Ask us about the world's worst meme deck that destroys people before they know what's happening.
>Playing? >Sideboard? >Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like? >Your turn 1 play is Cabal Therapy. You're going in blind against an unknown opponent. What do you name and why?
Common Legacy - Decks You Should Prepare to Face >Miracles >Delver variants (Grixis, Izzet, BUG, RUG) >ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils) >Death and Taxes >Eldrazi Stompy >Shardless BUG >Lands
Uncommon Legacy - Decks You Should Know About >LED Dredge >Reanimator >Infect >Stoneblade >Burn >TES (The Epic Storm) >Elves >Painter >Maverick >4-Color Loam >Nic Fit >Sneak n Show
Rare Legacy - Decks You May See On Occasion >Enchantress >MUD >Goblins >Merfolk >High Tide >Aluren >Food Chain >12 Post >Belcher >Pox Control >Dragon Stompy >Tezzerator >Sneak n Breach >Stax (White or Black)
Mythic Legacy - Decks You'll See Once a Year >Doomsday Fetchland Tendrils (DDFT) >Cheerios >Nourshing Lich >Sea Stompy >Spanish Inquisition >Parfait >The Cure (Kavu Predator + False Cure)
Isaac Richardson
how come when i click "buy now" i get to a page where the price is $17.99?
Austin Martinez
Hmm... I dunno, it's the advertised price when I press on it, a possible cause might be we live in different countries and the store that sells it for cheap doesn't ship to yours? I dunno man, I'm just guessing here.
Gavin Wilson
>nourishing lich
like ... nourishing shoal and lich? for what purpose? how does this deck win?
Joseph Anderson
>>Playing? Storm, currently grinding station but soon switching to hybrid >>Sideboard? Hate for hate, I want to win, why dilute? >>Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like? No bullets, meta is ~15% GWx creature decks, ~15% Chalice decks, 20% combo and 50% other blue >>Your turn 1 play is Cabal Therapy. You're going in blind against an unknown opponent. What do you name and why? Brainstorm, hits ~30% and gives info
Also, how are you supposed to pilot storm vs SnS? Anyone have a good answer or article/forum post to analyse?
Anthony Murphy
>no Omni tell
Also, who's favored in the RUG Delver vs Esper Stoneblade matchup?
Elijah Morris
It's a Storm variant, you win with Grapeshot. So you Nourishing Shoal an Autochthon Wurm with Lich or Nefarious Lich on the field and rack up the Storm count from there. Here's a sample list.
Samuel Gutierrez
hm yeah makes sense. cheapest for me is double what is is for you. and there's the shipping on top of that ;D
Oliver Perez
I played two tops for a bit, didn't really feel it with them... I'll try them again next time :)
It's not really TES ~~ Playing Cabal ritual over Mox and two 4-cost spells... But thank you! I'm trying my best to make it look pleasing! I found my last German foil wish in Prague though, should probably assemble it in all its glory again
Gabriel Garcia
IMO Blackmail is leagues better if you have to turn it at their face. It doesn't have the grindy element of Retrace, but this is Dark Ritual/Lotus Petal Reanimator we're talking about. He's running 16 lands and if he's retracing Raven's Crime he's probably lost.
Justin Lee
>that nonfoil Ponder FIX IT OR I'LL SEE YOU IN COURT
Jaxon White
> not playing Vintage like a real man
Oliver Smith
I was under the impression that TES was simply any storm deck playing Burning Wish.
Elijah Murphy
Please... my wallet is already on fire...
Thomas Fisher
>Not playing Unrestricted Vintage Step it up
Jordan Reyes
>play Vintage >get to play in all of two big tournaments a year
Nicholas Watson
>there will never be a Vintage general
William Reed
It's cute and bad.
Nolan Rogers
TES specifically runs red fast mana to compliment it's rituals and has a greater focus on Empty the Warrens for the kill. DDFT also runs a Burning wish but usually wins through resolving Doomsday. Very different modes of action but happen to share a common trait. Not nearly enough similarity to lump together.
Anthony Morgan
It's fixed as of this week, took forever for a German foil to show up on MKM...
