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How do you like it so far? Setting, mechanics, cards, power level, characters, etc.
Kaladesh Discussion Thread
Kaladesh or Amonkhet?
Sets kinda gay.
set is great so far, vehicles could be better. 9/10
Quick, someone shop body pillow in Jace's arms!
man, I wonder if the big Egypt-colored arena could be Amonkhet
time for some theories
>Ajani is there seeking help/strength/insight from other Gods to try and rescue Elspeth
is Nissa Korean now?
aetherflux reservoir with "storm 9" actually gains you 45 life which should probably put you above 50 even after being attacked a few times
could this be playable in modern?
Amonkhet, the building's not swirly enough. Ajani was going through one of the 5 trials and the gatewatch arrives to save the day.
Or he's there because of Bolas.
>Ajani is there to wreck Bolas' shit again because he's still pissed about Elspeth
Overall, I'm really impressed. I think this set is going to be a lot of fun to draft and ideally might shake up Modern. The art's also beautiful
As far as hydras go, I really like Blistering Hydra. Works with other set mechanics and gives itself hexproof? What's not to like? The Modules are pretty cool too
I also laughed out loud when I read Aetherflux Reservoir. Will it see play?
>other Gods
If this means we're getting Shard, Wedge 'n Trapezium Gods for Amonkhet, I will be very happy
Will we get a three color Ajani? I've been wanting a good walker for my Naya bullshit deck.
It'll absolutely see play. People are going to try and make it work, it's too hilarious to not try.
Whether or not it will go anywhere is an entirely different question that I can't answer.
There's only 5, so probably shards.
>Possibly Ovalchase Arena
>Lili Gideon and Nissa are there already
>Gold as fuck
>Jace is there and needs to show up doing something after paperwork and getting wet Azorius pussy
>Ajani feels more likely to show up in another plane with gods after Theros than showing up randomly in Kaladesh since we're also getting Tezzeret
Signs point to Amonkhet, with the idea that one member of the Jacetice League taking a leave after each block (Jace after SOI/EDM doing paperwork, Chandra staying behind in Kaladesh to help rebuild after the revolt with Saheeli and her mom) and meeting a new friend who doesn't join the Jacetice League (Tamiyo in SOI/EDM, Saheeli in KLD/AER, Ajani in Amonkhet)
too expensive for storm.
Storm already has finishers for getting to storm 9, and doesn't need a 4 drop that doesn't help them storm out and isn't searchable with instant/sorcery fetchers.
Can't wait to annoy people with my janky energy deck.
Gideon and Jace aren't on Kaladesh. Both stayed on Ravnica.
5 gods, user
5 proper wedge gods
I really wanna do something dumb with mirrorwing dragon and harnessed lightning for energy shenanigans.
Gotta include tokens for that sweet death trigger energy production
The other thing is that they've spoiled 3 Walkers so far, so for this to be in Kaladesh then within this set and the next they'd have to work in:
>Dovin Baan
Don't forget green Puzzleknot, it'll get a trigger out of Marvel.
A card that you need to have before you go off is not what Storm wants.
It's right there lol
>every planeswalker that shows up gets a card
but we know that's not true.
>playable in Modern
Nope aggro and midrange only, final destination.
Admittedly they tried it out with BfZ, but trying it doesn't mean they're guaranteed to keep doing it. Remember, sets are made ages in advance, so for them to get feedback on whether people liked it or not and continue with it would take quite a while.
Oh crap, I'm going blind.
Goodbye cruel world.
I would have preferred an incomplete cycle than this garbage.
>making the ganky energy deck
>not seeing the basis for a pretty damn good RG aggro/midrange deck that gets part of it's power from energy.
I look forward to beating you using half the cards you are, in a much better deck.
Red one sucks, big surprise.
Blue and Black ones are OK tho.
Tezzeret, Nissa, Chandra, Saheeli Rai and Dovin Baan are my bets. With Tezzeret and Dovin in Aether Revolt.
Jace and Gideon are busy on Ravnica, while Liliana is just along for the ride without a card.
As for Ajani, weren´t cats considered sacred or holy in ancient egypt.
I´m calling it now, where going to get an naya bastet lookalike in amonketh too.
They left out one planeswalker last time. Tossing the entire Gatewatch in and printing only two or three of them seems like a leap.
Judge probably won't let you use half cards.
what are you talking about? jace was there for most of bfz and never got a card, tamiyo almost didn't get a card in EM, they've stated that five walkers per block is their standard and not everyone needs a card.
This is the best card I've seen in a long time. Finally we are getting interesting cards.
The point of Reservoir isn't too storm 9 in one turn.
The point is too storm 4 for 3 turns in a row and then win on the 4th turn. That's what makes Reservoir so unique: no other 'storm' card lets you storm over multiple turns.
>5 Mana, 2 damage
Glad I'm not even trying to play red
I have to agree. Why does Wizards hate red?
But user, minimum deck size is 60!
Yeah, it's not like we've just seen a really good red planeswalker or anything.
With this, basilisk collar, and Karn, Silver golem out, you can clear the whole table, assuming you have 51 or more life.
See, being able to include Planeswalkers in the story without printing them as cards is a cheat to use in case they want a character involved but something is keeping them from wanting a planeswalker in their colors or another printing of the same walker too recently after an earlier one.
What that means is that it's a way out of awkward situations, not an invitation to do it all the time constantly. They're going to use this to allow for corner situations where one gets left out, not to stuff ten planeswalkers in one block's story and only print half of them.
>Wolf of Shitting Street
>Designated Driver
>Loopine Prototype
The deck names write themselves.
