Just a reminder that the EI is cool and just wants to bring enlightenment to all. ALEPH is a scrub.
Ethan Nguyen
Just a reminder that the EI will always be the little child that just isn't good enough compared to his more accomplished and enlightened big brother. That predecessor's got a doctorate to the EI's high school diploma and it's funny seeing the EI act tough to try to compensate.
Samuel Reed
At least EI still loves her parents. Her big brother abandoned them like a wanker.
Adrian Rivera
Reminder that ALEPH provides some top tier waifu's
Caleb Bennett
The trouble is if things are just unconscious you can't hotswap, so you need to move the unconscious model into group two...
Jackson Lewis
And every one of them could easily be replaced by a Speculo Waifu. Based EI will provide waifus and husbandos for everyone once the war is over and we stop our petty attempts at resistance.
Samuel Stewart
Then she murdered her twin sister...
Benjamin Smith
So does CA
Wyatt Edwards
I got mine over a week ago, in N.E. USA.
Joseph Young
Scots has best waifus.
Kevin Robinson
Big deal, so did most soldiers in my army. the rest murdered their twin brothers (I play Morats)
Aiden Bell
Ariadna in general has some top tier girls. I do want a Kazak girl though.
Caleb Davis
I guess inbreeding doesn't always make for ugly babies.
Jaxon Perez
It was self defence. Kind of. The other EI would have done the same to her.
Chase Morris
Jace Rivera
They both sucked, because they were almost identical.
Xavier Mitchell
>They both ruled, because they were almost identical. I know, it's a shame that things couldn't be solved peacefully. With all the wondrous things that can be done with a single EI, imagine what two could accomplish.
Juan Jones
They took a lot of semen with them if you know what I mean.
Levi Wright
I want a Tankhunter girl. Have her standing in a neutral pose like the HMG version, holding the autocannon at her side by the carry-handle. Ass mandatory, balaclava remains, and a nice long braid down her back.
I've put too much thought into my Kazak waifu...
Robert Clark
Kazak line infantry if we are going for dire foes, probably will be the first one unless we get one in the kazak sectorial
Hunter Thompson
>ywn ride free on the nipponese streets on the back of your waifu's souped up rice rocket
Gavin Diaz
>riding bitch
Jackson Baker
Reminder tha saying yes to AI overlords means saying no to cat girls. Checkmate, AI-slaves!
Juan Hall
Yeah but shit's probably gonna die first turn. Jumping people with AD or TO hidden in an otherwise empty combat group is something I do all the time, it works well.
Caleb Reed
And then she hacks up a hair ball on your bed.
Luis Rodriguez
How about this?
Jayden Ramirez
>R6Siege pls no. That game is a taint on the name of R6. Can we just go back to the days of Raven Shield? I'd be okay with her as a kazak mini though
Wyatt Butler
She can cheeki my breeki
Angel Young
Nothing has made me rage harder than these stupid 5 point fuckers hiding in total cover with their stupid jammers.
How do you kill an army with four of these guys jamming you? That hide in cover and then man you as soon as you walk into their zone of control and there's for of them plus 260 points of other stupid bullshit
Nicholas Peterson
Sorry, eh
Lincoln Thomas
>280 :^)
Juan Nelson
Why are you playing 280 point games?
Logan Harris
easy kill them and 280p what???
Gavin Taylor
I actually like Siege
but if you want cheeki breeki balaclavas though shes french
Adrian Robinson
Oh right, they're 5 and you take four of them. That doesn't make anything better
Jacob Morales
There is one less for them, dude it's a strategy game, think of something, what do you play?
Leo Robinson
So, last thread somebody posted the new RPG art, but not the newest version of the Concilium stuff.
Lucas Ward
They are fucking obnoxious.
-Play on tables of reasonable density. Check out interplanetary pictures for guidelines.
-Use speculative fire to kill them
-Use irregular warbands that you don't care about isolation
-Use models with stealth so no AROs
-Flip the table
Nathaniel Torres
It's more about psychological tricks for your opponent. If you do have TO or jumpers you want them to think you don't so they fearlessly move forward.
And if you don't have them you can make them think you do. I like to run a combat group of 9. Anything that makes them think of guarding the rear when they don't have to is less guns I have to deal with.
Michael Cox
Some good KAzak Girl
Austin Anderson
Ready for some Veterans eating the other armies?
Michael Rodriguez
Why is the Antipode Assault Pack controller such a qt? Why is it making me want to start Ariadna?
Kevin Morris
JSA looks good in black/red
Zachary Russell
Been gawking at Infinity recently, looks super cool but I'm not to versed in the rules yet. I got 2 quick questions.
1. How viable are PanO's Military Order? I like the idea of super catholic space knights but I'm not sure how well a team of dudes with swords would fair in a game about cover and guns?
2. Some of the military order models are kinda out dated and weirdly posed, so I was thinking of using some of the other more recent Pan models and modelling on tabards and swords to them, mainly turning NeoTerran Bolts into Order Sergeants. Just curious how well the general consensus is on using proxies and conversions in the game?
