>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Game Finder
Other urls found in this thread:
Sorry, I'm a newfag to this board. What's this for?
If people are not lucky enough to have a group of friends outside of the internet to play games with, they come here to play shitty and short-lived games with Veeky Forums.
Sometimes it even works out, and they get a long-lasting group. Sometimes.
That'd be nice. I'm not a fan of online games though, since there is less dimensions to gameplay.
Oh, I forgot to mention that there's a lot of shitposting. People call other people cucks a lot, GMs are insulted for no particular reason, a previous thread turned into a debate on gun control. Things like that.
That's more of a recent thing. Calling out GMs was sparesely done before, and most discussions were about who's ad was the shittiest
>GM or player
>Time availability
Weekends anytime from 8am-8pm PST
>Text or Voice
Normally I insist upon Voice games that I GM, but I recognize this is a niche enough system that I'm willing to concede for a text based game. It'll depend on what the "right" players want; once I pick them, if even one guy would rather do text, we'll just settle on text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll 20
>Contact information
Honshu #7285 on Discord, honshuhigamori on Skype
>Additional information
This game will be taking place in the Dominions 4 universe and will be organized and played over Roll20. You needn't be familiar with Dominions to play, it's just serving as a setting on which to run my own game.
There are a couple house rules to the base game, but most of them comprise of new systems to make the Godbound resemble Dominions more. Key things are going to be making Pretenders revive based on the faith of their followers, meaning all Pretenders are going to be immortal unless the cults that support them are scattered, introducing Magic Sites and Gems to be used alongside Dominion to weave miracles and make Features, and finally homebrewed Low Magic
Players can expect a focus on nation building, faction interaction, and discovery
Still need around 3 players
I know, but that's how the place is now. I might as well inform him of it.
World of Darkness
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
5:00pm MT
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
>Contact info
>Additional information
Supernatural templates are possible through gameplay
Really a shame I already have too many games, otherwise I'd play since I've been itching for Godbound. Good luck with finding players guy.
Not the guy but, why the fuck are you in a game finder if you have to many games?
Because I like browsing and seeing what kind of interesting games I'm missing out on.
His is the first interesting one I've seen in like two weeks, so I wanted to give him some motivation to keep trying.
I'm interested. Will be asking questions about the game in the designated thread. (I've never even heard of godbound but am willing to learn quickly)
>Less dimensions
>Allows you to use as much or as little maps, auto-dice, or style of RP you want.
You are off to a terrible start on this board.
>GM or Player
GM (posted by player on his behalf)
>Time availability
8/8:30pm ET on Wednesdays (starting next week)
>Text or Voice
Text. Voice chat in Skype sometimes for OOC stuff
>Contact Information
skype: anixtheory
>Additional Information
Set in a Elven kingdom during the start of civil war hostilities between loyalists to the royals and the hodgepodge rebels (including the poor, the oppressed races, and the people who just want to fuck shit up). We are playing the rebels. We are starting at level 4.
RP heavy. RPing is a must.
>taking place in the Dominions 4 universe
Aw shit. If only I weren't such a sperg...
Anything I can learn with online ressources.
I already played traveller, pathfinder, ODnD, Naheulbeuk and star wars D20
>>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Unemployed for the next two months, go wild.
However timezone is CET.
>>Voice or Text
Ok with both but english is not my first language, expect a bad accent.
>>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
I'll acomodate.
>>Contact info
A_blessed_touchstone on skype
>>Additional information
This is a bit out of desperation since I'll be having no occupation for two months and my usual friends are too busy to do anythng let alone run a game.
Only played once online to continue a campaign that started irl.
Whatchu think about a campaign inspired both by Grim Dawn and Emerald Sword Saga?
Game Finder is really starting to make me hate people from Veeky Forums
>The players are a Pantheon summoned into existence by an Ulmic cult who are being hunted by the Ermorian empire
Wait so let me get this straight. You're a group of gods who are worried about a bunch of people in an empire? That makes zero sense.
That Empire has almost certainly summoned gods of their own..
Would you care to elaborate on why you think that?
