Who's hyped here?
Who's hyped here?
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Checked. GET HYPE
On the other hand, that's a pretty shit preorder bonus, but I'll still preorder it, because I've been waiting for a game like this for more than a decade.
On a much more interesting and noteworthy note, notice the new Streum On logo, it's pretty rad imo.
And if you guys don't do it already, go check the links they posted on twitter recently, you'll have better pictures and information.
November can't come soon enough.
What will you guys play in co-op?
I'll go for Apothecary. There's a Heavy Weapons guy for BA lovers and maximum BRRRT.
Plus you can play the campaign in coop, where you can choose classes as well. Doesn't have to be pure random coop.
Assault because space mace. It seems it has the same comedically brutal effect Damocles and Fuckhammer had in EYE.
Its last good 40k game.
Definitely Assault, if only so I can feel a little closer to Best Chapter
Heavy Weapon Support.
Assault, duh.
Gonna rip and tear some xenos bitches.
Witnessed battle brother, trully the Emperor bless this hype with such a get.
>Not one Veeky Forums guy wants snowflakey mind tricks
>Prefer the purity of the blade and bolter
Check, I wasn't hyped before I saw this post
Tactical fps
> terminator spess marens
> no cover mechanic
> no crouch
> never seen prone
Graphics make hype though
If your armour can get damaged, does that mean there'll be a diagnostic check available?
>Post yfw your legs are okay.
Those dubs...
Super hyped!
Nice dubs
Tempted to name my terminator after my dead grandfather in honor of Deathwing Old Guy and kill some genestealers for his honor.
>Needing cover
>being able to crouch
>being able to be prone
Nigga they ARE the cover. Terminators can't crouch or lie on the ground. Hell, sprinting in Terminator armor is something practically unheard of. Thzy put it in the game so that we don't get bored to death byt still. It's tactical because you can give orders and you can't just rush in and empty clips, otherwise you'll get ganked in a second. Just like in a Space Hulk.
> Honoring Deathwing Old Guy
Oh fuck man... the feels. Why did you remind me...
I see EYE memes everytime Deathwing pops out. Was this game really popular, or is it because the EYE fans are waiting for their next streumon fix?
It's sexes.
dubs, trips, quads, quints, sexes.
It was popular for the Veeky Forums community because it's so unbelievably crazy. That, and the fact that under the crazy scenario, the shitty yet hilarious translation, and all the 40k references, the game was mechanically interesting.
You just had to take it as it was, without being serious one bit, and you could have one hell of a time.
So now you take memories, old and new, of that crazy crazy game, you tell fans of 40k that the dude who made the game are working on a Deathwing Space Hulk game, with proper support, funding, experience, helped by another good studio, Cyanide, with editing by Focus, which has proven times and times again that they are 40k fans at heart, and you understand why fans are hyped.
And in itself, the game DOES look good. I mean, fucking hell, the devs have send blessing upon blessing unto us.
Good graphics? Check.
Good atmosphere? Check.
Respect of the lore? Check.
Little easter eggs and reference to deeper 40k lore? Check.
Modding? Check.
Prioritising PC to avoid downgrading the game? Check.
Co-op? Check.
Campaign co-op? Check.
Light progression mechanics? Check.
Class and weapons variety? Check.
I tell you man, this game is the game we've been waiting for.
>he doesn't do backflips in Terminator armor
What, are you some heretic who hasn't been gifted best armor?
>Deathwing Old Guy
Literally who?
>Modding? Check.
Maybe I can edit in my mariachi music after all.
>What, are you some heretic who hasn't been gifted best armor?
Beware ye of hope, dash it down lest you be disappointed
Fucking checked. Also hyped.
But... but it feels so good to be hopeful for something for once.
Won't you let us just have this once?
>Literally who?
A solid copy pasta from a while ago about an old guy who built and painted the deathwing as art therapy for his wife's death. It has become the Dark Angels official feels story since then and gets posted everynow and then.
I don't have it but I'm sure someone here will post it, now that we have brought him up.
Dash it on the rocks and get rid of it.
Heralds of the coming Doom, by cry of Raven, we are drawn. This oath of war and vengeance, on blade of exalted iron sworn, With blood anointed swords aloft, advance we, into Dread’s dark shade. Punishment divine unleashed with hate, a wrathful storm of bolt and blade, Purge with plasma, fist, and shell, bring cleansing fire’s righteous breath. For the Emperor, Knights of Caliban! The Lion’s anointed Angels of Death! No forgiveness. No retreat.
the patriarchy supports those hexachecks
>Can't buy it because no internet on computer.
Fuck this shit I'm turning my phone as a hotspot.
Indeed, apparently there are .ini everywhere.
Here it is...
>saved as 'the patriarchy'
Goddammit, I feel so old and useless reading this.
Good god damn...
