Can Paladins Do Anything Right? edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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Can Paladins Do Anything Right? edition
Discuss the lore of the Warcraft universe and its potential uses in TTRPGs.
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>tfw you realize that they made Thrall get depressed because if someone gave DS-WoD era-Thrall the Hammer of Khaz'goroth, all threats to Azeroth would be permanently BTFO
Second for best Matriarch.
>fixers of shit
>pick one
everyone knows the only classes worth a damn are death knights, warriors, shamans, druids and mages. also rogues, but only because of utility purposes, everything else can eat a dick.
>be paladin
>belong to the order that created both Lich Kings
>literally any time a paladin wins at something, it's because the Light directly intervened after the paladin themselves fucked up at every opportunity
>people still willingly circle jerk over a class that has done literally nothing except let death knights and the armies of the Horde and Alliance fight their battles for them
Were there ever any old world rumors about shaman like there were with the ashbringer?
Now that they have the doomhammer I'm curious about what special hidden effects/appearances it could have since its one of the more established artifacts.
i seriously don't know why you lot even try, at least your not all fucking warlocks yet.
so i know the fist of Ra-Den, Ra-Den is the dickhead titan who made the mogu, straight up makes lesser and greater elementals friendly towards them since i'm primarily ele spec and i haven't heard anything in the class hall so idk.
There's a skin called Zandalar Champion for Enh on wowhead but I don't think anyone knows where it comes from.
>enh shamans are now furiously soloing Mogu'Shan Vaults and ToT to try and find their artifact skin
>it's actually from ZG
>Blizzard's face when
>Try helping in Lordaeron
>Faggot Prince claiming to be a Paladin ruins fucking everything
>Try helping in Kalimdor
>Shot dead by Amazons out of nowhere
>Try helping in Vanilla
>Literally got walked over by demons and a couple of Scourge left over for Kel'Thuzad
>Try helping in Northerend
>Major leader dies because fucking Sylvanas kept a couple plague barrels lying around, Horde and Alliance fighting bars the way all the way to fucking Icecrown, a fucking Old God awakens, and to top it off we have to hold a 'Tournament' to stop the bastards from fighting again. AND THEN THEY FUCKING DO FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN A PISSING MATCH.
>Decide to actually put our feet down and try rebuilding stuff in Cata and Mists, goes well.
>Yrel slanders the very word 'Paladin' by being a sparkly Mary Sue with a banshee voice in WoD
>Literally the spitoon of DKs in WoD.
At what point do we say Fuck It and commit mass suicide.
Watch it actually be from a hexed frog in ZA.
Both Lks? You know Ner'zhul is a thing.
Arthas existing past the merge was a mistake.
>Uther's terrible teaching and mentorship leads Arthas straight into the jaws of the Scourge
>Bolvar charges headfirst into a trap and then goes insane and starts demanding Tirion let him be the Lich King
The LK being Arthas and Ner'zhul merged should've been more obvious; the Horde should've been baying for the First Necrolyte's blood as hard as the Alliance was for Arthas's, because the LK was ultimately the antithesis of the whole "the world is save when red and blue come together." idea. He's red and blue and he's gonna fuck the world to death.
>At what point do we say Fuck It and commit mass suicide.
Ask daddy Ner'zhul.
Alternatively, you should have died with uther.
What's the consensus on the Void Lords crap that they've been adding?
its on par with blizzards usual dumbshittery for me at least.
I RP my undead warrior as a former member of the Silver Hand. Now, he wrecks shit with the valkyr backing him up.
And on that note, the only reason he would have gone for Sylv's dumbassery is so he could stab her in the back, Genn just got there first.
>undead paladins never.
>And on that note, the only reason he would have gone for Sylv's dumbassery is so he could stab her in the back, Genn just got there first.
playing a Horde death knight in Stormheim is silly
>already finished the missions where I destroy Stromgarde and free Koltira
>Sylvanas calls me up and is like "yo I need you to do some shit"
>we were helping
>ruin everything
paladins, not even once.
It should've been Arthas body as the vessel and Ner'zhul governing it like og dks.
Don't remind me. The suffering is real.
