Are you guys sure you're making money on this?
It's impossible for me, I've been trying everything
Bought ethereum yesterday, just woke up -20%
This eeek has been always like this, I buy an alt, wake up, money gone
Lost -20% two days ina row because btc went from like 9k to 20k in two hours
I'm starting to think everyone is just larping, impossible to make money on this shit
Are you guys sure you're making money on this?
Other urls found in this thread:
try thinking of what you want to do with crypto, and then do the opposite and youll probably make money.
you need patience
you need to hold
if theres one lesson I've learned in my year+ of trading crypto, its never EVER sell at a loss
>buying high
>completely impatient
>I've been trying everything
Trading too much. When you see a high volume coin like eth or any other moving sidewayz for a long time or has a sudden big dip buy into it. Have some patience and wait for it to go up, then sell it.
>Bought ethereum yesterday, just woke up -20%
>Lost -20% two days
These daytrader guys, seriously.
If you are getting into INVESTING in ANYTHING on this PLANET in ORDER TO MAKE MONEY LITERALLY TOMORROW you are DOING IT FUCKING WRONG you need to WIDEN YOUR FUCKING NANOSCALE SCOPE and think in 5 YEAR BLOCKS in order to make it in any investment market.
You fucking market noobs are killing yourselves thinking like you've got a fucking portfolio already when you have nothing at all and need to pay rent last week.
>never EVER sell at a loss
dollar loss or satoshi loss?
Not selling at a loss. Still not making money. I stay at the same amount of BTC always.
well hopefully satoshi of course
but if you can get out at a dollar positive id still count it a win
What is dollar
buy dna
>never sell at a loss
t. bagholder marines
> ethereum
> daytrading
> selling crypto back to fiat at all
> shaken by 20% dip
fundamental shit to fix
I need 20 ethereum for an ico
I'm running out of time so yesterday jut decided to go all in
16 eth. 0.53 btc
Wake up
0.50 btc
Now I'll try to sell at 500 or near that to buy lower but idk if it keeps going up I'll kill myself
I don't sell crypto to fiat btw
That's fucking stupid. You'd be fucked if you followed that policy and bought DGB at any point during its decline.
The dirty secret of crypto is that very few people actually make real money from it. Look at the coin distribution.
Or very few people care enough about it
learn the hodl game
If you try to daytrade try to chase red instead of green. Only buy crypto that is in red.
Also pic related
Yeah that's what I try
Doesn't work, everytime I buy something in the red it keeps going down
your picrelated directly contradicts what you said
Yeah noticed that too
what decline? you mean that massive spike? it was literally pump and dump, you have to be retarded in the first place not to notice it and stay away.
Why don't you hold something for longer than 24 hours?
well obviously it won't stop going down the moment you buy it, especially if it was green not long ago.
Doesnt work, already tried
Welcome to talking to economists.
OP, it's about sheer luck and nothing but. Some people make it, others don't, everybody has a system of their own and that system does not consider the underlying truth, because the underlying truth is too complicated for any human. We have some people who make money out of sheer luck, then they realize that they don't really know how to keep making money in the stock market, so they usually sell speeches about how to make money on the stock market.
Bs just about everything except some shit like posw is bullish. It's near impossible to lose money long term.
I started in late august, not that great at trading and Im up 300%.
My core positions take up 80% of my investments and since I bought them I never touched them.
My daytrade balance is 20% and its getting smaller and smaller.
Why dont you just find a coin that has good prospects buy and hold no matter what. If it rises or falls you hold until specific date.
Dont let Veeky Forums shills convince you to buy something. Do your own research.