/sss/ JoJo Stands and other related things

Welcome to /sss/, your main place anything JoJo related for campaigns and other things

If you have any ideas you wanna get of your chest or just discuss things then so be it

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is JoJo so fucking gay.

Like its the most vibrant, fuck-boy over-designed thing ever.

>just discuss things

Just make sure you keep it to to campaigns and games, and not just trying to spam an /a/ thread here.

First for bumping the thread.

And, also, advice. I'm working on making a Jojo game with friends. My current plot idea is kind of weak, so I want some criticism.

Essentially, a group of evil Stand users team up to form a secret organization, sort of like a Stand-user ISIS. Their intent is to eliminate as many Stand users that are not affiliated with them as possible, to rid the world of any Stand users but themselves. Once they are a dominant force of stand users, they would plan to take over the planet as a militia.

My only idea is this, or the main characters are a group of Stand users that are using heists and theivery to combat a corrupt and overcontrolling police force in their town that is also filled with Stand users. I could talk about Stands my group has created, but that can wait.

Seems like a pretty solid idea, as long as you're good with pacing you'll be golden

But which one would be better? I'm thinking the second one is a more interesting plot, but I'm trying hard to figure out ways that flamboyantly dressed psychic fuckboys would comprise a police force.

So far the Stands my players have come up with are:
「Remix 」: The Stand follows behind the user and mirrors the actions they completed three seconds ago. The Stand's strength and speed, as such, are only average. But, the Stand has a second ability which allows the user to "rewind back to the position of the Stand, IE where they were three seconds ago.

「Space Oddity 」: The stand allows the user to orbit objects around their body in a limited orbit relative to how wide the orbit is. For example, a very fast orbit would be around the user's wrist, but a very slow orbit would be around their whole body. One way this can be used is whirling dust around in a ring so quickly it becomes like a buzz saw.

「Rainbow Rising」: This Stand allows the user to teleport punches, kicks, or any other part of their body through a light source. So, if the user threw a punch, the arm would dissapear up to the elbow, and come flying out of a lightbulb overhead, shattering it. It can only be used once per light source, and gets weaker depending on how far away the light source is. This one is more of a punchghost.

I can post more if you'd like desu

Since I didn't get feedback last time:

Destructive Power - C/A
Speed - B
Range - B/D
Durability - D/B
Precision - B
Developmental Potential - C

「YMCA」 is a muscular white humanoid stand covered in various decorations colored bright red, green, blue, and purple. The stand also has "YMCA" printed in large lettering on its chest. when the stand splits, only the decorations that match the stand's color(s) remain on its body

「YMCA」can split its body into four pieces, Red, Green, Blue, and "Ultraviolet". It uses this to surround opponents, or splitting mid attack rush to surprise their opponent with six more fists than they were expecting.

「YMCA」can also split the user, other objects, and people. However, the split bodies are not all equal in strength, unlike「YMCA」itself. These split bodies cannot recombine willingly while still in the stand's range. The strength of each piece is determined by the percentage of color the target has. (ultraviolet is typically the weakest) Unlike the stand itself, the "Ultraviolet" pieces of other objects are completely invisible.

Also, colors can only be removed by the respective piece of YMCA, you can only have the blue punched out of you by "C"

So, I had an idea for what's basically a stand in a suit of heavy stone armor that can also disperse in to fog over a small area and attack from anywhere within the fog, but at the cost of being hitting less hard and being more fragile. Problem is, I'm kind of drawing a blank for a name, any suggestions?

Lonely Mountain

Just wanna share the hype I have for a JoJo game my group is going to be running.

We are doing it round-robin GMing where each player has their own villain that they can bring up.

My character is Boom Schrager, stone-faced a martial artist detective with a dry sense of humor.

His stand is Scissor Sister, which has a slender form with long hair that covers half its face and goes down its body like a cape.

It's power is that it throws Killer Knives that will cause the target to laugh uncontrollably if they touch the knife. Thinking about it also having a sword.

The villain I have is V-Shaped Mind and his stand is Cool Refreshing Drink. It takes the form of a container of a drinkable liquid. Anyone who drinks from it will be reverted to their "origin", a thought that lies at the core at their being. In this state, they become super powerful and even have the ability to see and hurt Stands. If V-Shaped looks at the person through Cool Refreshing Drink then he will be able to see their "origin."

