New page is up, didn't see a thread.
tl;dr - Words as usual.
New page is up, didn't see a thread.
tl;dr - Words as usual.
I just don't care anymore. So many pages wasted on WORDS bullshit completely ruins the pacing.
I usually disagree on the severity of WORDS but yeah this one is kind of a big offender. Roy and Bandanna's conversation could've been one or two panels, plus maybe one more for Roy dramatically running on deck.
Here, have a thog edit.
>tl;dr - Words as usual.
Such is life, full of bullshit.
Can anyone remember when the author decided to fill each page with dialogue? And why he thought it was a good idea? I've only read throygh the series once and I dont feel like doing it again.
Autistics in the forums complain if everything isn't laid out.
>I just don't care anymore.
OoTS in a nutshell.
I don't even check the main website anymore. Some fag we know it's you, Burlew always posts it on Veeky Forums anyway.
Personally, I feel like a group of people discussing every detail of things to death in the middle of a dangerous assault is exactly what happens at the game table. So, maybe it's intentional.
i think the biggest problem with oots is that the protagonist is a nigger
this, this so much.
If there's one thing left unsaid, the forumgoers will be rampant with mislead speculation. Rich has to spoonfeed them so that they won't come to the wrong conclusion.
I need multiple storytimes from various people to verify this
I really hate Order of the Stick now. The self-referential crap, the slow up dates, the terrible, overly-wordy combat sequences. The constant breaking-of-the-forth-wall for the sake of "lulz," when in reality it just destroys the immersion that already isn't there.
The characters have gone from likeable to almost complete cunts, this entire godmoot shit is like the nuke in Indiana Jones, it's going to make whatever climax with Xykon eventually squirts out of Rich Burlew's cock look like a BB rattling around in a gnat's asshole compared to this "Roy v.s. his best friend for literally the fate of the literal world. Literally."
And the worst part is, it's slow as fuck.
The problem isn't even the amount of update. Once a week is fine for a well-written full-page RPG comic. It's not like XKCD cancer where all Munroe has to do is sketch a few stickmen while he's taking a shit. That's fine. But it's the whole "9000 word dialogue while FUCKING FIGHTING WITH SWORDS."
I would bet my ass Rich Burlew has never been in a fight in his goddamn life. There isn't enough fucking breath for talking. It's just shoved in there because he wants "le comical showdown" that ends up being flat and unfunny 99% of the time.
This comic hasn't been funny in years. Is there a reason people are still reading it?
>The characters have gone from likeable to almost complete cunts, this entire godmoot shit is like the nuke in Indiana Jones, it's going to make whatever climax with Xykon eventually squirts out of Rich Burlew's cock look like a BB rattling around in a gnat's asshole compared to this "Roy v.s. his best friend for literally the fate of the literal world. Literally."
Yeah, this, and the worst part is Burlew isn't a good enough a writer to make it interesting or funny regardless.
My left testicle for the days of 8bit theatre.
>Is there a reason people are still reading it?
To spite your impotent rage, to see how it ends, just because they're in the habit of it, any number of reasons, really.
Amen to this, especially when one is a caster.
Aye, aye. Have you seen their relentless hunt for just what the thing under the umbrella is? It's mind-boggling how devoted they are to ruining the surprise for themselves.
>To spite your impotent rage, to see how it ends, just because they're in the habit of it
>Contrarianism and Stockholm syndrome
Sounds about right
>Contrarianism and Stockholm syndrome
But isn't that why we're all here?
It's an ensemble.
Thanks for reminding me that exists. I'll have to go read it again.
Remember how sad it was that Rich took so long to make a gay character that when he finally did this was all he could put out for the marriage decision announcement?
>implying you even care
greentext already is implying, adding implying is redundant
>implying implications
>in an implication implying reply
This is actually better.
>I would bet my ass Rich Burlew has never been in a fight in his goddamn life. There isn't enough fucking breath for talking. It's just shoved in there because he wants "le comical showdown" that ends up being flat and unfunny 99% of the time.
So I take you've never watched a movie, read a comic book, or played a tabletop RPG? There's a lot of dumb shit about oots but that is still a phenomally stupid thing to say. Next you'll tell us giants are unrealistic because they violate the square-cube law.
>It's mind-boggling how devoted they are to ruining the surprise for themselves.
You're implying Rich is going to finish this comics soon.
>dat pic
Remember, no exception.
Because I like it, suck my dick.
kill yourself
since you suck Burlew's it made me wonder, what is the largest number of guys sucking and being sucked simultaneously?
Also that feel when you are a rogue and the wizard casts greater invisibility on you. Its like sex