I miss the days when werewolves were a valid antagonist
I miss the days when werewolves were a valid antagonist
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Avoid penis and rape and it is, nobody gives a fuck about your fetishes you furfag homo.
Are you telling me that vaginas and consensual sex is alright?
If your werewolves are trying to antagonize people with vaginas and consensual sex, you might not be playing them right.
>world of gay rape
>society has power structures based around the ability to rape
>giant donkey-cocked muscle thugs rule the land with an iron dick
>beneath them in the pecking order are the gentry who tolerate being raped as the price of being able to rape others lower still
>the lowest levels of society are all mind-broken rapeslaves, grunting and squealing for precious cocks
>werewolves show up
>female ones
>torment the citizens with tempting vaginas and musk
>upsetting the balance of power by removing the need for rape and providing an alternative to cocks
>werewolf vagina cults spring up
>rebellions and dissent spreading
>donkey-cocked muscle thugs strap on their armour and weapons and set out to save the rape culture that they worked so hard to create
I'd play it.
This user has it right, werewolves should antagonize people with vaginas and snu snu
...is that polt?...
They still are.
lvl 2 group had to fight one if 5e D&D
Got really hairy
wait a sec, is-
damn, beat me to it
In a recent game the shit hit the fan because the werewolf party member turned during a quest, with everything going on she forgot to keep track of the lunar cycle. Shit got fucked up, werewolves are definitely a valid antagonist, or at least threat.
I too miss the days when you cared more about what the people in your gaming group thought than what random faggots on Veeky Forums who don't even play games think.
Fuck off, Carlos.
>be infected with lycanthropy
>encounter 3.14 cutie at harvest festival
>dance many a waltz together
>"user, pray thee, remove thine jerkin so that I may admire thy physique"
>mfw when my tits bigger and paler than hers
>porridge doth pour from my belt pouch
>suddenly moon comes out of clouds, become hairy and swole af
>"oh user thou art so virile, recite poetry to me"
>"uh, roses art red, delphiniums art blue, In sooth it is time for the old lickeroo"
If you don't consider them valid antagonists, you only have yourselves and your GM to blame.
Have you watched Hellsing Ultimate?
There is a character you might enjoy.
something something monster within
I like how Infinity did werewolves
>Playing game of 3.5
>First session we're level something but still mundane gear
>Playing rapier guy
>Werewolves without hints
>I need to roll max damage to deal 1 point over their DR
>DM telling me I should have bought a silvered weapon
Does everyone buy silvered weapons? Shit man. I don't even remember anything else about that game it was so long ago, but I still remember feeling pointless in that fight.
>Spend 100gold to silver a weapon
>May never fight a ww
>Buy a silver short sword for 25gold
>Does 1d6 damage
>Shit weapon and may never fight a ww
It's stupid.
Honestly, shit like werewolves and vampires are the hardest for my players, because its insanely hard for them to metagame. Like, they have to force themselves to act surprised an fumble through some encounters before one of them "luckily rolls" a knowledge check to remember to pick up some silver or garlic.
>played a kenku sorcerer thief
>first session of the game
>be in disguise
>pick pocket one of the players
>steal his silver coins
>meet rest of the party later in a tavern
>"you seem like a decent chap, why not join us on an adventure"
>tavern ends up being like the Titty Twister from Dusk til Dawn
>new and improved, now with werewolves. >We're lvl 1, and trapped and fucked
>one player actually has a silver dagger
>Random human NPC dispenses silver dinner knives from some duke he stole from
>used up magic missile, now what?
>spend rest of the game hiding in shadows and zinging stolen silver coins from a sling for 1 HP of full damage rest of the night
>almost a TPK if it wasn't for more NPC showing up.
I miss the days people could play anthro animals ala The Wind in the Willows or Reepicheep without being called furry faggots.
I have no furry fetish whatsoever but once a ten-year I would enjoy playing a civilized animal.
TMNT and After the Bomb were good games.
I'd only worry about specifically furries when recruiting for magical realm games from communities inundated with them.
All the other times, sex-starved sperg is a sex-starved sperg regardless of whether it's furry or not.
Who the fuck is polt?
Word, yo. Twenty+ years and Usagi Yojimbo still my nigga.
A furry.