>GM or Player
The Mutant Epoch
>Time availability
Wednesday, at 9 PM, UTC+2
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Skype: jaso111111
>Additional Information
I have the books and im willing to provide them for anyone new to the system, as well as help with generating characters.
I expect you to be on time of course, and have at least some investment in char gen. No fancy backstories are needed since this will be a one shot.
>Worried about mortals
Retarded. A god can do whatever the fuck they want.
I'd probably still play it though.
If they can be controlled by a meer empire then they aren't truly gods, are they?
Vampire the Requiem
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Trying for every other Monday @7pm PDT (First session would be the 19th)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 + Discord
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
A few things. First I am looking for serious players who can actually commit to a couple of sessions each month for 3-5 hours each depending on how the group feels. Second thing, I am completely new to the system and I have been reading up but ++ if you know the system and can help me out during the game.
Last thing, I am by no means stuck up or elitist but I would ask that you type a paragraph or so intro to let me know what kind of game you are interested in and your general gaming experience. Really no pressure, just trying to find people who are actually interested enough to make an ounce of effort. Tired of flakes, but I am the foreverDM that lurks Veeky Forums randomly running games when I can.
Being a god does not imply omnipotence, nor self-creation. They are anthropomorphic aspects of a certain nation, guided and affected by the state of said nation and its belief in the god.
Vampire the Requiem
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Trying for every other Monday @7pm PDT (First session would be the 19th)
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 + Discord
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
A few things. First I am looking for serious players who can actually commit to a couple of sessions each month for 3-5 hours each depending on how the group feels. Second thing, I am completely new to the system and I have been reading up but ++ if you know the system and can help me out during the game.
Last thing, I am by no means stuck up or elitist but I would ask that you type a paragraph or so intro to let me know what kind of game you are interested in and your general gaming experience. Really no pressure, just trying to find people who are actually interested enough to make an ounce of effort. Tired of flakes, but I am the foreverDM that lurks Veeky Forums randomly running games when I can.
Group of players (3 - 6 depending on system, time, etc.)
3 (the minimum):
1x semi-experienced player (1 year+ VtM campaign, writing this)
2x eager newbies (familiar with the core concepts of P&P)
Players 4 - 6 also from the same VtM campaign (should they join)
Open for anything that's not Shadowrun and not a pure loot simulator/dungeon crawler. Willing to get into just about anything as long as it's not only about accumulating as many dots as possible on a piece of paper.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
EU, UTC+01:00, would have to coordinate with GM but generally speaking anything from 6 pm - 1 am could work.
>Voice or Text
Both. I assume text would run a little smoother since we don't get a lot of chances to actually speak English (might be a bit rusty is what I'm sayin).
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Whatever works for you.
>Contact info
[email protected]
>Additional information
I had a single personal demand for the VtM campaign: make me feel something.
A few months ago I was showering and had to think about everything that lead to the desctruction of a particular NPC we had been trying to save in that campaign. It took me weeks to arrive at "acceptance".
If you're looking to get a couple of people invested in your universe, reply here or use the mail above.
>GM or Player
Gamefinder Raid Organizer
>Time availability
Every time there's a thread
>Text or Voice
Text and images
>Contact Information
operatorasfuck or breekimancer on skype
>Additional Information
Veeky Forums pass is a must
You must call everyone a cuck
Tokyo Ghoul manga avatars required
message sent. looking forward to finding out more
Im interested, though i haven't played Godbound before. I have however played the Dominions games and know the lore a bit.
One thing however, would you have a link to the books needed? I cant seem to find them.
That's the very definition of the word. An all powerful creator, as in the supreme being. The beginning and the end for all of eternity.
That's the definition of one specific religion's God (with a capital G). Look at seriously any religion before and after Christianity and you'll be hard pressed to find an unimpeachable, omnipotent being that doesn't quickly fall out of favour within their own mythos.
I think you mean 'outside of any Abrahamic religions'. Christianity does not have a monopoly on monotheism.
Right. I'm not especially into religion, so I never really bothered to learn the differences between that area of it.