I like it. Many thanks, user.

Another stand to bump the thread:
「 Cold Outside」
Namesake: youtu.be/7MFJ7ie_yGU

Power: D
Speed: B
Precision: B
Range: A
Durability: C
Learning: D

Appearance:「 Cold Outside」is a humanoid stand with light blue skin with ski goggles in place of its eyes. It wears a parka that is opened in the front, and a pair of baggy shorts. Across its body is a series of tubes that wrap around various sections of the body and open up at the back of the stand's body.

When「 Cold Outside」puts its hand on an object, it can change the thermal conductivity of the object. This effect lasts as long as the object is within range of the stand.

>Examples of what this can do:
Increasing the conductivity of a CPU, allowing it to cool faster.
Decreasing the conductivity of a snowball to prevent it from melting during hot weather.
Decreasing the Thermal conductivity of a person's skin, preventing their body heat from escaping. This could cause the victim to die of heat stroke in the middle of a blizzard.
Increasing the conductivity of a person's body during cold weather, causing all their body heat to irradiate away immediately.

The stand names rarely ever have much to do with their actual powers anyway

Because glam rock is fun

Please don't die on me /sss/, I like hearing about JoJo campaigns too much.

「 Kaleidoskull」
Namesake: youtu.be/SwMqU3zo3eE

Power: C
Speed: D
Precision: B
Range: A
Durability: D
Learning: D

Appearance: Greenish crystalline body with vaguely skeletal features. Also has several other detachable crystal skulls on its body

Abilities: Kaleidoskull can shoot harmful laser beams out of any of the skulls on its body. The skulls are highly reflective, so Kaleidoskull can throw them around the battlefield and hit people with ricochets.

We needs something to do. As always we can try the album game.

First, someone suggests an album. Let's say whoever's post ends in evens decide what album we use.

One the album is decided, we turn the songs in to stands.

Once all or most of them are stands, we come up with a group of users who use said stands. Anything else is up to you guys.

I've had a few stands I've been stocking up, I can start with my villain stands and go into the other ones
If only to keep the thread alive

Stand Name: 「Emperor's New Clothes」
Namesake: youtube.com/watch?v=EQWtgHJ0vsU
Appearance: A broken blade adorned with screaming faces alongside the hilt.
Power: B
Speed: C
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: B
Development Potential: C
Dynasty Decapitated -
The Stand is unable to do anything on it's own, acting more as an invisible blade. However, once someone is decapitated with Emperor's New Clothes, their severed head will become a mask called "Finders Keepers." The User of Emperor's New Clothes is the only one who may use the ability of "Finders Keepers", which allows them to take on the persona of the decapitated person in appearance, behavior and on a genetic level. They will essentially BECOME that person, gaining their memories and skills as well. The original corpse becomes a featureless flesh puppet as a result.

The idea was for a Kira-style villain in a road trip murder mystery, the jojo and jobros having to chase a serial killer with a connection to the origin of stands in midwestern america while he leaves a trail of the decapitated and identity-less victims on the way

There's an awakened form that makes him exceedingly dangerous with a drawback, but I'm going to move onto the Stand of the dragon of another plot idea

No prob

Trying to actually draw out a stand idea for the first time has given me new respect for Araki
How he does this so well and creatively astounds me

Ooooh this is a really cool one


Namesake: Christian Heavy Metal band , song heavily Referenced is youtube.com/watch?v=Y4H4j83FikM

Appearance: A vaguely humanoid figure of blinding Light that conceals itself behind 「Mirror of Souls」 and within an inhumanly broad white coat, the coat embedded with hebrew script written in gold and diamond. The 'face' only manifests as a white dove sitting atop a small olive branch out of the collar of the white coat.

Power: E (Originally A)

Speed: C (Originally A)

Range: D (Originally A)

Precision: B (Originally A)

Staying: A

Potential: C (Originally A)


「Altar of the Unknown God」 - 「THEOCRACY」 is supposedly 'blessed', the Stand itself protected by 「Altar of the Unknown God.」 Any who strike the Stand directly will find a mark placed upon one of their limbs. Upon gaining 7 of 「Altar」's marks, the damage inflicted upon 「THEOCRACY」 is returned on the aggravator sevenfold.

