How well would The Covenant do in the 40k universe?
Not talking about who would win in an all-out war, just how they'd manage in the setting.
How well would The Covenant do in the 40k universe?
Not talking about who would win in an all-out war, just how they'd manage in the setting.
Other urls found in this thread:
They'd get the shit kicked out of them. Their fleet assets on 40k's scale are garbage, and unlike the Tau they don't have super duper technology to hold back the Imperium and Orks from just rolling right over them.
Covenant eventually manage to piss off Imperium, get stampeded by a minor crusade a couple centuries later.
Minor alien empire to be stomped by the Imperium or Orks, unless they had some astrographical advantages like Warp Storms making it dangerous for a crusade fleet to travel.
Fight tau and end up like the kroot.
Their ships had pretty extreme shielding even if they were frail as shit under it, and they mastered warp-less travel. Remember, they were precise enough with slipstream jumps to appear from the orbit of one planet and into the orbit of another.
They won't be winning, but I can't see them getting 'the shit kicked out of them' at all, because they'd be masters at hit and run tactics. Let's not forget that they don't even necessarily have to show up to attack - they could always fire something out of slipspace, or fit their equivalent to a nuke onto a disposable autopiloted ship with a slipspace drive on it and have that just appear out of nowhere onto a planet for massive damage.
They would NEVER win direct combat, though. That's for sure. They couldn't even win in direct combat against humans in halo. Fuck, their ground units were so shit that a colony of worms pushed their shit in and they had to threaten to nuke them from orbit to get them to surrender.
Not the best but they've got enough ships who can glass planets to be notable. The Forerunners would do much better.
slipspace drives are the only important thing they have. cheap personal shields might also be decent
Better question guys;
>How would the Flood do in the 40k universe?
No. The Covenant is too weak to do anything in 40k, the Forerunners are too powerful and would roll over everybody besides Chaos.
Those shields are shit and get popped by bursts of modern day bullets.
One word.
aren't Orks basically already the flood?
The entire covenant?
If they stuck together, they would manage quite well. They'd one of the few species to be able to go at FTL speeds without using the warp.
A) Exterminatus before they get shit done
B) Entire Galaxy is fucked
>slipstream jumps
That shit doesn't exist in the 40k universe.
We talking Game Flood or the stupidity that is Lore Flood?
Depends; your typical infection? On a human world, it would burn out like a wild fire. Its too virulent. It'd infect a whole planet in the time before some one returned, and in that time, it'd have gotten most of the planet, earning it a exterminatus
I haven't read any of the lore behind the Flood, what is wrong with it?
Game Flood is basically a starving Flood without the resources they use to have.
At best, they do as good as the tau as long as they keep to their little corner of space. A dedicated Ork WAAAGH or an imperial crusade would wreck them pretty hard though, they lost to a shittier version of the Imperial guard with far inferior weaponry and far less troops
There are equivalents.
"They can't use x because of the setting!!!" isn't an argument, shitlord.
>bunch of alien gribblies who flap about and try to absorb lifeforms
Standard fodder for Space Marines. They'd do even worse than the Cuckenant.
Oh fuck, that would be bad. If they were detected by the Imperium early? Exterminatus. If they had a chance to spread?
No HALO arrays to wipe out all organics, and more food than they know how to eat. The universe would be fucked if the Tyranids didn't fuck them up.
The Forerunners alone are more comparable to the Necrons during the War in the Heavens than the Imperium. The Precursor-Flood fucked the Forerunners in way which would make Tzeentch & Slaanesh pleased.
Every fucking 40k crossover thread, EVERY GOD DAMN ONE, no less than 40 faggots will try to pull shit shit to gimp the visiting team. No. Fuck off. The idea is to take the FULL concept and capabilities of the faction and fit it within the setting as a thought experiment on how they would fare with what they can do.
>The Covenant is too weak to do anything in 40k
They've got some decent FTL travel & plenty of Exterminatus capable ships.
Read the post you responded to more closely
I think he was agreeing with him ans emphasising his point, not calling him out, and even if he wasn't agreeing with him, he probably just responded to the wrong post.
>I think he was agreeing with him ans emphasising his point
Yeah, that was the intent there.
>How well would the Covenant do IN THE 40K UNIVERSE
That's what OP said.
Nothing about "and they also get the same physics of their old setting."
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but muh Covenant get killed if dey no got teh slipstreem ;_;
Cry harder, Halofags. I'm right, you're both stupid goalpost movers.
