Lets create the most pathetic civilization possible.
Not every country can be ferocious Vikings, valiant Knights or mysterious foreigners.
Lets make the most pathetic, self-defeating, laughable civilization possible.
Lets create the most pathetic civilization possible.
Not every country can be ferocious Vikings, valiant Knights or mysterious foreigners.
Lets make the most pathetic, self-defeating, laughable civilization possible.
Other urls found in this thread:
An elvish one.
Sweden did it already.
One time I had the idea of some halfling village that after a few successful trade deals got the big idea of "being a real kingdom like those other guys" then bankrupted themselves trying to build a castle, but I never really did anything with it
Cucks who let brown men rape their white wives.
Oh wait, ninja'd by
I don't know what that means. Is this a /pol/ thing? I don't know who else talks about Sweden around here
OP here
Anyone have a civ chart? Might as well vote on a race, go from there
Too late op this thread belongs to /pol/
Special Pharmaceutical Benefits Program?
St.Peters, Belgrave Park?
>small amounts of arable land, wood, iron etc etc
>large, easily captured deposits of some absurdly valuable material, further away from the arable land
How to guarantee constant invasion
Second Post Best Post
Nah, that would require them to be warriors.
I was thinking more
> Pathetic resources (live in a swamp or something)
> only stay around b/c not worth invading
A Kender civilization.
A setting where Kender are challenging goblins for the most populous race. They'll infest all the other civilizations like adorable little rats, not achieving anything beyond being a public nuisance.
But a few times a year, the word will go out and 90% of the population will flock to a chosen area stealing everything not nailed down along the way. This event is partly for fun, partly to keep in touch, but mostly to freely exchange everything that they don't want to be caught with.
Several times in the past other civilizations have openly attack the event, or even undertook purges of all the Kender that could be found, but word of mouth travel too quickly among them and they are too good at going to ground for this to put more than a dent in the population.
so nigger riots if the Klan actually did shit?
Shit, I guess /pol/ has invaded the thread
/pol/ is one of the biggest boards on this site.
If you don't like that, you can always go to
Also /pol/ has moved away from Nazism and towards epitomizing old Veeky Forums culture.
>old Veeky Forums culture
Talk about rose-colored goggles
It's a play on fpbp or "first post best post"
>epitomizing old Veeky Forums culture
Keep telling yourself that, newfag. /pol/ is more of a sad parody of what it used to be than any other board.
One of. How's it feel coming in behind to /b/.
If I were you, I'd kill myself
>old Veeky Forums culture
How to tell reddit cancer in a single post.
>/pol/ is a sad parody
/pol/ is literally influencing the politics of the world's largest hyperpower, using only pictures of frogs and anime girls.
This is the golden age of /pol/. Stay mad, libtard.
Unfortunately you're you, so you're just going to have to kill yourself instead.
Stop talking about it and go do it. You won't be missed.
Actually, Brazil did it. Didn't you see anything about the Olympics?
Prime example
A major elite figure, to whom media exposure is crippling, decided to go and face the public, and speak on a critical topic. that topic was...
you. me. all of us.
Who let the dwarf in?
Nah, it moved toward the glorious chaos of the frog god, Kek
Can't be be them they have good archers, mages and heavy infantry
Newfags sure are considerate, outing themselves flagrantly and thinking name-dropping reddit will make themselves less obvious. Enjoy your irrelevance.
This. Hillary Clinton gave a fucking speech about /pol/ and /pol/'s offline outlets.
Are we the real illuminati?
Technically true, since it's the Drow.
This thread. This why you would give us some sort of frame to work with. Now it's just pro-/pol/ and anti-/pol/ arguing on a board that dosen't have anything to do with /pol/
Isn't that how you make China or the mongols?
Turns out the key to running a successful conspiracy is to become so ridiculous that your opponents can't even talk about you.
Make sure it's a matriarchy.
No she didn't.
OP here
Seems this thread is pretty fucked. I dunno. I may just re-do it a couple of days down the line with a no /pol/ disclaimer if it never gets back on topic.
>Altrighters are actually this delusional
Most don't thankfully but when CNN and multiple other agencies start bringing up frogs and using pictures of pepe morphed into Trump an advise versa you need to reconsider what happened to reality and the world. I don't care that people are having actual panic attacks because of Trump, this is something I feel that I've been a part of from the beginning.
>You've lived into an era where postmodernism is now a legitimate and accurate way of describing the current state of the (western) world
>You can't have fun, my autism demands rurus
t. you
She really did, she just didn't name them specifically.
>Going completely off topic to talk about something not even related to the board is fun dude you're just an autistic nerd Xppp
You consider people arguing about /pol/, something that happens often enough that even someone from /pol/ should get tired from it, actually fun?
Never mind that it always manages to completely shit up a thread with off topic talk
>mfw the Alt-Right is a meme used to disguise the true masters, us
>mfw there is no Alt-Right, just shitposters
Don't fight it, normie.
It works.
Then it wasn't about /pol/.
Actually, just link this speech so we can have context or prove your bullshittery.
>There are people who take /pol/ seriously
>There are people who fell for the alt-right meme.
How is it off topic when it demonstrates exactly the kind of society OP wanted? It was Veeky Forums all along. We are that civilization, torn between invading armies.
Like Hillary Clinton for instance.
Fuck spoon-feeding, Google Hillary alt right speech and get back on topic. Or go ask /pol/.
>>Here's my claim
>Can I get a citation
>>No go find it yourself!
Supreme meme, my friend!
It's on YouTube faggot.
>user what the fuck is this
>Instead of a bibliography your dissertation just has 'It's on YouTube faggot' written in size 30 comic sans
He's a faggot. She didn't name us. All we have is a paragraph from one of her speeches that pretty much describes /pol/.
