>A DM convinces his players to move-in with him.
>A DM convinces his players to share every meal with him.
>A DM convinces his players to share his bed at night.
>A DM and his players constantly play micro-adventures throughout the day.
>A DM convinces his players to move-in with him.
>A DM convinces his players to share every meal with him.
>A DM convinces his players to share his bed at night.
>A DM and his players constantly play micro-adventures throughout the day.
Can't tell if this is Veeky Forums heaven, hell, or both.
I like my friends well enough, but that much contact would probably just make me go on a killing spree
>A DM and his players all get treated for STDs together
polyamory is fucking nasty yo
I think you're thinking of the wrong kind of /d/ungeon master
My fiancee and I are moving in a month out of state and our soon-to-be roommate (a girl friend of hers) is also going to be in our new campaign (going to run 5E's Storm King's Thunder). We're going to be sharing a big california king bed and have lot's of "fun" too.
Shit is gonna be awesome. Love my fiancee being a open to shit like this and even cooler that it is going to be a fellow gamer just like my fiancee and I.
Twill' end in bloodshed
Nah, me and my fiancee have had regular joint-partners before. The agreement is is that we never have sex with the soon-to-be roommate without the others permission like it was here (basically If I wanted to have sex with them, I'd have to get my fiancee's approval and vice-versa). We three also agreed to limit the sex we have to a max of twice a week with each other, again like it has been here with our other joint-partners.
Honestly though I'm just more excited to be DMing again than anything else.
You and your significant other can probably live with friends as long as you aren't banging them.
You and your significant other can probably bang other people as long as they aren't friends and don't live with you.
Relationship, friendship, and sex. Pick two.
Sharing an apartment or room with someone usually destroys your relationship with said person sooner or later. It is known.
Open to shit, means she has other dicks in her to dude, also your selfish if its only ok for you to get pussy other than hers, open Relationship will not last
Why? It works for me and my fiancee. We've been together for years now and we've never fought over sex once (well, we did argue which condoms to use a few times, different thing though).
I'm not saying it's for everyone, it's not, but me and my fiancee are able to separate sex from anything truly meaningful. The roommate is a friend who we can occasionally have some extra fun with but is first and foremost a friend, a roommate and a fellow gamer.
Fiancee is bi, her and the roommate are going to be using strapons. Every joint-partner has been with other bi (or bi-curious) women. Fiancee has stated she doesn't even want other dicks in her, only mine since she doesn't want to run the risk of getting pregnant with anyone else.
And if the sex stops, well, alright. As long as I have her, I'm fine with not boning other people. It's just a nice way of spicing things up. But we can always do other things (for being gamers, we've never actually done RP sex... Might look into that too).
Anyway, I'm going to hop off now, I have errands I need to run.
Sounds good on paper but can't help but to be skeptical about the long run on that. Have fun while you can though. Pre-nup.
Depends on the people
>open relationships will never have both people getting sex
I just...what?
Sounds like polygamy.
You're seriously fucking disgusting I hope you know that. Enjoy letting your wife get fucked by other men
>the chick at the bottom is the sex starved freak that makes it all work, upper chick doesn't care as long as she's financially supported.
>mfw that also describes my adventuring party
this sounds like the start of a dnd themed cult. Goddammit those reactionary christian mothers groups were right all along!
I'm good friends with a married couple. Kind of have a crush on both of them. One of them knows. The other doesn't because I have difficulty trusting men.
I think being in a three-person relationship with them and running tabletop RPGs on random evenings when we happen to all three feel like it sounds like heaven.
Isn't going to happen, but it's nice to think about. At least I know they both love me, even if it's not romantic.
Too gamy for my tastes.
In a couple years, you're going to remember all the anons who warned you.
I would know
This, and it only gets funnier when you find situations where one member gets furiously jealous when the other member finds another partner.
Best example I recall was a Reddit relationships post where a woman who wanted an "open" relationship so she can fuck guys guilt-free while backpacking in Europe had a meltdown when her boyfriend hooked up with a girl at work while she found out she simply doesn't have the time or skills to get a European guy.
What do you call that face-type anyway? I've known like 50 separate fat chicks that have the exact same kind of face.
Is it like a baby-type situation? Where their unique facial structure is hidden behind a uniform layer of fat?
At least he has a wife. That level of insecurity screams 'virgin'.
