How do you get over carnivore confusion when worldbuilding?
How do you get over carnivore confusion when worldbuilding?
Human race only race
Xenos and Elves can get fucked
Donald Duck is of sapient intelligence, the chicken is not. I mean, there are places where they eat primates, and humans are primates.
I usually fly into a rage, flailing my limbs and quacking wildly.
>it's "eating sapients is immoral if you have another choice" episode on Veeky Forums
Yeah, and the sun shines, rain falls and grass grows.
Doesn't stop sapients from eating each other, though.
That's a shit argument.
It's not an argument, it's a statement.
Eating things with souls is wrong. Everyone is very clear on what races have souls.
It gets a little muddy when you take into account the fact that worshipping something evil enough can cause you to lose your soul, but those things that were once men hardly appear palatable and would only be considered as a possible food source in situations that would also put cannibalism on the table.
>Why are these humans eating cows? THEY'RE BOTH MAMMALS!
>Why is that chimp naked? It's a primate too!
The obligatory furrybait race is a race of warforged-esque mechanical beings crafted to resemble animals. They do not need to eat.
They also get assigned an elemental weapon at creation and are often named after said element and the animal they resemble
Why is it wrong? Are things with souls not made of flesh like everything else?
It puts you on the fast track to being dragged into hell and torn apart by demons.
Does it do something terrible to the soul who's body was eaten to warrant a ticket to hell, or is it just the universe saying fuck you cannibalism is bad? is it tied to the simple act of killing sapients? Does murder carry the same penalty? What's the consequence of eating the already deceased? What if they for whatever bizarre reason the victim chooses to be eaten?
Anything capable of moral angency is off the menu.
Unless you're an elf, in which case only living elves are off the menu.
>Does it do something terrible to the soul who's body was eaten to warrant a ticket to hell
Probably. Improperly disposing of corpses is almost always a very Bad Thing.
The Egyptians figured that you could literally erase someone from the afterlife by removing their name from all records. Some nomads thought that dying indoors meant your soul would be trapped on the ceiling until the building collapsed. The Catholics only just recently decided that cremations don't damn a soul to purgatory.
So it's okay to kill a guy but if I don't put dirt over his body, THAT'S what's gonna damn me to hell
If the issue is disposal, then what happens if an animal consumes the body? Is the victim damned with no one to punish for it? Are there people obligated to make sure such a situation never arises? Would they be punished in such a case? Does the universe have a public services department to manage all this shit?
Depending on the tenets of the relevant religions and how afterlives are handled, yeah.
Depends on setting.
I have a race of squids. They eat mollusks anyway because they don't give a fuck, it's eat or be eaten for them.
So the setting's rules on the afterlife are subjective? Can I just make a cult where cannibalism is okay and then I won't be ripped apart by demons?