>...a loose but organized movement, mostly online, that “rejects mainstream conservatism, promotes nationalism and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity.”
And that's it. One could immediately say she was talking about the Stormfags, but then again they aren't as large, motivated, or clever as /pol/.
He's not writing an academic paper you humongous faggot, just do as he said and Google it. Hillary giving a speech on the Alt-Right was not an under reported event, (nor was the fact that someone shouted Pepe at her right at the exact moment she said Alt-Right).
The AltRight encompasses far more than /pol/ and you're mistaken if you believe Pepe is anything but a widely used normie meme at this point.
Oh really? Name one organization identifying as "alt-right" that can compare the the massive amount of /pol/ posters on the internet.
I know Veeky Forums kind of became a catch all board since basically anything can be Veeky Forums-relevant but this is taking it too far, you have a board to discuss politcs so please do it there instead of derailing actually promising threads.
They won't listen. They will just call us redditors and spew more meme's. I'm not even an anti-quest fag and i know this is ridiculous
>being alt-right
>not being true social conservative
Bet you're all white, too.
Snowniggers can't even follow the ideologies they think they invented correctly.
Anyways, OP, your thread is dead.
Try again when the white-trash cucks at /pol/ are dead.
It's bound to be any day now, all that heart clogging and cholesterol issues.
Other whities may stay, especially the pure conservatives.
It's likely because politics is something everyone in first world America/Europe (the vast majoity of our slice of the internet) participates in, willingly or not. It is something that affects all of us in so many ways. It is omnipresent. Especially now during such a turning point in our time. That's why it's discussed on every board on Veeky Forums. Trying to contain discussion in /pol/ is like trying to contain a cloud of smoke in your bare hands.
Haha, there's no slur you can make up that will insult a white man, nigger. Whitey, cracker, honkey... all slides off us like rain over a rubber coat. It's like expecting a rich man to be offended when you call him "moneybags" or something of the like.
Meanwhile we have nigger. You fucking pavement ape. The word nigger is so taboo and "offensive" because deep down, niggers are ashamed of being niggers.
Can I delete this thread I wonder?
Here I go
every day we stray further from gods light
>implying most 4channers dont go to reddit
Prime example of unwarranted self importance.
ITT: OP accidentally gives a buffet to hipsters
Whatever you say, cumskin cuck.
I'm not even black.
I don't give a fuck about "Nigger," snownigger.
Doesn't your pasty-ass frail skin have some cancer to go get?
Don't you have other people's inventions to go take then claim credit for?
Don't you have a delusion to subscribe to which says that you yourself are better, despite the fact that your family were probably just grunts working under a very select few people, even in your "golden age?"
Stay mad cumskin, but it's true.
You had a few good leaders which led you all like sheep, no ordinary white man ever did anything besides follow orders.
It's laughable how you delusional cucks can even think the handful of people who led you represent you, or your race.
Couldn't get India militarily. Struck deals with the corrupt Muslims.
Couldn't get China, either.
Always resorting to slimey business deals and the easy way out.
And even then, you couldn't even hold that land for 200 years.
You're a blip on the radar, and are already dying out as we speak.
Go watch Jamal and Ahmed fuck your Wife and Daughter, like a good little piece of European trash.
Fuck off to Europe if you wanna be alt-right.
America isn't a white-mans' country.
It's the free-mans'.
Or at least, it should be.
Sheep and goats like you shouldn't be allowed here, under your massive, writhing hivemind.
Same with the liberals.
Same with anyone who puts themselves in these goddamn boxes of identity politics.
Now go back to your hugbox.
Kek, thinking your slimey pimpled ass can change anything?
Pathetic, delusional /pol/ack.
Refer to the last line of above.
Literally any political ideology, up to and including Marxism and military dictatorships led by crazy African warlords, is better than the alt-right.
Is this performance art?
Do you think anyone is actually going to read all these lines of niggerbabble?
French elves that drink tea and cross dress.
>Mud huts
>Shit where they live
>Walk 20 miles to get water every day
>Hunter Gatherers
>Live somewhere with a mild climate
>don't care enough to advance technology - there is no point.
>When exposed to magic they just use it for entertainment so they have one more thing to watch when they sit outside their huts all day.
>/pol/ack whimping out
That or you can't read.
Either one is equally predictable.
I prefer the term "Interpretive /pol/rustling."
Could have just said Europeans.
Could have just said "Sub-Saharan Africa."
Present me with something worth reading (but that would probably require an elementary school education at minimum)
Forgot image
How the fuck does a human being even get this assravaged without dying from having salt where their blood should be?
I didn't want to be a /pol/lack
Also - they have cell phones there, not magic.
>I'm not even black
So, self-loathing white? Wetback? Gook? Muzzie? You seem to be carrying some serious baggage with all you wrote. What did a white man do to make you so assblasted?
I hope your intention was to attract fucking /pol/acks OP.
I refuse to call disgusting alt-righters "men."
More like white boys.
What they did was exist and spread their cancerous ideology.
Alt-righters need to die along with the left.
Kek, and random /pol/ rants are okay?
Didn't say anything your average /pol/ack wouldn't about any other group.
You obviously didn't even read anything to judge it.
Lazy Euro trash.
If you'd even read a word, I explicitly told your blind-ass self that I'm not some nigger, and that that word holds no meaning to me.
>thinking a test made in the 1920s to see if someone is clinically retarded or not matters
That shit doesn't matter past the age of 15.
You act like a nigger, so probably have comparable intelligence. What are you? A sandnigger? You are still borderline retarded compared to whites, sorry.
Careful with all that edge, son. You'll cut yourself.