Posted this right at the bump limit, so here it is again:
In EotE an Aratech 57-D Speeder Bike is 2,800 credits. In supplements the Gallis-Tech 48 Roller is 750 credits.
If I wanted a motorcycle that was the Speeder Bike but without the hover capacity (and perhaps nerfed maneuverability), what would be an appropriate cost?
I'm looking for a bike that has more encumbrance and passenger capacity than the roller, but at a roller price point.
Another way to put it: how much of an increase in cost to upgrade the stock roller to have a passenger and extra cargo?
Angel Allen
I don't know what you're talking about, user. I've been playing with mine for weeks :^)
William Jones
which is why I'm so confus about why the fuck can't they just send some to America
Oliver Thompson
I know people who have had all of wave 9 since gen con
Evan Morgan
yea I fucking know
fucking ffg
Liam Gutierrez
I recently finished painting my Y wing for the HoTAC campaign I am in
Angel Hughes
600 credits for a motorbike. They're simple tech by modern standards, they're even simpler by star wars standards.
Brandon Howard
It's nice to see i'm not the only one being an impatient fuck about this.
Jaxon Nelson
That's a good point. What would be a good stat block? I'd feel for that price it'd be worse than a reskinned roller.
Brayden Gonzalez
I'll have one in a bit
Luis White
here you go
Connor Bailey
Yo, this is sweet, thanks! I assume the extra encumberence is from integral saddlebags.
Cameron Diaz
Cooper Ward
I've had it since gencon. Crazy how long it's taking to get to stores. I got an arc and a protectorate, but I'm really itching to get that lancer.
Mason Mitchell
Who is that dashing man in the hover chair and what is that giant book in his lap?
Isaac Wright
The rule lawyer
Cameron Gomez
It mostly has to do with the middle-man distributors. Consider this, then send them to the distribution warehouses (usually independant companies who hold an assortment of products from different companies, and sell them to local game stores or small chains. The local game stores (and big chain stores like Barnes and Noble) place their pre-orders in advance, and then receive the product within about a week of each other. And FFG gives them all the go-ahead to sell at a certain date, so as to not create artificial demand from stores trying to sell before the others.
GenCon was all FFG, no middlemen or retail chains, which means the profits they get for selling stuff is even greater than normal. GenCon is usually one of the last cons of the year that they sell merhandise at. Starting last year (or a few years ago), they stopped selling anything at PAX Prime. I assume it had to do with independant game store retailers being there, or simply because they just would rather hang out and enjoy playing games. But regardless, they had no store (again) this year, which means no Wave IX.
Christian Adams
Yea, I mean it makes sense and everything. I'm just really hype for Vectored thrusters and Rau Rau fight the power
Evan Walker
How broken would it be if we saw a Jabba crew that took 2 slots and allowed you to flip over used illicit cards?
Parker Sullivan
With the absurd hype everyone including myself has for the protectorates' and Rau, it feels like a setup for disappointment when it'll turn out the fang fighter isn't the best thing since Empire Strikes Back.
Parker Adams
We'll we've seen all the upgrades, pilots, and dials
They look super fun, I don't need it to be the best ship ever or anything.
Julian Young
Huh that'd be a cool. Like, as an ability or just one a turn or something? Or maybe a one shot that flips them all but discards jabba?
Isaac James
Or limit it per round like palp
Jack Sanchez
That sounds like a pretty fun Scum palp-variant actually. So every turn, a used illicit get's restored? I think it could work, with a cost in the 6-8 range it wouldn't break anything, although running it dedicated on Rigged Cargo Chute could turn ridiculous.
Liam Turner
Infinite glitterstims seems a bit strong but then again so is palp
Ryder Roberts
>2 slots Make him a crew version of a huge ship! Jabba (fore) 4 pts The Hutt (aft) 4 pts
Anthony Ortiz
Hey, does anyone have the stats to the nemesis Rathtar from the TFA beginner game?