「Mirror of Souls」 - 「THEOCRACY」 may turn the sub-stand, 「Mirror of Souls」 upon a single person to activate 「Absolution Day.」 「Absolution Day」 is able to 'judge' the mirrored person's heart, weighing their sins and virtues before allowing 「THEOCRACY」 to activate 「I AM」

「I AM」 - The most powerful and potent of 「THEOCRACY」's powers, 「I AM」 allows the user to either draw the target of 「Mirror of Souls」 into the mirror or produce something ex nihilo from 「Mirror of Souls」
within the Mirror of Souls, the user will recieve either judgement and damnation for the foreseeable future(as Mirror of Souls will persist beyond the death of the user) or be given the lessons and powers they need to make a single wish come true. It is the Stand-user's way of punishing the wicked and rewarding the virtuous. However, using 「I AM」will lower one of THEOCRACY'S stats by one grade.
The stand is broken, but I'm going to explain the User's mentality in a moment that prevents it from stomping

Thanks, I'm proud of it. Nothing as bad as some of the time-fuckery that the boss stands get but i feel like it's appropriate for a murder mystery road trip feel

The Awakened ability ups his threat but allows him to be defeatable

Victorious -
Emperor's New Clothes gains a new constituent part upon being Awakened, a bottle of wine with the words "The Conquering King" on the label that appears in the opposite hand of Emperor's New Clothes' blade. This bottle is known as "Victorious" due to it's heady effect. The red wine is an empowering brew that strengthens Emperor's New Clothes by an astounding amount in every category as well as unleashing the latent(or not) Stand potential of any Finders Keepers masks that the user is wearing. However, these effects only are active as long as the user is actively inebriated by Victorious' wine.
Anyways, this one is pretty stompy if utilized rightly but the user is similar to Cream in that he has an intense loyalty to his master( the BBEG of another part where the 3-4 main circle are the users of 「Hellfire」, 「The Plagues」 and 「Voice of Truth」...Hellfire itself being similar to Anubis and trapped in the form of a bible that only releases the firey woman avatar stand when opened. The BBEG's stand, of course )
but has a sense of justice. Up until now the user and the Mirror of Souls judged many powerful stand users the big 3 couldn't defeat, however it also CREATED stand users with 「I AM」 due to the Mirror finding heroic individuals. These individuals (Since the User believed that the Stand he had was an instrument of heaven's will) were left alone by the user after Judgement. But seeing as many of those who his master sent him after were damned by the Mirror, he felt righteous. Awakening him to the corruptive power of 「Hellfire」 and allowing him to turn the power of 「I AM」 onto it will be instrumental to defeating the Stand, as it will simply draw more hate-filled users towards it

>unleashing the latent(or not) Stand potential of any Finders Keepers masks that the user is wearing.

Sheeeeit thats pretty cool, nice drawback that he needs to be drunk too

I made drunk on power a literal thing and I'm proud of myself for it

[West Life]

Destructive Power - D
Speed - A
Range - A
Durability - D
Precision - B
Developmental Potential - E

Appearance: A blue drone

Ability: [West life] shoots darts at its targets, anything penetrated by these will begin sliding west as if on a conveyor belt
This will begin slowly and build up speed, eventually flying at hundreds of miles per hour and obviously being destroyed upon impact with anything

How does this sound as the setup to a plot

>Popular stand user among various organisations
>User of [Thinking of you]
>This stand lets him know the address of stand users if hes asked about them
>example "Is there a stand user that can stop time?"
>"Yes, he lives at..."
>He has been selling info like this for years
>People always ask "Is there a stand that grants immortality?"
>Never has been, until now when one awakens
>Organisation leaders paying billions for this info
>Sending out their stand users to retrieve them
>Players have to protect the user of [Phoenix] from these people

Dont have all the details works out yet but im working on it, also [Phoenix]'s immortality is a oneshot that they dont even know how to use yet.

I also did not receive feedback last time

Back with another DOOM stand

[Rhinestone Cowboy]

Destructive Power - C
Speed - D
Range - B
Durability - A
Precision - B
Potential - C

Rhinestone Cowboy manifests through stone, so it could potentially be any size. Once it manifests and takes control over a piece of stone it takes on the appearance of a typical cowboy wearing a poncho and a wide brimmed hat, wearing a bandanna over the mouth with large goggles that obscure the eyes. Wields a revolver that has a cartoonishly long barrel (like a sniper rifle) with a scope sight on it.

