>The knightly Order of the Chivalrous Rose traditionally does not allow female squires, but no rule says they can't have female knights
>Instead, they have all female applicants dress as boys, then the day after their knighthood, they reveal themselves, and everyone pretends to be surprised at this revelation
>This has gone on for so long that the order is now 100% female
The knightly Order of the Chivalrous Rose traditionally does not allow female squires...
Okay, but what happened to male applicants?
sounds fun
>a year goes by where all of the new knights are revealed to be women
>nobody realizes that the senior knights of the order are all women
>the rule is never removed to reflect the fact that holy shit most of our knights are women anyway so why bother
They're women now, son.
I get that the female applicants were disguised as men, but why were zero legitimately male applicants chosen for knighthood?
They were.... altered... during their training. Now they are women.
Yeah, I'd be down for that.
And what was the reason for this change in unofficial policy?
>>the rule is never removed to reflect the fact that holy shit most of our knights are women anyway so why bothter
Why Bother?!
Tradition of course!
one does not change the blessed rules upon which one's order is grounded for petty things such as logic or convenience knave!
No change.
It just kinda...happened.
The boys were very surprised too.
And nobody bothered to find out why this happened? Everyone was completely okay with this happening to them?
Because magical realm bait thread?
I mean, it wasn't blatantly that before, but if your only response to 'why don't males still sign up' is 'jusenkyo durr hurr', it becomes a bit more obvious.
This. There are better ways of doing it than just saying "because reasons." Off the top of my head
>The order was originally more of a finishing school for noble girls instead of an actual knightly order, while they had the arms and armour of knights it was really just for show and a way for their parents to show off (I can buy my daughter a full suit of plate armour and a warhorse in plate armour with a lance, shield, and sword).
>Capital is besieged during war and many of the men were already drafted to fight in the war and aren't present to defend the city
>Female order decides to put their weapons and armour to actual use
>Suffer stupidly high losses because they have no combat training or experience and their armour is more for show than pragmatism but they help hold the city through their sacrifices (gate falls, sluts pour into the breach to stop the enemies from flooding in and succeed through the weight of numbers and armour)
>In honour of their sacrifice the order is made into an actual military order with the knights being known for their willingness to sacrifice themselves for the greater good as they first did when the capital was besieged
Not perfect by any measure but better than "some applicants are women but now all of them are women because reasons."
Maybe whatever magic changed them also made them not care?
This is actually flipping awesome. I want to use it in some way. Might try to find a way for the order in question to still have a few touches of the old 'finishing school' days, but without going full-retard with the premise.
Now, if we want to cleave closer to the premise given in the original intro (ie, was originally a normal knightly order, but they started using loophole to let in the ladies, until eventually only ladies joined), the most obvious reason for the change would be old traditionalist types not wanting a lot of lady knights around deciding to leave the order and form a new splinter group. This would cause enough of a shake-up that a kingdom with a certain mindset might just settle on there now being two knightly orders, gender-segregated.
Honestly, if males no longer join, this is probably because they're joining another group, or are now disinclined to be knights. Any reasonings given should be along those lines.
> implying if I'm stupidly wealthy enough to buy my daughter plate armor and all the rest I'm not also going to have her learn how to fight just so I can be a shit about it to other nobles
This handwavey detail-light shit is why good gender-bender porn is getting rarer and rarer. Same deal with stupid shit like m-preg.
>hurrr bud i jus wanna fap xD
That's because you're a pleb. The brain is the most powerful sexual organ of all, and erotica should nurture it as much as it nurtures muh dick.
Asuming knightly orders in this setting work like they did in real life, the order probably isn't (officially, at least) directly working for whatever kingdom they're operating in (and hell some orders were independent states). Knights serving the kingdom are just knights.
My good man, if you're investing in weapons and armor and expecting it to be....*shudder*...used, you simply have not reached the proper level of decadence.
Now, pardon me, I know I've got some lotus dust on my somewhere...
But squires are meant to do all the horse shit work that knights can't be arsed to do, like cook. Why wouldn't there be female squires?
It's not about using it, it's about spending exorbitant amounts of money ensuring that it could be used despite in all likelyhood never needing to bring the equipment to bear so that I can use it as a way to make fun of that shitbird I don't like the next time we attend the same feast.