William Reed
Anyone have any alternative game modes to X-Wing? I often play in large groups and my friends and I play something called "38". It's a free-for-all where each player gets exactly 1 ship and 38 points in which to make it. It's a bit of a story to how we got 38 points, but it's a really solid number as 40 is just too high and 35 too few.
Jack Brooks
5/3/1/2/2/1 Soak 7; 32 WT; 12 ST Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 1 Adversary 2, Grapple (Once per round, may perform Grapple maneuver; until beginning of Rathtar's next turn, enemies must spend 2 maneuvers instead of 1 to move from engaged to short range of it) Plethora of tentacles (Brawl; Dmg 6; Crit 4; Short; Spend 2 Advantage, target may not make maneuvers until the end of the following round) Lamprey Maw (Brawl; Dmg 10; Crit 3; Engaged)
Jaxson Sullivan
If you want something more mission oriented Heroes of the Aturi Cluster is a lot of fun
Brandon Wilson
Thanks man!
Julian Diaz
I don't have any game modes to contribute, but, mind sharing some build you or your friends used? I'm interested to see what sort of glorious bloat-monsters fly in such mode.
John Davis
Woops, I forgot: Easy Prey (when a rathtar makes an attack against an immobilized enemy, it lowers the critical rating of Lamprey Maw to 1 for the duration of the attack)
Samuel Cooper
What if they added deathsticks in game as well for all those addictive drugs. >Removes any stress until the next turn >add focus >deal any damage face up
Lucas Brooks
Is there an online tool for a vehicle sheet like this?
Jaxon Williams
unfortunately no. I made this by fucking around with the files for the character creator. It's pretty easy to do.
Dylan Brown
one quick tip is that the tag in the vehicle's file is used to get the pictures that go with it. make sure the name is the same for both images and the entry. If your custom stuff is not appearing , go to options in the chargen and make sure whatever source you specified is selected. Also, images must be .pngs.
Carson Stewart
SWG, I have a question.
I'm currently writing a Kotor era campaign and I'm looking for inspiration in non-star wars related media, having already exhausted my options in-universe.
Do you all have any recommendations?
Jayden James
I doubt they'd be of much use. We tend to be very, very casual, only two of us play remotely competitive, and we certainly don't bring that spirit to the game. It's really more about creative combos or creating overly specialized ships; anyone who tries too hard will probably be focused down.
Soontir Fel is far and away the most played pilot; there are more games with multiple of him than none. He's just so darn versatile and leads to fun combinations.
Grayson Myers
What kind of campaign are you running? If it's noir, I dug the Stockholm Noir trilogy, and currently loving an LA Noire LP for example. Have you read Synners? It's a really good cyberpunk book, could do stuff with implants and tech? Idk.
Kevin Mitchell
Both of those sound really nice, thanks. It's mostly going to be a dark times following the jedi civil wars. I plan to have a somewhat pulpy adventure being the main part with plot points rooted firmly in noir ( the betrayals, intrigue, and lack of overarching meaning outside the immediate).
Austin Davis
Ok if you're doing Noir, Stockholm Noir might be a bit too 'modern' for your tastes, but stuff can be adapted (especially the 'wannabe royalty' subplot). LA Noire is LA Noire, a love letter to those films. There should be a Let's Play on YouTube with episodes titled "Lecture #" or something, that's the one I'm seeing.
And as to other non-noir things, the woman who wrote Synners also did Mindplayers, about mind-jacking (similar themes about mindplay) which is also excellent, and Tea From An Empty Cup which is more traditional cyberpunk. Neuromancer is a classic of the genre, but not sure what you can apply, slicing already is a thing. John LeCarre's books have a lot of spy tension in them, if that's what you're going for.
Have you read Discworld? It parodies a lot of genres and stuff, but it's got a lot of novel ideas, you could be able to crib something off of there (the Patrician could be a cool character for example)
Jackson Cox
I read discworld a long long time ago however, an update is probably in order for myself.
