>First DnD 5e game >Start with Rogue >Realize how useful bottles are >Character slowly starts to be characterized as bottle obsessed >Currently have 26lbs of bottles and one of them contains a broken stone of god like power >I want to use these in combat >Bottle based spells, bottle based attacks >Currently level 2
How can I make this work Veeky Forums?
Kayden Lewis
> throw bottle
Bentley Barnes
- Increase speed Become a Battle Doctor
-use any weapon with needles to use poison or acid.
Michael Perry
Take the Thief subclass and use bottles as a bonus action.
Robert Stewart
You're going to need to splash into alchemy I'll bet. Oil, acid, glue, itching powder, hallucinogens, sedatives, tiny model ships, explosives, molotovs, jarate, holy water, kender pheromones, glitter... start brewing everything you can, bottle everything up, then throw it at your opponent. Mad alchemist cackling is optional. But entertaining.
Christian Diaz
DnD uses the humors theory, right? Could magic glass/whathaveyou be used to bottle them or maybe miasma?
Liam Ramirez
Nicholas Lewis
I have no idea how to do that in 5e, but I do want to make a character like that in 3.pathfinder, abuse the fact that potions are just drinkable spells to make a potion of fireball, or a potion of charm person.
Brody Robinson
Combine with alchemy for maximum bottle-bound chaos!
...Or just whizz (or get someone else to) in them for some quick jarate, or fill them with something liquid and flammable and mix with a rag and flame for a moltov.
No, we can go further! Craft weapons from bottles; wield a barman's shank! Wear glass armor made from melted bottles!
>Potion of charm person
That's a love potion, and unless you're really, really careful with it one of the most dangerous conocations known to man.
Jason Sullivan
>Become bounty hunter >Take levels in Wizard or enlist Wizard sidekick >Shrink bounty targets >Put them in bottle >Become bottle-wielding enforcer of JUSTICE >Become renowned as the man who bring in anyone alive >Make mad bank >Retire with collection of interesting people you've shrunk and collected along the way >Maybe make a tiny town, who knows?