>trusting a woman to cook on campaign
>The brain is the most powerful sexual organ of all, and erotica should nurture it as much as it nurtures muh dick
I hope that one day in the far future, maybe around the time you turn twenty, you look back on this disaster of a sentence and hurt yourself cringing as badly as I just did.
There is literally nothing wrong with that sentence. You can eat shit. :^)
user, while you may have a point, I ask you to gaze back, upon this entire thread, and point out to me a single moment that is *not* cringe-worthy.
While I don't doubt your ability to flaunt wealth and talent over yon shitbird, I will point out that such training will have an effect upon your daughter's, well, physique. I'm not sure if we're going for frail or rubenesque this season, but either way, she has a risk of become over-muscled, or un-thicc. Either way could be horrendous for her upcoming social schedule.
Well the order running out of males could simply be a matter of pride too.
>Order accepts women
>Mostly accepts the random token noblewoman who can actually swing a sword
>Over time the order gains more and more female members
>People begin to see the order as an order of lady knights even when the order was still mostly male due to the significant number of female members
>Men stop joining the order since it is seen as humiliating (doubt many knights would like other men mockingly addressing them as ma'am and other insults towards their masculinity)
>Eventually the order becomes mostly female as the older male members retire or die off and female recruits take up the slack
Yah, nice and simple. I mean, it's what makes the most sense, but we've spent so long on this that it almost feels anticlimactic, which is a shame.
See, whoever we were trying to prove a point to? Could've said this way back at the start and saved us a whole bunch of trouble!
So, anyway, we've got this knightly order that, over time, became an all-female knightly order. Is there actually any plot ideas that can be spun off from this?
Yes, we've all read Terry Pratchetts Monstrous Regiment.
And we're all sad to have seen the toll his decreasing mental facilities took on his writing.
Are you happy to try and make that his legacy instead? Does shitting all over the good works he did prior make you feel sophisticated?
I hope you die?
>order removes the restriction on female applicants
>the tradition of pretending to be a man whilst a squire still stays
>Years go by, no-one knows why everyone dresses like a man when a squire or like a woman when finally knighted.
>Only the elders of their order are above such a paltry thing as gender, and none of them have been seen out of their armour for years.
Quick, Veeky Forums! I've read nothing of late-era Pratchett. Does the user in question have a valid point, or is this displaying the kind of paranoia that will undoubtedly only end in yells of 'go back to [political scapegoat of my choosing]!' ?
I'd semi-WW2 it.
>Important fuckhueg war occurs
>This order doesn't go out fighting for some reason (maybe not interested in the war, maybe they decided to play defense, etc.)
>War lasts for over a century
>Nearly all men joining knightly orders join ones out doing the fighting, essentially no new men join this order
>All the men already in the order die off because the war is so long
>Some crisis happens that cements the now female order as being an actual force (maybe there's a sneak attack, maybe they're used to quell a rebellion, etc.)
I personally prefer maybe less logical but I feel like it adds more character and chances for semi-logical but interesting expansion of the background. The roots of the order allows for more potential areas to develop it to make it unique.
>Order still retains the highly ornamental armour they had before they became an actual military order
>Order is obsessed with romance in that almost all members spend much of their younger years as knights errant
>Due to the source of their membership (young noblegirls) the order has brutal hazing rituals to break haughty cunts so they can actually get shit done
>Due to the major change between the life of a noblewoman and knight as well as the hazing some families specifically send their rebellious daughters to the order in the hopes of scaring them straight (sort of like military school)
Depending on how long the order's been like this, having a daughter in the order could very well be a positive status symbol, as well.
>brutal hazing rituals to break cunts
Sounds like my kinda order. Heavy Metal Dykes sound absolutely delicious.
Why did you make this post
Pretty much !Muslim country has fought so many wars that they've run out of men, food, and allies because their God is absolutely insane. A girl fakes being a man to join the army to find her conscripted retarded brother, and along the way as they find out that they're the bad guys, and losing, she also finds out all the other new recruits in her unit are also traps.
And at the end all the generals are revealed to be traps.
And the enemy is also equally shit, but Ankh Morpork is the benevolent White Man's Burden.
This all reminds me of Sherkie from Bersek
I know I misspelt that but my 6 year old phone cannot look up the correct spelling right now
When she was introduced she basically was the symbolic head of a group of soldiers that were never expected to fight, they were all nobles that parents felt should be away from the house for some reason or another
You're a fucking noble. Unless you're General Pragmatic McStickinthearse, you're probably a shitbird too who wants to see his daughter armlock some other shitbird noble's daughter in a fight over dresses or some shit.
