>only 3 out of 25 play scourge jellyheads deserve better representation.
Other question to the thread, how would you feel about proxying if the models are clearly marked as being different? I don't like how the Shenlong looks but want to run it. If I have another cruiser, and maybe a much less exaggerated version of its head cone, I'm hoping people would find that acceptable.
Andrew Ross
So what has Hawk actually said about Faction X? Just that one is planned?
Brayden Morris
>So what has Hawk actually said about Faction X? Just that one is planned? Pretty much, as well as the fact that Dave wants to do up to 8 factions.
Depending on whether or not the Resistance factors into those 8 factions, there'll also be faction Y, Z, and possibly W in the future.
Adrian Martin
Quick, post ship names that you can never remember.
>Yokai >Sphinx >Azurite >Aquamarine
Brandon Carter
>Other question to the thread, how would you feel about proxying if the models are clearly marked as being different? I don't like how the Shenlong I can't tell the scourge ships apart, desu.
Camden Rogers
The only ones I'm not sure of are the Shaltari HCs. I think the Jet is the bombardment and disintegrators, the Obsidian is the triple particle beam, and the triple disintegrators is ??? Onyx?
Bentley Brown
Added my vote for Scourge fampai.
Also I agree with you on the Shenlong. I wouldn't have a problem with the proxy as long as it was clearly original and not just another Scourge ship that you were saying was a Shenlong for this game. I'm trying to figure out how I want to alter mine, myself. I'm thinking some custom work to change the stealth headcone into something that looks more like a hercules beetle crest might be the move.
Brayden Allen
You just look at the guns like with all the other races ships.
Brandon Russell
Reminder to never forget your mosquito nets.
David Phillips
And what do you think about the faction that will be easiest to magnetise?
Josiah Carter
>Easy as can be UCM PHR >Pretty simple Shaltari >Might take some clever magnets Scourge
Ryder Nelson
[jellyfish sweating profusely]
I honestly am a little upset about how hard it looks to magnetize scourge
Luis Mitchell
> Scourge are now 2nd most represented in the poll
>UCM players: MUH FUKKEN XENOS >Resistance players: SHINY AND CHROME >Scourge players: handsome, superior, and serious >PHR players: A E S T H E T I C >Shaltari players: Pung pung make spiky man proud!
It's perfect.
Landon Garcia
One time someone who had enough infantry asked for a list evaluation. Hopefully it will happen again some day.
Jason Price
I honestly get a little aroused by the thought of a completely magnetized PHR force.
Eli Gutierrez
Nah, it shouldn't be that hard so long as you can reliably drill on the axis of rotation for the hinges. It's the prow and crest that might take some work.
Anthony Gomez
if there is anyone willing to play near Seattle Washington please reveal yourself
David Gray
>8+ magnets used per ship
>gonna take $160 of magnets for my whole fleet
Brandon Jenkins
So what's your power rankings for Commander, /dcg/? Here's mine.
> Shaltari > PHR > UCM > Resistance > Scourge
Julian Davis
Pretty close, although I would addendum that the factions are fairly near each other in total power level
Adrian Torres
> Scourge and Resistance > Anywhere near Shaltari in power level
OK Jan.
Carter Long
>per cruiser Two magnets for each broadside slot: 8 One for jaw slot: 1 One for prow slot: 1 One per jaw base: 3 One per prow weapon: 3 Turret: 2 2 per each broadside weapon: 36 Two for heavy jaw stem: 2 One for heavy jaw attachment: 1 One for troop carrier attachment: 1 Lower prow slot: 1
Total: 59 magnets. please check my math, I don't want this to be true
Brandon Reed
Ih, and add on eight more if you want to articulate your heavy guns and bombardment cannons.
Noah Hughes
Oh yeah seems like a fucking breeze
I would rather just spend that $160 on 8 more cruisers
Bentley Martin
>resistance not near shaltari
>[pops wheelie internally]
feels bad man
Brody Gutierrez
Nah bro. Sweet drop ships with walkers and tanks hanging under them turn me on.
a e s t h e t i c
Xavier Turner
DZC PHR are exceedingly easy to magnetize and look great doing it
Except the Hades
Don't magnetize the Hades unless you're going full articulation
Jaxon James
Not quite, UCM should be MUH AD VINDICTAM.