Lore flood would win the setting forever,they fucked over the equivalent of war in heavens necrons, game flood could be bad depending on how it interacts with orks/'nids/chaos and how soon it's intercepted
>Cry harder, Halofags. I'm right, you're both stupid goalpost movers.
>saying someone else is a goalpost mover
>Nu-uh they can't use x because I say so
U wot m8?That's exactly like saying Star wars ship couldn't use their hyperdrive,which is equally retarded.You're the goalpost mover,you insufferable retard
The real question is the Flood at their full power versus the Nids at their full power. To make it more of a level playing field, planetary infestations only. The Flood just steal other races' ships and the Nids have the worst in the setting.
>Flood at their full power
You might as well have spawned that Phazon Ing X-Parasite from that Metroid thread a day ago.
>Flood infest Orks
>Gain power of WHAAGGH
You are all irrelevant. Either the Flood takes over the Tyranids and gain their abilities or the Tyranids absorb the Flood and gain their abilities.
End result is everything becomes Tyranfloods. They win the galaxy, chew it all up, and move to the next one. Again.
>Those shields are shit and get popped by bursts of modern day bullets.
It takes more than a burst to take down a shield and even if that was the case a cheap easily manufactured shield which absorbs 1 shot every 20 seconds is still incredibly useful.
I mean they CAN, but unless they get proper starmaps (or whatever they call them) it's entirely unpredictable (as in you crash into something)
To be fair, the Flood got to where they were because the Forerunners refused to take them seriously as a threat until it was too late, then their chief defense against them, Medicant Bias, sold them out handily.
It's less the Flood is great, but circumstances and Forerunner arrogance.
As for OP, I think the Imperium would come out on top in terms of war, because the Covenant did NOT have a production foundation capable of replacing lost material quickly.
I mean, by H5, neither the Covenant remnants nor the Arbiter's forces possessed many capital ships, using mostly corvettes and destroyers for space battles, liches having replaced escorts.
An assault cruiser would be maybe the flagship of an entire fleet, but none have been seen since H3.
>Point scanner at destination
>Use path-tracking software to determine if any celestial objects will be in the way of the destination based on their current speed and orbits/trajectory
>Teleport to the safe location based on the data
Even though it's hundreds of thousands of lightyears away, the data should be fairly accurate barring immense intervention of some kind.
And I wouldn't worry about crashing into other ships. Space is so fucking huge that the chances of that happening are...ASTRONOMICALLY low.
Very possible and probably would happen, but I would rather have the chance to survive then get my ass devoured by Tyranids.
>by H5, neither the Covenant remnants nor the Arbiter's forces possessed many capital ships, using mostly corvettes and destroyers for space battles, liches having replaced escorts
Given how the Covenant collapsed & both sides are nowhere near as organized as their former selves, that's normal.
Maybe they join up with the Tau empire or something, they probably wouldn't last too long on their own. They get their shit kicked in by the technologically inferior humans in their own setting, so I don't see them holding out against enemies like the Imperium, Chaos, or the Tyranids.
Those ships aren't exterminatus capable. Glassing takes hours upon hours to get done and requires a fleet. Meanwhile Covenant ships are so weak that most Imperial orbital defense stations could probably wipe out entire fleets with little sweat. The Covenant's FTL only matters if they actually have the firepower to do anything more than raid fringe agri worlds with minor defenses.
Well, even in H3, Truth's great fleet on his way to the Ark consisted of 28 ships, period.
Nah, you're like those faggots that cry and moan about how the Metal Gear Rising characters can't exist in the Shadowrun universe because of its retarded essence bullshit.
>Meanwhile Covenant ships are so weak that most Imperial orbital defense stations could probably wipe out entire fleets with little sweat.
Holy unsubstantiated comments!
I'll play your game for a minute.
Every UNSC ship has a 40k nova cannon as it's PRIMARY ARMAMENT, and even the smallest Covenant escort takes at least 2 center mass shots to score a kill.
Carriers could take multiple super MAC rounds before the shield collapsed.
Lore vs. Lore?
Pre-Covenant Civil War, about as well as the Tau.
Post-Covenant Civil War, they'd be a footnote at best.