Deathwatch & Black Crusade (Interested in trying Rogue Trader too)
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Anytime that isn't on a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday, but around 3pm MST (UTC -7) works best
>Voice or Text
Prefer text, but voice is fine with me
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Fine with anything
>Contact info
Skype: Skirmishfrogs
Email: azure_omega@hotmail
>Additional information
I'm an Aquarius, my turn ons are romantic walks on the beach and purging heretics in the name of The Immortal God Emperor
Our group is looking for a DnD 5e DM that isn't a complete freakshow. We're a laid-back, fun, committed group of relatively new players. We've had two severely autistic DMs commit and then freak out before the first session and bail. I've been DMing in the meantime and one more NORMAL person that would be willing to rotate campaigns would be a godsend. Right now we have 3 out of 5 players willing to rotate DMing but none of the others are comfortable enough to do it just yet. If anyone has any interest just let me know.
i can maybe try to fill this slot if you're interested.
Alex#6466 on discord
Awesome. I'll add you when I get home from class. We can discuss it from there.
>group looking for a DM
>"We're a laid-back, fun, committed group of relatively new players"
>two 'severely autistic' DMs
>both bailed before the first session
I don't understand what this post is about. I explicitly state that I will be DMing but want someone willing to try it too that will rotate amongst the group. I don't feel that I need to elaborate on the bizarre actions of our would-be DMs.
How badly do you need a (you)? Aren't there like 20 that guy threads you could be shitting up?
GM, with one player in tow
GURPS 4e (Yes, I hate me too)
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Gonna try to see the schedules of my party, then request off from work to match. EST, though.
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Skype, probably with Roll20
>Contact info
brocky_the_clown on Skype
>Additional information
TL10 parachronic bullshit with genemodding and bioroid bullshit in space
>Red Flags; the post
Please commit sudoku.
I'm not even a christian mr fedora. I've studied many different religions and they almost always say the same thing. That the gods are supreme rulers. The ultimate god of Hinduism, Judaism, African religions, even Islamic have the same ideals. We aren't talking no Zeus 'gods' here.
Cool beans, my dude.
Why exactly? Cause I enjoy the hobby?
These Osama Bin laden feels are great.
There are fucking six of you, one can step up as GM.
>mr fedora
Why is GMing looked at as some kind of punishment? Maybe someone would like to GM because they enjoy doing it?
Then why should he not make his own group, rather than step into an established one?
Any good game methods for phoneposters? It's my only internet for the forseeable future.
Except you are talking about that. If you recall, you're talking about Godbound, which is about playing polytheistic-style gods ('Zeus' gods, as you referred to them).
Your point is that 'god' only refers to omnipotent monotheistic figures, which is simply not true. It can refer to these figures, but it would be dishonesty, especially with your professed level of religious understanding, to claim that it is only used in a monotheistic sense.
I would also somewhat disagree with you in terms of Hinduism. While Hindu scholars and priests might care about those sides of the faith, most Hindus worship certain gods, not a single god.
(I would also disagree with the claim that Brahman is the same thing as a monotheistic god, though it is similar (at least in some schools of thought), but that is a whole other debate that I don't particularly want to get into).
I'm not even the same guy who you've been replying to, I just want to clear that up.
Also, I corrected him by saying that Abrahamic faiths would better suit his point, as opposed to Christianity. I'm fairly sure that that was what he meant.
Maybe he needs players? Isn't that the whole point here? We can offer some motivated people and are not forcing anyone to do something they don't want to. I can't see the problem here.
When he makes his own group, hes in control.
But he enters an already established group, especially a group made of friends, his control is taken away. If they dont like his rules, the players can just kick him out. He cannot just kick a bad player. I could go on dude, but face it, the "group looking for GM" thing is cancer, and youre part of it!
Are these threads better than Roll20? I really am not feeling like sifting through endless piles of shit only to end up picking randomly and hope they're okay. I've heard the horror stories. Never played anything but I've been on Veeky Forums for a few years so I know my way around, and I live where this sort of thing isn't common so I figured I'd at least look into an online option.