However, an odd thing that I've noticed was that watching "The young adventures of Indiana Jones" was quite helpful as well as a few more documentaries about WW2 in general. I've been looking into historical media concerning WW1 and the Napoleonic Wars as well.
I'm probably going to give Mindplayers or Synners a read first as I'm more interested in exploring the force as a personal dive into something that should be familiar to anybody as well as playing with cybernetics and droid "mental" development.
Jayden James
Also there was a Discworld Noir video game, I just remembered.
Camden Powell
I find Fel to he anything but versatile, as far as build goes. On the table he's flexible, and can always boost/roll/evade around wherever he wants to go. But build-wise it's all-PtL all the time, with Autothrusters and Stealth/Shield or go home.
Unfortunately however, that's a common theme with Tie Interceptors anyways. Carnor Jax is always PtL with thrusters+stealt/shield as well, but with even more emphasis on R1 (and for good reason). And Turr Phenir is practically married to Veteran Instincts, although his ability makes him more fun to fly (IMO).
Isaiah Cooper
I can't recommend Synners enough. I was first interested in Tea From An Empty Cup, but the bookstore had Synners so I thought I'd see what she wrote like before ordering the Omnibus. 25% of the way in, I ordered the Omnibus. Still haven't read Tea, actually.
Also look at that face, and tell me if she wouldn't be right at home in a Star Wars game.
Luis Richardson
>MFW someone saved the image I made.
That's Grand Moff Hissa after an unfortunate accident on Duro and that book is the Dark Book of Imperial Justice.
Adam Nelson
My flgs is saying september 22nd
Caleb Sullivan
>it's all-PtL all the time, with Autothrusters and Stealth/Shield or go home I agree, that's how I run him competitively, but when we play casual people usually just make him a one-shot-Johnny and go nuts with that.
Levi Lewis
Question: is the book physically dark or is it just a feeling
Aaron Rivera
You're cruising over Hosk Station and this SSD slaps you girl's ass. What do?
Austin Gomez
Isaac Allen
The leather binding is as dark as whaladon orphan tears. Its pages are as dark as Supreme Prophet Kadann's boxer shorts. Its ink is as Dark as my Greetings to you.
In all seriousness, the only thing mentioned in the Dark Book of Imperial Justice is a brief marriage passage that basically states "If you marry the Emperor, you're his bitch forever and ever."
Ryan James
She slaps him right back...
Christopher Brooks
I don't understand how this design is even remotely practical. B-Wings always seemed silly to me.
Jose Sanchez
carnor pairs well with juke too.
Grayson Turner
I always interpret weird designs in star wars as being representative of the weird mentality of the species that designed it or had a hand in designing it. Like maybe there's a species that's used to having their cockpits gyro-stabilized relative to some imaginary plane in space, so they make something like the B-Wing as a weapons platform that obeys that mantra. I dunno.
Ryder Gutierrez
Hunter Campbell
Stranger things have been successful.
Colton Martinez
Oh. My. God.
Kevin Morgan
It was probably Lucas' WWII boner. Blohm & Voss made some bizzare shit.
Also, the B-Wing was designed by Ackbar and the Verpine Design Collective, so you're basically right anyway.
Isaac Watson
I love how crazy 20th century aircraft designs got.
Liam Moore
Take the B-Wing and its armament.
Then play Gyruss or Tempest to get the idea of what a gyroscopic cockpit would be like.
I'm a newbie to x wing and have this card is pretty good but I'm unclear as to how it works. Can someone break it down for me?
Nathan Bailey
If you have a target lock on a target, they cannot spend focus tokens or evade tokens to modify dice. They also cannot change the results. Its suspicious that it does not explicitly prevent your opponent from re-rolling the dice in question though.
Easton Edwards
This guy made the B-Wing.
Ethan Gutierrez
The Verpine are very odd bugs, user. Very odd.
Dylan Price
If you have a target lock on the enemy ship, it can't modify any dice rolls. This means any abilities that would let them re-roll dice, change die results or add die results don't work.
