This quest is set within the universe of Naruto, long after the end of the series, but ignoring the events of the Boruto Manga. Of course, because this is Naruto we're talking about, the geopolitics and technology haven't advanced as quickly as they would in the real world. As such, the technology is similar to that of Boruto the Movie, and the villages you know and love are largely the same.
However, the characters will be less familiar, because as much time has passed between the Last and now as passed between the Founding of the Hidden Villages and the Main Series.
You are playing as Kuro Nijiiroh, a Hidden Leaf Genin of eleven years. You’re a member of Hōōmaru Tachibana’s Team Seven, along with your teammates, Hakurin Hyuga, and Jimmaru ████ Uchiha. Your family consists of your older sister, an ANBU Black Ops, Shirou; your mother, the restaurateur Ki; and your father, a Hand Seals Specializing Tokubetsu Jounin.
>B) Train in two fields moderately (Melee weapons like swords/Kauni/ect, Hand seals)
Noah Jackson
>B) Train in two fields moderately Melee weapons and taijutsu >E) send Momo a text saying we took out another guy that was to big for his britches
Brayden Gutierrez
Does Taijutsu affect our ability to fight with weapons? How does Tai/Bukijutsu work? Should we focus on just one, or should we level both?
Hudson Sanchez
Strength affects both, but they're not mutually exclusive.
Jace Baker
>B.train taijustu and weapons moderately
Ayden Morales
>A) Cooking Never again.
Hudson Evans
Can we intensely train cooking in our off time?
Connor Baker
>B) Train in two fields moderately (Specify) Taijutsu aaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnddddddddd Genjutsu
Just because being able to put off someones senses or make them see double and then smacking in the face would be a cool mix
Camden Ramirez
>Even at home we must serve
Luis Harris
Rolled 49 (1d100)
Hunter Smith
>B) Train in two fields moderately. (melee weapons, hand seals) >E) Talk with Momo over texts.
Daniel Davis
But melee weapons and hand seals have no synergy
Bentley Allen
Yes they do? Country said in the other thread they did.
Andrew Cooper
Your face has no synergy!
Logan Mitchell
Wasnt paying attention and missed it then
How do they have synergy?
Easton Reed
unless I'm wrong. I thought Hand-seals were also the fucking things you could write onto paper and do that.
Landon Nguyen
You're wrong Seals would be a completely different section, fuinjutsu.
Hand seals are a pretty non-important stat unless you go for a very ninjutsu focused character, it's your ability to carry out complex hand seals and how fast you do it. At higher levels it also allows for one handed seals and eventually no handed like the third.
Jackson Ross
You alternate between training your bukijutsu and taijutsu evenly, focusing on melee weapons when you do train bukijutsu. You manage to get private training with a bukijutsu instructor for your staff and tonfa training, some tokubetsu jounin who specializes in teaching, a friend of your father. The day one which you're supposed to meet your team at the training fields for your mission briefing, you wake up in a fair bit of pain. You figure it's due to a week of nonstop training, and slowly make your way to the field.
On the way there, you get yet another messaging from Momo. The two of you have been messaging each other quite a lot recently, as her fangirlism has gone to the next level after you shared the details of your fight with Mayuto with her. You've been pretty tame in your messaging, but she's certainly been... interesting. Innocent, but interesting.
You reach the training fields to find only Hakurin there, you are a bit early, so you figure sensei and Jimmaru will be a long soon enough. The two of you greet each other cheerily, and wait for the other two members of your team.
>A) Tell Hakurin about your encounter with senesei
>B) Remain quiet
Sorry for any delay, had to take out the trash.
Levi Watson
This is correct, one-handed and no-handed seals to sync well with bukijutsu though.
Luis Lee
Hand seals skill can mean three things as far as I can tell. 1) Doing handseals faster (Itachi could make handseals so fast he did it in the middle of throwing a cloud of shuriken without his opponent, who has a sharingan, noticing) 2) Not having to do as many (Zabuza had to do 47 seals for a water dragon, Tobirama could just clap his hands, Sasuke starts out having to do seals for the chidori and later can just do it on command, Haku only needed one hand for ice jutsu, Naruto only used one hand for shadow clones)
Leo Collins
God damn it. Then I fucked up with my vote.
>A) Tell Hakurin about your encounter with senesei
Country, I thought Hand seals were the fucking Ink and paper shit.