Yeah, I don't get it either. Some of it is pants-on-head-retarded. I also wish the Ebon Blade had just wrecked the Undercity to further bloody Sylv's nose and let her know that they are not to be fucked with.
>I also wish the Ebon Blade had just wrecked the Undercity to further bloody Sylv's nose and let her know that they are not to be fucked with.
But user, that'd mean Sylvanas lost at something. We can't have that, it'd hurt Kosak's fee-fees.
what did ner'zhul do to the horde that compares to what arthas did to the former members of the alliance?
Blew up their homeworld? Spread the plague and ruined their lives?
>blew up their homeworld
and how many orcs know that it was ner'zhul who did that?
4skin and blood elves have legit reasons as a race to go after arthas. The trolls, orcs and tauren don't.
>The trolls, orcs and tauren don't.
Besides the fact he attacked them and has a growing undead army.
to them he is generic threat 134q43365345
Until he wasn't and he became the defacto threat.
>Dat Havoc Demon Hunter artifact quest
Damn, it was nothing.
so interesting Tidbit, take it as you will for ingame WoW, if you guys know about the Daglop's contract area in aszuna. you would know theres a fuckton of weird shit down by that area, such as a leyline to charlie the unicorn and other such shit, i ran into an NPC called the long forgotten hippogryph down there and killed it thinking it would drop something, it dropped like gold and unbroken claws and stuff, i think its a rare drop from that rare spawn to get the mount.
just random tidbits of info.
shit wrong tab,
Name 5 undead paladins that exist or have existed
Name five Tauren paladins that existed before Cataclysm.
Name five Blood or High Elf Paladin that existed before Burning Crusade.
Name ONE Dwarf Paladin who existed before WoW.
t. chris metzen coming out of the bathroom after testing the blow.
Yo Night Elf Paladin's when. There is a Night Elf Paladin follower now, just make it be a thing already!
She's probably just a weirdly represented Priestess of the Moon, since she's showed up a few times as an NPC with the title.
>all their glowy bits are silver instead of gold
It'd be the easiest thing.
She becomes a Paladin after visiting Light's Hope and realizing that Paladins are way cooler than Priests.
She explicitly asks to enlist and be trained as a Knight of the Silver Hand, though.
So, yeah, close enough to the Aponi Brightmane scene in Wrath that I'd be shocked if we DON'T get Night Elf Paladins in whatever the next expansion is.
Especially if Azshara and N'zoth do get their own expansion instead of being the mid-expansion interlude for Legion, plate wearing Crusaders of Elune would make perfect sense for storming Nazjatar.
Didn't Tauren Paladins get added in like the middle of the expansion?
Nah, they came with Cata.
>>all their glowy bits are silver instead of gold
its too much effort. think about the foam swords goyim!
Fucking Nightelf priests STILL don't have silver/blue/purple glows. It wouldn't happen with moonadins either.
Does anyone else think this could be Elune? I mean the city is literally called "Silver Moon". The other statues and the focus on the sun makes me wonder if there was a Kal'dorei pantheon that was suppressed in favor of Elune.
This statue appears in several places in Silvermoon, and there's a similar statue in the Nar'thalas Academy.
So are there addons that give you actual boomstick sounds for your guns?
Because holy shit hunters have pellet launchers from the sound of things now.
its a generic highborne person. Since the elves founded silvermoon soon after their exile, it would make sense for them to keep their traditions and cultural icons arrive.
A real world example would be the ionian greeks that the persians exiled to the punjab. they kept their culture intact for some time even as they integrated into the local population.
There are add-ons that take the gun sound out so probably
lemme whip out the ol' copy of Chronicle real quick:
>Thereafter, the Highborne abandoned their traditional worship of the moon, instead taking their strength from the sun. in time, they would even be known by a new name: high elves.
Is Chronicle worth pirating?
If yes, anyone got a link?
That makes sense.
I forgot about that.
Yeah, I enjoyed it immensely. I wish I knew where it was though.
It's worth it for the art alone!
Yes, get fucked Amani niggers
So where do I pirate it? All I've found are ads and survey scams
oh, no idea. I got myself a physical copy because Blizzard's got their hands deeper in my wallets than any sane man should allow.
