You have five minutes to write a background for a character who's an underage humanoid female, but not sexualized in the least, still has a logical place and use in the setting, and pulls her own weight realistically according to the rules of the setting.
Hard mode: You are not allowed to use any magic or plot devices to augment the character. They must be entirely mundane, but still able to realistically make themselves useful.
To be honest, the flamewars are the most entertaining part of these threads. If you want to make my day, make it.
You have five minutes to write a background for a character who's an underage humanoid female...
Why would it take me five minutes?
At 14, Hannah-Gabrielle was part of the family business, one of the three children of a group of grifters who made themselves useful to certain underworld members of society by breaking into places and stealing what was needed or wanted. Their skills were invaluable to the kinds of people who needed such things done but couldn't be bothered with the risks involved.
Underage human female rogue capable of assisting the party. Done.
>Subtle implication that Veeky Forums is composed mostly/entirely of nonces
I mean, your choice of words, the thread subject, it's all sort of transparent.
If you want people to shitpost about pedophiles why don't you hit up /r9k/?
That's the proper board for this sort of thing.
It takes most people five minutes to write a post complaining about how it's not possible to realistically play a useful child character, so it's a challenge.
Believe it or not, I just want to hear people's opinions. The shitters are so loud that you only hear a fragment each thread.
Kobold escaped slavery with a berserker's rage in her heart.
>any kinder character.
A fourteen year old girl escaped from her arranged marriage, when she learned that her groom is an old man. Because she is of noble line, however young she is, she is able to command respect. Perhaps, she also has retainers with her, some of them - with martial skill, or maybe she has more than enough coin to compensate for her lack of combat ability.
Ork Shaman, 14 yrs old, SIN-less, of Cuban-American descent. Comes from a failed marina Arcology project in the Miami sprawl and has the Fish as a totem. Easy-going and very good-natured, but impatient. Shadowrunning is in the family. Favours water spirits and owns a souped-up motorboat with smuggling compartments.
Heiress of a fairly large corporation/noble family/whatever in a society that oppresses the lower classes. She can legally go into places the party isn't allowed, is well-educated, already has some connections among the rich and can sometimes get resources for the gang from her parents. Knowing someone from the upper classes, even a little girl who can't let her parents find out about them, is a massive boon for the party.
Mundane, eh?
Himiko Mimiko, random weeabo of Seattle, has been in love with the image of the coding genius and hacker-elite since she was a child. And animu. She's not Japanese, just wishes she was, and worships assorted japanacorps. She's used by others for cracking, low-end face work and recon, because noone expects a fucking 14 year old girl dressed up like a hello kitty ejaculation to be a runner. She works on the side for the local gangers, cracking new simsense, which, along with script-kiddy stuff, is about the limits of her hacking ability.
I actually already had this character in my mind that I'll adapt.
She's a naive girl who inherited her parents' freak strength and was raised by her home nation to be a squire because both her parents died.
For whatever reason, she has not been able to finish her training, so she's immature and still hasn't got all of her abilities hammered out yet.
This is something I'd allow as a foreverGM. I can imagine it'll baffle a lot of people, so let me explain what criteria I usually use for backgrounds.
>random weeaboo
The character's relative lack of importance is being explained and even joked around with - this shows a player with the ability to take losses and jokes at his character's expense.
>not Japanese, just wishes she was
This is a goal that either can't be achieved at all or will just make her sadder as a character if she does (since it's Shadowrun after all).
>She's used by others for cracking, low-end face work and recon
The character's role is kept to what makes sense, which is especially important when you're dealing with an age group that doesn't normally have a lot of skills or experience.
To be honest, the one thing that makes me the most confident in a player's ability to play their character well is a tinge of sarcasm or self-irony - if the player thinks that their character is a bit pitiful or delusional, they're less likely to get sore about them losing, and their failures actually lend characterization.
She'sma Fremen
Done, they are killing machines by the age of 16 and know how to fight before they learn to walk
Saskia. Fourteen year old child soldier from a nearby region known as the Warring States, a harsh environment where the tribes of the region are constantly raiding and fighting each other for land and resources.
The nearby "civilized" nations like to grab tribe members close to the border to use In hard labor. Saskia was captured along with several members of her group in this way and escapes the auction block.
I'm thinking she'd have some fighting skills, some wilderness survival, and would be able to do some decent deception work on account of her age.
>Ork Shaman, 14 yrs old
>has the Fish as a totem
OP said not sexualized in the least.
user, your fetishes are deeply confusing to me.
Believe me or not, but I specifically added the spoilered part to get people to answer the question. It tends to work in my experience.
It's just not a question you see people answering a lot due to the many kinds of shitters on this board, so I want to see what people can do with underage female characters when they can't just rely on tired old memes.
The picture, in fact, was to avoid triggering people who get triggered at pictures of little girls and think they're all child pornography (and anime autists).