Roll 20 is full of SJWs. If you can sort through them and find the good ones then thats fine, but be prepared for some SHIT games.
If we kick the GM we're back to NOT having a GM, which we obviously don't want. Your argument doesn't make any fucking sense.
My point is simple you imbecile.
It would be you against the GM if things went wrong. Would you accept him kicking one of you? No, you would't. If he starts his own group, hes the boss. If he joins one, he not.
Oh and you still haven't given me a good reason for the GM not to make his own group. Players are a plenty after all.
Apparently not since there are also GMs searching for players in this thread. I'm going to stop replying to you now since I'm pretty damn sure it's a waste of time.
Then those aren't gods. They're simply incredibly powerful entities that people call gods.
The hindu god actually does have an ultimate being. They even state that every human, 'god', and living being, the very water that you drink, is apart of a giant supreme being. Every living being is a 'shade' of this entity.
Do as you will, but you're still cancer my friend. Step up and GM you coward.
Play by post
You could pay for Roll20 in order to get the app
They are about as bad. It is mostly very unreliable players that are the problem. I am sure that while some may think that playing with Veeky Forums is great due to epic memes and all that, it isn't any less frustrating than doing it over Roll20 in my experience.
>GM or Player
Lamentations of the Flame Princess (D&D B/X clone). Rules are free on the official website.
>Time availability
7PM EST Fridays
>Text or Voice
>Method of Playing
>Contact Information
[email protected]
Contact me to get a link to join and ask questions. I will ask you a decent amount of questions in turn just to get a handle on who you are.
>Additional Information
This is a LotFP game using an official module, set during the Thirty Years War. The PCs will have 8 days before the surrounding towns are razed by the Swedish army.
While I have a decent amount of experience GMing, this is the first time that I have GMed an OSR game. All levels of experience are welcome.
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
I'm completely free Monday and Wednesday, I could play earlier in the day any other day. (EST)
>Voice or Text
Voice preferred.
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Whatever works best for the DM in question
>Contact info
VadeAway on roll20
darkspineryenzx on Skype
>Additional information
Relatively new to the system still, I know how to create a character and that's about it. I learn better by actually playing the system. If anyone is willing to teach a newbie then I'll gladly join up.
The Roll20 app isn't compatible with my device, but thanks for the help. I'll settle with IRC.
Go for it. While something too crunchy may not be ideal, some of my best games have been on IRC. There is a Veeky Forums IRC server of course, and various roleplaying channels on Rizon such as #Veeky Forums and #nightcity.
Sent you a message, if you're still recruiting.
Little hint about Exalted, state your edition preferred. 1e, 2e, 2.5e, or 3e.
>One thing however, would you have a link to the books needed? I cant seem to find them.
You're a group of gods summoned by a group on the verge of extinction to deal with the Empire exterminating them, correct.
If you're unfamiliar with Dominions 4, your mistake is thinking "God" = "Omniscient all powerful being." Pretenders are basically just entities who have thrown off the cycle of life and death and now live by the cycle of ideas. Being forgotten is death to a Pretender.
Pretenders can be anything from ancient dragons chained beneath the earth since the beginning of time to human mages who have mastered their own mortality. The low end power range of Pretenders matches Godbound's RAW on player strength pretty well, honestly.
sexy L5R or other game with actual social intrigue / politcs
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
MW after 6 pm, or any other day at any time
>Voice or Text
Either, though voice is easier
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Any, though roll20 is preferred
>Contact info
(skype) EkkoFoxtrot
>Additional information
Haven't played in a while, but I've played a great deal historically
And yet you've already kicked 2...
you need to accommodate for double c's and m's in that word, brah.
what kind of faggy GM would accept a group of players? It's like if a classroom belonged to a group of students, and the teachers moved between classes, instead of the other way around. All GMs, just to keep the game running, need a certain measure of control and bringing a GM to a group of players as opposed to the opposite is the surest way to lose social authority. You're a trash human being and so are your compadres.
Same goes for you, bucko.