So what's happened in Legion so far? Who has died? How are they shitting out legendary weapons? How do Demon Hunters join the Alliance/Horde?
alright so:
>Broken Shore happens, it's a massive disaster. The Argent Crusade gets slaughtered, the Horde pussies out, and the Alliance gets hit by every named Demon from every raid because Demons don't die unless you kill 'em in the Twisting Nether
>so Tirion, Varian, and Vol'Jin are all dead
>Thall gives up on life, literally drops the Doomhammer into the Maelstrom
>that's where one of the Shaman specs gets their Artifact
>Sylvanas "if it serves the Light smother it in Blight" Windrunner becomes Warchief of the Horde
>Anduin becomes King of Stormwind
>Jaina spergs out and gets ousted from her position as head of the Kirin Tor, with Khadgar taking her place and letting the Blood Elves back into Dalaran
>The Illidari get let out of prison by Maeiv, who refers them to Khadgar. Also one saves the life of everyone at Varian's funeral.
>BTW in turns out Illidan did nothing wrong in the stupidest way possible
>like he's SC2 Kerrigan-tier dindu nuffin
>Greymane and Admiral Rogers tear ass through the sky to fight Sylvanas
>Sylvanas meanwhile is trying to seize control of the Not Evil Val'Kyr who are loyal to the Titan Keeper Odyn
>Anduin is sad
>Velen's Eredar son shows up, ravages the Exodar with a demon army. Velen loses faith, orders the Exodar to be repaired so he can attack Argus
>Turalyon has fought a 1000 year war against the Legion, thanks to Magic and/or Light shenanigans, and sent the core of an uber powerful Naaru back as a 'well we're fucked so have all the knowledge of how to beat them' sort of deal
>Kul Tiras marines actually show up as shipwrecked captives of sea giants
>Bolvar's active again. The Ebon Blade willingly serves him, despite probably being evil. You rez Nazgrim, Whitemane, THORAS Trollbane as three members of a reconstituted Four Horsemen
>they fail to get Tirion, so they settle for Darion
>Artifact Weapons come from a bunch of locations
>it would take way too long to list right now
Tirion died, Ysera died, Sylvanas and the Forsaken are now doomed to a slow extinction, Thrall got PTSD after getting triggered by elementals calling him a bitch cunt, Illidan is a super starchild the head Naaru has chosen to lead the people of the Light against the Niggering Legion, Vanessa VanQueef is the rogue player characters personal bitch, death knights now work for the Lich King again who is gearing up for another war on the living, Vol'Jin got his pussy penetrated amd died, Varian got his ass stabbed and blew up (literally), Maiev a crazy, Tyrande drips pussy juice everywhere when she mentions Malfurion, we have drow elves now, old god N'Zoth is making moves, Nazgrim and Whitemane are death knights now, Jaina is super pissed, Khadgar made Dalaran his bouncy meme castle, Velen is super butthurt about us killing his demon son.
That's some of it.
Shit sounds fucked.
Follow up question: is it any fun?
One of the Wardens betray the order, so they release all the Demon Hunters that they captured after Illidan's defeat to try and stop the traitor and Gul'dan from stealing Illidan, but they fail.
Demons start to infiltrate and attack Azeroth, and the Demon Hunters earn everyone's trust by revealing the infiltrators.
Gul'dan uses the Tomb of Sagaras to open a portal for the Legion, so both sides stage an offense against the Tomb, and get their asses handed to them. Vol'jin gets stabbed and the Horde are overrun, so they pull back, leaving the Alliance to fend for themselves. Alliance pulls back, Varien stays behind to allow them to escape and is killed. Vol'jin names Sylvanis as the new Warchief and dies from his wounds.
After getting their asses handed to them, all the various orders of Azeroth figure they need more power to fight the Legion, so everyone starts scrounging up any weapons of legend they can find.
So far, I've only done the Shaman and the Unholy Death Knight's weapons. Thrall gives you Doomhammer after helping him recover it from Deepholm after a demon attack on the Earthen Ring at the Mealstrom. The Resto's is a scepter the Naga of Vashj'ir are using to mind control Sea Giants to help them. Elemental recovers a Titan weapon being held at the Temple of the White Tiger after proving themselves. Unholy's is a powerful sword you get back from the Black Riders of Karazhan, after finding their stronghold and killing their leader.
