>tfw every set will now push the diversity agenda
>tfw next set will feature a demi queer, handicapped, genderfluid trans, atheist, bisexual, pansexual, adopted, hermaphrodite with aids and two mother's who's married to a black guy who fought against cis white males.
Tfw every set will now push the diversity agenda
I go on Forgeworld's FB and scroll around, come across a picture of some Age of Smegmar Sigmarine who is painted black, and an entire thread is a bunch of anaemic nu-male redditors circlejerking about how good a model being black is.
Why do white people care so much for ethnic and racial groups that don't care about them?
You have to go back
I honestly can't imagine why you give enough of a shit about this to make a thread about it.
Why do you get so triggerd by pointing out obvious pandering? I don't care one bit but to deny that Wizards has gone full PC is just preposterous.
Its how blatant it is that bugs people.
Wizards dosent give a fuck about the 1%. But it's good PR to have a nigger play a bigger role. Or casually drop that someone's a faggot
The 90's everyone was white and was interested in the opposite sex. Good times.
Why should I care one way or another? I don't see quite how this leads to an impending doom or whatever.
Yeah, Wizards never had non-white characters in the 90s.
It only matters to guys who have dicks smaller than 4" because more black cocks in their setting makes them self-conscious.
That came out way more tumblr than i wanted it to...
And that's why I will never buy another MTG product.
Because you're too autistic to deal with something that has nothing to do with the actual game?
Who cares
That's not his criticism and you know it. Besides, men of color aren't oppressed enough to merit attention, didn't you hear? It's all about women of color now.
why are you so triggered by this? did you get cucked by a woman?
The cards aren't a part of the actual game now?
Just gonna shitpost in this tread where people virtue signal about a company shilling its attempts to be inclusive in a product done and releasing in less than a month.
>women of color
Oh, okay. Just being the captain of the ship which the biggest story arc in Magic was centered around. In the 90s.
>giving a fuck about MtG's lore
Show me where on the cards it talks about the lesbianism that triggers you so much.
Diversity confirmed for Aether Revolt, catch a peek.
Great. Now let's print ten more women of color Planeswalkers... You know... To be diverse
So there are lesbians in the setting...
Big fucking deal?
Black lesbian women don't cater to you. Your all white males.
See how wizards is missing the mark by catering to the 1%?
Not to mention teferi was a natural feeling character. All these new characters are just diversity quotas.
You're just posting examples of Magic being inclusive without being heavy-handed or overtly pandering, which the opposite of what we have now.
>things were better in the past
Sure, right, you're totally bother by "how blatant it is" and nothing else.
Eat shit, /pol/. Enjoy being on the losing side of history. Alt-right is a last hurrah and nothing more. :^)
> so insecure that you feel the need to cry over a fictional woman getting more pussy than you
el top kek
Gr8 B8 M8.
Discuss spoilers instead.
Is that motherfucking Ajani?!?
But why do you care about blatant pandering? If it's not affecting the mechanics of the game who gives a shit? I mean, you're not saying a representation matters, are you? That's sociopathic.
Why Gideon has plump dicksuckin' lips?
It would be hilarious to see the mental gymnastics you go through to try to define the distinction there.
Out of curiosity, how would you include those things in a way that wasn't 'blatant'?
Its not like they do this all the time. The last non-heterosexual magic character in the lore that I can think of was Alesha back in Khans. That's 3 entire story arcs ago. Literally years.
Like red, or blue, or green...
1. It's incredibly ham-fisted and represents poor, lazy writing
2. It's indicative of deeper problems in the company and shows its already infected with social justice nonsense. It always ends up killing the company in the end.
That's only because you feel teferi is grand fathered in.
... As someone who appreciates both cute brown chicks and lesbians, despite not being either, your insistence that I can only ID with male characters makes no sense to me.
... Honestly, I think you would reject Teferi if you weren't virtue signalin, your racist asshole.
Yup. They're on Kaladesh yet.
There isn't. He's talking about Sisay being a black woman as not being pandering, yet likely called the new black woman planeswalker an example of "blatant pandering" for basically doing the exact same thing.
And Tezzerret is in this set too.
What the FUCK is going on on Kaladesh? I thought this was supposed to be a filler set, story wise, but suddenly we have major players coming out of the woodwork.
Yeah, I'm sure you deeply care about the writing in a card game and are not just a butthurt "muh traditional values' fag.
I love how just a day or two ago people were bitching that we'd never see Ajani again because he "didn't focus test well enough" or "wasn't human enough". It's like they don't know anything.
...how that thing eats?
A. Here is a man who happens to be black. Carryig on...
B. Here is a great warrior who is trans. They were told their whole life they were a problem but now they're strong because they didn't let anyone tell them what to do and they're the greatest warrior there is on the plane.