> >I was under the impression that TES was simply any storm deck playing Burning Wish. TES is cook's deck, you can have small variations but 90% ought to be the same. While on the subject you could also look at TNT, a variation playing wish but still so different that it can't be classed as TES. Good thought though!
Tyler Collins
Those Doomsday builds look extremely over complicated. I do love me some storm though.
Jacob Sanchez
I think that's a really close 50/50 match. It's been a long time since I've seen or played the Matchup. I'm guessing it depends on the Stoneblade build though
Dominic Sullivan
Delver has access to Goyf and probably Bloodbraid Elf, Stoneblade has access to Batterskull and Swords. They both have access to FoW. I'd say it would boil down to whose threat sticks first.
Levi Mitchell
Stoneblade tends to run the same Countertop package as Miracles, so I'd say it's just a question of whether Delver can ram home 20 damage before something nasty happens.
Christopher Wood
>blood braid elf in rug delver I cast my dope elf and cascade into... daze!
Owen Gomez
This. It's a coinflip in the sense that RUG's win percentage for being on the play or not is huge, taking it from probably 60% to 40% because of how good Daze is in the matchup.
Christian Peterson
Also being able to stick Delver followed by Waste-int their first land drop is insane.
Robert Miller
>Stoneblade >Countertop Nigga what
Isaac Nguyen
The doomsday build's aren't really that complicated. They trade some speed for resilonce and flexibility. As the resident Nourishing Lich expert, I can tell you the deck is bad. the cards to build it in paper are in the mail
Luis Clark
also that's supposed to be "resilience"
John Hill
>he actually built it in paper Wow you're such a hero__
Liam Williams
brb ordering sum stuff...
Also how would you recommend starting out with doosmday? Stormboards or some other place? I'm interested in how the deck functions, currently I just don't have the doomsdays...
Nolan Richardson
The storm boards are OK for starters. The mtgsalvation primer actually has a decent list of basic piles. What you should do is learn like 4 or 5 basic piles and really understand them, and then try to play some games. At first you'll just be trying to work the game into a position where you can go off with a basic pile, but then you'll start to see how you can modify those piles to suit different situations, and then you'll start seeing the weird piles. Also I'm happy to help answer questions but I'm certainly not the final authority on the deck.
Jace Garcia
>Play Pox vs Candian Threshold >Haunting Echoes >Rip out all their Tarmagoyfs, Delvers, Nimble Mongooses, Brainstorms, Scalding Tarns, and Tropical Islands.
Is it terrible that I'm genuinely considering just main boarding Haunting Echoes? It's just a complete back-breaker for most decks and with Dark Rituals and a heavy land count, I haven't had a problem getting to 5 mana.
Jason Taylor
No, my man. That's bad.
Evan Thompson
>Merfolk So it's not called Fish anymore?
Brody Rivera
Fish was a separate deck with Serendib Efreet and Mulldrifter, and later Illusory Angel. It's not good anymore.
Colton Evans
>no one streams fucking legacy
fuck every single one of you
Jack Foster
I'd add tin fins to the rare or mythical slot. Despite it being my go-to deck.
Thomas Perez
>stream myself gold fishing paper in my underwear
Tyler Collins
No Tin Fins?
Jack Watson
What is this Veeky Forums obsession? That deck is bad.
Jaxson Martin
No it's not?
Mason Robinson
It used to be worst I'll grant you that, but in the wake of printing monastery mentor the sideboard has become a lot more flexible. If the opponent over compensates for the combo post game one then they risk getting swarmed to death by a deck that is mostly spells that trigger mentor.
Henry Ortiz
>nourishing lich & cheerios on the list >deck with highest turn 1 win percentage which actually has respectable placings isn't There are plenty of worse decks on that list. Would anyone actually be interested in me streaming this against randoms in cockatrice? I could also play zombardment or ANT. I honestly don't think I'm very good at the game (I'm not terrible, but eh) so factor that in.
Asher Scott
I could stream myself playing on XMage but I'll mostly be playing Parfait
Levi Butler
I would watch but I just got home and still have a lot of masturbating to do.