I like it well enough. It's too early to tell if it has any staying power tho.
Questing on the Broken Isles is actually fun the first time around. Second time it gets a bit tedious and you're really only paying attention to your class campaign.
Third and so forth time(s) around it may get mind numbingly boring.
Some class order halls are lackluster or don't exactly accommodate for having a character that belongs to a different race (such as orc, draenei or troll warriors going to titan-made valhalla) but they're nice enough places.
Just... the time to complete follower missions can get a bit ludicrous... we're talking DAYS if you don't have the correct counters on your followers. So those may chokepoint and throttle your storyline advancement.
The Disc Priest weapon you fetch by heading back to Northrend and digging it out from Malygos's old vault of stuff. You get to go back into the old Nexus five man and the dragon there goes all "If you're looking to loot the place you're shit outta luck. They cleaned this place out of everything worth stealing ages ago. Oh, Light's Wrath? Ye that's still here, it's basically unusable tho so I don't know why you want it unless you have superhuman willpower to tame it."
The Shadow Priest knaifu has you kick in the teeth of Benedictus's replacement, who ALSO turned out to be Twilight's Hammer, to prevent him from rezzing some Faceless One general. Then the baeblade tells you it would totally be a good idea to consume the essence of the dead old one so no one could ever bring it back again and this will never come back to bite you. You decide this is a great idea and obey the dagger you just saw betray its former owner
As others have said, it's alright... at first.
Unfortunately, like Warlords, there are infinite recursive gating mechanisms on basically every ingame action, so most of the actual fun gets sucked out of the game by twiddly mechanical things. You can't even really explore until the game tells you to.
It's good to know they recycle Artifact quest locations... Arcane Mages goes to The Nexus and the dragon says the same shit, and as an Arms Warrior you go to the same camp as Shadow Priests and kill the same Faceless dude.
>Questing on the Broken Isles is actually fun the first time around. Second time it gets a bit tedious and you're really only paying attention to your class campaign.
>Third and so forth time(s) around it may get mind numbingly boring.
Unfortunately, like Warlords, there are infinite recursive gating mechanisms on basically every ingame action
these are the only things keeping me from even leveling an alt. Blizzard is making the first time questing through areas pretty fun, but I don't even want to bother grinding through it all on a second character. Level 110 heirlooms when
They recycle class hall locations too. Warlocks and Paladins both go to the same Legion world on a rescue mission.
Is it just me, or did the Legion lose the succubi? Or are they just not fielding them this time around because it's more like a true open war?
Could be worse. Could be the Havoc DH's quest, where you auto-fly to a place, kill a few demons, and then fight a boss until he goes "Fuck these weapons, they're only ilvl 750, pieces of shit!" and runs away after dropping them for you.
It was really not made alt-friendly in mind.
I do like the fact that as an Unholy DK you actually get a real Runeblade, not one you've just stuck some random ones on. It actually feels like I'm playing a champion of the Lich King, shame its the wrong one, but its much better than running around with random boss drop sword with Stone Gargoyle on it.
A lot of their mooks got replaced by red Dreanei.
wait. that hilarious foam sword is actually a runeblade?
Dreadlord forged and everything.
It was mentioned in the last thread that when you wield the Fist of Ra-Den, all non-boss elementals are instantly non-hostile to you. The elements know not to fuck with you.
So, why are the Shivarra allied to Illidari?
Are they enslaved? They don't give impression of slaves though.
Are they enamored in the hot edgy elves?
Or are they pursuing their own goals and using gullible mortals to make it easier for them? If so, what goals would those be? Are they ideologically aligned with Illidari in "not wanting burning legion to fuck up worlds", or do they only seek better standing and more power in the legion itself?
>Sylvanas "if it serves the Light smother it in Blight" Windrunner
I like your style
>Horde and Alliance fighting bars the way all the way to fucking Icecrown [...] and to top it off we have to hold a 'Tournament' to stop the bastards from fighting again. AND THEN THEY FUCKING DO FOR NO REASON OTHER THAN A PISSING MATCH.