This includes but isn't limited to: focus and evade tokens, spending target lock, Advanced Targeting Computer, Sensor Jammer, etc.
The only thing that works is Palpatine IF he's on a different ship than the one you're locked on to.
Anthony Price
In new canon at least.
I do hope when they reintroduce him he's got a bunch of Verpine helping him.
Ayden James
That sounds awesome, but I'd call it "Super Bombad Dogfights" instead. Personally I'd bring an A-Wing, Kihraxz, or (when it drops) Protectorate fighter.
Parker Turner
So when I use this do I need to have a target lock on an enemy ship? Or do I just spend a focus token and that's it?
Nathan Thomas
Y'know, the Empire has Thrawn, and later Pellaeon. Did the New Republic in Legends have any super brilliant Naval commanders?
Jace Perez
>letting fucking bugs be around your starships
Kevin Young
Focus and that's it.
Jaxson Peterson
They had mai waifu, but I can't really think of any NR plot-important Naval masterminds.
Landon Harris
Ackbar was their best. Garm Bel Iblis was noted as being fairly competent and Wedge, IIRC, eventually becomes the best damn carrier boss in the galaxy. During the hunt for Zsinj, Han also demonstrated considerable naval prowess.
Bel Iblis was more than competent and one of the best fast-response commanders in the NR.
Etahn A'baht and Traest Kre'fey were also really good, but the New Republic lacking TACTICAL GENIUS level admirals compared to governmental bureaucracy was something of a plot point that allowed Imperial Warlords/Yevetha/Ssi-Ruuk/etc to rise to the challenge before the heroes stepped in.
Bentley Nelson
I got you babe
Carson Collins
>practical ship designs >Star Wars Got some bad news for you...
John Clark
You still will want something like Guidance Chip to boost your dice modification with the ordnance.
Noah James
>I think the galaxy ought to avoid being united by a dictatorship. While it's true Fel might have that talent, what about his descendants? His heir? Rulers aren't necessarily wise through generations... I don't think the entire galaxy should be ruled by a system where everything depends on one person's character.
Jacob Nguyen
So instead you use wookie slaves? Those furballs on your battlestation? What would sheeve think if he could see you now?
Elijah Allen
doesn't rerolling come under modifying?
Eli Brown
Yes. Rerolling is a modification.
Julian Lopez
gee tarkin, why does sheev let you have FOUR blue pens
Caleb Sanchez
if you were a the leader of a mercenary starfighter squadron in ~10 ABY, what would your unit fly?
Luke Cooper
Headhunters most likely.
Oliver Baker
What starfighters are available in 10 ABY?
William Lewis
T-65s, Galm Team colors.
Henry Lewis
Y-wings mostly, with a screen of whatever higher performance fighters I can get my hands on. X-wings, Kirhaxz, stolen TIE Interceptors, anything that can preform the interceptor/superiority role.
The exact fighter complement will depend on how well the unit has been doing. If we've been winning a lot and making some money then the fighters will be better. On the other hand if we're just scraping by then expect some uglies around to fill in the ranks.
Jack Wright
How long til we get an announcement for a new eote book. We've had an adventure then a class book so it's probably going to be setting stuff right? I am dying for the bounty hunter book
Josiah Ramirez
X-Wings. And if Incom isn't coughing those up, I suppose we'll go for Heavy-95s.
John Gray
Glitterstim stresses the ship every turn, so even if it's renewed you might not be using it every turn.
It's also somewhat tricky to make Scum lists when you're down ~8pts and need a ship with a few crew slots, they have enough trouble finding really efficient ships as-is.
Nicholas Ortiz
Two flights of Vaksais, one flight of Skipray Blastboats to bring the heavy firepower.
Owen Garcia
due to budget constraints I can only get one big ship u wing or heros of the resistance?
Carter Peterson
Do you already have a Yt-1300 hundred?
If so, I'd hold on and wait to see more about the U-wing first