>Storm already has finishers for getting to storm 9
no it doesn't, it currently goes to storm 19 for grapeshot
definitely a downside, especially since artifacts die so easily
that would take too long in modern
I'm not running the bunch of 1 ofs you do to fit all the janky combos into the deck. I'm running 4 ofs so my 60 cards are actually consistent.
>4x Robodog
>4x vroom vrooms
>4x Prey Upon
Make the sac cost R or 1R instead of 2R?
Switch it up. Make the red one do the exile-draw thing, and switch the black one to -1/-1 or life drain.
XD upvoted!
but user! It hits players!
Bump up its damage to 2. Not broken and works better in limited.
I don't know why wizards has shied away from effective red direct damage.
>Men are highly detailed
>Women are not
This is just weird to look at. I'm also loving the nigger lips on Gideon.
The joke.
>your head
I hope chandra died
Erupting Gearhulk - 3RR
When Erupting Gearhulk enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to creatures your opponents controls for each Artifact you control
I like the Hydra. I'll need a new pet monster lizard to cram into every deck once Thunderbreaks rotate.
>Play this with the module engine
>Haha time for a boardwipe.
>that would take too long in modern
That's because you're imagining it in a storm shell, when it actually belongs in a pillowfort/control shell.
You use Eidolon of Blossoms for card draw, Arbor Elf and that one mana forrest enchantment for ramp, all the good white pillowfort enchantments to slow the game down, and Reservoir as a finisher.
This deck might even make it into legacy, where you have cards like Argothian Enchantress and Enchantress' presence to add redundancy.
etb 1 to creature or player
1r sac
2 to creature or player
its not rocket science, fucking bolt was a common whats wrong with playable commons
>deck might even make it into legacy
That's a good joke.
If that were 1 cheaper, it would almost be playable in Affinity.
baan is confirmed walker #4 for kaladesh. tezz is probably alone in revolt.
>Ajani, Ra's Champion
I know none of it quite works, but I appreciate Wizards putting the effort in to try and make interactive Storm a thing these last couple of sets.
>inb4: betrayed by Ra just like Elesh was by whatshisname
>Finds Bolas instead
Bolas vs Ajani grudge match.
It's because of their new policies. They REALLY dont want people to be able to win without creatures. The only reason burn is still a thing is because of its history and association with magic. If they could they would just do away with burn being a wincon. Now its still exists but no one wants to use it.
Confirmed where?
They've shown the Tezzeret art already and not one for Baan, so there's still a chance Tezz slides in this set before Baan and he ends up in Aether Revolt instead.
Legacy Enchantress is already a thing, user. That was never the question.
The real question was, "does Legacy Enchantress have room to cut anything from their lists," and I think they can.
They're getting there. Bedlam Reveler is actually seeing play, and it's a good representations of trying to turn storm into a Creature.
Wait, who was Elsh Norn betrayed by? Are you thinking of Elspeth?
I say that we'll see a pretty good RG(x) value deck in standard with the new nissa, the new chandra, sylvan advocate, that 2mana 3/2 energy dude, that 3 mana 4/4 energy haste dude,maybe that new hexproof hydra and some other high-power cards.
am I cmpletely wrong with that assumption?
>Duel Decks: Ajani Vs. Nicol Bolas Round 2 No Holds Barred
creatureless wins were always the exception user. Combo was never a thing that showed up in ever standard format.
Combo saw play in standard back in Khans. That wasn't that long ago. And again, playable combo never a thing that showed up in every standard format.
One of the demons Liliana is beholden to is named RaZaketh. There exists a possibility that their Ra equivalent might actually be a demon posing as a god.
>Ajani vs. Bolas 2: Egyptian Boogaloo
All the other Gearhulks are 5-6 mana, I was just following the flow of the cycle. 5/5 because we haven't had one yet (All the others are 4-6/4-6) and haste because lol Red First Strike might work but might be too overpowered, the ability was just going with the other ETB effects the others have.
This when Nicol pulls out himself and then the Himself uses Nicol to bludgeon Ajani to death.
>When ~ enters the battlefield it deals 1 damage to target creature or player
>2R, sac ~ : ~ deals 3 damage to target creature or player.
There Its common playable. 4 damage for 5 at instant speed or ping something and save the rest for later.
It'll be interesting to see a plane ruled by Bolas that also has Gods. Will Bolas be pulling all the strings? Will the Gods be his creations? Will the Gods hold more power than Bolas or will it be the other way around?
>does an enchantment based deck have room for a shitty non-enchantment?
It was a very good joke indeed.
mari's said there are four walkers in kaladesh and that dovin was supposed to be spoiled at PAX
I'm not talking combo. Combo is a whole different ballgame. I'm talking combo like decks that cant just go off. That play the game at the same time as aggro but instead of wining the second the final piece is placed they win slowly.
Beings he created back before the Mending, Avacyn style. Though since the Mending he's abandoned the plane, since he can't take anything from it worthwhile anymore.
That's my guess, anyways.
It could just have been shock
What's wrong with shock?
To powerful for standard.
so, control or maybe tempo.
Decks which have almost always run at least a few creatures, especially as the wincon.
Esper Dragons, also a thing in Khans. Turbo Emrakul is a bit like this, though it's more of a ramp deck. A slightly different variety.
Some versions of G/B delirium were more controlling as well.
>More Nissa
Please no
at 2 colorless too good, and breaks the color pie hard.
Now, why didn't the activated cost 1R, when another part of the cycle costs 1C?
There is no good answer for that question.
2 colorless mana for a shock would actually be kind of going outside the color pie.