I would chalk that up to Alliance/Horde ego more than paladin incompetence. No paladin can reasonably mediate that relationship, especially when the powers that be seem to go out of their way to ensure the war resumes.
>affliction warlocks get a soul eating scythe used in the first war that was locked under karazan in the sewers (which no one in all the time between medivh dying and everyone raiding no one thought to check) guarded by undead horsemen that medivh enslaved to hunt for magicl shit
>demonology warlocks get the skull of the first eradar warlock and kills the guy that the guy you killed to get your class halls boss
>destruction warlocks are the true heroes of the expac since they steal the staff of sergeras right from under gul'dan who was going to use it to open even more and larger portals to summon more demons and kills off a fuck ton of demons with the unstable ritual backfireing.
Probably that third one. They're definitely evil, but they may not be Burning Legion evil.
>Sylvanas "if it serves the Light smother it in Blight" Windrunner
>Khadgar made Dalaran his bouncy meme castle
JUST dank enough
Many member races of the Burning Legion were, at one point, individual demon races who eventually threw in with the Legion. The Shivarra (and the succubus race as well, sayaad) are two of those demon races. The fact they can turn against the Legion and willingly throw in with the Illidari is testament enough to this.
>Only demon hunters are allowed to smash this
im buying Legion
Hot damn there goes No-Fap September
And warlocks.
>bounce on dat loincloth
wew lad, "she" hidin something under there
But we already have our loving succubi, how could we betray them so?
fuck you the old RPG books are canon to me
>tfw they murdered Warlocks and made Grimoire of Supremacy stupid
>can't summon a Shivarra without a glyph
I wouldn't mind the new demonology so much if it wasn't so mind-numbingly boring. its just spamming demonic empowerment constantly.
Apparently, demons themselves are addicted to fel. Reliquiary of Souls in Black Temple somehow could cure the addiction, Ilidan used it to free his demons from Legion, but for some reason kept it secret from blood elves, even though it could solve their problem with the loss of Sunwell forever.
I want to give that matriarch an heir
but blood elves are addicted to magic in general.
They need something, no matter what type of energy it is.
>Strongest class lorewise
>Strongest Artifact lorewise
>Strongest class hall and members of said class lorewise henceforth known as the class' "Team"
>Strongest class lorewise with their artifact and team
>Favourite class, hall, set of members and artifact
>easily shamans without a question since they control entire planes of bullshit to summon at will as well as the druids ability to control nature and the elements itself
>not sure on strongest artifact, but i bet that one knife made from an old god is probably towards the top, and i'm gonna say the fist of Ra-Den as the other contender since it was literally a titan's personal weapon used to do shaman shit which leads to the earlier point of shamans lorewise are bullshit
> i almost want to say DK's take it hands down flat since they straight up control the new lich king and have a full out and out fresh new scourge led by all the old veteren scourge.
>strongest class individually is shaman between all 3 specs have bullshit lorewise weapons with 2 of the 3 actually being famous even in game as thralls weapon and azsara's personal weapon respectively; overall however DK's have it with the scourge shit AND they reforged frostmourne into 2 weapons to use.
>honestly i'm partial to the warriors, cause holy fuck torturing ymiron is the single most amusing this this expansion.
The only classes which uses only unique artifact questing locations is shaman and monk
>titan's personal weapon
And that Titan got his ass kicked by his own creations, so it can't be that great.
>Strongest class lorewise
none. Nature (Druids), Death (DKs), Arcane (Mages), Light (Paladins, Priests), Fel (Warlocks, DHs) and Shadow (SPriests) are all relatively equal as sources of power. Some are just easier/quicker to receiver power from.
Rogues and Warriors seem left out a little, but Rogues are sort of supernatural anyway these days and Warriors have apparently become so damn angry that they've reached supernatural strength like mythological heroes
>Strongest Artifact
Probably the Ashbringer or the Warblades of the Deceiver
>Strongest Class Hall/Team
honestly no clue, but maybe Warrior since it has the likes of Thorim, and depending on how you view it, Odyn
No clue on the other 2