>He inters his dead wife symbolically into a dreadnaught so she might live forever
>Surrounds her with their children and loved ones
What the fuck guys... I didn't want these feels right now
fuck, I'm going to have to tell everyone in the office that I have allergies now
>yfw the termie's legs are, in fact, not okay
Will death wing save 40k video games?
Also Psi symbol on the bottom right corner.
>that new streumon studio logo
Shit's getting weird.
>Get hyped because I think it's coming out tomorrow
>Check on steam, and it's coming out in November
Nice 2s
Heard a rumour that the console version is going to have a special edition set with a box of DW terminators in with the game, so it may save 40k tabletop a bit as well as 40k vidya.
It's okay user, we'll make it.
>Streum On
user, it's like saying a loyal Dark Angel!
Some of us have been waiting for years since the game was merely an idea in a crumpled "leaked" poster. A mere duo of month is nothing, Squire of the Lion.
Oh, trust me, I've been on board since I saw the first trailer drop, I just forgot.
For reference, the game is cool looking enough that I showed the trailer to one of my normie friends, and he was still super hype about it
God I haven't been this hyped in years.
I remember when everyone on /v/ was laughing and saying it would be shit. Now it's looking like the best 40K we'll have yet.
>Implying I haven't sent the links to the playlist of trailers to any friend that was mildly interested in 40K
Hold me Veeky Forums, I have the feeling it will be shit and everyone of us will hate it come release
Why would it be shit when everything shown and heard and read is promising?
Only possible issue I see would be allies IA, since they looked for an AI programmer for a long time, and went from 4 to 2 teammates in solo.
Okay, I have to say I'm sticking to my principles and not preordering this. But I'm sure as hell buying it the moment positive reviews or such comes out.
Unless there's pre-release footage that comes out. Hopefully some streamers bother with the game if that's the case. Since I prefer just watching gameplay footage and buying it off that than taking a reviewers word for it if possible.
>Playing a 32 player coop game
Wew lad that was one hell of a time. Everyone was memeing and blowing eachother up with hammers and mind powers.
What are the chances of playing a Chaplain, at least as a cosmetic skin?
Bretty gud, considering mods and steam workshop support, and there are several types of space mace that could be reskinned as a crozius.
/v/ always assumes something is going to be awful. Most of the times they are right, but when they're wrong it's something to behold. It happened with DX:HR half a decade ago.
In that case, consider me HYPED.
The prospects of Dawn of War 3 being good are dim, but they cannot take THIS away from us!
Have faith man, it's streumon for gods sake
It's Veeky Forums. If two people on here dislike the game, come the day of release, we'll see 30 threads a day about it for a month. Those two asswines will bitch and moan enough to make it sound like legions of neckbeards are getting ready to siege the dev teams office.
and the people who do enjoy it will be too busy playing it to reply.
I'm tearing up.
He's happy. That's what matters, blessed be.
>believing anything /v/ says
Just don't.
That aside, I'd really like to try the assault cannon/powerfist combo from that Summer Trailer. Assault Cannon for BRRRRRRRRRRRRT and the Powerfist to make awful jokes about it.
>no internet for three years
>until two days ago
The Emperor himself has blessed my legs lads.
>three year
By the Emperor... My I ask the reason?
this game is going to suck Vermintide will be better.
Work related travel and living in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Until the NBN came along and I and my goanna neighbours have the speedy speeds.
While the town 30 minutes away that actually has people living in it does not!
Thread theme.
Why do I not want any of these?
All I want is a normal deathwing sergeant, or a guy with a Cyclone Missile Launcher. Maybe a guy with a halberd.
Is that going to be available later? I hate being left out.
So lads, what weapon will be the next 444 Bear Killer in terms of sheer devastation
Pretty sure they made it so that everything is fairly balanced.
I mean, the only one shot one kill weapon shown was the green plasma thrower, and it had slower firerate than the the blue one, it's not like EYE where they could pull a gun out of their arse, create a backstory about some guy wrestling a bear and the fun being created in case that opportunity would arise again.
Your death is not merely a possibility, user, it is a certainty. In this war or another, you will die. On that day, happiness will seem very far away. So save some of that victorious cheer. Store it away.
Time to put my favorite Spanish funeral march songs to good use.
Damn, those terminators are actually cool as all hell. Just walking along, firing missiles with no fucks given.
>All these people pre-ordering
How can you trust that shit, ever? Even despite Spacehulk?
I've gained enough brouzoufs
Could we get an option for Storm Troopers sent into hulks? Since space hulk does have storm trooper rules
Cmon you could even shill the scions in I just want to play something as IG in an FPS
Eye as in EYE Divine Cybermancy yeah? Do people still play it?
Find it on sale for $1
But it for some m8s
play with them
Ave Imperator Brother, For the Lion.