>There is the Land of _____, in the Land of _____ the native human population has a dark brown complexion. People from the Land of _____ often leave their homeland for various reasons (in search of economic opportunities, adventure and end up in other lands, soldiers in the Imperial Army, etc), a few of them make homes elsewhere and have children beyond the Land of _____.
All questions have been more than adequately answered in terms of lore if anyone insists on bringing it up in two sentences who's not a bigoted moron.
Adrian Kelly
"They've been characters in knightly romances ever since US prehistory."
Jacob Campbell
except if there's a giant desert between sub saharan africa and europe and due to climate-ill-adaption-related issues and lack of medicine said niggers cannot adequately sustain themselves in said fantasy euro continent like europeans couldnt sustain themselves in africa before technological/medicinal advances
also hey reddit
Jaxon Johnson
Image file name should be "An mistakenly exoticist rendition of a berber/moor/arab/egyptian saint in european cultural garb"
Henry Smith
Complaining about black people in fantasy is something that only exists on the internet.
IRL even if you're playing with someone as autistically racist they're generally smart enough to hide their power level.
Wyatt Turner
>The all purpose justification for having black people in a medieval fantasy setting
Areas with extreme amounts of sunlight require high amounts of melanin in the skin, leading to dark complexion.
Mason Clark
David Brooks
Saint Alberto?
Matthew Cook
Mason Hughes
This thread will get 300 posts of both lib and conservative tards
or get pruned which it should
Because american politics are a mistake
Asher Johnson
Repeat in English, please. Also, hey /pol/.
Ethan Murphy
When will the tumblr/reddit colonization of Veeky Forums end?
Jose Murphy
>medicinal herbs never exist in fantasy settings >healing magic never exists in fantasy settings >protective magic never exists in fantasy settings
How barren is the imagination of /pol/tards, this desert of flacid nationalism and forlorn ill-tended egos.
Hunter Gomez
When will you be able to formulate an argument that doesn't rely on empty ad-hominem memes?
Never, because you're not smart enough. :^)
Gabriel Rodriguez
>How barren is the imagination of /pol/tards, this desert of flacid nationalism and forlorn ill-tended egos.
Xavier Phillips
Its probably the people who jack off to Death Korps of Kreig and other grimderp 40k lore or grimderp lore in general
Liam Bell
mods there's another cancer thread pls clean
Lincoln Perry
Translated version: I don't know a thing about biology or anthropology.
Xavier Hall
sadly Veeky Forums has been like this for a long time, if it's not some ridiculous tumblr thread about gender in characters it'll be something about black people.
Blake Nguyen
I like Death Korps of Krieg.
Luke Ward
Magic is not necessary. At most a black person might need to eat a few more eggs to get Vitamin D.
Adrian Davis
Rickets led to North American blacks to being placed in climates more hospitable to their biology, aka the South. They kept dying in the North.
Jonathan Jones
Interesting fact: 37% of all Death Korps soldiers are, in fact, black. Most people never know it due to the gas masks and all.
Jackson Gray
Reddito : The Thread
Colton Diaz
Nah, it's the fact that the cash crops that plantations were set up to grow are sensitive to cold.
Levi Ross
Kang Wewuz I
Alexander Miller
If it was up to me id remove Catachans nothing but american power fantasies of the lel 80s and not to mention they are full of spics and niggers
Chase Gutierrez
Do you even need justification? Unless this is some kind of super realistic setting or something, making a couple people look dark isn't a big deal. We don't need justification that the average woman can hit as hard as the average man, even if it doesn't correlate with what we see in real life.
Leo Jenkins
If your worldbuilding lore is light enough, you don't really need a justification. If everyone just wants to have a fun romp in a world of swords and sorcery, there's no real reason to address race.
If your worldbuilding factors in ethnic and linguistic differences, there are multiple ways to accommodate this. >PC is a foreign adventurer who sees this not-Europe setting as an exotic curiosity. >Region of setting is home to popular trading hub that has been bringing traders from all around the world for centuries. Its wealth has incentivized many of these foreign traders to settle and assimilate. The resulting diversity of the region over the past centuries has made it so the sight of a foreign-looking person is no longer noteworthy and they are treated no differently from the ethnic natives. >Setting is at a cultural crossroads where two or more ethnicities converge and possibly assimiliated into one semi-cohesive culture.