What kind of players should I drive away from my local game store through threats and intimidation?
What kind of players should I drive away from my local game store through threats and intimidation?
the ones with offensive body odors
I don't care how much you spend here, dude, a shower and some deodorant isn't too much to ask for.
The one who look and act like Chris-chan.
Nobody's going to be threatened or intimidated by a chubby little nerdlinger. Get over yourself.
I've yet to meet someone from Veeky Forums who could threaten someone in person.
Start with the ones who feel a need to scare people away from the LGS.
Start with these guys.
Start with this one.
Start with me.
This really. If you're so offensive that people want to ban you before you even open your mouth because you smell so bad, you deserve thrown in a lake
Lurkers with no money that annoy paying customers. And those that smell so bad that scare away people even if they can pay.
The rest you will have to endure.
Start with everyone.
People that take advice from Veeky Forums
Weiss Schwartz players. The worst weeb filth imaginable
if it comes to a WS player and a MtG player that doesn't bathe, who do you cast out first?
Stanky ones, creepy ones, bad attidude ones...
Get em' out user.
Whichever one uses pedo card sleeves
>eeb filth imaginable
> Anonymous 09/07/16(Wed)22:15:28 No.49232077▶
>if it comes to a WS player and a MtG player that doesn't bathe, who do you cast out first?
No user! use you powers for good! drive them mean ones away and foster a community respect and love like an almighty dragon layering near a peasant village.
No joke, females are among the most cancerous inhabitants of a local game store. They constantly whine about being harrassed by the creepy male customers, then they proceed to spend zero fucking money at my store. Oh, and that greasy dude who was hitting on you? He just dropped 200 bucks on D&D 5e books.
Not to mention the older cunts who come in wanting a game for their son and act condescending the entire time I am helping them. As a result I always suggest they choose extremely expensive shit for their kids and insist it is the best way to go. I had some woman drop 100 bucks on Magic cards cause I insisted you needed like two Fat Packs to play. I also told her her son was likely to win it back at tourneys so she'll probably have the little shitter kicking and screaming and demanding to be at every FNM ever.
So it's either the young cunts who whine and don't spend, or the old cunts who spend AND whine. Given the option I'd take the older ones. The young ones are nice to look at but if they catch you at it they'll threaten to file a fucking lawsuit. Guess what, bitch, I cater to the scum of the earth. This is goddamn Mos Eisley Cantina. I'll never say it to a customer but you better goddamn believe that I fucking goddamn believe it and so does EVERY other fucking FLGS owner on this planet. And the ones who deny it are lying, or in denial about it themselves.
So fucking sick of women thinking they belong in FLGS. My business is doing fine, by the way, and the amount of money these little cunt bitches spend on shitty Pokemon dolls, I would rather give up the 20 a month in profit I make off of these blonde cunts that get dragged in by their boyfriends (some of whom are bro-tier, to be fair) just to never see their ugly faces and nasty tits again. Some of them are fat as hell, too. How the fuck do these good looking men end up with complete whales? Is that what RPGs do to them?
Holy shit I just do not understand how it is that the local unwashed autist is able to be so omnipresent at my LGS. He is PERPETUALLY in a one-sided conversation with one of the staff, if there's a woman on that day, it'll be her. I have literally never seen him buy anything.
I struggle to envision how he even COULD buy anything as he is there 100% of the time. I have occasionally taken a day off work and gone there in the middle of a weekday and he's still there. It's been 2 years and I have never, ever seen him not there. He isn't there for any specific event, he's clearly just there because this is a dungeon hell-realm people don't have the balls to throw him out of.
Like lets be clear, socially speaking, ejecting someone for a store for anything less than actual physical or sexual violence is pretty much unheard of. Here at least. But good GOD would it be warranted here.
With some soap.
wow guy just fuck a dude already.
People that make boring shitposts like Also anyone who falls for aforementioned shitpost
>But good GOD would it be warranted here.