Anything shot by Rhinestone Cowboy's bullets won't begin to bleed out (in fact, the bullet just passes through without breaking skin) will begin to break down to their core components. Cars will deconstruct into iron ore, windows will turn into sand, humans will turn into a pile of little things. Paper will turn into trees, etc.

Rhinestone Cowboy is also extremely durable due to being made out of stone, and any damage done to the stand does not affect the user because it's inside the stone. The stone however, makes it on the slower side despite being very dexterous. Reloading the revolver involves breaking off RC's body parts to turn into bullets, making it have a limited shelf life per use.

Rhinestone Cowboy's alternate ability is to see three seconds into the future.

Cool ability, although seeing three seconds into the future could be too OP, since it pretty much guarantees he never misses

[Gazelle Twin]

Destructive Power - E
Speed - B
Range - C
Durability - B
Precision - A
Potential - A

Appearance: Torso and arms are very bulky with wires running across the body. Chest and shoulders are armored in layers. Lower body is completely exposed and skeletal. Head is skull-like in shape but covered up completely in a black fabric.

Abilities: [Human Touch] Spins any object at high speeds, can be used on floors to send enemies flying or on objects to disorient enemies.

[Phobia] Can rotate the user's body parts in any direction. This can be used offensively to hit enemies in ways that would normally be physically impossible, removing the need to worry about being grabbed or countered. Can also be used to get the user to places that would normally be too difficult to reach.

What happens if they impact something before reaching lethal speeds?

They'll either hit it and stop or smash through it, depending how fast they're already going.

But as they sit against it they'll feel pressure building since their own force on whatever they're against is increasing, eventually causing it to break and they'll go flying again

I'd say it's fine without the extra bit at the end. At most 1 second if you really want to keep that bit.

I'd decrease the range of the stand, as it only works on things it can touch for the initial effect.

I got one to share

[ Ocean Man ]
Power - C
Speed - A (when in water)/ D
Range - C
Durability - C/B (when sand is in contact)
Precision - D
Potential - C

[ Ocean Man ] takes on the appearance of a mermaid humanoid with coral colors and shapes all around its body. The stand has many fins and scales over the sections without coral and many holes cover its body to allow water to pass through easily. [ Ocean Man ]'s face is a simple humanoid shape minus nose, mouth, and a third eye with ears replaced with gills.

[ Ocean Man ]'s main ability is to allow it's user to breath underwater and swim up to 60 MPH underwater, allowing it and it's user to traverse great distances over oceans and lakes.

[ Ocean Man ]'s secondary and offensive ability is to drain the moisture of anything it comes in contact with. This drainage not only affects water but also blood, oil, grease, and soups. [ Ocean Man ] is able to use the drained fluids to be stored and used to let out a high blast of said liquid at a target or seep out the liquids through its water holes.

[ Ocean Man ]'s passive ability is to use sand as a barrier to protect its user and stand alike. While the sand barrier is weak, it buys enough time for its user to respond.

not the guy, but future sight can be as big a curse as a blessing

if you see your own death in three seconds, there's nothing you can do to prevent it

it's why king crimson is so powerful

Keep posting, user. The stands you've posted so far are pretty neat

Im gonna make a stand based on the Doctor Who library episode, shit was spooky

How about a stand that literally rips out bones of its targets and can use them as projectiles or weapons for its user?

Now thats scary

「Turned Out The Lights」?

There was a PC in a JoJo campaign my group played awhile back with the ability to manipulate bones, he tended to use it to fuse people's limbs and limit their mobility.

he sounded dangerous

Got any good stories around that ability stand?

Stands are more about cleverness than power. The fun ones anyway.

I'll try:

Name: [Private Eyes]
Namesake: Hall & Oates album
Destructive Power: E
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: D
Precision: E
Potential: C

Appearance: Manifests directly on the user's body as a black sheet across the abdomen with various human eyes attached. When in 'surveillance' mode, manifests as a series of thin tentacles with the eyes on them. Can also form a 'helmet' by moving to the user's face.

[Looking for a Good Sign]: The user can extend the tentacles from his stand and use it to view anything, with visual information regulated by the stand to not overwhelm the user. These tentacles have extremely long range, and, despite being fragile, can become completely invisible by the user's command.