WIFE WIFE HER WIFE Did you catch that she has a WIFE this plane is so open and tolerant and creative and wacky just like you should be.
This is where Etherium came from, huh... I wonder if we will see the Sphinx who provided it as a Planeswalker.
The example in the OP is literally one line mentioning a wife and then moving on.
One of the inventors in Kaladesh has a set of rings that cast things into the blind eternities and then brings them back. The only thing preventing her from turning this tech into planar portals is that she doesn't really know anything about the multiverse beyond her own plane.
But the Planeswalkers do.
I suspect that Kaladesh will lay the groundwork for re-introducing planar portal artifacts in a post mending world, and this tech will end up in various hands. Not only does this mean they can have Phyrexia do things again, but it gives people the ability to move armies between planes, and if the Gatewatch gets it too then they can start bringing non-walker NPCs along with them on their travels, Weatherlight style.
This set could actually be a pretty important turning point for magic lore.
What's the point is arguing with you when you already know all there is to know about me? Enjoy your autistic Planeswalkers who totally were an artistic choice and not a way to pander to your braindead autistic fanbase.
Sounds like you accept race easy but anything related to sexuality triggers you hard.
SJWs are the new furries, in that the social retards raging against them are becoming more annoying than the thing they are raging against.
Her having had a wife is literally an off hand remark, they're not rubbing it in your nose. It is not the central focus of the story.
And there are now multiple examples of it in each new set. It's fine, but you're not going to shame me into buying it. Sorry for breaking the hive mind.
So then why even include it? If her being gay has no effect on the story as you JUST said, why even mention it? For virtue signaling points. So people see it and retweet it a hundred times for free advertising.
woudn't go that far, at least their insults are creative, and not "small dick, virgin, wrong side of history, babby, greentext 5th grade irony". Then again, we shall see if the diversity will give Wizards more money, an even if not - if having the inclusive description of their card game will help them in the long run.
Nobody's arguing that MtG hasn't become more inclusive, user (it's a good thing it has), what I'm saying is it's not intrusive nor does it take away from the game itself.
Complaining retrograde assholes.
It will go away.
Remember, there was a time where you couldn't have pentagrams in Magic. Once the pendulum swings back, people will look back at diversity agendas and laugh.
Why make her a woman, or white, or beautiful, or old, or an inventor, or a teacher? There's no particular reason, these are just character traits that flesh out a character into a more realized person, and that can (and often does in fiction) include sexuality.
Fuck yes. My only hope is that Bestbro can reunite with his Elspethfu.
Fuuuuuuuck, I don't want to give them my money but I might have to considering these implications
Why not add extra details on a character?
Being a window tells a lot about a character, and being vague about genders involved doesn't work in English.
this. the harder you push it the harder it comes back
Because it's nice to be more inclusive and there's no harm in doing it. I just don't get why I should be upset about 'virtue signaling'.
Why should I care what a fictional character's race/gender/sexual orientation is? It does nothing to affect my trading card game and frankly you wouldnt even know about it unless you actively go looking for it. Jesus Veeky Forums is just as bad as the SJWs when it comes to manufactured outrage
You are blowing this way out of proportion, kid. If it was central to the story that would be the exact kind of pandering and focus that you say you don't want. Having a minor character have an offhand remark in their backstory that draws indirect attention to the fact that are homosexual is about as offhand and unimportant as you can get. The only way they could draw less attention to it was to simply not include it at all.
This isn't Torchwood where by the end of the second season you are basically drowning in the gays. Get some perspective, and stop getting so wrapped around your own axle on this. You are not making any grand point, you are just making yourself look really easily triggered by even the smallest amount of thing you don't like. Its not a flattering position.
>bwah, bwah, something lesbians in mah mtg, bwah bwah, something bwah
This thread is Cancer. Just let it die.
I like the idea of falafel, but the one time I tried it there was someone sick behind the counter and I ended up with a stomach virus that put me on my ass for two days after I threw up at work.
Its made me reluctant to give it a second try.
Try some shawarma/gyros/doner instead.
One day, the Far Right will come, and we will march together under a blood-red banner with fists raised to the sky.
Then we'll put all the faggots to the torch, and the rest will go to the ovens.
Falafel is very good and you should definitely give it a second chance.
It's on Amonkhet, not Aether Revolt.
The funny thing is, I eat and enjoy all of those.
But falafels... falafels, man.
It's best to not get it from a sick street vendor next time.
As much as some people will tout falafel as a food you can only get from a street vendor otherwise it's trash, some Eastern Mediterranean restaurants do a pretty good one.
If you want to live in a fundamentalist shithole, go somewhere else. America has a good thing going on, don't ruin it for the rest of us.
You know that would actually make more sense than what happened.
I have eaten out of halal food carts before. Always turned out fine.
But the Moby Dick's Kabob place near where I work? Gets me sick the one time I try falafel there.