Yeah and why is that? if the store staff don't have an issue with him, what the fuck right do you have about it? Get over yourself, prick. You're the kind of guy who goes to McDonald's and picks out some nigger he doesn't like and complains to the staff that he'll stop coming if they don't throw him out. I had to deal with dickheads like you when I worked there back in high school.
> I struggle to envision how he even COULD buy anything as he is there 100% of the time.
Yeah I highly doubt that's true, fucker.
> I have literally never seen him buy anything.
Therefore he never has. Nice solipsistic narcissistic autism. You vastly overestimate how much you see him.
> He isn't there for any specific event, he's clearly just there because this is a dungeon hell-realm people don't have the balls to throw him out of.
So your FLGS is a hell realm and you are whining that the scum of the earth are attracted there. Do you also whine about crackhouses containing crackwhores? Find a better FLGS, or start one yourself.
> He is PERPETUALLY in a one-sided conversation with one of the staff, if there's a woman on that day, it'll be her.
Well shit, if a woman is working there by herself and he is conversing with a staff member IT WOULD PROBABLY BE THE FUCKING WOMAN WOULDN'T IT?
Trips confirm. Get them all out of there!
Nah I'll just go back to fucking my wife, who is one of the only tolerable women on this planet. That's because she doesn't walk into my store and ask the following stupid questions:
> how much does D&D cost
> my boyfriend wants me to play D&D with him how do I make a character
You buy the 50 dollar book, dumb cunt.
> what is magic
> how do I play as that girl
That's an action figure of Nissa, cunt.
> what game should I buy for my boyfriend
Well what kind of games does he like
> well I dont know I was hoping you knew
> *pouty face*
Go fuck yourself cunt, unless you're going to give me a blowjob under the table I am going to simply sell you the most expensive shit I can find and hope you don't ask for a receipt so you can't return it. Your boyfriend plays magic, I bet he'd LOVE a vendillion clique, yes this card is expensive but it's the best card in magic, here you go, yes it goes well in every deck, why the fuck not.
It's a miracle I make any money. Business is for people persons, not bitter autists who thought they'd earn money hosting events.
But at least I don't wander into retail estabilishments and make a jackass of myself then get whiny and entitled when people can't answer my dumbfuck questions.
haha whats it like being a cuck?
you speak in bait copypasta
Gee user, I sure would love to visit your store and support a fellow he man woman hater, can I get an address?
Point 1: The concern is that he is a drain on their staff time. This is a place that operates on tight margins and has 2 - 3 staff on at any point in time. His actions are draining ~$30 an hour from their operation for no gain. Also the man himself is repellent to others by his mere presence by virtue of smell right near the entryway/register but you clearly aren't going to be sold on that.
I have never said anything because it would ruin the atmosphere in the store even further.
Point 2: You would really think that he wouldn't be there 100% of the time. It makes sense. But I have yet to hear of anyone managing to find a time when he wasn't in the store and I come in at pretty random times and have been asking my buddies as well.
Point 3: Indeed, given his near omni-presence, the proportion of his in-store time that I witness is extremely low. For sure, I've maybe put an undue emphasis on this point.
Point 4: The FLGS is merely average, but it is physically and aesthetically structured like an actual portal to hell. So, maybe there was a misunderstanding on that front.
Point 5: He does not cease his chatter even to browse or take calls. The woman is clearly uncomfortable, uninterested, and has work that she is trying to do but also clearly doesn't want to piss off a customer, so she responds pleasantly and monosyllabic every few sentences. There are other staff on, potentially multiple other staff on.
> The woman is clearly uncomfortable, uninterested, and has work that she is trying to do but also clearly doesn't want to piss off a customer, so she responds pleasantly and monosyllabic every few sentences
So what if she's not interested in him. That's her JOB. So sick of these lazy high school / college kids, always on their goddamn phone. I've fired like six of them in the last year. This is why I don't give paid training. They are a waste of time. I'd like to sue them for wasting my time. If it were up to me, you get a job, YOU DO YOUR JOB. You waste my time, and thus MONEY, and you get sued and/or thrown the fuck in jail.