[Your Imagination]: The user, if apprehended, can 'swap' a person's vision with the vision of any pair of eyes on anyone of his tentacles, with the intent of disorientation, presumably to make a quick getaway.

[Unguarded Minute]: Private Eyes' strongest ability, and a variation of [Your Imagination]. When forced to fight or for more serious espionage, the user can implant a few of his eyes directly into the opponent's brain and mind, essentially allowing the user to read the opponent's mind. The downside is that this requires a bit of time to set up and extreme mental focus on part of the user, but in return gives him the ability to predict the opponent's attacks, thoughts, as well as learn their secrets or weaknesses.

I obviously wouldn't consider this to be a main villain or a direct fight, but an invaluable assistant to another villain or one of the right hand men of the main.

Some stands are so weak but have scary abilities such as [ The Lovers ] and [ Cheap Trick ] that heavily bypass the might makes right path and resolve to unusual methods to attack there enemies.

Had to come up with some for my players, they have a better time with it being randomized, what do you guys think:

[ Summer's Over ]: Allows the user to become intangible while simultaneously controlling coldness. Its drawback is that while the user is intangible, they have limited senses and can only move in places that they have recent memories of. Any major changes to the area knock them out of the intangibility by default.

[ Beat Don't Stop ] Allows the user to control, limit, or produce forward momentum.

[ Debate Team ] The user projects a field around themselves, and can suspend or change one fundamental law of nature within that field for the duration: for example, making metal temporarily flammable.

Debate team is pretty sweet

This could work.

The problem is what would you focus on? The organisations and the mad grab, or the user of [Phoenix]?

The mad grab is really just to set up the stand fights and have stakes, main plot would be trying to figure out how to use or get rid of [phoenix] ability so the user can finally be safe

Stands are fucking cancer.
>oh cause more punching vampires with sunlight would be soooo interesting
No youre right it wouldve gotten old. The franchise should have just died after Battle Tendency.

Here's my 1d6 system I've been working on. I need some scrutiny on it.

1. How should Progression work? I've managed to capture what I feel is the spirit of Potential/Learning, but incorporating a feeling of gaining skill and experience is somewhat difficult.

2. Need some feedback on Hamon, and suggestions for more abilities based on Hamon, both ones available by default, and ones you can spend points on.

3. I need abilities. lots of them. suggest your ideas for abilities homebrewed according to the guidelines in the doc, and i'll incorporate them into the game. Point cost is a must.

umad bruh

>But which one would be better?
Why not both? Start with the heists and thievery, and it eventually brings the PCs to the attention of Stand-ISIS.

Im guessing youre the type who gets insulted over something in real life situations and after spilling his spaghetti makes a really weak and awkward comeback and everyone in the room cringes.

Araki should have taken stands and just made them part of a completely different work. It would've been fine like that.

umad bruh

Not really, he was mostly a background character (technically a DMPC, but he mostly stayed out of things and told us "Go here, do this.") Only real fight he got into was finishing off a vampire that the party had chased off.

Have this month's draft, lads.


Humor me

>Late 1800's/Early1900's
>Main Jojo is a sea captain that arrives at a seaside town
>Something is going on and he decides to investigate
>He finds out there's some sort of event that happens every other month that kills a majority of the people who live in the town but those who manage to survive receive a stand
>He also finds out about an evil cult that he must stop
>Main antag is a cult leader
>All stands are based off of the Lovecraft mythos
>Title: The Cosmic Sea

How about it?

Pickman as one of the JoBros, his stand [Ghoul] allows him to turn his paintings into monsters.

This sounds pretty clever. Im not sure about the whole Lovecraft Mythos bit, but an 1850s setting, that jojo idea, and the antags are pretty good.

Sanity loss in JoJo... it ain't going to be pretty...

>create a concept that allows him to create 6 fantastic narratively and thematically diverse stories

Throwing this out there:

Name: [Counting Crows]

Power: D
Speed: C
Range: C
Durability: A
Precision: C
Potential: B

Resembles a mass of crow bodies in a vaguely humanoid shape.

Weak punchghost that can outright kill one person using a single punch. The user then can bring that person back to life, but only by killing another person. The catch is that the user cannot kill two or more people, but anybody who is a victim of the user's ability will stay dead after the user perishes. Also, the only way the user can kill anybody is through use of his stand.