Cooper Price
Why are buying such expensive magnets? Most of those magnets will run 8 to 10 cents; worse case scenario, you pay 6 or 7 dollars worth of magnets per ship, which allows for every combo.
Cameron Baker
Resistance are not even remotely underpowered.
Generally speaking, I think PHR, Shaltari, and Resistance are almost exactly balanced with each other. UCM and Scourge are slightly harder to play but not really underpowered either.
Xavier Green
>just do 59 magnet jobs on 8 cruiser hulls each plus another 20 per frigate
>it's just so easy bro
Chase Anderson
>20 per frigate More like 6 per frigate, unless you're magnetizing the fins
I never said that it'd be easy, only that it's not as expensive as you think.
thank God I have a dremel, this'll be a breeze :^)
Jackson Davis
>544 magnets for my whole fleet >$50 of magnets >30 hours of my life
Carter Reyes
Jeeze user, don't you take the hobby seriously?
Connor Smith
You don't need magnet-to-magnet contacts. Magnet-to-ferrous contacts work also.
Brody Watson
Fair point, but I'd still recommend magnet to magnet for the bigger stuff, like the prow jaws.
Michael Cruz
Tee bee ech I come from battlefleet gothic where I actually enjoyed having committed ship rosters with names and histories
Sadly blowing up in Dropfleet seems to mean you'll crash into the atmosphere and die with fleets of LoGH tier size and disposability so I guess that's not going to happen
David Turner
>with fleets of LoGH tier size /dcg/, are you a bad enough dude to collect all of Battlefleet Olympus?
Benjamin Parker
I wonder what would be cheaper
A full strike cruiser of DZC or a moderate sized battlefleet of DFC
Brandon Edwards
>Tee bee ech I come from battlefleet gothic where I actually enjoyed having committed ship rosters with names and histories >Implying my PHR fleet wont be filled with eccentric commanders with increasingly bewildering backstories
Did you really think Chad Cybercock was the only one of his kind? My fleet will be full of Slab Beefchests, Buff Crashfists and the likes of Fleet Commander Oatz Squatzon, in their quest to provide sweet gains to the unenlightened remnants of humanity.
Lucas Gomez
Spaceball, user, I'm at work! Put a warning on that!
Parker Rivera
>browsing cambodian waterpainting chatrooms while at work
Time for needless fear-mongering! PHR heavy broadsides suck (and thus PHR sucks). Medium broadsides are just as good or better against all targets except heavy tonnage targets with 3+ armor (and not also Shaltari).
Counterpoint : Heavy tonnage, 3+ save, ships are your enemy's most powerful ships and probably the things you want to kill really badly.
Counter-Counterpoint : Even in optimal conditions heavy broadsides only average 10% more damage than medium. Likely not worth the loss of targeting flexibility.
Noah Bell
As of right now, heavy guns are are either 1) on the full retard Hector who uses them as reliable auto crits while the torpedo is flying to fuck up a BB. It's a specialist ship so it gets away with it
Or 2) on the ???? Where it's half mediums and half heavies, giving it a slight skew towards heavy ships but by no means ruins it's flexibility
3) on the BB, who gets 6+ shots with them which puts them up pretty high in firepower and they're the secondary armament to the prow super weapon/torps anyway
So they aren't too bad in context.
The other upside is that Heavy Cruisers were confirmed as heavy ships, so the only things that heavy guns currently don't get a bonus for are plain cruisers, LCs and frigates.
Isaac Howard
Are light cruisers counted as light ships for light broadsides?
Kayden Flores
>Hector Achilles*, user. Hector is dual burnthrough and medium broadsides.
Nolan Wood
Nope, LCs and Cs are medium tonnage; as of now, only frigates are light.
Carter Fisher
That is an excellent question.
If so that actually makes light guns fairly good at killing harassers and flankers
But if not, I could understand it as there's more of a gap in weight between frigate --> cruiser than there is cruiser -> battlecruiser/heavy cruiser
Landon Mitchell
>???? Perseus, which has light and heavy broadsides, and a medium turret.
