Is Khorne the only chaos god who can get shit done?
Are shooty khornates lore friendly? I like Khorne but I don't really like the idea of guys who have access to fucking bolters and melta to charge for no reason berzerkers aside.
Is Khorne the only chaos god who can get shit done?
Are shooty khornates lore friendly? I like Khorne but I don't really like the idea of guys who have access to fucking bolters and melta to charge for no reason berzerkers aside.
>Is Khorne the only chaos god who can get shit done?
Not even in the slightest.
>Are shooty khornates lore friendly?
Other than Berzerkers, who have usually been on that path for a while I can see newer Khornate marines shooting and manoeuvring like proper Astartes, they're just a bit more driven by anger while doing it, increasing their chances of flipping and deciding that close combat time is now.
>Are shooty khornates lore friendly?
Khorne cares not from where the blood flows... only that it flows.
You can give shooting units the mark of Khorne and restrictions on shooting have never existed for Khorne.
His only beef is with wizards, which use the magic of others (and Tzeetch) instead of their own power and intuition.
Its why Khorne hates sorcery but still gives out demon/magical weapons, he doesn't care what weapon you use to kill, he just cares that you kill and shed blood with it.
He FAVORS certain weapons over others, like axes for example, but he doesn't ban any weapon.
In the same vein he FAVORS close combat killing, but doesn't ban shooting in any way shape or form.
So you usually see Khorne units going all CC not because its WRONG to do otherwise, but because its more likely to draw Khorne's favor.
I have a Khorne marked devastator squad and a bolter CSM squad with the mark and they have bolters all over the place.
2nd Ed 40k had pic-related. Subsequent editions have said that all World Eaters became Berzerkers though. Canon status dubious. Full autismos would make a fuss, anyone else would be "oh cool, ok".
There are also Daemon Engines of Khorne. Alongside claws, axe-arms, grindy wheels and other vehicle 'melee' weaponry they typically have some big ass guns on them. In fact they often have siege weapons. I guess that's because even Khornate Warlords realize you have to bash down a fortress wall to get inside, and that beating on it with a chainaxe isn't very efficient.
Khornate Titans are similar to the Daemon Engines - they'll have at least one melee weapon, but some huge shooty stuff as well.
The old Epic game had Cannons of Khorne, which IIRC were huge cannons made by Chaos Squats.
Reminder that Berzerkers carry bolt pistols, and the most badass Zerk of them all, Kharn, carries a suitably more badass plasma pistol.
Oh and by the way, I find the idea of a World Eaters squad all armed with heavy webbers to be pretty hilarious. Web em up and then come back to take their skulls later!
Why does Khorne hate sorcery if he doesn't care from where the blood flows?
If Khornate psykers telekinetically ripped people's heads off, or used them to enhance their combat prowess to inflict more damage, would he still hate them?
Because fucking people up from a distance with your brain while you're safely removed is cowardly and weak.
Then why doesn't he ban guns?
Because if the enemy is in range, so are you. Sorcery, however, is limited to a select few and is very powerful. There's no glory in blasting apart an entire unit with unholy fire and then picking up their charblasted skulls later in safety.
This was all spelled out in old WFB and Realms of Darkness. Does the modern stuff not explain it anymore?
>Chaos God of hatred and rage
>Being rational
The actual answer is the writers decided since the beginning that Khorne doesn't like wizards/Psykers in the two respective settings. Everything else is more modern writers trying to justify this in their own way or headcanon.
Chaos doesn't have to make sense or be internally consistent, user. In fact some would argue that it shouldn't.
Khorne's entire foundation is contradictory: he wants to kill everyone, but if he does then there will be no-one left to kill.
All the Chaos gods have some contradiction like this at their core. Nurgle with final entropy vs folorn hope of rebirth. Tzeentch with unpredictability and chance vs careful plotting and manipulation. Slaanesh with seeking perfection vs finding it and having nowhere else to go, plus the counterpoint of degredation through uncaring hedonism.
But that's not necessarily true, you might be sitting in a basilisk while they're a couple of miles away with a lasgun.
"If they're in range then so are you" is ridiculous, as it relies on both people to be equally armed.
In a gun forged by mortal hands, made to take life. It is a weapon of war. Sorcery is not a weapon of war, it is strictly the purview of Tzeentch. Therefore it's use in any way strengthens Tzeentch, who is Khorne's enemy.
Khorne dislikes sorcery because it doesn't feed him, simple as that.