Owen Ramirez
Do you guys think this has potential in Legacy? It is one of my favorite cards and i'm so sad it just never seemed to see play outside of Innistrad, any idea what makes it so bad?
Chase Wright
I'd be interested in that. I spend all my free time watching legacy content instead of television so I might be in the minority.
Ryder Phillips
it's bad because it costs infinity mana and has no immediate impact on the board. that said, if your deck is running sol lands and chalice of the void, you can sometimes win with literally whatever creature you want. now that I've said that, I'd like to see fugitive wizard stompy.
Noah Smith
>any idea what makes it so bad? costs 5 and is undercosted for the stats, no resilience, dies to dismemeber, requires waiting an entire turn to do something and has 0 resilience not to mention DRS can totally fuck over it's ability so even if it survives a turn and can just have a null impact it's competing with stuff like reality smasher and it's going to lose every time
Kayden Walker
Theoretically you could probably play it in Nic Fit, but the biggest issue is there are just so many more powerful midrange creatures you could run in that slot.
Jayden Bennett
It's not going to be tonight in any case, honestly I might not ever do it, but the soonest it will be is tomorrow.
Easton Baker
Hell yeah man. We can even supplement our threat count with Wandering Ones.
Gabriel Thomas
>UR Chalice with Wandering Ones and Ogre Resisters >100% winrate against Vorthos players
Cooper Walker
>100% win rate against vorthos players GOOD.
Nathan Smith
Posting original flowchart for folks. If you're interested in Legacy, this could help you find a deck that's right for you.
Evan Bailey
>do you want to disguise your hatred by playing a good deck?
Ian Rivera
Every time I do it I end up at the same spot
Austin Carter
The new one read: second draft is finished. It needs some colors and then I'll splice it together and post it.
Nathan Long
>No, I want them to know I hate them The line that sold me on Stax
Dominic Taylor
>How do you want to mess with your opponent? >Winning with bad cards >How bad? >my wincon is a 4/3 with a downside >How much of a baller are you? >I play demons from Avacyn Restored >you are balling out of control
Caleb Gomez
FUCK i just played my 4th league match with Nourishing Lich and I got FUCCKKED. played vs 4c loam. Game 1 I did the nourishing lich thing and drew 15 cards on turn 2, but couldn't find a nourishing shoal. I zuran orbed away my 2 lands, brainstormed, shuffled with a summoner's pact, blew a lotus petal to ponder, chrome moxed another ponder to get blue to cast a 3rd ponder, and still couldn't find a damn shoal so I scooped. And then I punted game 2 magnificently by forgetting to side in abrupt decays. so now i'm 2-2.
Juan Jones
What does the lich nourish? How do you win after drawing all the cards with his powers?
Xavier Peterson
It's a Storm deck. You win through Storm count up to Grapeshot lethal range. You could also win through Brain Freeze but I don't think anyone here has tested it thoroughly, and it also is bad against Emrakul decks.
Angel Nguyen
i dont get the demons avacyn joke...
Nathaniel Barnes
>PLAYAN waterfalls one trick pony R/B goblins
>SIDEBORDAN I'll do it when I can afford it. Also I have no meta so it doesn't really matter.
>FIRAN Did I mention I have no meta?
>NAMAN Chalice lol
>this year of our lord >not having/wanting a husbando that you can play magic with, cuddle with and hold hands with
Chase Young
Damn, sorry dude. Decks bricking out happens to the best of us. For what it's worth I still think you're cool.
I don't envy your task, the 1.0 version is that perfect blend of informative, funny, and the decision tree is organized remarkably well to avoid sprawling out all over the place..
By contrast, here's the Modern one. Just doesn't have the same kind of presentation.
William Barnes
to add insult to injury I decided to play a match with DDFT in the tournament practice room and I had to play against dragon stompy and I was going to win, just had to Wish for meltdown to get rid of some chalices, and accidentally meltdown'd my SDT too, throwing the game. Guess it's just not my night haha.
