DOOM: The Board Game
>70 dollaridoos
Ok? It just looks like Gears of War with a DOOM theme...
The first edition was a proto-Descent/Imperial Assault and kind of owned
I really do like those models, where can I get them, can I get them separatly?
Is there a company somewhere that just calls up the license owners of any old shit and says "is anyone making a board gane? Can we?" and hope that the owners just shrug and say "yeah sure".
Why does fucking every license have a board game these days? I can't imagine its cheap or easy to come up with the rule sets, minis and other shit that they all have.
Well the new game came out so I guess it's riding off the hype or something
This is the second doom board game, and the third time any actual miniatures have been released, which is strange because although Romero and Carmack were D&D players, they left id a while ago
It's a big company dude. A lot of people like D&D
Yeah. I have that version (I bought it on Ebay and the fag who sold it tried to rip me off by saying >DURR THERE'S NO CARDS FOR IT! I ended up keeping it and getting refunded.) It's cool, but no one wants to play it properly...
>riding off the hype or something
Ex-/v/ denizen here, there were literally no high expectations for the new Doom game, and had a short-lived "It's not terrible!" reaction after its release. I'm pretty sure this game doesn't have much hype left in it.
How'd the single-player compare to standard Doom fare? I'm assuming just wait for a Steam sale?
It's fucking amazing. Don't listen to anyone form /v/ about video games, they're all idiots.
So is it exactly like the old DOOM game? but with new models and shit?
I loved that one
Single player is pretty good. It's doom, you're in it for the gameplay. Multiplayer is eh. Yeah, wait for a steam sale or on g2a or something.
it has some new features but it generally feels very right to the tone
New levels, RPG-lite system (upgrade choices on one gun is burst fire vs rocket launcher i think) Same with armor i think. Generally updated mechanics and spawning.
And there are unlockable levels from the first doom game, pixels and all.
Doom deserves it's own RPG setting, same general tone and plot points but in a table top role play format
Murder Hobo the campaign?
I thought Doom 4 broke /v/.
Nice lie.
I have no issue with that. It's not like I have to buy or play it or anything. Well, I might have to play it if a friend buys it but that's a separate issue.
I just want to buy the Demons for my chaos army
G2A is trash scams. If you don't want to buy it then pirate it, at least that way you're not actively sabotaging the devs/publisher. G2A chargebacks are just bullshit.
>Blatantly shit-talking one of the best single-player FPSs in the last fiver years.
/v/ strikes again