Levi Adams
>dual burn through and full mediums
Might as well have named it the auto include
Ah yes, the Mars pattern BC of DFC
Without the uh, B in C
Ethan Anderson
You're thinking of the Achilles, not the Hector.
The second ship is the Perseus which has half heavies and half lights, not heavies and mediums.
Thomas Campbell
In fairness those Dual burnthroughs are only as good as the UCM's normal single burnthrough.
8 normal shots without having to go weapons free is pretty nice though.
Uh, wouldn't the Mars be the Heavy Carrier?
Nolan Williams
Who cares? The UCM BTL is great and the Hector doesn't have to give up any of its broadside firepower to have it
And yeah being able to not have to eat a major spike to fire broadsides is pretty nice
I was thinking Mars because it's the literal "one of everything" ship
Kayden Williams
Can you get another spike of either kind if you're already at major, or do you have to "cool off" first?
Gavin Watson
Major is high as it can get and they don't stack. Eg if you're on major and get another, you don't have to lose both to go down to minor
Josiah Sullivan
But you can do things that give you a major / minor spike while you have one already
Josiah Bailey
Thunderwagon. Stormy has its role, but cyclone is generally better at that than stormy for a cost.
Matthew Richardson
That's what I was wondering, thanks.
Colton Jackson
Ok, so looking at dropzone, and I'm interested in either the Shaltarii or the Scourge walkers.
I'm really loving the look of the Scourge walker stuff, between the mini swarm-ish walkers and the bigger stuff. How is this stuff on the table?
Shaltarii I'm also liking, and their walkers seem far more flexible. They're all heavier choices it seems like though, are any of them mainline units?
Samuel Peterson
>How is this stuff on the table? Scourge are traditionally a faction of fast things, where they get up in your jock and wreck your day from close range. The walkers are the opposite of that - deploying in an area and then moving slowly, but able to throw shots at good ranges. I've only used them as a supplementary force because of that, but the AA walker is great. I've yet to be impressed by the anti-tank walker, though. And the command walker is fucking ridiculous.
Jacob Martin
Ridiculous good or bad?
I'm interested in all the walkers though. The Screamer looks super interesting, though I'm unsure of it's role.
Asher James
It's time to test your knowledge, /dzc/. What is the ship class and armament of each of the following; your prize for getting it right is absolutely nothing except for smug satisfaction, so looking up the pics is only cheating yourself :^) Make sure to spoil your post so that you don't give the answers away.
First up, UCM
Moscow Berlin San Francisco Toulon New Orleans New York Tokyo New Cairo Madrid Osaka Saint Petersburg Taipei Jakarta Seattle Lima Beijing Rio
Josiah Allen
Ridiculous good.
The Screamer is a support piece, and it's damned good at it. Contrary to the fluff, its job is to hide somewhere where it can't be shot at, and let its aura do all the work.
Fun game, although one of the nice things about DFC is you don't have to memorise a ship's armament, you can pretty much look at the model and work it out.
Anyway, let's try the UCM: guns heavy cruiser, BTL cruiser, troop cruiser, guns frigate, troop frigate, battleship (dunno which), cruiser (dunno which), bombardment cruiser, guns light cruiser, double BTL heavy cruiser, PD or CA frigate (can't remember which), the other CA/PD frigate, carrier cruiser, detection frigate, BTL battleship, guns cruiser. Yes, this is how I think of the various classes.
Evan Campbell
Alright, Gonna try scourge since I'm primarily playing them.
>Djinn Bruiser Frigate with plasma tempest. >Raiju Cruiser with oculus arrays and BTLs. >Chimera I think that's the mothership cruiser with some oculus arrays. >Harpy Frigate, oculus arrays? >Charybdis Frigate, upwards firing guns? >Wyvern I think its a cruiser? I feel like its one of the simpler ones. >Ifrit Cruiser, has chin BTLs and might have something else. >Dragon I recognize that battleship. Its the one with more CAWs and missing the torps. >Yokai Frigate, unupgraded? >Scylla Frigate, bombardment? >Sphinx That's a Battlecruiser, I think? No idea on this one. >Shenlong Heavy cruiser with the nose cone of bullets, stealth and partial cloak. >Hydra Cruiser, Carrier. >Daemon other battleship, its got torpedos so I'm going to have 2. >Gargoyle The cruiser that drops troops on the ground. >Strix Light cruiser, CAWs?
no idea how many of those I got right.
