep epinephrine nearby for the off chance I do something stupid or a wasp crosses my path and decides it does not like me.

Now replace epinephrine with gun and wasp with nigger and "do something stupid" with "enter a black neighborhood" you have my argument for carrying.

>i can't even tell if this is ironic

A gun is not a lifesaving device, though. If you are confronted with a knife or something in an alley, a gun won't save you. If there's a mass shooter or whatever, a gun won't bring victims back, and it certainly doesn't make you bullet proof.

If you're worried about getting shot or stabbed, wear armor.

>America was meant to be about the little guy with his own blood and sweat pushing forward towards a better future for himself and his family.
No it wasn't. Even in its infancy, it was basically ruled by rich land-owners, organized to make the rich richer and keep the serfs as serfs, and not anything even approaching making "the people" at all "free".

I actually have some books on just the development of cities and urbanization in america, and the very layouts of most major american cities are basically designed to keep the poor in ghettoes and the rich in gated communities, and that trend continued on with white flight into suburbs after WWII.

>A gun is not a lifesaving device, though.

It is if you kill the other fucker first.

>wear armor.
>mass shooter

That does not stop him from shooting me in the head, going after loved ones or mowing down other people.

I'm all for wearing soft armor but I refuse to go without a gun because somebody says I don't need it.

Armor is not going to stop people from shooting at you and it is not impenetrable, soft armor is not going to stop knives and won't help at all if 5 guys decide that want to gangbang you as they beat you to death pour bleach down your girlfriends throat and light you both on fire.

>oh you think that's useful for defending yourself well I don't so you don't need it

Nobody cares fagtron

>It is if you kill the other fucker first.
1- this isn't going to happen, muggers and other street toughs don't brandish their knives and full intent to kill at people from exactly 21.1ft away
2- someone is still dying
3- the person still dying is still probably you

go back to

That assumes that the populace presents an unified front, though. In real life civil wars have a tendency to turn into clusterfucks, see Syria or Colombia for example.

>soft armor is not going to stop knives
neither will a gun

if you think a gun will save you from SAVAGE NIGGERDRY i advise you to peruse World Star Hip Hop DOT Com

>t-the military would never fire on americans or deploy to us soil ;_;

ps keep on clutching that gun as if it saves you from NSA spying, big business takeovers of politics, and a fundamentally broken two-party system

>I don't know what I am talking about
>please rape my anus

better inform this guy he should not be defending his property from niggers with a truck with a firearm since it offends retards on Veeky Forums.

>the powers that be would NEVER lay a finger on the american public :'^)

>you won't defend your life with a gun because it's not a shield lol!
>buy some armor duude

>peruse World Star means it's somehow offensive to my sensibilities that guns exist at all

wew lad if you think your gun will save you in a street fight you're probably gonna die man

>you try to draw your piece
>tyrone has already stomped you four times
>you get your holster open
>laquisha is joining the fray

>going to a tabletop game at a friend's house next door

>better bring a gun in case some dryads start shit and i have to shoot them with my real life gun

guns are cool but they dont belong on a gaming table, much like cheetos or sodas

>gm rolls behind a screen
im fucking bringing my sig and lighting him the fuck up the next time he does that sh*t

>tells people to go on worldstar

I don't usually go for long walks on MLK blvd and have more situational awareness then the cucked faggots getting stomped on niggertube for believing in egalitarianism.

>bringing your keys wherever you go as a type of lucky charm or toy you really like
>bringing your wallet wherever you go as a type of lucky charm or toy you really like
>bringing a pocket knife wherever you go as a type of lucky charm or toy you really like
>bringing a roll of mints wherever you go as a type of lucky charm or toy you really like

>"you must roll for initiative"
>Roll 226 on table
>"I pass"