What is happening here and where is her father?
Also was Chandra adopted?
What is happening here and where is her father?
Also was Chandra adopted?
Dude, her parents the couple is a card.
And yeah, skin tone wise she takes after her father.
Her dad was killed
Shut the fuck up user-kun, you're such a faggot holy shit
That's not how skin tones work.
Wow the faggots woke up early this morning
Eh, I've seen some bothers where one had a darker skin tone than the other.
So it's not like skin tones can't work that way.
> you will never slash the pale skin of her throat with a savage barbed rapier and watch as she spits blood in fury and frustration, realizing death is inevitable and blasting you with fire spells, crying depserately as she falls to her knees, choking and gasping as blood starts to drip out her nose as well as pouring down her front from the red smile on her throat before with a final gasp of submission she falls on her front and expires
They really need to kill off more MTG planeswalkers to be honest. It would make the novels worth reading.
Yes it is...
>They really need to kill off more MTG planeswalkers
Let me tell you a tale of Old Phyrexia and the 9 Titans
Her father would need to be a ghost in order for her to be so pale when her mother's so dark.
Or she is a ginger.
That also works.
We got similar skin tone difference with my brother despite coming from the same parents. He works fields dawn to dusk, I'm code monkey living my waking hours in corporate basement.
Another possibility is that Chandra's skin is part asbestos.
user I think you should see a therapist
Ban evading again?
Source on that pic? It's adorable.
It can be, under certain circumstances, particularly if one of those circumstances is ITS A FUCKING RIDICULOUS WORLD OF MAGIC AND THEIR GENETIC TRAITS DO NOT NECESSARILY CONFORM TO OUR OWN.
...virt? Is that you? I didn't know you had a hatred for Magic the same way you did for D&D.
Chandra is ginger as fuck, and her mother's been running around in the dirty parts of a very sunny plane for 12 years. She's just caught more sun then Chandra
Edgelord,Lord of Edges,graciously honours this board with his presence!
It will probably be used on a magic card, but it hasn't been spoiled yet. Wizards rarely commissions magic art that doesn't make it onto a card.
I think its somewhere on Chandra's Planeswalker page on the Magic website, IIRC the filename is something like "Cathartic Reunion", so I guess this is the art for a card that's going to be revealed in the next story update
Of course you won't. She would incinerate you before you got close enough.
I can't even mourn your death. A barbed rapier sounds like an incredibly shitty weapon. Wouldn't shit get caught on the barbs, just, all the time? How do you sheath it? You certainly won't be able to draw it in a hurry.
Hey virt. Bet you think not being a namefag means we don't know it's you.
It's called a Legendary Fire Resistance Potion, faggot. That's what you get for focusing on one energy type as a mage. It's a fucking stupid idea.
> fire resistance
> not fire immunity
Oh, so your corpse will be identifiable at the end. Thats really considerate of you.
Y'know, Chandra might be a fire mage, but she ain't exactly in bad shape, and has in fact expressly been shown to be working out in the Uncharted Realms stories.
I don't think your fat ass could take her even if you were immune to her magic. Which you aren't, only resistant.
That's also putting aside the fact that I really don't think potions of fire resist are a thing in MTG. Thats just not how their magic system works.
>Fighting Chandra with Fire 'Resistance'.
Fireproofing or bust. Shes gonna bust your head either way though.
Look up Lucy and Maria Aylmer
The state is her father.
Pretty sure Chandra can cast a simple cantrip like Lightning Bolt if fire isn't convenient.
>Lightning bolt
Look at this man and laugh
He means cantrip as in 'simple spell', not cantrip as in the MTG parlance of 'spell that also draws you a card'.
My dad is Black, mom is White. My older sister came out White.
Basically with a couple of two different skin tones,their first child is tehe mostly likely to be lighter skinned, with the children getting progressively darker with each generation. I came out brown, stayed brown.
>female poo in loo named Pia
>name translates to "sink" in Portuguese
>sinks are commonly placed in bathrooms and kitchens
Pretty sure you're an autistic fucker if you think I can't handle 3 damage. You start with 20 life in Magic, fuckhead.
There are Circle of Protection that do basically the same thing.
Fuck off, Chandra shill. Killing an MTG planeswalker would be easy as fuck.
Yeah, but Circles of Protection require white mana, and a white mindset, to be capable of casting.
You very much do not have a trace of white, what with your blatant desire to murder things for no good reason constantly and other extreme edgelord tendencies.
Planeswalker start with twenty life. Normal humans have one
>Chandra can't kill ME
I can think of an alternative explanation for that
>You start with 20 life in Magic, fuckhead.
No, planeswalkers start out with 20 life. But the overwhelming majority of people don't have the planeswalker spark and so are creatures, not planeswalkers. You're, like, a 1/1 at best. You die to removal.
>There are Circle of Protection that do basically the same thing.
You are NOT a White mage. On your luckiest day you're, like, a 1/1 Soldier token at best.
On a completely different note...I cannot think of a possible reason for genetics to work that way, user. The most positive explanation is that that is just how things happened to line up in your family.
The alternate explanation required a third party's input.
>I cannot think of a possible reason for genetics to work that way, user.
Isn't this really just as a case of the kids "skipping a generation" in terms of skin colour?
