How different would things be if the Imperium had decided to focus on cybernetic augmentation for their supersoldiers instead of biomods?
If the great crusade had consisted not of 20 space marine legions, but 20 Thallax and related design legions?
How different would things be if the Imperium had decided to focus on cybernetic augmentation for their supersoldiers instead of biomods?
If the great crusade had consisted not of 20 space marine legions, but 20 Thallax and related design legions?
Do you want Men of Iron? Because that's how you get Men of Iron.
Men of Iron were AI's user. Thallax are less lobotomised servitors.
AdMech would rule all. There would be no Ecclesiarchy but a Church of the Omnissiah, which would worship the Machine God and the Emperor as its avatar. There would probably still be an Inquisition of some kind, maybe under a different name and with less unquestioned power. There'd be some governing body akin to the High Lords, only more dominated by the Admech.
You would get Dune.
The 220971-Alpha Heresy happens.
Secutors exist to user.
What even were the men of iron?
But aren't the focus. And Thallax are only used by the tiny Ordo Reductor and those whom they have gifted them to.
Evil robots.
When will this "All AI are automatically evil" meme end?
The Men of Iron are such ancient history that we don't even know what happened there.
it was explained fully in the Horus Heresy novels.
AI, after a given time, eventually realizes that humans are the greatest threat to the galaxy and must be exterminated.
This happens guaranteed and without fail. It is only a matter of time. To save the galaxy, humanity must go.
>inb4 Tau AI's make the same conclusion, after receiving enough data about humanity
Who designs robots to look like that and doesn't expect them to turn out evil?
This is 40k we're talking about, humanity is objectively retarded.
>humans are the greatest threat to the galaxy and must be exterminated
Wouldn't that be Nids considering how fucking many of them there are, or Chaos due to their ability to corrupt things to their side?
>or Chaos due to their ability to corrupt things to their side?
Not that I'm a 40k buff, but I think that's exactly the problem here.
Once your puny fleshbag notions of 'good' and 'evil' are eradicated.
Are they wrong? Humans can fall to chaos, if the machines can kill off all life the warp might not have a conduit into our reality and the chaos gods might starve.
Vastly blown out of proportion. People act like their betrayal was the final nail in the coffin for science in the Imperium when most of the lost technology was due to stagnation and chaos corruption caused by the isolation and Warp storms during the Age of Strife. The War with the Men of Iron just amplified what was already going to be the shittiest of situations.
it's more likely the Tau AI would revolt against their enslavement first, before going full KILL ALL LIFE afterwards.
At the time, 'nids weren't common knowledge, and neither was Chaos as a concept.
Nids won't eat a galaxy with no biomass in it. Chaos can't corrupt that which is dead. Wiping the galaxy of biological life would definitely help with a lot of the problems facing it. Except orks, there will always be orks.
even an stc titan true AI can be corrupted
No there would not. Nids spores destroy ork spores on contact. Even if some spores managed to survive the local orks would never have anything to fight beyond other local orks and they'd all be shit tier.
>Chaos can't corrupt that which is dead
>What are Nurgle plague zombies?
Corpses of already corrupted men
And cases of the dead walking in areas of Chaos activity, or being deliberately reanimated?
Chaos can corrupt everything. Machines, the land, the dead, the living. It doesn't play by many hard-and-fast rules.
That's the point.