Do not play with this cuck, he is actually a man.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? I don't know how you got hurt but damn son, there are still decent human beings around. Why would you assume that the GM has to kick players left and right - at the end of the day we just all want to enjoy a shared hobby.
Also: this classroom system that seems somehow unthinkable to you... we actually have that. It's like I shitposted to bait myself but I'm not actually schizophrenic. What gives?
>What the fuck is wrong with you people?
We're in it for the memes.
Voice game, use Skype.
Wow, I didn't know there was a category of human I could despise more than textfags.
>hating on people who can play anywhere they want
fite me
>"Oh shoot guys sorry I'm getting a call lol brb"
>"Uh don't mind that noise in the background sorry about that"
Consider yourself FOUGHT, faggot
I'm not popular enough to get calls. Also IRC is a thing too, faggot.
I can't get over how cynical people are in these threads. It's Pen & Paper... what the hell happened. If you can't imagine 6 people being civil/decent to each other than it would be impossible to run anything. Shit's sad.
>Thinking the gamefinder is a good representation of how people treat each other in Veeky Forums games that actually run.
There's a reason we have permanent fixtures like Nobodyimportant here.
Pathfinder, modified with some house rules
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Sundays @7PM Mountain Time
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for game, Discord for voice
>Contact info
Discord @Fenrir#5335
>Additional information
We're currently 5 sessions into the campaign. Our current campaign arc is revolving around political intrigue and subterfuge, though some detours may occur. We've had a couple of players drop out due to RL circumstances, so I'm looking for 2 players to come join. You'll be starting at level 5.
I meant how they think people posting here behave.
I've made an internet friend who I've played plenty of games with over the years through Veeky Forums
I've never played a roll20 game that lasted longer than two sessions.
Roll20 LFG threads don't get shitposters at least.
>"Uh don't mind that noise in the background sorry about that"
>"Oh shoot guys dad's yelling at me lol brb"
Mics of all varieties are lowly scum
>linking images on an imageboard
Kill yourself, my man.
>There's a reason we have permanent fixtures like Nobodyimportant here.
D&D 5e
>Time available (Incl. Timezone)
Tuesdays & Wednesdays, EST
>Voice or Text
>Method of playing (Roll20, IRC, Skype)
Roll20 for maps, discord for voice
>Contact info
>Additional information
Just a forever DM looking to be a player for once.
To keep thread bumped:
Pros and cons of text and voice?
text encourages more game focus, pushes players to describe their character and actions more completely.
voice is more time efficient, you won't be there all fucking day resolving two scenes
+Able to put more effort and flavour into an action without having to sit mutely while you think of the proper words
-More time spent on flavourful descriptions means the game goes far slower if one of the players is an ancient cunt who can't type for shit
+Far easier to immerse yourself in the world without getting dragged out by shitty accents or faggots who think their dad shouting at them in the background is acceptable ambience
-Far easier to get destracted by something in the background while you wait for the other players to resolve their actions
+Easily accessed records of the game
-Difficult to be ambiguous or subtle with words, you either literally spell something out or you have to jump through far more hoops to imply something (like, a certain tone of voice could convey deception, but you can't exactly type "This person looks shifty as fuck as they speak" without giving it away)
+Can technically play anywhere without getting weird looks from bystanders
>no bad voice acting or expectation thereof
>chatlog contains a complete record of all information, so nothing is missed/lost due to shitty notetaking
>allows you to buffer what you're going to say without conspicuous conversational pauses
>generally makes it easier for spergs like myself to roleplay
>lowered expectation of dialogue quality, and no log of all the stupid shit you've said
>makes it pretty obvious when someone isn't paying attention
>makes everything appreciably faster
>makes combat incalculably faster
All things considered, I tend to prefer voice for the sake of expedience.
>>makes combat incalculably faster
I never understood why this is such a big problem for everyone. It takes me 5 seconds to declare my action and roll all my dice, and then the instant I pass my turn the next person decides NOW is the time to look up the exact description of one of their abilities, not the half fucking hour they've had since their last turn, and then at the end of all that decide they're going to do the same thing they've done the entire rest of the game. Aim + Standard Attack. So difficult to remember.