Hell, I already did this for a Fallout game.
The Wasteland is unkind to everyone, especially children. Zen's father disappeared before she was old enough to walk, and far more recently, at 12 years old, lost her mother to a raider attack. Her life would have been taken as well, if not for a mysterious stranger who happened past. After the raiders were dealt with, he left Zen his duster to keep her warm, and disappeared as quickly as he showed up.
Zen has made it her current goal to find the man again, if only to thank him, and has modeled her way of life after what she observed of him, or at least a somewhat fanciful view of it: making her way silently through the wasteland, dropping in on those preying on the weak and blasting them away with superior firepower. Beyond her dangerous penchant for comic-book vigilantism, she subsists mostly in scavenging and trading scrap for caps, food, and guns. A recent find landed her a powerful plasma pistol, for which she has developed something of a talent, and she's taken to calling herself "The Green Flash," at least in her head.
Miner or scavenger girl, accustomed to crawling in tight spaces, identifying ore/junk, fighting underground monsters, and surviving by herself because if it's inspired by almost anything but the modern era they won't have heard about adolescence. I mean, squires went to battle when they were 12yo under normal circumstances.
A thief works too. So does a scribe in an investigation adventure.
>a fucking 14 year old girl dressed up like a hello kitty ejaculation
You have the best metaphors.
My character is a plant-girl who looks like she's about 7 years old (she's technically only a few years old, but could walk at talk from the time of her "birth" from a pod). She has no sex organs because her kind undergoes a transformation when they reach adulthood, turning into stationary trees. She can grow and control plants, but even without these powers she'd be relatively formidable due to her acrobatic skill and resilience (she can regenerate lost limbs).
Shana York, hardly the pinnacle of social graces in upper state secondary education circle, still manages to find her niche. A quick study but poor student, the young lady borrowed a few of her mom's business books for giggles and found herself drawn into the "wonderful" world of accounting. After discussing it with a school guidance counselor, her parents decided to let Shana grind her teeth at the community college so she can actually not be bored to death and work towards university.
Surprisingly (or not), she got almost all As her first semester.
> realistically according to the rules of the setting
It depends on the setting then, doesn't it?
Of course. All that matters is that it's realistic and plausible within the rules of the setting, and preferably that it has a few precedents.
>All these 14 year old "children"
In the middle ages, you were considered an adult at 14.
You had girls getting married and giving birth, kings taking the throne and ruling over nations of men.
Ever since a young age, the girl had been taught the ways of [Insert Goddess of healing here]: she grew up in a convent with a lot of other girls her age and when she became 14 years old she was sent to the town with her overseeress to buy some supplies. When they returned, they found the convent burned to ashes and all the other girls and women dead. They were ambushed by a pair of brigands that were still loitering about, but the woman that was watching over her gave her life, buying her enough time to hide in one of the empty barrels of water in the destroyed building.
The party happens upon her and she heals the wounds of the ones that will have killed the brigands with a few cure wounds.
That was not a challenge at all.
I've played this character in a walking dead game that jumped the shark long before and felt more like the original mad max.
She was the president of the student council and a beast at charisma but not much more (I rolled for stats).
GM introduced my character in class during ground zero. And when shit hit the fan I did what a composed student council should do. I galvanized the other students, calmed them and made them evacuate in order.
Eventually most of them died but I was ordering around 5 other little girls armed with brooms and marching in formation.
Have you ever seen the Lafiel shitposter?
She is the daughter of the party barbarian. She wears more than Grognark levels of clothing and uses a sling as a weapon. The barbarian doesn't want to settle down and believes that children either die weak or grow strong.
Why would someone care about placating some SWJ that think sex and gender matter?
Next you will try to say that a non-pedophile will want to play a loli...
A day laborer who cleans and bleaches the walls of municipal buildings, giving them a nice white sheen. This ensures foreign dignitaries are given a nice first impression of the city.
Top Kek whos this guy?
She's the only person who knows how a car works in this magic infested third-world region.
Elizabeth was kidnapped as a child by the Lich Gulthorp, who was being fervishly hunted by a group of heroic adventurers. Gulthorp, through a dangerous ritual, turned Elizabeth into his phylactery, safe in the knowledge that the heroes would not be willing to kill a young child to ensure his destruction.
Undettered by this devious ploy, the heroes defeated the Lich, knowing he would resurrect in due time. The paladin of the group took Elizabeth into his religious order so that she would be raised into a paladin; a mighty beacon of good in the world, despite her deep attatchment to the dark necromantic magic of the Lich. The adventuring Paladin set out every few months and killed the freshly resurrected Lich Gulthorp before he could truly regain his power, and once Elizabeth turned 15, she too set out with him, and would eventually take up the duty of periodically defeating the Lich all by herself. She was the perfect weapon to use against him, because what level of insanity would a Lich need to reach to attack and harm his own phylactery?