>has never seen one black baby one white baby from mixed race parents
Skin color is controlled by six genes, each of which has a "white" and a "black" version. If all of them are "white", you're pure white, as pale as you can get. If all of them are black, you're as pure black as the darkest niggers of Africa. If you have a mix, you're some shade of in-between brown, depending on how many black genes you got.
So, Chandra's mom is brown. That means that she has a mix of black genes and white genes. Chandra's dad is white, so he has all white genes. Chandra is their child, so she gets a random mix of three genes from each parent. If her mom has three white genes, and she got all of them by luck (1 in 8 chance), then she'd be pure white.
it's a more complex than that, but it's a good lie to start with.
No, she didn't. She came out looking like a half-nigger.
This is incorrect btw.
Skin color is determined by the melanocytes in the skin, and whether they have been readily exposed to sunlight or not.
Differences in skin color are due to mutations in either the pathways creating, distributing, eradicating of activating melanocytes.
The most common mutations are to the codons for the KIT-Ligands, the TYR, the ASIP, the SLC45A5 and the SLC45A5 proteins.
But there's plenty of extra mutations that can possibly give even larger variations, and even people with the seemingly same mutation to those 5 genes, could easily have different exposure to sunlight, and other genes not readily analysed that would make their skin color different.
Also mutations to those 5 codons could be homozygote, heterozygote or de novo mutations.
In a magical realm where her hair is literally on fire, and she can travel across dimensions, I wouldn't worry too much about it. However the planeswalker spark seem to be highly correlated with being pale as fuck (Jace, Lilly, Nissa, and Chandra), so maybe a mutation to one of these genes is what spark planeswalkers.
Another possibility is that it's not her being a planeswalker, but being a Kaladeshi pyromancer that is the reason she looks the way she does.
After all, she didn't learn to burn shit, it just HAPPENED. The only thing she learned was to vaguely control it in the sense of not burning what she doesn't want burnt. She's not some learned wizard, BURNING SHIT is natural for her, and that could well have been a package deal with light skin and red hair.
That's what I always thought. Her mom in the origin story made out Kaladeshi pyromancers to be a very special thing.
Didn't virts friend (the one who almost fucked virts ex) share stories about how virt played magic?
>where is her father?
>Caring about fathers
They're literally the most worthless relationship in Western society.
Would you like some watermelon with your KFC, Ledasha?
>Would you like some watermelon with your KFC, Ledasha?
Are you forgetting how the media loves to downplay or even lightly jab fun at all sorts of fatherly relationships or duties?
Western society does not like fathers, they've been given the "benign neglect" treatment for a good decade now.
Yeah,can't really be sure that was his actual friend and if it was,he's probably dead lying in a ditch in the middle of a forest
>Basically with a couple of two different skin tones,their first child is tehe mostly likely to be lighter skinned, with the children getting progressively darker with each generation
>You start with 20 life in Magic, fuckhead.
And you're a 0/1 creature token with no abilities.
Why are dogs so redpilled?
Lemme guess, he sucked horribly and blamed his own failure on the other people's So Overpowered Decks, specifically the planeswalkers that sometimes might have come out once in a blue moon?
So? I can cast hero's end and kill Chandra instantly.
Who said I'm a normal human?
I'm a 5/5 Motherfucker, faggot. I'd rape Chandra's shit and cuck Jace with Lili and make him watch.
Nah that's you, you're probably a 0/4 with Defender cause you're so damn fat. I work out and in the MTG universe I'd probably be a plansewalker because I am when I play the game which exists in a subset of our world. We are literally gods amongst men in MTG.
Such an ego you have, Virt.
Why do you hate women so much, anyways?
Christ almighty virt
I honestly don't know if you're parodying yourself or not. I have genuinely lost the ability to tell. That's how much of a joke you are.
>Dogs can find out who get's cucked
>People who fear they're going to get cucked, get dogs.
>Eventually, the cuckold-smelling dogs will be trained to attack on command.
>The dogs will be sent after anyone participating in cuckoldry.
Except that's not true.
Look at kids movie's these days. Their is much more likely to be a missing or dead mom than dad.
Dad wants to take time off work to spend more time with his kids, he's seen as a damn hero. Mom does the same thing, she's seen as weak and not cut out for the career world.
This is the same idiot who thinks people shouldn't have a social life and play tabletop games, because HOW DARE SOMETHING POSSIBLY INTERFERE WITH THE SACRED TABLETOP.
And then posts screenshots of his own posts to back himself up.
He himself is the parody.
>I'd rape Chandra's shit and cuck Jace with Lili and make him watch.
>I'd rape Chandra's shit
>Chandra's shit
Wew, Virt. Didn't know you were into scat.
Ever notice how blacks smell unpleasant?
Dogs have a sense of smell 50 times more intense than ours. For a dog, being near a black person is basically like sitting next to a rotting corpse would be for you.
Had a dog that would piss on Pakistani people for the same reason.
They don't poo in the loo, so why should he piss on the grass?
You rarely see a cartoon or movie these days where the kid has a positive relationship with their father. They're generally absent or not relevant.
It is.
My father is brown, curly, dark haired and green eyed.
My mother is white, redhaired and green eyed.
My sister is white, blonde and blue eyed like my father's father
I am brown, redheaded and blue eyed.
Only tumblrtards think all mixed people take 50/50 from each parent. Genetics don't work that way.
How to train your dragon, Brave, Steven Universe, Finding Nemo
Genetics are far more complex than you think they are.