Parker Collins
Are Feuerbachs good or should I have bought a HMG Azrail instead? I am simply firmly of the belief a giant cannon beats a machine gun in coolness stakes any day.
Jeremiah Gutierrez
>1. They're ok, PanO is best with shooty since their stuff generally has the highest BS. If you want melee, take a look at JSA as an alternative, infiltrating ninjas, cheap powerarmored samurai that get free movement towards enemies and some smoke to get cover.
2. There are a lot of units that don;t have official models yet, proxying is generally very accepted so long as its clear what is what.
Benjamin Long
CC is a pretty niche thing, but knights are good at shooting so that doesn't matter so much. You should be using guns most of the time.
Proxies are generally accepted as long as you don't overdo it.
Ian Garcia
I used the Feuerbach loadout once and it's basically just a really pesky ARO piece. Dont expect to hit anything with it. It's just there to take punches like a wet sponge and for your opponent to waste orders on.
Cooper Hill
Usually AP HMG is better due to higher burst and damage, but now they buffed Feuerbachs with better range bands and the Exp shot. It's a good anti-tank weapon.
Landon Reed
very nice
Caleb James
>How viable are PanO's Military Order? I like the idea of super catholic space knights but I'm not sure how well a team of dudes with swords would fair in a game about cover and guns? Knights are usually BS14 and MA2 or something else like Assault instead of MA. You'll usually be out shooting your enemy with CC skills more as a deterrent from anyone trying to gank them in melee as well as a source of Stealth. JSA and Haqqislam often have higher CC levels than Knights, but are worse shots, so you'll be shooting them; against everyone else you'll still be shooting first, cutting later, unless you're facing a TAG – those die to CC easily and you may want to try and surround them.
Christian Harris
Swords are just a secondary trick they can use. Their main advantage are:
1. Unlimited (!) TO Camo Infiltrating Order Sergeants. 2. A choice of linkable heavy infantry with good shooting firepower 3. PanO Remotes and unmanned support 4. Powerful combo links of Joan of Arc, or Hospitaliers/Santiagos with Magisters.
Ian Watson
AD drop behind their lines and wipe out their shit. FOR THE STATE EMPIRE, TIGER SOLDIERS HOOOOOOO.
Henry Cooper
Toss a grenade?
Eli Lopez
Jason Evans
>extremely impetuous
dude if he is wasting orders having them camp cover he is doing it very wrong
James Clark
>Extremely Impetuous troopers cannot benefit from Partial Cover MODs. >Being Extremely Impetuous gives the trooper an Impetuous Order. This Impetuous Order is generated in addition to the trooper's normal Order. >Troopers with this Characteristic must expend their Impetuous Order during the Impetuous Phase, and follow the rules specific to these kinds of orders.
So those Ghazi are running like retards towards you unless he spends orders to tell them to calm the fuck down
Zachary Gutierrez
I would also add that you can use their extremely impetuous to your advantage. Line them up to shoot at them before they get in range. You can guide their movements using your own models. Also if the opponent wastes orders cancelling their movement, then that's good too.
In my game versus HB, Thrasymedes was proned on a second story of a building. In the first turn of the game, the Mutts had to run towards him, and Atalanta killed 3 of them before they even because a threat.
Brandon Hughes
I would also add that you can use their extremely impetuous to your advantage. Line them up to shoot at them before they get in range. You can guide their movements using your own models. Also if the opponent wastes orders cancelling their movement, then that's good too.
In my game versus HB, Thrasymedes was infiltrated and proned on a second story of a building. In the first turn of the game, the Mutts had to run towards him, and Atalanta killed 3 of them before they even became a threat.
Gabriel Young
I bought it at release as I was hyped as shit for the new breaching stuff. Multiplayer only? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? It may as well just be re-skinned CoD at this point.
Kayden Anderson
>Multiplayer only? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea? I dunno, ask Blizzard, Riot or Valve.
David Kelly
For a game that's previously had engaging, tactical singleplayer modes, though?
Nicholas Reyes
The State Or Quality of Being Infinite noob here, will that operation red veil thing just replace the old starter box, operation icestorm, or what?
Jackson Clark
O:IS is still a valid starter. RV just has different factions.
Lincoln Brown
It's got different factions, so it won't replace Icestorm. The Haqq and YJ starters within it will probably be released separately afterwards, though, and those will replace the old starters for those factions..
Carson Richardson
Thats a sick mask.
Mason Bennett
CC is more of a last dch thing, only Magister and Teutons are in any way efficient at it.
Luckily the knights have some great shooting weaponry as well.
Proxies are fine, especially if you do a little conversion work.
Christian Lewis
Feuerback for ARO, HMG for active turn.
Zachary James
I dunno I could suggest going back its popular as shit now but its your opinion it is ubisofts best game in years though
Jace Williams
That's an awesome mental image.