Sebastian Ramirez
>Playing? infect, turbo depths >Silver bullets for the local meta? What does your meta look like? trying tower of the magistrate. will report of it comes up. too much dnt and more enchantress than you'd expect. also lots of miracles bc muh best deck. >Your turn 1 play is Cabal Therapy. You're going in blind against an unknown opponent. What do you name and why? brainstorm bc it's the most played card and a good one to hit. I'm saying I'm not doing anything fair so it'll prevent them from digging for answers. bonus answer: "whatever I saw with gitaxian probe :^)"
Cameron Campbell
>cast free artifacts >cast grapeshot twice
Jacob Bennett
Which one of you namefags was the one with the burn deck? I need a list.
Parker Hughes
AVR was basically "FUCK THE COLOR BLACK: the set"
I suppose technically AVR did bring us a good demon with Griselbrand, but as a whole the set was bad times for the color Black.
Blake Adams
This is my mainboard.
4 Goblin Guide 4 Monastery Swiftspear 4 Eidolon of the Great Revel 2 Grim Lavamancer
9 Mountain 4 Bloodstained Mire 4 Wooded Foothills 2 Scalding Tarn 1 Barbarian Ring
This is my sideboard, a little meta geared. 4 Searing Blaze 1 Vexing Shusher 3 Smash to Smithereens 1 Mindbreak Trap 3 Exquisite Firecraft 1 Plateau 2 Rest in Peace
Gabriel Sanders
>Your turn 1 play is Cabal Therapy. You're going in blind against an unknown opponent. Why would you Cabal Therapy blind?
Colton Bell
Gotta keep up that tempo Brainstorm is 50+% of the metagame Even if you wiff you get information and can flashback for value
Benjamin Cox
Because you feel lucky today.
Tyler Carter
>Decade Format >Any version of any card that has been printed in any form during the past 10 years is legal >Banlist is everything that is currently banned or restricted in Vintage.
Would you play this?
Kayden Ortiz
I'd play any 60 cars format that's not standard. I'm pretty sure this format ends up being pretty close to legacy but with ravings shocks instead of duals, in which case burn is tier 0 bc price of progress i don't actually know what's been printed in the last 10 years
Asher Collins
Cooper Bailey
Because you're in a real format and playing Grixis Pyromancer.
Tyler Howard
What color are there sleeves? How do they look? Strike up conversation about how they're doing. Use some of those non-existant social skills of yours to try and figure it out.
Then name Force of Will.
Isaac Smith
The only thing that you need to know is that Infect was printed in the last 10 years.
Henry Reyes
It would start at the time spiral block, and exclude mirrodin and kamigawa, along with original ravnica, and 8th and 9th edition i'd play it if it replaced modern i guess
Charles Scott
Nice try, Satan.
Ayden Gray
Given Vintage's banned and restricted list, what meta comes out of just the Alpha set? I'm really curious what can be done with the cards
Bentley Phillips
>play Dredge >got that t2 careful study into breakthrough hand >Cabal Therapy them for FoW >they're playing Burn
Logan Wood
wait why can't bazaar of baghdad be reprinted? it was originally uncommon
Brayden Young
Thank you
Angel Gutierrez
Shivan Dragons my nigga. It's broken and old fat people collect them.
Dominic Miller
Probably UW Control vs Mono Black vs some Bxx pile
Jeremiah Morris
The reserved list wasn't originally only rares. Antiquities doesn't even have rares.
Hunter Thompson
Reserved list lol
Alexander Cox
this is a nice chart and I will be making a "Duskmantle Mindcrank" deck
Wyatt Young
>play Legacy and Dredge for the first time >don't know what the fuck I'm doing >keep a shitty hand >"U-Uh, Cabal Therapy on FoW?" >reveals hand >it's a Lands deck I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, THE MARIT LAGE TOKEN WAS TOO SCARY
Joseph Collins
I play 8rack in modern.
Surely that deserves some sort of presence on that decision tree. Even if it's just some joke entry like "I hate when people flick their cards"
Dominic Morgan
Angel Perez
Anybody knows if there are 3 colors list with blood moon in them ? I know it defies logic, but I'm curious. Thanks.