Grayson Kelly
Ah thats true, didnt think about the applications of no-hand seals with weapons.
Mainly because it's such a rare skill that the only known person was the third who was a prodigy when it came to jutsu.
Would require a lot of time spent on but if anons could get behind it it could be good.
Juan Edwards
Mason Jackson
I don't read moonrune. I read freedom, but if this happens its good.
there's a lot of confusion about seals in Naruto, because the english version translated at least four different things as "sealing". Hand-seals, seals, jutsu formula, and curse marks are all "sealing", but all completely different things. Hand seals are obvious, Jutsu formulas are written down hand seals for fast execution of complicated techniques, Seals are for "sealing" things away (like bijuu in jinchuuriki, weapons in scrolls, etc...), Curse marks are a type of ninjutsu that leaves lasting impressions and acts on conditions (AKA curses)
Mason James
ya I thought it was all one big branch. Then again I watched to the Fortress of death and Naruto getting Hinata. So its my fault.
David Hughes
>Hand Seals Are Hand Seals >Jutsu Formulas I'm not sure what you mean by this, do you have some examples? >Seals for sealing Is Fuinjutsu >Curse marks Are Juinjutsu There's also Jujutsu, which is kind of like Juinjutsu, but it's not well defined.
Brody Cruz
Sorry for the delay, I'm a little busy tonight. >Writing now
Charles Ross
The scroll kakashi used in the Zabuza fight, the scrolls in the chun exams, the special kunai Minato used. They're all ninjutsu, but in written form. Kakashi used his scroll to instantly summon several dogs underground and have them spring out, the heaven and earth scrolls cast paralysing ninjutsuif opened prematurely and summoned a linked ninja if used in the tower, the special kunai acted as anchor points for spacetime ninjutsu, letting Minato teleport to them at will.
As an aside, there's no ink involved in Fuinjutsu, just blood and chakra. Orochimaru and Minato both used seals just by slapping the ground and having them appear, and one Kakashi used on Sasuke was drawn entirely in his own blood because he wasn't good enough to just do it with no prep. Seals CAN be written down, carved into things, and tattooed, but only as a matter of planning and convienience, like Orochimaru tattooing himself with summoning seals so he could bring the snakes out even without being able to move his hands.
Jason Brooks
>goes to take a shit >misses a vote
Goddammit, and now Jiraiya's making us spill our spaghetti. Thanks, Jiraiya-sensei.
Jose Perry
Take my Spaghetti you whore.
Angel Cook
You drum up your confidence to tell Hakurin about your encounter the previous week with Hōōmaru-sensei and her supposed date who turned out to be her brother. When you finally do say something, Hakurin snaps out of her uncharacteristic quietness around you. What she says shakes you to the core. "I can't believe you would think Hōōmaru-sensei was dating her brother just because you and your sister are so involved!" she huffs at you. This is a full 360 from her greeting earlier and it confuses you. You start blustering to explain yourself when you're blinded by a flash. Jimmaru has jumped out of the bushes, camera in hand, and flashed a picture of your surprise. You feel sensei's hand on your shoulder, and spin to face her.
"Nice work Hakurin," she says, cattily smiling at your teammate. You understand that your team was all involved in a conspiracy to embarrass you for how you embarrassed sensei last week.
>A) Get over it
>B) Plan something to get back at them
Cooper Long
Sorry, but I prefer big, beefy hot dogs to skinny, flimsy noodles like yours. :^|
Thanks, Jiraiya-Sensei. :^|
Isaac Diaz
>B) Plan something to get back at them Nah, Fuck that shit. We gonna beat her ass.
Jacob Watson
A Knowing this quest what we do will probably backfire,hard.
Jose Clark
So what animal do you guys think we have potential of getting a contract with so far?
Ryder Lee
No summons, bad user.
Lincoln Murphy
I'm thinking Toad
Jordan Russell
But anoooooon, wooolllllvves
Sebastian Sullivan
I knew this day would come.
Luke Cox
>B) Plan something to get back at them
Kayden Morales
You would fagget
I'm thinking rats or owls but my inner tigers saying bunny rabbit
Owen Thompson
>Writing. >Knowing this quest what we do will probably backfire,hard.
Xavier Reed
So we don't really know how to interact with pepole are pretty good at fighting and are probably somewhat addicted to it (as shown by us trying to force Sensai to spar with us by attacking her) I don't know who that would fit
Easton Lewis
Weak ass Rats, Owls and Rabbits. Fuck outta here. Toad or Snake is where it is at.
