Ever had one of those disgustingly sweet loveydovey couples at your table?
If so, how did you deal with them?
Ever had one of those disgustingly sweet loveydovey couples at your table?
If so, how did you deal with them?
Only time that happened was when it was the DM and his girlfriend. I just ended up leaving those games.
Speak with them about how it disturbs their peers and ask them to tone it down. If it doesn't disturb their peer, shut the fuck up about it.
Alternatively, fuck the guy gay 'till the bitch cries and leave.
I waited a week and they broke up.
You should probably go home alone and cry.
>Hey, knock it off.
>It's cool you love each other but swat spit in private not at the table please
>Thank you
Literally all you have to say.
If they are literally stopping the game for make-out sessions then talk to them.
>tfw you're that couple
I find it those couples really cute.
They're super cute until they overdo it and its all get a room.
I didn't have to "deal with them" because I'm not an emotionally stunted manchild that can't stand to see other people happy.
Rolled my eyes and focused on the other players to give them privacy. Ruled that they would lose turns gazing lovingly at each other eyes so as long as they didn't pay attention or mind losing turns. Worked pretty well. They also broke up some moths later, but that is unrelated.
not at my fucking table
yes, and I used my words like a human being
I dated a girl I gamed with for a while, we kept poker faces during gaming sessions becuase nobody else in the group knew we were together. The moment we walked away from the table though, oh lawd.
>go to kitchen to nuke a hot pocket or something while IC discussion is taking place amongst dm and other players
>grill follows me in a moment later, instantly start making out like we hadn't seen each other in months while microwave whirrs
>go back into the living room, act like nothing happened and keep playing
i miss her ;_;
I don't have any. Everyone is married or working PhD jobs and shit. So instead they made NPCs into a lovey-dovey couple. Worked out ok by me..
I smiled at how cute it was and let them be. Of course, they weren't all over each other all the time, it was just an occasional sweet smile and nice gesture in game.
It was a kind of mature love, not infatuation. They were happy to merely be nearby each other.
I really need to call those two, catch up on old times.
Yes. Girlfriend stopped showing up because she realized she didn't like the game and all she did was more or less heal her bf instead of the party.
>we were one of two couples at the time
>she asked questions about what was happening out of interest
>most intimate thing was a brush of hands and I occasionally asked how her blood sugar was
she's diabetic
I hate when you fucking normies rub your happiness in everyone's face
The group was already too big, so it didn't really have that much impact. She didn't even take up an extra chair because she was always hugging on the bard.
>i miss her ;_;
Did she die?
Personally I just hate it when they waste game-time for it. I spent hours prepping for this game and scheduling everything, not to mention driving all the way down here. They can make out any damn time they want. If they really are the stable happy wonderful couple they claim to be, then they can wait the six to eight hours tops, for the session to be over before they start sucking face.
>had this couple happen
>they broke up weeks later
>now they talk about how awful their relationship was
A campaign started out like this. They made characters who also shared a kind of relationship with one another. Then they broke up and things got awkward. Eventually she left the group and he rolled a new character, and we went on to have one of the best campaigns I've played in.
Use the game to set their characters against each other on a moral level. It inevitably makes things personal if they stay in character and the bickering bleeds over into real life.
We told them that they have to share the love with everyone at the game table.
She ultimately left, but he became the conductor of our group's man train.
I've fortunately never had this happen in an RPG, because the couples I play with are actually adults.
However, this DID happen to me once in an Arkham Horror game. The two of them had to stick together, even though they were playing similar archetypes and didn't complement each other's abilities at all. This led to quite a bit of delay because we had two strong combat characters running around like idiots instead of keeping the streets clear. In the end, we just needed to seal the two gates left on the board, but rather than go into them separately they both went into the same one. And then got lost in time and space because of it, and because we were facing Yog-Sothoth, they both got devoured. If they'd gone into the two gates rather than sticking together, we probably would've won.
Much raging. Very unhap.
>guys, c'mon.
Things are easy when you don't sperg out.
what do you mean by 'disgustingly sweet?'
cause my bf and i called eachother 'babe' on occasion and one of my friends would lose his shit at it. ended up cutting him off a while back.
>what do you mean by 'disgustingly sweet?'
If you're not an inept autist you know what he means by that.
>my bf
Fuck off fag.
>assuming it's a guy
>being a homophobic /pol/tard in 2016
>"hurr autism is why u r wrong xD"
How about you fuck off, kid? :^)
Well good for you Mister I didnt have a horrible highschool experience
you want a medal or something?
I think he died inside. That's why he is here.
Whip it out and just spray a load all over the girl's face. When they get upset say 'Oh I thought we were shooting a porno in here from the way you two were acting.'
Bonus, you get to cum on a girl's face, which rocks.
As a lovey-dovey, kind and caring person who likes living in big cities because I'm closer to more living beings?
I honestly wish I had one of those at the table. I enjoy seeing lovers together and as a touchy feely shoulder-to-shoulder person myself I don't mind intimacy around me.
So long as they pay attention to the game and don't hold shit up I'm happy.