>Letting your wife get fucked dby others is insecurity
>I'm a virgin if I don't consider sex a serious thing
No, this is bordering on surrealism. Go fuck off to the ends of the earth where I don't have to hear about you destroying yourself and each other. It's like you grew up with a crack white if a mother and no father.
I don't care if this is bait, because I'm genuinely triggered when I'm reminded that there are people like you who actually exist out there
Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about ?
Enjoy the divorce!
Holy shit I think you might seriously be retarded, the guy you are replying to was calling the other guy insecure for saying the person, who I presume is you, being in an open relation was disgusting.
Go back to plebbit with your shitty Picard maymays you dumb fuck
So a bisexual hyper sexualised individual who can't separate friendship from sex, not only having an extremely limited perspective in the opinions or views of others on even the subject of sex, wants a polygamous relationship. Also the
>Don't trust men
Sounds like an actually psychotic person who needs to fix their priorities. Even if *you* don't think sex is a big deal it's a big deal to others. It's betrayal to some and extremely damaging to the majority of relationships since forever.
It's you who is retarded. Everyone is on the same fucking page, there isn't any confusion here except from your post.
It's a disgusting idea and the very fact that a couple can drag others into their craziness wih such ease is what infuriates me. I don't give a fuck what mental gymnastics you went through to think an "open relationship" could ever be ok. But keep it to yourself and your circle of disease and absolutely absent sense of morals and values.
Also if posting reaction images triggers you, here is another. Fuck off and kill yourself. Might as well make a suicide pact with your disgusting whore of a partner while you're at it.
>So a bisexual hyper sexualised individual who can't separate friendship from sex, not only having an extremely limited perspective in the opinions or views of others on even the subject of sex, wants a polygamous relationship.
Actually, mostly I just want the physical security that comes from cuddling with and/or sleeping in the same room with someone. I don't care all that much about sex at this point in my life.
And the "don't trust men" thing comes from my mother being divorced several times and a fear that men will leave if I get close to them. It's not an all-or-nothing thing. It's just more difficult and takes more time for me to trust a man.
But you said
>Letting your wife get fucked dby others is insecurity
Which implies sarcasm. So it sounded like you were open-wife fag, my bad, though it was pretty obvious I thought you were the guy going to let his wife get fucked because I referenced his picture.
Did you not see the quote arrows? It's quoting. I was quoting the last guy
If I were in a relationship, but met a third party, and, with my partner's permission, engaged in a headpatting session with said third party, would it be immoral?
Oh my god, I'm laughing at you so fucking hard. real talk, not even the picard threesome guy, but this is just too fucking great.
I bet you cry when people say the word 'threesome' around you, huh?
Yeah, okay, sometimes there's jealousy. Sometimes, though, there isn't. It's almost like different people have different psychological makeup and desires.
This is pretty much the nail in the coffin. Sex is so high and mighty in your mind that to violate this view of 'acceptable' consensual relationships between adults is blasphemous. I'm guessing virgin who has pumped sex up to the have all end all from society's constant pushing of it competing with a religious upbringing that taught you that life can only be organized into small compartments and only certain denominations of fun are allowed.
All you have to do now is go on about the degeneracy of society and how things need to remain pure and you'll have confirmed every suspicion I have about you.
Well feel free to have friends who are close. Just don't over step your boundaries. It doesn't matter if you are the same sex and you aren't attracted to the other person, it is not ok whatsoever to treat other people and their body like a personal stress doll.
The man thing. It's whatever you make it, you either get over it or you don't. Personally I'm still getting over my own issues that still affect me today
>Get's into open relationship
>Get's married
>Relationship turns sour
>Get's divorced
>Loses half of stuff
Don't put apostrophes there.
>What if you were to view it in some other way?
>What if you thought of it as polyamory as the default, people in caring, perhaps, loving supporting groups, who liked to have sex together
>People became monogamous when they found the person they were willing to leave the awesome sex party for.
>isn't that kinda what college is?
>Maybe some people want to keep the ride going?
>Maybe your perspective is laced with some working class white trash train wreck polyamory?
Pls stop the trolling.
>isn't that kinda what college is?
>TFW never had sex in college
>People became monogamous when they found the person they were willing to leave the awesome sex party for.
>isn't that kinda what college is?
Not him. If that's the image you portray, staying in college sounds backward and degenerate. Like damn, grow up. You shouldn't want this anymore. You're a step away from being that guy who dresses as a young child and has "parents."
Having a dry dick by sophomore year is generally a sign that you're doing something very wrong with your life, user.
>a comfy bed
>a guaranteed campaign
What's not to like?