Brayden Martin
Jiraiya don't underestimate rabbits. They can fuck your shit 20 different ways in 5 seconds
Michael Baker
Too old school
This the future son, lets summon robots or new-age AIDS
Carson Rivera
Matthew Cruz
How about we summon fucks to give about summoning. Oh wait, there aren't any!
Austin Turner
Clearly there are some due to the fucks shown by all the people you are replying to.
Pandas. Crocodiles. Bears.
Oliver Campbell
Well summoning is actually important,can lead to bullshit,a lot of top ninjas know it, and it can actually be useful. Though we probably won't impress any contract until we go to the forest of death
Aiden Morgan
You sigh, and figure that you're best off not plotting to get back at the rest of your team. You just shake your head, and apologize to Hōōmaru-sensei for assuming that the guy she was with with her boyfriend instead of her brother. After she makes you apologize a few times, clearly reveling in the trolling she put you through; Hōōmaru-sensei reveals what your newest mission is. You'll be going to the Land of Hot Springs to assassinate a target in the countryside there.
You'll be departing tomorrow, and heading to this apparent drug lord's lavish manor in the conifer forests of the Land of Hot Springs. Your target leads in the distribution of illicit substances in the Lands of Hot Water, Lightning, Rice Paddies, and Water. Sensei gives your teammates leave to go, before apologizing to you one-on-one for the embarrassment you were dealt. When you get home, it's time to pack for tomorrow.
>B) Pack medium (20 kunai, 50 shuriken, a roll of explosive tags, a civilian or a ninja outfit)
>C) Pack heavy (35 kunai, 75 kunai, a roll of explosive tags, a pack of smoke bombs, a ninja outfit)
>What does your outfit consist of?
>Will you message Momo before heading out?
Tyler Jackson
B Dress in normal ninja gear wear non descript no flashy clothes Tell her to not text us for the next few weeks or something like that
Gabriel Brown
I should have specified, but this won't take as long as your last mission.
Oliver Nguyen
I'll just vote this guy.
Brody Cook
>B) Pack medium Flame shirt
Jeremiah Wilson
Second this except tell her will be away for a mission maybe?
Dominic Gomez
Still would help if shit hits the fan hard and we have to lay low
Aiden Young
this with an explanation to momo, that we're going on a mission, no details as to where or what for though.
Xavier Gutierrez
>B) Pack medium (20 kunai, 50 shuriken, a roll of explosive tags, a civilian or a ninja outfit) Wear a semi-pow key ninja outfit.
Also let momo know we're going on a mission and where, but no other specifics
Jack King
You decide not to pack too much or too little when you get home, and pack a few dozen kunai and shuriken, a roll of explosive tags, and your tonfa. The next morning, shunshin'ing your way to the village's main gate, you message Momo that you'll be going on a mission for a while, and ask for her not to message you until you message her. She sends back a promise punctuated by "
Parker Collins
Gabriel Walker
>A) Sarcastic
Carter Bell
>C) Something else She's alright, why do you ask?
Ryan Hernandez
"Better than your boyfriend."
Brandon Foster
>C) Something else I don't know, how are you?
Michael Jackson
I'll back dice for once.
Dominic Harris
"She's just as good as your boyfriend," you tell her, "nonexistent." She deflates from her high horse, and Jimmaru high-fives you.
Sensei gives and uncomfortable laugh, "I don't know if that was an amazing slam or cringe-worthy self-insult, Kuro..." You leave the village, heading for the Land of Hot Water, which you should reach within the day if you keep up a good pace. Your team travels in relative quiet, and you cross the border as the sun sets. You could set up camp now, or keep heading to the Village Hidden in Hot Springs, which you would reach late tonight.
>A) Set up camp here
>B) Keep going
Ethan Fisher
>B) Keep going
Chase Wilson
>mfw Jiraiya backs me
>nonexistent Jesus, Kuro, that hit too close to home even for my own insult.
Landon Gutierrez
>B) Keep going Might as well
Jordan Bell
Jacob Reed
Your team continues on to the main village in the Land of Hot Water, the Village Hidden in Hot Springs. You reach there just before midnight, and everyone is so tired that you're ready to fall asleep as soon as your heads hit the pillows where ever you're staying. Sensei picks out a less than luxurious motel on the outskirts of the village, telling your team that you'll be heading out as soon as you're awake in the morning.