Has one of your stands ever been used in a game Veeky Forums?

One you didn't start

Considering running a JoJo RPG for my animeonly friends.
What's a recommended system?

The d10 system that OP forgot about when he made a shit OP.

I'm planning on running using Fate Accelerated Edition, basically everything about that system is made for Jojo.
>game is about forward thinking people who act on things
>rules light, allowing for bullshittery
>much of the character sheet is vaguely written ideas rather than numbers
>part of the game is convincing the GM that it works
Going to include a Pose as a stunt anyone can do, which basically gives a +2 to any non-sneaky roll within reason done through your stand at the cost of a fate point.

The other day I was a massive faggot and tried to get the /a/ Jojo thread to make some OC stands. Failed mostly, but did make this stand for another user. It's a 4 act stand, because the user rolled the 4th part of a song series, however it should probably be 6 or it could reasonably be condensed into a single stand.
Destructive Power: E
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: A
Grants freedom of movement, allowing the user to do stuff like walk across water, climb walls and ceilings, makes them lighter. Wherever the user's hands or feet touch, he leaves coloured rings, these eventually fade. User also moves faster and more elegantly.
Destructive Power: E
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: B
Luv Sic Act 2 is now able to use the circles created by movements from Act 1 as portals, however only rings of the same colour can be linked this way.
Destructive Power: D
Speed: A
Range: B
Durability: D
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: C
Luv Sic may now store his Stand in the rings, allowing them to be used as a trap. E.g., a ring could be left on a wall around a corner the user knows an enemy Stand User is about to come around. When the Stand User walks by, Luv Sic is able to pop out and attack the enemy, then quickly retreat into the portal to return to the user.
Destructive Power: C
Speed: A
Range: D
Durability: D
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: D
Luv Sic Act 4 can now attract objects with rings of the same colour on them to each other, even with violent force. This allows traps to be set up, where objects are sent flying across a room in a path with space occupied by the enemy, or even send the enemy flying at something if they are directly touched with one of the Stand's rings.

Did some poking around and also found this.
Seems like a tweaked version of your link. Any idea if it's any good by comparison?

Hey man, better job there than I could do. Keep it up, I'd like to see what you do with it. I've no idea how to into body proportions, or drawing in general.

thread please no die

Well take a look at the manga and anime, there are a TON of abilities that many stands share and have

I would recommend generating a d100 table for abilities that list off simple abilities such as super strength, lighting reflexes, ability to fly its user, to more unique and complex ones such as turning invisible when its night or possessing animals and people.

As for harmon, its not as needed unless there are vampires involved, but like i said above about the stand abilities, there are a ton of hamon abilities. I would honestly treat it as its own class with stats and boosts to fortitude and all that jazz with class like abilities



>Stand user with a Bhole-theme stand.
>The Stand is bound to their body and works similar to Notorious BIG (They die, the stand manifests in full)

What makes the reveal of this stand horrifying, is the fact that the Teeth on a Bhole are as long as a grown man is tall, and the Bhole itself is 'kin huge.

>The dead body sorta melts down into a pool of blood and gore and opens as sort of a stand like portal
>and out of that portal is the stands true form

I'd say the entire process of the Stand emerging from the portal takes about 15 minutes.

Thats fair, like the body slowly decomposes over the span of 15 mins so that the players don't immediately notice that the body is melting and bum rush it or something

>point cost
I don't really know if this is the best thing to do. No JoJo part has had all Stand users within it equally matched. I feel like you should create Stands based on their characters, and if it happens to logically be powerful, let the challenge spring from that.

And then they get surprised when a worm that could circle a small town twice with some length left over erupts from the portal.

Glad to see the thread is still alive when I woke up. Here's a stand one of my friends came up with.
>「 4:33」
Power: D
Speed: C
Precision: C
Range: C? (8m 66cm)
Durability: B
Development: B

The stand's abilities only take effect within two areas, called the Major circle and the Minor circle, both defined by the distance between the stand and the user. The Minor circle's diameter is the distance between the stand and the user, while the radius of the Major circle is that distance. (With the stand at the center point of the circle) The stand's body itself can only be 4m33cm away from the user.

Living beings inside the Major circle will find themselves unable to directly produce sounds. Footsteps, speech, and wall punching will be completely silenced, but the convieniently placed frying pan atop the wall that the victim accidentally knocked off will still make a "Clang" sound once it hits the ground.

