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IA14 soon

Do I try and salvage this? I'm a decent painter and tempted to keep digging to see what else I can find.

It works out as

1 Chaplain in Termie armour
2 termies with bolters and fists
Assault cannon
Lightning claws

24 Tactical marines
4 Rocket launchers
2 flamers

5 scouts (1 armless, 1 headless)

Commander Tycho
Blood angels captain
Standard bearer

I think it might be a laugh to have a 2nd edition marine army while everyone jerks off to how cool "retro" 30k is. I have other projects on the go right now but it's an idea I wanted to throw out there and see what people thought.

I recently got the start collecting Eldar box. I'm currently building them and probably going to paint them as Yme-Loc because I like their scheme and think tanks are neat. I'll probably use them for Kill Team (the HoR one not the trash one)

How are Craftworlds governed? I know Saim-Hann is semi-feudal with the Wild Rider houses, but do other Craftworlds have similar systems? Do Farseers belong to specific noble houses, or are they organized in other ways?

They look like candy corn.

Stripping paint from plastic can be a pain just because simple green tends to make it a bit soft or (oddly enough) brittle, but the good thing about the old plastic models is that they're pretty solidly-built. Hard to break them and they're easy enough to scrub.

Terminators suck but yeah you could make a doable list out of that. You could run them all as sternguard and use the Archangels detachments, maybe.

While I like that guy's paintjob there, I think he went too light on the grey.

I think it would be pretty cool, you could paint up a few as sternguard like suggested. You could run a little 500pts army that wouldn't be half bad.

Captain Tycho

Sternguard Squad

Scout Squad
Tactical Squad + Flamer

Heavy Support
Devastator Squad, 4 Missile Launchers

Its nothing super amazing but its solid for scavenged models.

I got some space marines back in 4th edition and played with them using the Black Templars codex. Apparently now I need the generic Space Marines codex? Should I keep them as Black Templars or do something wacky like the Carcharadons/Space Sharks?

Carchads would probably be better Black Templars than Black Templars.