The next morning, you awake to sensei shaking Jimmaru, who repeated tells her "Piss off mom, it's a Saturday, there is no academy!" Sensei looks over at you with a sinister glint in her eye. And asks if you would kindly help her wake up your teammate. You agree, and use weak water style to splash him awake. Jimmaru sits up and starts complaining to the both of you.
After that diversion, you leave Hidden Hot Springs, and off to the target's manse deep in the humid, pine-covered hills of the Land of Hot Water. When you reach there, Hōōmaru-sensei gives your team your assignments. Jimmaru and Hakurin (using a new kind of contact to conceal her identity) will pose as servants, while sensei poses as a 'special employee' to infiltrate the manse. You will scout out the surrounding area to find weaknesses in the perimeter before sensei gives you the go-ahead to enter the residence, and do the deed when the time comes.
Sensei hooks all of you up with small headsets, skin-tone, to communicate easily with each other. You hide in the treeline, a view over the front gate, and watch and listen in to the conversation. Sensei introduces the three of them and their roles, to the guard there, who lets them in, after saying that they got one thing wrong. Hōōmaru and Hakurins' roles are switched.
>A) Do something about that
>B) Follow orders, hang back
>C) Something else
Adam Davis
>We find the guy were supposed to kill >we have to fight ten jonin >we role several 100s and solo them all >the kage shows up >we solo him to Or >we roll a nat 1 and get ambushed and put into infinite genjustu prison
Liam Ortiz
>B) Follow orders, hang back
Lincoln White
Eli Bailey
B Our Sensai is posing as a prostitute isn't she
Logan Bailey
She was supposed to
Tyler Garcia
>B) Follow orders, hang back "special employee"
Kevin Reyes
>B) Follow orders, hang back It'll work itself out
Dominic Lee
Letting your teammate possibly get prostituted >Writing
Brayden Rogers
For once, complete unity.
Xavier Nelson
Shes a whore anyway. Fuck'em, I'm bitter at the whole team anyway.
Adam Jones
>you guys voted for Kuro to call Sensei's brother her boyfriend >don't expect retribution for that
Jiraiya-sensei, please.
Charles Sanchez
I didn't expect her to enlist our team-mates in making us look bad. I hope she gets knocked up too.
I'm a bitter Drunk, I hope she is forced to retire and give birth as well.
Ryan White
You hang back, though it pains you to do so. You camp out in the woods for a few days, avoiding patrols, probing the mansion's outer grounds, and waiting for sensei's signal. In many aspects, it's like this is your first solo mission. Listening to the chatter from the mansion, Hakurin stays mostly silent, and Jimmaru comments mostly on how hard it would be to get in, spending a lot of time outside due to being on the garden staff. Hōōmaru-sensei keeps everyone on-task, while trying her best to find a window to kill the target.
You mostly chalk up on your survival skills and basics while waiting. After almost a week, longer than you expected, you see sensei's signal set off, and you skirt the property to get there. She talks to you through a small window in the basement. It's late at night, and now's your chance to sneak in and kill the target.
>A) Sneak in, go straight for him
>B) Sneak in, be as cautious as possible
>C) Wait for a better chance
Isaac Howard
Holy god, Jiraiya, calm down.
Christopher Gray
>A) Sneak in, go straight for him In and out before anyone even notices
Owen Lopez
>B) Sneak in, be as cautious as possible
I hope nobody supports the kid either and he ends up growing up bitter and old as well without a father to shitpost on N-Chan.
Oliver Price
That's it, you've lost your waifuing privileges for a month. Hakurin is getting hugged next time we see her and so is Momo when we see her at the Exams, and you can't stop it.
Oliver Diaz
>B) Sneak in, be as cautious as possible
Gavin Stewart
Make that 3 months, you shit. We're waifuing Hakurin and Momo and you can't stop it.
Benjamin Ross
>Waifuing 2 people
Lincoln Davis
>when we see her at the Exams
Henry Smith
>B) Sneak in, be as cautious as possible
Parker Miller
Fuck, that's right, goddammit.
Country, we need to punish Jiraiya without hurting the rest of us. What's your i- No, fuck off with your SEELE bullshit.
Julian Perry
Alright, I'll do that. I won't do that.
Liam Evans
>You thought it was Momo texting you, but it was I, the Kazekage! PUPPETEER OF THE HEART NO JUTSU!