>Allowing girls at your table
>Especially someone's gf
>Especially the DM's gf
What did you expect would happen
Isn't this just the same bullying that most of this board grew up receiving?
The abused become the abusers...
i watched that picture for three minutes anbd still cannot understand what the fuck is wrong with his nose
Post yfw you realized "bullying" is actually a form of social control.
Gotta take out my passive aggressiveness on someone. Since most of my bullies from high school are either dead in accidents or homeless at this point, it's easier to just abuse some ugly af kid.
Holy hell, it's Mr. Potato head
>If so, how did you deal with them?
Talked to them. Had everyone block them on their phones when they re-offended. Best decision of my gaming career.
>not to mention driving all the way down here
>not making your players come to you
>She LITERALLY gets paid to hug lonely nerds
>She still has the guts to complain about "happy couples"
Does she realize she's only one step away from being a base whore?
I used to be in a group that had a couple in it, someone else in the group used to share a house with them and complained they were also too loud when they banged.
Later I and another in the group had to share a place woth them for a week, we both said up front that we don't give a shit how loud they are because I can sleep though it and the other guy is a literal cuckold and it was used to it. Didn't hear a peep from them all week.
If you look like you're enjoying it they'll soon stop.
You deserved then and they deserve it now. The cycle must continue.
>miserable lonely person who makes money by dealing with other miserable lonely people somehow hates people who aren't miserable and lonely
>tfw being bullied forced me to reevaluate who I was and what I was doing, ultimately leading to becoming a better lifestyle
Nah, we were both in college at the time, she a few years older and ahead of me. I was a local kid but her home was basically on the other side of the country so when she graduated she moved back home and that was that.
It looks like there's something medically wrong with his sinuses, they're so swollen he must get nasty headaches.
Jap girls are weird like that. No matter who they are all they want out of life is to get married, have kids, be a housewife and lead a normal average life.
The poor, the rich, the pure, the lewd, the smart, the dumb, the pornstars, the yakuza prostitutes, the idols, the olympic athletes, the police officers, the actresses, the pro-wrestlers, the executives, the teachers, the doctors, even the fucking emperor's daughter.
It's like genetically built into them.
Your talk of yakuza prostitues has reminded.me.of just.how attracted.I am to bleach blonde, tattooed japanese sluts.
Drawfag, make Waniko one of those.
You mean gals?
You can absolutely make-out midsession so long as you stop for your turns. If you're so thirsty of a person that simple kissing means you have to stop everything you're doing and watch then complain you don't have any self-control you probably shouldn't be in public let alone around people.
Making out
At a table
With other people at the table
Is not ok. Speaking as someone with a girlfriend so I'm not "thirsty", it's just not socially decent.
>putting time restrictions on love
>they can wait
You probably wouldn't know this but sometimes you CAN'T wait. Your body just sort of flies on autopilot and both of you are already throat deep in the eachother before your brain turns back on and you gain control like some sort of pressure release valve where some crazy and horny just seep out to prevent blowouts.
Like if you both had the shittest day at work and you both tell yourselves just hold it together till later cause thats when you get to see your other half and the second both of you are in the same room and making eye contact its like 2 super magnets being put in close proximity. Worst of all is any barrier in th way is destroyed so you learn quick to not wear shit clothes if you're first home.
Sorry you have issues with expressing love for your SO. Honestly i'd be insulted if my partner felt it was wrong to express love in front of other people as that just says they think somethings wrong with what we have or me personally.
They held it in at the table and at most expressed it when they got up to leave at the end of the game and their body language made it clear what the first thing they were doing was once they got home. Was pretty rad desu, I like seeing my friends happy.
>You probably wouldn't know this but sometimes you CAN'T wait. Your body just sort of flies on autopilot
I've never experienced that before. Is this common for non-autistic people?
Yes, even girls like these want the housewife life
It's like the 1950's American Dream never disappeared and we just imported it overseas.
Ask if they'd like to put on a show for the group because you wouldn't mind seeing the girl chugging a jizzload from her bf.
You'll either get a show or they'll be so creeper out, they'll leave. Win win.
It's about consideration for other people. Everyone knows that two people expressing affection in public makes everyone else uncomfortable. It's not about you or her, it's about everyone else. You're both comfortable with seeing your dick, but is everyone else? No, so you put it away. Treat public affection like public indecency. Stick to hand-holding.
Sometimes. Usually its when one or both of you are understress and you're a couple that enjoys physical contact like cuddling, hugging, etc. and it just ends up being a go too reaction for stress release. If you're withheld types who just enjoy being in general proximity it doesn't happen too frequently.
Personal hypothesis: you always hear how kissing and hugging releases dopamine in your brain, right? So, like adrenaline junkies, you get sort of addicted to that. So when you're understress or go for a long time without your fix your brain just sort of throws your body at the source the second it's in sight like a crack whore to dealers cock.
>No matter who they are all they want out of life is to get married, have kids, be a housewife and lead a normal average life.