Living things within the Minor circle will find themselves unwilling to move. Any action within the Minor circle will require twice the effort it normally would. This effect is entirely mental, and does not affect the victims in any way physically

Sounds weak as fuck. Even in a game where you'd be dice rolling for your movements

I'm surprised by how good Purple Haze Feedback is, but it also establishes how nearly impossible it is to run an RPG based off Jojo.

>Rhinestone Cowboy's alternate ability is to see three seconds into the future.

is it because he has [Rhinestone Eyes]


All that tripfagging and trolling in the past threads really tickled my sides, yessiree

Some nigga came up with a holy diver stand in the past thread lmao
Its been done in the original series


Since people are asking for more, I guess I could post a few more ideas I've had.
「Queen of the Stone Age」: The Stand is bound to the user's body, and allows the user to turn parts of their body into various kinds of snakes. The larger the body part, the more/larger snakes can be formed. The type depends on the user's choice. I plan to use this in a way that the user turns their tongue into a snake, and slowly gets it to spit venom into the user's mouth, and then spit it all over a bloodied enemy stand user.

「Joy Division」: The Stand's power is to pull electricity from living things and condense it into a ball. Kind of a simple Stand.

「21st Century Schizoid Man」: Allows the user to split their body into at least 21 copies, all with a different part of the user's brain. For example, the clones with the amygdala are generally furiously angry, the clones with the frontal lobe are incredibly precise and fast, et cetera.
I have art, but it's my own, IE trash

show it off mate, i love to see stand designs

You asked for this

>All those fucking charts
What we wanted to avoid when we designed the d10 system.

Yeah, my group did a campaign mostly centered on hunting vampires where I had a stand that could manipulate electricity. We had fun, even the guy who doesn't really care for JoJo.

I came up with a few stands based on Belle and Sebastian songs since they're my favorite band and are not in the story at all.

「A R A B S T R A P」
Destructive Power: B
Speed: A
Range: E
Durability: A
Precision: A
Developmental Potential: E
Can create unbreakable straps around things with a touch, but they only activate when the victim has sin in their heart, the more terrible the sin, the tighter the strap wraps, with the power to kill.
It is a hulking power stand, covered in bands all over its arms and chest. It's head is vaguely genie like, and melancholic

「T H E L I F E P U R S U I T」
Destructive Power: D
Speed: C
Range: C/Infinite
Durability: C
Precision: A
Developmental Potential: D
Can locate anyone anywhere in the universe precisely once they know the target's face. When the target gets within about 20m of the stand they are hit with excruciating physical pain all over their body
It has a feminine and lithe appearance, with compasses and navigational tools worked into the design

「T H E P A R T Y L I N E」
Destructive Power: D
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: D
Precision: C
Developmental Potential: D
The stand can enter sound systems or musical instruments and cause them to play music that forces those who hear it to dance (or play, in the case of a person using a musical instrument) until they die of exhaustion. Only stopping the music through destroying what is playing it (it will continue to play though an unplugged sound system and an instrument without a player) will stop the forced dancing. Stands will dance as well, and cannot make deliberate efforts to move from the dance floor to destroy the source of the music. Blocking out the sound will keep you safe from the stand
The stand is Smaller and looks like Michael Jackson from Thriller (non zombie)

While I was discussing the onomatopoeia for transformation in.. well transformers, a friend of mine said that it looked like a Stand Cry, I'm rolling with it and want to come up with a pair of stands named "The Touch" and "Instruments of Destruction" respectively, but being an uncreative loser this is as far as I've gotten, care to help out?

I always describe it as "so gay its actually straight"

Just look at this.

I honestly really dig Spacial Oddity and Remix, they fit in with the humanoid but not human figures really well.

Rainbow rising is a bit meh, hes just a magical man with a rainbow Mohawk, which by itself isn't bad, but doesn't really shout "stand" to me as it does "just some punk". Also try experimenting with non humanoid stands as well, or multibodie stand as wells, those are fun

Also like Remix's stand user, he looks good

Op its fucking thursday

Eh... Honestly I think we could do with more JoJo than a Sunday through Tuesday provides. I mean, at least we're not fucking /pfg/ with three threads simultaneously.

It means Super Stand Somedays now.