Ok, so I see nobody is actually interested in searching for this info

Ok, so I see nobody is actually interested in searching for this info.

Here it is, all you need to see to fucking get it.

IOTA is not a scam, its really that big, this is really happening, sorry for those that own like 99% bitcoin, its over. Bitcoin will stay strong on 2nd place.




Other urls found in this thread:


>excel spreadsheet coin

Its over for Bitcoin

>data is worthless
>google facebook and twitter finance on data and data based ad targeting alone
ok mate, stay poor

>dat reuters article

It's incredible what a few days of pumping will do to bring out the shills.

Iota is a complete scam, heres a comment from the creator after he got btfo on reddit for lying about their partnership with microsoft

Lol look at the Reddit post "confirmed partnerships" literally none of these are official partnerships lmao

Scam confirmed

Also team owns 60% of supply. They are worth 5b collectively

There is no official microsoft source confirming a partnership.

The only 'source' is a sales guy with a fake linkedin account saying he works at microsoft

Its all bullshit, sell or get fucked hard

Shits gunna tank once the normies find out

Sorry If you guys are still accumulating

HAHAHHAHAHAHA sure thing, altboy