What role do you think best fits the portrait Veeky Forums?

What role do you think best fits the portrait Veeky Forums?

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Netrunner, techie, fixer or solo.

>blurred face

Techie or Netrunner


Whatever role gets to fuck the most aliens

>Cyberpunk 2020

Whoa viddy the profpic! OP is pure chilled choomba. Down the Night City Combat Zone he be real as Lace 'n' all the dirtsiders on the edge, you savvy? This netwall be buzzing like a dorpher on payday down the Maelstrom and we real Chiba right now. Slot ya later buzzalls!

Need to find that Night City slang - english dictionary.

Does anyone actually play 2020 using the slang? Even when looking it up, I could only translate two of those phrases.


This has at least got some of it.

Illegal ones.

>not recognizing an inferior female version of one of the most based space capatains.

>Implying Mark Meer is better then Jenifer Hale

Aggressive Internet Feminist Avatar

1st choice: Rookie cop on her first undercover assignment. Media working undercover.
2nd choice: Netrunner, meditech or techie. Solo (assassin biosculpted to look like a young woman),
Unlikely choice: Nomad (not trashy enough), corporate (not enough class), dealer (not enough style)

I like those suggestions. Thanks user.

>the constantly overreactig balls to the walls serious Shepard
>somehow better than bizarre adventure Shepard, that improves the shitty writing and overall goofines
>having shit taste

Out of curiosity, in what kind of cyberpunk setting are you playing?

For the sake of this thread, let's say it's the Cyberpunk 2020 setting of Night City. If you're unfamiliar, the Cyberpunk 2020 core book can be found easily with a google search, and the Night City source book should just as easy to find.

Looks like I medtechie I'd wanna bully

I'm very familiar with CP2020. So my propositions are perfectly suitable. They could even be a tad more mary-sueish.

Honestly they were both pretty shit. Mark pronounces sentences in a really bizarre way where he seemingly emphasises every other word for no reason, and Jennifer's Shepard sounds like she's constantly about to have an mental breakdown because of how overly emotional she gets in situations where someone in her position really shouldn't.

Phys adept or a technomancer

Soolo or dekkeri