Ethan Harris
And I'll try shaltari, as it's the only other one I've any chance with: Guns cruiser, bombardment cruiser, shield frigate, particle lance battleship, guns heavy cruiser (a guess based on it starting with A), lance frigate, cruiser (dunno which), cruiser (dunno which), particle lance cruisers, guns light cruiser, particle lance heavy cruiser, carrier cruiser, grav light cruiser, carrier battleship, guns frigate, CA frigate.
Wyatt Jones
I think you accidentally skipped one or two in the middle, since everything past the New York is pretty much wrong
>no spoilers user, please
yes, yes, yes, yes, no, half-yes, yes, no, no, no, no, yes, yes, no, yes, yes
yes, yes, yes, no, no, yes, half-yes, half-yes, no, yes, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, no
Elijah Gutierrez
Oh yeah, I got Toyko completely wrong (have now looked things up) and somehow missed the New Cairo.
I reasonably pleased with how I did on the shaltari too, those are tricky. Not sure how I forgot that they have a mothership though, it's kind of a major part of the fleet.
Dominic Morales
[Spoiler] Moscow= Heavy gun crusier Berlin= BTL Cruiser San Francisco = Troop ship Toulon= Gun Frigate New Orleans= Strike Carrier New York= Battleship super carrier with torp Tokyo= Battleship with bombardment and guns New Cairo= BTL light cruiser Madrid=Bombardment Cruiser Osaka= Light Cruiser Guns Saint Petersburg = Double BTL Taipei = Close Action Frigate Jakarta = PD Frigate Seattle = Fighter and Bomber crusier Lima = Radar ship for giving enemies spikes frigate Beijing = Battleship with guns Rio = gun Cruiser
David Parker
>[Spoilers] user, please everything is correct
Ethan Sanchez
FUCK i made a typo in the spoiler.
I am a faggot
Logan Cook
ctrl+s, senpai
Isaiah Robinson
How important will bombardment weapons be?
Or the difference between troop ships and assault carries?
Thomas Collins
>bombardment weapons Help you clear out heavily entrenched enemies, allowing you to achieve ground-parity even if you have a less-than-sufficient number of troop vessels.
>strike carriers vs troopships The latter can only deploy one infantry asset or one armored asset per turn, the latter can deploy up to four in total in a turn, or can deploy a defense battery to shoot at incoming ground assets, and I think even strike carriers. The former are much, much cheaper and much faster, though.
Caleb Davis
One strength of the PHR people may not be noting is that their entire real armament on the cruisers is in a single weapon bank. Including the split medium/light broadside variants.
That means they can pull stupider maneuvers while still using the majority of their firepower, while the UCM's stuck using only a single BTL, or a pair of heavy railguns for most of their ships, and losing out on the pair of medium railgun turrets on the ship flanks.
You basically have less need to go weapons free for most PHR vessels, which lends them to be doing change course bullshit, or playing with scan ranges.
Logan Jackson
>Got a 2 up Ajax
>it sucks
Leo Morales
Wasn't there something about strike carriers being able to put troops down into hot LZs because they're going in in dropships, while the bulk landers the troopships use can't really be put straight into the middle of a battle. Or something like that.
Tyler Ortiz
This; each broadside is actually two separate weapon profiles, even if of the same type, with the special rule "linked" allowing for both to be fired together normally.
Jeremiah Evans
>24 shots and a BTL >"sucks"
Justin Wilson
Neat. So there's a ground mini game in dfc for the purposes of scoring? Is there a cap on how much a ship can deploy in total, or can a strike carrier deploy a whole legion with enough time?
Is a strike carrier better vs ground defenses? Would winning with nothing but excessive bombardment new conceivable?
Why in God's name do you need battleship-sized bombardment platforms?
Nathaniel Perez
>>it sucks ??? Excellent frigate hunter while still being able to ping enemy cruisers; it's not a ship-of-the-line brawler, but it's not useless.
and besides, those 2-ups aren't really game pieces anyways
I don't think so, it's just that bulk landers are so fat and slow that they're much more vulnerable to defensive weapons, making them almost guranteed to die if they hot drop. I think.