>People who like the freedom to make new friends and get laid are exactly like adult babies. Maturity is a defined thing and anyone who is 'mature' cannot hold onto anything they liked or enjoyed from their past.
Sounds like there's only one baby in this thread, user.
That sounds stupid. The point of gaming is to have a break admist the daily hustle of the week. To be at the possibility of constantly having micro-sessions THROUGHOUT the day makes the need for something to BREAK from a new hustle.
all these people with their "THREESOMES B GROSS" and "YOU ARE AMORAL" arguments falling flat and this nigga has to make an argument against that makes sense, finally.
Kudos, yonder nigga. Kudos.
I have never had sex and I'm 23 and graduated, I hate my life.
I'm honestly saying that. Like, why is it that young people always take the position you're taking and then severely moderate as they get older? It's probably because maturity causes this change in perspective. It's not bad or shameful to want polyamory for some of your life, but why do you think all the free love communes of the 60's and 70's fell apart? Everyone started leaving in pairs until no one was left.
Monogamy is natural whereas polyamory is a great idea in theory. Dedicated monogamy is also an incredible tool for self-improvement. People I've known who are/were in polyamorous relationships just happened to all use their alternate partners as a way to escape their longer partners who realised their flaws and sought to help them. They all also happened to be worthless egotists.
Try being 27 and in that situation.
I sometimes wonder if my ancestors just used rape as a reproductive strat.
>tfw you moved into an a commune with your college friends when you graduated and you have sex with each other all the time
Two of us are getting big capital letters "DEGENERATE" and "KEK" ironic tramp stamps next montn to troll /pol/ with.
I can respect that. There's definitely truth to the fact that loads of ordinary relationships develop in open groups like that. I might be mistaking you for someone above who was less reasonable, because I believed the point you were making was that NO POLY-AMOROUS RELATIONSHIPS WORK OUT EVER when I've seen that as pretty patently false. In the end, you have the same human dynamics that you have everywhere else, so it IS harder to make three people in a relationship work over two, but I've seen it done and it's resulted in some of the happiest groups of people I've ever met.
I also understand where you're coming from, using a relationship as a self-improvement tool. However I tend to find that relationships with literally anyone whose opinion and company you value will result in people pushing you to be better. Maybe that's just my personal experience and not the norm, so take that with a grain of salt.
Likely. Raiding's easy when you have a good target. You Scandinavian?
Polish jew, so probably many rapists in the ancestral line.
Me and my girlfriends would like to come along. One of them is from a jewish family so this shit is bound to get em stirred up. Maybe we can convince them we're the globalist illuminati!
There you go. Everyone forgets about Poland.
Until they're getting raped, of course.
Try 34 and get back to me...
Dude, why so sad, I bet you have some mad powers and almost zero mana usage per cast!
Posting like you're smug and happy with yourself while another man sleeps with your wife isn't getting through to anyone.
And you can quote a fine strawman. You can act superior all you like. You still haven't gave me any argument as to why it's ok or even better to have an open relationship. Besides
>I like it so it's ok right?
Don't give out recommendations to your perverse and screwed perception of reality until you deliver or hold any actual evidence as to why it's better, or let alone
Even fucking
>Two of us are getting big capital letters "DEGENERATE" and "KEK" ironic tramp stamps next montn to troll /pol/ with.
>Getting tattoos to troll /pol/
Who the fuck are you quoting?
Can you not string together a formative sentence? Are you that far behind in literacy. Please reformat because I can't understand what you are saying and I genuinly want to understand the mental gymnastics you sacks of shit who subscribe to open relationships
>TFW I forget how little sex y'all have on Veeky Forums....
I am sorry I triggered my fa/tg/uy brothers with my libertine experiences.
>Looks at life like a Jewish Hollywood college movie
Opinion discarded. Grow the fuck up you worthless slut, because nobody is going to settle down with you or take what you say as meaningful if all you can perform Is degrading sex acts.
>Posting like you're smug and happy with yourself while another man sleeps with your wife isn't getting through to anyone.
>You still haven't gave me any argument as to why it's ok or even better to have an open relationship.
I'm not arguing for better, though the fact that you have superiority on the brain is playing into the profile pretty conveniently. How about let's start with the fact that it's more than possible for everyone involved to have fun without a collapse. Also, it doesn't really change anything about your life. Society isn't disintegrating, the fabric of reality isn't torn asunder: some people decided to fuck, that's pretty much it. Where the fuck is the unhealthy part coming from?