Because guns were made by mortals themselves and magic is stealing power of the Warp aka cheating. It's not about range, Khorne is fine with artillery he just isn't fine with turning enemies into lolipops as it turns a military show of might into abominable fuckfest.
My personal headcannon is that Khorne starts out as a martial god of individual power and supremacy. eg : I am the biggest, best, most skillful and I am going to prove it by doing war really good. Khorne approves but has a really short attention span.
Eventually it leads down to having to rip three dudes hearts out with a flagpole while screaming praises to Khorne and swinging a sack of skulls like a bag of door knobs just to get some attention.
Psykers are very hated for a very specific reason. They don't kill through their own power, their own weapon, their own intuition.
Psychers pull the power of the Warp, the power of other beings, to do the fighting FOR them.
THEY aren't ripping people's heads off, the powers they are calling upon are doing it for them. Khorne sees the use of sorcery as the ultimate form of cowardice, the need to wield the power of another because you are too weak to use it on your own.
As a specific response that is fine but to better address Sorcery is based entirely on Tzeentch. He is the fount of all magic and as such drawing on sorcery would be cowardly hiding behind Tzeentch's power instead of your own. A sorcerer doesn't wield weapons and fights his own fights but instead tried to cheat by warping reality and its laws to win for them.
Magic weapons are different, they are a weapon, you USE it, you need to control it and be skilled enough to master it. Its something YOU got, YOU learned to wield. You don't use the magic of another to achieve it, especially for khorne demon weapons, which are usually housing entities purposely trying to fuck with you.
Technology is the same way. Its not the fact that you didn't invent it, or load it, or make the ammo, its the fact that YOU know how to use it properly and murder it.
A Khorne Sniper could make perfect sense as his desire to shed blood meets his proficiency with his weapon. That he is killing them from a far isn't wrong, however his lack of personal strength could delay any favor from his patron, at least until he killed enough people... then it wouldn't matter.
Khorne heavily favours melee combat as it is the most honourable and direct, and allows the fighter to show all of his skill and brutality at killing.
Ranged combat is a bit more cowardly, but still requires a good dose of skill and violence and is just another way of figthing.
Magic, however, is a totally different matter.
The main problem for Khorne is that magic is unfair: only a few can use it, and can destroy anyone who doesn't without the minimum effort.
Just wave you hand and boom, a warrior who spent decades training in combat is turned into ash without being able to do jack shit.
Years spent training in close combat are useless.
Your natural aptitude at fighting, your reflexes, your agility, your battle-hardened body? Useless.
That nice armor, or that great weapon forged for slaughter? Can't protect you from being sucked into the warp.
Then there's the fact that wizards are effectively stealing the Warp's power for their own interests, and also the fact that magic-users empower Tzeentch, who's Khorne's rival. khorne does care from where the blood flows?
According to half of Warhammer, only Tzeentch and Archaon can accomplish anything.
To a certain extent, yes.
It also heavily depends on what Khorne we're talking about; old version had him a bit more honourable, while now he's just about mindless slaughter
>old version had him a bit more honourable
Source this.
>>old version had him a bit more honourable
This is how I play Khornate heretics
>Are shooty khornates lore friendly?
Yes. Khorne is the god of war. That includes all aspects of warfare. See the Lord of Skulls and the Skullcannon.
There are no sources, Old Khorne was as barbaric and crazy as ever. there was one source that tried to say he disapproved of murderers and people that cowardly kill, but that was never brought up again. 3.5 chaos codex cemented him as the monster he is, remarking that though his followers many times live with codes of honor and nobility eventually its all ultimately meaningless to the Blood God, all that matters is that blood is spilt.
Than why cant I cast a spell that makes the enemy army explode into torrents of gore? If its just mindless slaughter, why are offensive psychic abilities and magics banned?
Guys I have an idea. Gun that shoots circular saws.
Magic requires study. Khorne hates NERDS.
>Is Khorne the only chaos god who can get shit done?
No. He's just the only one GW cares about
And just in case you thought I was joking...
>Effete intellectuals
>Action, not words
Khorne hates NERDS, man.
The true answer is My reasoning is that psykers use their gifts to access the Warp and then channel it to do their bidding. That's what irks Khorne, people stealing power and then directing that power to do work for them. One could argue that forcing the Warp to do what you want is pretty metal, but fuck you it's Chaos.
I hate that Khorne hates sorcery. Imagine all the potential cool based sorcery and psychic powers.