That's not just Nips though, all women want that because they're biologically hardwired to want that. Hence the declining happiness of Western women since the 1970s compared to today even though they're more free and more equal than they've ever been.
You're equating snogging with sex. One's perfectly fine for public showings the other is illegal for display outside certain jurisdictions, educational purposes, and various other niche legalities.
It sounds like you're just goalpost moving to cover your irrational issues.
My relationship with my partner started like this. Even though it's not a secret any more I like to try and keep the feeling alive, and I dislike PDA anyway.
Either when we get a moment away from the game table alone together or, as we work in the same office building, I'm occasionally lucky to get a quick make out session if we're the only ones in the elevator.
What do you mean, "deal with them"?
Reee fucking normies get out etc.
People have relationship, deal with that instead.
Women that hypthetically post on Veeky Forums don't have boyfriends.
>I often visit poor African villages with lots of supplies, then I pour out clean drinking water and burn the food and destroy the medicine right in front of them.
How dare they be uncomfortable to hostile. It was my stuff.
That dream is still alive and well, just not in white girls.
Black girls, asian girls, hispanic girls, indian girls, muslim girls are all great options, rare as they are native american girls too.
I prefer latinas, got myself one and wouldn't change her for the world, but it's up to you to get out there and find your favorite flavor.
What the fuck is wrong with you? I have a girlfriend of 6-7 years, and never once have I done this or felt this. You're underaged, right?
Me and my gf just act like normal goddamned people at the dnd table. Another couple doesn't, and everyone resents them for it.
Is that working with the assumption that women in relationship don't have time to shitpost or that women who shitpost are undateable?
>or are you claiming that girls who shitpost are undatable?
We have a group chat for our tabletop group, and the two female players in the group hang out there: the one dating the GM occasionally links cutesy cartoon fanart art from her tumblr and talks about how much she loves her dog, and the one who's single greentexts all day about how much she hates elves and posts about how much she wants to have sex with monsters from horror films.
It's antecdotal, of course, but I'd say there's something going on here.
sounds like poor self control m8
Shes the youngest at 25. I suppose neither of us lost that sense of love in out younger like most seem to do nowadays.
Well i suppose being a pureblood native and frequently visiting pow-wows will pay off someday then.
I'm not so sure but then again maybe i've just been exposed to bad examples as around 30ish out of the 43 couples i know/known did much the same from time to time. Likes drawn to likes etc.
>allowing anyone to do anything to the point of disruption
So, do you think a boss would just be an angry manchild if the couple were macking instead of working? Is he unable to see people be happy?
>inb4 not a parallel
Not a perfect one, but lemme boil it down to closer to the bones.
>couple pda to the point of disruptive behavior
>they went to place to do thing
>their current shenanigans are preventing them from doing thing
>other people at place are expectant/reliant on then preforming thing to some capacity
>other people may struggle to also preform thing because of couple's behavior
Not that user, but you can make out anywhere, and you chose to do it during the game?
I don't care if it's decent, lewd, or anything else. It's disrespectful. I don't allow mobile games or laptops at the table, what makes you think swapping saliva during the game is any better or less distracting to other people?
Start by not letting them sit next to each other.
I am that happy couple. We also have a baby.
We've been over this. Only between our turns or on breaks and most people have enough self-control to ignore or make background noise of phone games or laptop tapping same as kissing.
Lemme guess me holding someone's would also be disruptive just because it's within eyesight and your general proximity as well. Am i dropping my dice too loudly for your constitution? Did I accidentally say crap and offend you?
Congrats. Use melatonin for sleep and turn the baby monitor up. You won't get more sleep but the sleep between the crying you do get is more restful.
>Single ca/tg/irl in your social circle with whom you have regular contact
If she's not ugly or a bitch then what the fuck are you waiting for user, you gay or some shit?
>equating lust to love
Showing love isn't lust and withholding that affection definitely isn't love.
get out of here stalker
you and your sloppy make out sessions aren't convincing me of anything except your carnal lust
you've got to be shitting me, kiddo
You read like the type of cunt I would hate to game with, so I feel like I'm doing myself right here
-T. Angry and unsuccessful Duty Guard
user, there is no easy way to say this...
>but deep down all girls want this on some level.
A kiss or hug is fine. If you're making out at a social group where you're expected to talk with others and pay attention to the game, then you're not only going overboard with expressing your love in public, but you're ignoring and annoying the the other players and their feelings.
You say makeouts are okay as long as you stop for turns, but think about all the other things that we don't like people to do even if they stop for their turns - texting, playing videogames, distracting other players.
It has nothing to do with how free and equal they are, it has to do with expectation that they are all feminist lesbo "dont need no man" wymen... if you cant see the difference between having the right to choose or the "responsibility" to choose the thing you were always allowed to do anyway then you will become unhappy... its that simple
Yeah i fucked that last bit up.
Learn to wear shit clothes at home. Best case spills and stains are on clothes people won't see and worst case you won't mind them getting torn.
I don't mind any of those so long as they keep their ears unstoppered just like i do. Kissing doesn't make you go deaf nor does texting.