>...deliver or hold any actual evidence as to why it's better, or let alone Even fucking Healthy.
Someone did that for me: People fucked whoever and then paired off later in life throughout most of history, just like brought up. I'd say the repression side is the unhealthy one, user.
Let's throw out more guesses as to what your deal is. My latest is that the only girl in the world who would ever tough your dick decided to fuck a guy with fewer weird, obsessive notions about purity, and it left you bitter.
I'm the middle tag. Why'd you include me? I have sex at least sometimes.
I'm not very sexual, I just feel like I owe others sometimes. Or I love people occasionally.
>jewish hollywood college movie
here is the deal, I think you are either trolling or a massively insecure moralfag.
If you're trolling, bravo have a nice day.
If you're an insecure moralfag, what the fuck is other people having lots of sex and maybe destroying their relationships over it doing to you?
The most successful relationships are predicated on shared values (Gottman, 2014) and are made successful by affirmation, structure of sexual interaction has little to no impact on best outcome (More sex is more likely to increase likelihood that a marriage or other long term relationship will last longer, and be happier, I don't have that study handy, but I have faith you can work google.)
If you can't get laid because everyone around you is too busy being polyamorous, start picking chicks up at churches - if you are morally opposed to that, start taking university classes. If you're married and getting plenty of sex and objecting for the purpose of objecting, please feel free to jam a great american challenge up your ass and "get fucked" because no one cares if you die.
>Tries acting like a gangsta
>Straw man is the only effort you'll put into an argument
What is your arguement, what is your angle honestly. All you seem to keep throwing is "sex is good" your arguement is as weak as a crack addict.
Do you not consider the emotions of others? You have no perspective or empathy if others do you. Not only do you make yourself sound more and more like a high school child that has barely held together a conversation with a sober girl. Go ahead and let your girlfriend get dicked by another man. You're sure going to convince you're an alpha. God damn retarded manchild.
Enjoy the aids whole you look back at this conversation
Who the fuck cares about being an alpha? Who the fuck cares about any of what you just said? Of course I consider the emotions of others, in fact probably moreso than your ass because I'm playing diplomat for more parties than you are. If you're going to reduce my argument to 'sex is good' than I'm gonna come right back and ask for your points as to why 'sex is bad' because in this instance, that's pretty much your argument. Also, how the fuck am I getting aids? I'm dating two girls who are interested in myself and one another. This isn't a fucking darkroom club.
..then again, your opinion doesn't matter. /pol/ has you believing that the jews are competent enough to run the world and cohesive enough to enact plans on a global scale in secret, you'll believe fucking anything.
>Would literally kill to have a gangster say 'Kudos, yonder nigga' to me.
>Full /pol/tards (inb4 thinking morality exists and calling things you think are immoral degenerate is /pol/ only)
Are you happy with yourself OP?
Hey, some of us pointed out the stupidity of entire days worth of mini-gaming sessions.
Sounds more like a cult.
>It's more fun
So is crack.
>Without a collapse
A collapse? How about unless it's with complete strangers it's a really fucked up Hong to do. If you let your girlfriend get fucked by other men, let alone women even you're a pathetic loser, end if story. Sorry to break your little tumblr opinion echoing in your brain, but it isn't good for you.
Why can't you separate friendship and sex? You're just a disgusting pervert that can't hold a conversation without turning to sex. You sound exactly like a 12 year old.
That first post you're quoting for "evidence" isn't evidence. It's someone providing a "what if" scenario without any working example. Because the only example in real life are aids ridden 60s hippy groups, and Mongols. And the Mongols raped most of the time, so I'm not sure who or where you think polygamy is the "default" in any location on earth.
Finally, I've not given any indication about who I am or where I've come from, but all you've wanted to do is deflect your shit excuse for an argument and disgusting world view, and try to target me as someone the complete opposite. I've had multiple partners, but none of them simultaneous. My friends and i don't need to think about sleeping with each other to preserve the relationship, or to "make it fun". Get a fucking life and stop watching porn lad
And us degenerates appreciate Yonder nigga's contributions. First good point to be made here.
Man, for someone who said my argument was a straw man, your argument seems suspiciously flammable.
Not really. I know who she has sex with. The other girl isn't even into guys, for the most part. How exactly am I being irreparably damaged, here? Is jesus looking at me with disapproval?
>Why can't you separate friendship and sex?