>Every UNSC ship has a 40k nova cannon as it's PRIMARY ARMAMENT
lolno. We know from MAC cannons being fired in-atmosphere that they're not nearly that powerful or else they would have killed everybody within a several mile radius in Reach. The batshit MAC yields are wholly unsubstantiated by all the rest of the Halo canon and the cutscenes from the primary material of the games. Halo circa the time of the Human-Covenant War toss around Megatons, 40k deals with teratons with basic broadsides. There's little a two OOM difference that will result in Covenant ships getting one-shotted by just about everything, including Escorts. MAC cannons are no-where near as powerful as Nova cannons as there's still a fleet left after they fire. Nova Cannons wipe out entire sections of fleets and multiple shots can destroy planets. A single Imperial Navy Torpedo has enough firepower to kill an entire continent with one shot.
Brutes really that bad at leading or are the Sangheili really that good?
>How well would The Covenant do in the 40k universe?
Well, there are no Forerunner wrecks to steal in the 40k universe, so I guess the Covenant would never become more than a loose alliance of primitive aliens using looted Tau and Imperial tech.
This should be said for crossover threads in general. Granted, they aren't the plague they were a few years ago.
Have you played battlefleet Gothic?
The post civil war covies are just so shattered. Massive swaths of war material and capabilities was smashed against themselves.
And? Battlefleet Gothic was an accurate tabletop abstraction of ships slugging it out with triple digit gigaton and single to double digit teraton broadsides and torpedo barrages. All ships in 40k are incredibly powerful, and a fleet of them are capable of mass scattering a planet by all just shooting it (see destruction of Nostramo, chunks of the planet were found around 150 or more lightyears away from its original location after ten thousand years of travel. Meaning that the explosion was so powerful it sent chunks of the planet flying at relativistic speeds.)
>Not Floodanids
Git Gud
They can be entertaining on occasion. I'll grant that they usually aren't, but sometimes you get stuff like those Dead Space/Mass Effect crossover threads from a couple years ago.
>Nova Cannons wipe out entire sections of fleets and multiple shots can destroy planets. A single Imperial Navy Torpedo has enough firepower to kill an entire continent with one shot.
What the fuck are you talking about?
>Not Nidflood
Git Gud(er)
>not nod
Git Gud((er))
If they just... zooped in because of slipspace fuckery with assets like High Charity, Unyielding Hirophant, and other such slipspace capable installations... they'd do pretty well as a mobile 'sector raiding' faction. They already do well with hit and run fighting, and if we assume that their ships are still the powerful weapons of war they are in their native setting they can get in and out with enough punch to fight most patrol fleets in running fights.
Their religious zealotry would most likely get them fucked by a crusade fleet soon enough, as they'd charge right into the shnoz of some sector fortress...
Oh, another thought. They'd likely zhhhoop in near terra, or some swath of the orion arm. AKA some of the most densely fortified IoM systems of the entire galaxy.
By this logic all their tech would be invalid since it works on different assumptions, thus the question would be moot.
It's safe to presume then that the question implies they get to keep all their old tech.
Fuck off 40kid
>Not Tyrfloos
Git Gud(ererr)
If you played you'd note that only very very specific and rare types of novacannons have fleetfucking powers.
But yeah, the MACs are closser to Macro Cannon batteries. Super MACs are as strong as most run of the mill Nova Cannons.
In his defence, that would be true if it wasnt for the astronomical scale of ranges that 40k ships operate in. And the fact that ships are spread out, remember that the ship itself occupies an infinitismall point on the map and the model is just for reference. The fact that Nova cannons still have an aoe template means we are taking about absolutely ridiculous explosions we would measure in the tens, or hundred thousands, (I cant remember the scale) of kilometers.
well you fucked that up.
it's exterminatus you heretical pleb.
are we talking covie at height of power? they are a pretty good sized empire, larger than the thousand worlds that the UNSC had. assuming once again having them at their height, were talking about giant fleets that can travel about a thousand lightyears a day with some hard hitting guns. im sure that the plasma projector would cut though a void shield at a decent rate, and then it would absolutely cut though the hull of any imperial ship, and plasma torpedoes are just the icing on the cake.
i would argue that standard MAC's are harder hitting than macro canons since they run the whole spine of the ship. macro canons (by virtue of just being larger in mass) would be stronger than the railguns used as PD turrets but not that much worse. the main threat would be from the lances on ships instead of the macro canons
I would argue that its a little hard to compare a specific gun (in this case MAC) to an imperial class of weapon (Macro battery).
A macro battery can be any weapon which is ship grade, it could be anything from simple projectile cannons to huge missile pods.
Equally the destructive powers of said weapon systems are.
Now I did a quick google which told me that these ships are between 2 and 4.000 meters long, putting them in between an imperial escort (which do have spinal weapons in the form of a single lance) and light cruisers (And the Dauntless does have a spinal armament of 3 lances).