Sooo...expanding the 'are there any women here' joke from Life of Brian.
Honestly, a lot of series that go on for an entire man's life get way, WAAAAAY worse than that.
Not a reference quite worth getting all worked up about. (Assuming it was a reference in the first place.
I'd say that there are males chosen for knighthood. They just disguise themselves as women.
It's Farnese you're talking about.
Schierke is the loli witch.
Personally, I liked it, but I know I have shit taste sometimes and I'm a sucker for Pratchett, so I don't know if it's objectively good.
You do not belong here.
You are welcome to stay anyway, but never forget this:
You do not belong here
>belonging here
fucking plebe
Then that would be a weak ass order of knights.
Seriously, have you ever fought females?
No /ss/ shota knighthood where the very few men who don't wear helmets are all very sensitive young men literally sounded by tomboy amazons?
You've missed a trick.
Fantasy breh. Either the women are equal because reasons or maybe they make up for their lesser strength with magic. Would you also forbid female players from playing female characters without taking a strength penalty?
>Would you also forbid female players from playing female characters without taking a strength penalty?
My game handles it by giving males a strength bonus. Females get a Spirit bonus. Same effect mathematically, but somehow squelches the whining.
So yes.
And the sex of the player is irrelevant.
>make up for it with magic
Then they aren't really knights, are they? They're witches who force each other to masquerade as men for some perverse reason, before pretending to be knights, even though they can't handle the rigors of knighthood.
>Then they aren't really knights, are they?
Paladins aren't knights?
Having sex within the order is highly against the order's creed. Young princes and liberated slave boys on the other hand are fair game.
A thread died for your shitty fetish.
This stinks of Tumblr...
Seriously, dudes, it took you all night to show up? I was expecting this by the 4th post!
Get here faster next time.
>Changing the rules
You have no respect for tradition son
The Power in charge of empowering the order's paladins noticed it what was happening and decided it liked the theme they had going, assuming they don't really care that much about "cosmetic" issues, it slightly tweaks the bodies of applicants to better fit in
No one's complained to it yet so it assumes there's no issue
It was weak and deserved death if this thread killed it
If you cared so much about it, why didn't you save it while it was on page 11 user?
>Young princes and liberated slave boys on the other hand are fair game.
>Not young princes taken as slave boys by the order
They had wizards cure them of their gender swap and decided to serve the "Order of the staff" instead where they all wear skimpy robes all day and were kept safe from experimentation and magical curses by the wizards they now protect and flex/lose for.
But both orders lost out young male membera to the "Order of the Dragon" which taught shapeshifting magics and anal spear impalement techniques to its members.
(If you wanna go magical realm then do it properly)
Fuck me
It was very late when I wrote that
They got a bad case of the gay panic on day one with all the oddly cute "boys" around and dropped out.
I'm sorry Farnesefags, but your precious waifu will always be associated with debatably the worst animated series in recent history.
Slice of life. Something like Working! with knights.
> PC is the first legitimate male squire to be accepted into the knighthood in decades.
> Harem anime hijinks
> ...
> profit!
Anime of the year
93% fresh
This magical realm isn't it? You are just farming for reverse traps aren't you?
I approve
>Slice of life
>With knights
>The main character is a grizzled, veteran knight who went on many quests worthy of many songs and artistic depictions
>But due to oversaturation of the knightly job market, even this Champion of Good is forced to take jobs he'd usually pass to interns, such as slaying retarded dragons that are barely a threat to even a small child
>Retirement is the only thing he looks forward to nowadays
The CGI works when they trace over it, but it has never worked as a straight out stand-in for 2D animation. Either let the CG stand on it's own feet or just don't bother with it.
Your fetish is pathetic and you should feel bad.
>One effeminate boy realizes he kinda likes it and sticks around
>Has to be given a "talk" by one of the lady knights a few weeks in
>Flees when he realizes those aren't boys he's ogling
So what I'm hearing is that the order consists of women and bisexual dudes.
Women and bisexual feminine dues
But if there are bisexual guys then gay guys can also join to fuck them. And you can have regular old straight guys who are into reverse traps.
Only if they're feminine
>it's a "female knight wat do" episode
> female knight wat do
The answer is ficki ficki.
Those are the best episodes