I know I ask this a lot, but what the fuck are you talking about? I have tons of friends I don't fuck. do you think someone in a polyamorous relationship just goes around fucking everyone who gets close to them? That it goes from handshake to genital contact in 5 minutes or less or your handjob is free? What the fuck has /pol/ been teaching you?
>That first post you're quoting for "evidence" isn't evidence. It's someone providing a "what if" scenario without any working example. Because the only example in real life are aids ridden 60s hippy groups, and Mongols.
...also firsthand experience of polyamorous relationships that haven't disintegrated, and even one that led to a marriage/roommie situation that still goes on to this day. Keep hammering those talking points though.
>Finally, I've not given any indication about who I am or where I've come from, but all you've wanted to do is deflect your shit excuse for an argument and disgusting world view, and try to target me as someone the complete opposite. I've had multiple partners, but none of them simultaneous. My friends and i don't need to think about sleeping with each other to preserve the relationship, or to "make it fun". Get a fucking life and stop watching porn lad
Seriously dude, what the fuck are you even on about at this point. So far, my targeting you as the complete opposite has been surprisingly accurate, especially for a sweeping generalization.
desu, I dun agree with open relates either, but in the end not my problem. I do point out though I dont understand how this shit got sexually involved, OP regards to room mates that play games all day every day than a sex club.
Really, really want to bring that up. At no point does OP say 'He bangs them all'.
I feel like a sex-starved person would prefer polyamory, not the other way around. People who are sexually satisfied and confident in their own personage probably don't feel the need to fuck a bunch of different people.
>Looks at filename
Gee I wonder?
It's interesting, in that I'm not a very sexual person most of the time. I just got romantically involved with two girls who happened to get romantically involved with each other. Instead of it collapsing we just sort of fell into it. It's nice to know you have people to cuddle you when you feel shitty and all the usual things you get from a relationship, just more of them.
Sure, the sex part is fun and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't, but it's not really the focus here.
Ah. Missed that through all the number salad there.
So how are you going to arrange it when you pop babies into both of them?
It'll be fun at parent teacher conferences.
One has her tubes tied. The other uses birth control. Condoms also exist.
We literally live in an era where birth control is miraculous, instantaneous, and comes in tons of different varieties. I'd guess individual groups would come up with what to do if they choose to have kids (which could, to your credit, lead to headaches), but I have no interest in reproducing nor do my girls.
That's too bad, I think it would be cute.
It might. Til you're cleaning up shit and not sleeping, anyway.
That's the wife's job, and now you have 2 of them. More time for you to watch football and work to support them.
I seriously feel like more than 50%?of dms are into poly relationships. Why do I always feel like the dm is undressing me with their eyes? I just want to fight some kobolds not join your creepy sex club
The people I play with are long time friends I cherish, and I would still rather die than live like that.
22 here, bro. Might get rid of it soon but I'll probably fuck it up again. I channel my virgin rage into edgy campaigns that engage my players. I'm gonna be that guy who's basically a complete loser, lives alone, but is an awesome GM into his 40s until everyone gets creeped out by how old he is and doesn't want to play with him anymore. Then I'll 69 with a shotgun.
>fat stored in the jowls pulling down on the puffy cheeks and a weak chin
>tight lipped grin because hasn't taken very good care of her teeth, what with the impacted pork chop and all
>look on her face says, yeah this is the best i could get, come at me and i'll fuck you too assuming the vagisil worked
Duh, me too, but that's just because I didn't choose my gaming circle based on physical or personal attraction.
If my GM and the rest of my group were good-looking gamer ladies and/or femboys and if I found them to have cute personalities, then this would be awesome. Group sex is fun even if you don't share any interests. And of course it's awesome to have a fuckbuddy who shares your interests.
I'm wary with this sort of thing just because there is a type of extremely self-centered and unpleasant women who is drawn to tabletop gaming and similar hobbies because she knows that wizards will put up with her shit and put her on a pedestal. Not that they're very common, but if someone approached me for sexy-D&D-alternate-lifestyle type shit I would have my guard up.
>TFW OP Brings up a fictional living setup and adds gaming
>All this jelly as fuck posting and saying it's gay.
This guy is mad that some people can have two loves while he's sitting there with none.
His anger issues probably means he's That Guy in the party too.
>breaking news : a small cult rounded up and shot down for committing anti-social escapism
>shit that never happened
>shit that isn't happening
>shit that will never happen
>'Denial' just ain't a river in Egypt, user.
Just because you aren't living the dream doesn't mean it can't happen.