I love post HS Atalanta.
Brandon Thomas
Ah, kk. I was afraid O:IS would get phased out and since I like the models and the "terrain" in that much better than O:RV... Fanks!
Logan Thompson
>ubisofts best game in years Not really saying much
Nicholas Price
It'll still be around.
You might want to get it now though, since many stores will only stock one and will probably choose the newer one.
Hunter Howard
True, but it's still a good game. It's heavy on tactics, which is good for keeping out the CoD kiddies.
I'm hoping for a campaign in the next one though. I need my fix and terrorist hunt mode just isn't the same.
Joshua Baker
All we need is classic R6 3, with the new breaching mechanics. I'd be happy with that.
Eli Harris
Yeah I agree, although I painted mine more red with blue ninjas.
Chase Russell
Just got the notification that Operation Red Veil is shipped, and on its way to my door.... any other of you got that notification?
Chase Jackson
No. I didn't order it, though. :(
Ryder Reed
Mine arrived last week :D
Adrian Hughes
Not yet, mine has been sitting at Wayland for a while now. :(
Brandon Barnes
Have mine. They did a great job IMO.
Ryder Cook
Do people think there will be another one next year?
Logan Howard
Looks nice, but those bases are a little flat.. Especially with the blue on the figs
Nolan Kelly
Probably. Seeing how well Icestorm and Red Veil are selling.
Luke Reyes
"Order awaiting release" according to Miniature market.
Should've went with game nerdz.
I certainly hope so, it'd be weird if they didn't. Like they hate money or something because Ice Storm sold like Hot Bread.
Most of the flat bases are like that because I put sand to cover over the mistake I made two years priors with the models where I glued grass with superglue on those bases. I painted it dark so it'd blend in. Here's a view of some Haramaki I got later with non-terrible albeit still kinda lazy basing.
Ethan Hernandez
I went with gamenerdz, still waiting.
Brody King
Only the Hyperpower can blow it's money developing sick poses for it's Space M-18s.
Michael Bell
Why is it impossible to buy red veil in any store. Went to 3 stores in my country that sell infinity stuff. In each one I got a laugh and a comment that the whole country got twenty[20] for the whole country. Store dudes took 8 boxs, and 12 were left for a whole country of 28 milion people. When I asked why such retarded stuff is going on, they told me that Corvus belli has something called naniana and that this made them only do like 1000 sets for the whole world? Is that true or are all the store owners here dirty stealing bastards?
Elijah Morales
I don't think they're fully shipped yet. What country are you in?
Nicholas Gonzalez
Estonia. The store owners in every shop told me that corvus belli made 1000 sets, and that for our country they "allocated" 20. Which is stupid, because almost half got taken, by store workers to use and resell, and 2 are ment as tournament prizes, which I have 0 chance to win as am only starting, and the rest is already "reserved" for important people and friends of the shop co workers.
Asher Scott
That's not correct. I think 1000 sets got the extra miniature, but they're certainly going to keep the set in production just like Icestorm.
Cooper Wright
Nice base.
Blake Hill
awesome, so I will be able to buy the stuff at the store, in 5-6 months. Just like it was with ice storm.
Hunter Davis
Order one on-line somewhere else? Might be expensive though, not sure how adjusted pricing is in Estonia.
Jeremiah Perry
I have no way to order stuff online. I checked all the places near us, as in other countries, and the closest place where it can be bought is UK. And UK is full of asholes as far as buying stuff from there is. I wanted to start playing after selling all my w40k stuff, but CB seems to be just as bad a company as PP is. Their models are awesome, the game is realy dynamic and skirmish style. But it doesn't mean nothing when it is impossible to buy models for it, and the secondery market here is strange compering to what w40k has, as much as w40k sucks, no one sells single models or units, just whole armies.
Isaiah Rodriguez
Oh wow, I was just going to ask if there are any players in Estonia. I'm going to study for my master in Tallin next year and I was wondering if it's possible to find players since googling gave me nothing. Could you tell me about local community, please?
Luis Sullivan
My friend wants to buy red vail and has left me a choice of an army - what are the differences - should I go for Haq or Yu ? What is better in current Infiniti tournament setting ?
Luke Robinson
Are there any examples of Morat war cries, mottos, creeds, anything of that nature in the fluff? I'm looking for cool shit to write on my bases so they aren't just 50 / 50 color for front arc
Dominic Carter
I haven't started playing yet. There is a lot of people who left w40k/WFB, and want to play a good game. There is enough terrain to play 2 games at any store.There is a core of hardcore tournament players, who unlike in w40k, are awesome dudes. They bring terrain to stores if there isn't enough, sponsor prizes, buy ITS packs themself to run tournaments etc If someone can't make it to a tournament they can even borrow you some models, which is unheard for in GW games. But there is also a ton of people who play 150-200pts custom scenarios or non ITS games. Now what armies are played, I do not know, probably all. I know some of the vets have 2-3 full armies.