Reasonably this would put these MAC's at roughly 2 lance-equivalents, namely a str 6 battery. Which is just about half the broadside of an Imperial cruiser, and about a quarter of the firepower needed to bring down a cruiser scale voidshield array. Does this sound fair?
fair enough. also remember that for the UNSC to contemplate any sort of space engagement it was generally recommended that they have a 3 to 1 advantage over covie without orbital defenses as a stop gap, and that was with the assumption that this would still be heavily weighted as loss for the UNSC. with imperial ships, this would obviously be closer, but pound for pound i would have my money on covie ships in a 1:1 engagement with their equivalent classes
How would they manage? Depends on how well their models sold. If they sold well GW would make plenty of ass-pulls to have them do well like the Tau.
>Cry harder, Halofags. I'm right, you're both stupid goalpost movers.
>Goalpost movers
>The only one who's actually moving the goalposts
>Calling others post movers
I need you to take this asian girl, and stretch her eyebrow up another meter or so
You know what?
You're right.
Let's make all non-warp FTL travel impossible in 40k.
Eldar of both varieties and the necrons are now essentially stuck wherever they are, waiting to be assraped eternally by the warp-travelling factions. And probably a lot more factions end up stuck and unable to travel, too.
In fact...fuck it, let's make it so that there's only two factions - chaos and the imperium of man. The rest are just extra fluff anyways, right? They don't really matter, even if they have vastly different capabilities, playstyles, and technology.
Let me first say that I know jack all about Halo. So this is just a pure thought experiment.
How effective would you say that these mac weapons are? I ask because on average a frigate (around the scale of the smaller would stand up to roughly 3-4 volleys of a str 6 weapon firing at optimal circumstances.
This frigate would be about the size of a cov carrier/destroyer according to the chart I found (about 1500 meters)
But the Webway is a sealed off part of the Warp.
Necrons have their own Webway portals and also have (had?) other dimensions to use for faster-than-light travel, if I remember correctly.
I'm not exactly sure about the last part, though, I might be wrong.
That may be, but it's not the direct perilous warp travel that user wants, so we're going to get rid of it just for him.
Standard MACs fire 600-ton slugs at 0.01% the speed of light. So about 2.44x10^13 joules?
Are you sure they're that slow? I thought they fired at .3c, with the Super MACs firing at around .5 or .6c.
please dont make me think that hard about this.
"How many MAC's before a destroyer goes boom?"
>>Not Tyrfloos
Not GraveHiveMind.
Git Gud(est)
going for the size equivalent, the destroyer would boast surving multiple standard mac before the shield failed. this of course depends on the ship that is firing it, since either a larger ship could have more energy build up or a more efficient generator for more power to the coils. if were going by the destroyer class, one of the mainline ships of the covie navy, i would hazzard it would take roughly 3 mac volley of 2 at a time of a marathon class (the most valued ship during the war), once again assuming a static slug fest engagment to drop the shields and then actually destory it
Better question: How does the Gravemind keep Papa Nurgle from pat-patting it?
I think that it's pretty likely that the Gravemind would swear allegiance to Nurgle, actually
Alright, so the Marathon is slightly smaller then an Imperial Sword/Firestorm. (the firestorm has 1 spinal lance, so I'll use that for comparison with this class of MAC)
Against an imperial escort (frigate) that level of firepower would be somewhat overkill, but not to any great degrees. I would say 4-5 MAC equivalents would be enough to ensure the destruction of an imperial mainline Escort.
So we have a advantage in durability to the Covenant over the Imperium in this case-
This is rather fun so far.
Ah, there was a typo on the Halo wiki... it said 30, meter per second one place but further down it seems to have meant 30,000 km/s.
Uh, several. I'm not sure if it's ever clearly demonstrated in the games exactly how many normal MAC hits it takes to take one down so I'd have to go digging around in expanded universe stuff for that figure and that can be iffy depending on the writer. It's like a 64 kiloton bomb each hit and the best estimate is "several".
Or rather the energy of a 64 kiloton bomb all going in one direction.
A better question is if the tau found them first, and got access to their ftl travel and personal shield tech, how fucked everyone would be.
not very
4-5 mac vollies of the marathon? the marathon has double spinal mac so that would be 8-10 actual rounds being fired. which of course depends on how much power there is behind those shots which depends on how fast the generator charges the coils. for imperial ships are the lances an instant shot after shot or do they have a capacitor to charge for each shot?
ok so to continue with firepower, an Imperial Firestorm has a total firepower of roughly 1.5 equal size MAC equivalents if you account for the macro batteries its fitted with.