"underage" is a term that suggests modern-day standards, and never did OP say it had to be a child, in fact it seems he deliberately avoided saying that word.
Plus, a teenager can at least somewhat believably participate as a combatant, whereas an actual child under 10 would have most if not all stats well below 10, which is not a fun character to play.
Ed, Cowboy Bebop
She's from a war torn region where she had to learn to make herself useful to survive, as such she became a medic. Treating wounds in exchange for meals.
> Professor Hermoth's wife died when Marion Hermoth had just learned to talk.
> She has accompanied him on his research travels ever since and basically become his research assistant.
Seeing as we have a greater capacity for learning languages as children, her knowledge and instinctual understanding of dead languages would be almost without peer. Perfect for investigative Call of Cthulhu.
>She is the GM little sister and she wants to be able to transform into a magic unicorn that can talk and defeat evil with the magic of friendship, so she can do just that.
Joan the Intern.
This is Joan, she gets coffee.
Hard Mode complete
>Human fighter
Daughter of a king falsely accused of treason and executed, along with most of her bloodline.
Before she fled, she was given a rapier, a sword she could handle with ease.
Now she seeks to gain fame and fortune through adventuring, to build up the might to storm her kingdom, oust the scheming royalty who killed her family, and assume the throne.
If you want to play Eirika, tell me so I can help in obfuscating it to the rest of the players.
Arya Stark, but I'm not too well-versed in Fire Emblem
One surprisingly useful trick to get difficult character concepts through is to look for a character in a series you don't know and then quickly brush up on that character, taking the things you want and changing some of their appearance and personality.
You'll get down the things that make that character "pass" and actually work in a published medium, but you won't have enough time to start ripping the character off, and the roleplaying will make them into a separate character in the course of a session or two.
...She's smart.
Really fuckin' smart. Like... Mozart smart, but less autist.
She's 12 and already holds a doctorate and is working on her second.
Boom. Done... That really wasn't hard, like, at all.. There's plenty of settings with little girl geniuses. There are more ways to be useful than just hitting stuff with a big stick, you know?
One complaint that comes up often, though, is that standard kid geniuses are often hard to play constructively. They lack a lot of worldly wisdom and are usually just plain annoying when played like kids, which means that you need to play them like adults to not make the whole party want to strangle the smug little Mary Sue shit. On that topic, they're also typical Sue bait - pretty little darlings who can't be hurt without someone at the table throwing a shit-fit, with so little worldly experience that they usually have little to no flaws. Add to that the fact that the flaws they do have are almost always excused with "they're kids" or "their parents did horrible things to them", and we have the current state of child genius characters.
The last time I saw it done well was Serial Experiments Lain. Most other child prodigy characters are shrill, "random" know-it-alls with next to no flaws and a huge martyr card.
This isn't to say that all child genius characters are like that, just that a lot of them for some reason fall into that niche and that everyone at the table will try to strangle you if yours does.
I can just use my Nechronica character
She's a cannibalistic zombie loli in a tattered school uniform a size too big for her :^)
It amazes me that you managed to make a Nechronica character that vanilla.
Well she's also pretty much half-machine with all the weaponry I managed to graft to her and too dumb to be anything but pure. Oh, and she's got a tail
I only got to play like 4 sessions with her beforethe game went on permanent hiatus as well.
My Nechronica game went down the shitter as well, but that's because voice chat is a mess.
Fuck, there are way too few Nechronica games in the world and way too little time to play them. It manages to avoid magical realmers simply through the fact that the more fucked up you are, the more you play into the game's core themes of this being the best humanity has left of itself and the Necromancers having to resort to that kind of entertainment now that everything else is dead.
It also doesn't hurt that there are few people who'd want to stick their dick in something like that, and the two people I do know who want to are some of the nicest people I'm friends with.
On one hand, that's a good way of averting most cases of magical realm.
On the other hand, there are people who become strangely talkative when talk turns to children killing each other, smoking cigarettes, getting wounded or other things child soldiers generally get up to doing.
>Eclipse Phase
She's one of the highest scoring players on Breakout, a VR MMO based on The Fall with mods and modules produced by Firewall itself designed to be full resolution combat simulations. Even on these 'nightmare mode' modules, she is consistently the deadliest player in the game.
So, on a lark, Firewall recruited her for a 'beta test' which was actually a live-fire Exsurgent containment incident, which she then proceeded to execute with extreme prejudice and so small amount of trash talking.
After that, they formally recruited her.
I've played an entire campaign where every single PC were underage and 4 of the 6 were female. Literally no magical realm to speak of and they weren't sexualized at all. The most sexual thing is that two of the players shipped their characters together and drew some shippy pictures, but it was entirely OOC stuff and it was when they were grown up. They agreed that as kids, they were just good friends and left it as that.
It's pretty damn easy to do if you're not a pedophile OP.