Anyone else really sick of the neowalkers personality cult that currently monopolizes mtg lore?


I love ol Jhoira, but she's never been a Walker, just nearly immortal.

I don't know man, this one is awful.
I really enjoy the edge level on some cards vs how unbelievably underwhelming the actual card is.

Pretty sure Freyalise is dead. Jhoira was a normal human, so she's probably dead by now. Teferi lost his spark some time ago, so he could be dead too, but he has time magic, so who the fuck knows?

Freyalise indeed died during the Time Spiral Crisis.
Jhoira is a nonwalker, but is functionally unaging due to Tolarian Bullshit. She could well be around still, hanging around with the sparkless Teferi.
Besides, you forgot one other detail about 's post that is wrong. Urza didn't have 'mates'. He had resources that happened to be sapient, most of whom hated his guts for that very fact.
I think the only one who had a positive opinion of Urza in any way shape or form from Invasion onwards is Karn.

Urza did nothing wrong and did what he had to do to rid the multiverse of the greatest threat it had ever seen.

Yeah, I blame the influence of anime. It sucks.

>not capeshit

>Everyone leaves Kaladesh after this set
>Run into Karn
>Tells them a list of planes he's been on
>Kaladesh is one of them
>everyones face when

Actually to go full co again this is less like Avengers and more like Batman the Brave and The Bold . You have you main a list guy(Batman/Gatewatch member) then they team up with a special guest star to deal with that planes specific threat .

BFZ/OGZ was the team origin so we got everyone but Kiora still was the guest star.

Soi/EMN settled more into the formula with a select few Gatewatchers starring (Lilli and Jace) and then a guest star related to the Plane story (Tamiyo)

Kaladesh follows the same formula, with Chandra and Nissa as the Gatewatch with Saheeli as the guest

And Amonkhet seems the follow the pattern with Ajani.

In fact if you look at block ratios of walkers it's pretty even.

BFZ block was 4:2
Soi was 2:4
Kaladesh looks to be 2:4 as well.

The Gatewatch tend to be the minority characters.

Three relevant watchers for this block and only two for the last one.

Even Justice Lesuge knew you could rarely focus on EVERY member EVERY episode .

Hell, the story we just came off of had the Gatewatch be next to incidental.

And in the process, also got rid of the SECOND greatest threat the multiverse had ever seen!