How does this stand up to the Covenant destroyer? I'm sorry if I'm making this difficult but I honestly dont have any references other then MAC-equivalents.
I'm guessing they are rather dangerous considering a 3:1 scenario was prefered?
Aah, let me clarify. he said 3 volleys of 2, so I counted 6 MAC-equivalents required to destroy the Covenant destroyer and 4-5 for the Imperial escort.
Imperial lances are gargantuan laser arrays, they most certainly require charge times (iirc bfg has each turn be roughly half an hour, in that timespan a lance shoots once).
They are however, especially for imperial weaponry which often rely on mass saturation, very accurate even over interstellar distances.
I'd call the MAC guns of halo essentially like lances, and the hilarious broadside missile arrays more like macrobatteries
i'd say that a UNSC cruiser is roughly the same as an overgunned 40k frigate, but more fragile due to the lack of shielding.
>We know from MAC cannons being fired in-atmosphere that they're not nearly that powerful or else they would have killed everybody within a several mile radius in Reach
Look up "coilgun" on a wikipedia. They're basically a "dial a yield" form of weaponry. An in-atmosphere MAC would of course be sailed down to be able to not kill everyone within miles. Same for the round fired at the Covie ship that fell in the lake.
That said, I think the Covenant would end up like the Tau if they're lucky. Very, very close anologue actually, like the thousands of other generic alien empires the non-unique Tau are supposed to represent.
>no Forerunner wrecks to steal
>"Our Prophets have declared that the Tombworlds are the equivalent the holy Fortress Worlds!"
Yes, I've so far counted the MAC weapons of a class to be roughly equal to the spinal lance weaponry of a similarly sized imperial vessel.
Ie 1 marathon MAC volley = 1 lance = str 3 Macro battery.
in comparison a sword has a str 4 long ranged (roughly 50% longer ranged then the Firestorms weaponry) turreted battery (albeit the effectiveness does fall off quite alot at the longer ranges) while the Firestorm has 1 spinal lance and a str 2 turreted macro battery at range equal to the lance
>beating the covenant
realistically i would say no and that the tau would make a wonderful 'addition' to the covenant, especially when the huragok got a hold of rip tides
>brutes charging in with explosive grenade shells, spiker grenades, and hammers with spikers, ripping and tearing and eating everything they can get a hold of
>buzzards flying all over the place and landing on rip tides, placing plasma charges and blowing them up
>tau realizing that they can cheese THE WALL of hunters with fuel rods
>jackel snipers with needle rifles, plasma sniper and corc guns picking any tau poking their head out
>endless grunt horde suiciding foreward
>all being driven foreward by elites with plasma swords or carbines
>with stealth elites hunting around picking off single squads
but, since tau have more plot armor than the ultramarine and grey knights put together, it doesn't matter
it was one part the durability of the ships, and the fact that the covenant armament was scary. main weapons were plasma lances that reached hundreds of thousands of km that sythed though ships no problem for a majority of the war until near the end, magnetically encased balls of plasma that they used a torpedoes that could turn 90 degrees on the spot made avoiding them near impossible.
secondary armaments was pulse laser batteries that i would put equivalent to broadside lances (since they were enough of a threat that they were rated on par with the energy projector and torpedoes), and turret sized versions of needelers
if the charge time for a spinal lance is half an hour, they would only at most get one shot off before being slammed with the projector, torpedoes, and the pulse turrets since they fire at a much faster rate than once a half an hour. they still have a charge time, but much much shorter than that
If you think MAC cannons are equivalent to Nova Cannons you are very wrong.
MAC cannons fire a nine meter block of metal at around a 4th of the speed of light. Standard Macrocannon batteries -those things every Imperial ship has tons of on its sides - fire larger projectiles than this at greater speeds, able to accurately target opposing vessels at systemnal ranges.
Nova Cannons fire munitions the size of hab blocks at far greater velocities than standard Macrocannons, usually containing a plasma payload sufficient to generate a fireball many times the size of most 40K ships on impact. This is why they are called Nova cannons - they essentially detonate into a small star on impact.
>can't cheese THE WALL*
that's what it's supposed to read
>Now I did a quick google which told me that these ships are between 2 and 4.000 meters long, putting them in between an imperial escort (which do have spinal weapons in the form of a single lance) and light cruisers (And the Dauntless does have a spinal armament of 3 lances).
Do what? Those a turrets, maybe. (At least that's always been my understanding)