Hey Veeky Forums, give me some examples of characters that you consider as Fighters, but don't wear heavy armor.
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Hey Veeky Forums, give me some examples of characters that you consider as Fighters, but don't wear heavy armor.
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Chain mail is medium armor isn't it? Most mercs and pretty much anyone who couldn't afford a fancy suit of plate just wore mail, assuming they could afford even that.
>Image not related.
thanks for clearing that up. I'd say Bruce Lee.
Beowulf and a lot of the old saga heroes wore simple shirts of mail and an iron helm.
Pic related, vikings.
Aragorn, Legolas, and Boromir spring to mind. I don't remember if Elric wore heavy armor. Lan from the Wheel of Time, as well as any given Aiel warrior. You've got Quaan, and Corwin of Amber, and Alaric Morgan. Really, lots of sorts.
How did the little ring that holds it to the can break off so evenly. Mine always come off just half snapped at best.
>Ranger of the north
>Elf with bow (read; ranger)
Aragon is clearly a fighter that took some levels in ranger. Legolas might be a ranger that took levels in fighter, or might be a pure ranger, depending on who you ask and what edition we are looking at.
motherfucking CONAN c'mon
Elric is a wizard prince; the sword does the fighting, he's along for the ride.
>bruce lee
>not monk
Aragorn might have some fluff levels in Paladin, since he's got the healing hands.
>Aragorn might have some fluff levels in Paladin
It's because he's based on the king-package, not because he's a paladin.
Bruce Lee wasn't a monk. He was a fighter. Monks do not have a monopoly on unarmed fisticuffs by any stretch of the imagination.
So it's more of a feat, then?
I think before he got stormbringer, he did some swording in heavy armor, and was really good at it, his albino weakness let him down, not his skill.
Dex based fighters with rapiers, distance-melee fighter with spears/polearms or naturally tough brawler types.
In absence of heavy armour, a fighter would have to rely on either avoiding damage, or be able to tough it out.
Pic related: My idea of an armourless fighter. Not exactly built for dodging, but able to shrug off some hurt while hacking and parying with his heavy saber,
>Bruce Lee not a monk
>Bruce lee, who learned Tai chi at a young age, and discussed the use of qi and the energy of body mechanics to the focus of impact.
>One inch punch and quivering palm
Yeah, he was a monk.
A mail shirt would be medium, but a full mail hauberk would be heavy. Historically, the reason plate mail wasn't really worn on the battle field until later periods is because it was jousting armour. Chain mail is far more flexible than plate and can deflect slashes and stabs fairly effectively.
Movie aside, they did discard all armor for a period, and some troops, like ekrodomoi hoplites, wouldn't wear any to be faster.
Most of the swashbucklers, but some may be mixed or be rogues in D&D terms, and some wore heavy armor in real combat.
It's probably more ranks in Heal skill, he always needsa thelas to pull off ihs tricks.
Conan the BARBARIAN, Conan? Cause im pretty sure he's a wizard or something
On topic:Finn from Adventure Time. Also most people from Game of Thrones.
The main cast of DBZ, though them being double classed as monks could be argued (except Vegeta, he is a pure fighter)
A tactician or general that spends most of his time near the battlefield but usually not on it. He can wear heavy armor, but likely wouldn't due to there being a lack of need for it. He would have higher mental stats and be good with planning out wars and battles, but he would still be handy with his martial weapons if an assassin came for him in the war tent.
FYI chainmail is actually extremely fucking heavy.
Beowulf fought naked, at least against Grendel
No it's not, must weight around 10-15kg, but it's incredibly well dispersed over your body.
t. Reenactor
Rangers get healing spells
And Aragorn is the reason WHY they get healing spells.
I guess so
conan is not a d&d barbarian. He does not fly into rages.
Truth, he fought in heavy armor and wielded Earl Aubec's greatsword against the navy from the young kingdoms that came to sack Melnibonè. When he was knocked from the ship he nearly drowned from the weight of his armor dragging him down and he had to make some deals with water spirits all quick-like.
Think of a character that uses a bow.
They're probably Fighters.
>but muh Ranger!
Rangers have magic nature powers and animal companions. They're also just worse at fighting than Fighters. To say your bow user is a ranger is to say they're not that excellent at bow using.
depends what chainmail.
the term encompasses anything from a sleeveless shirt of single layer of 12 mm diameter rings (which will be good way below 10kgs) to full suit of mail with greaves, made of smaller rings and multi-layered in some areas (which can be more than 30 kgs)
From Game of Thrones, for example?
Bronn. Jon Snow has some levels in fighter. The Hound currently has no armor. Sylvio Forel. etc etc etc.
Inb4 he's fighter/mage
He's not. He CAN BE in game, but "cnonical" book version would be like packing almost all of his skillpoints into sword fighting, with minor derail into alchemy and leaving the actual magic on lowest possible level.
Bruce Lee was an unarmed Swordsage.
Geralt has the Witcher Template which grants him access to the Signs.
Would Ash Williams count as a fighter?
Keep your weeb trash out of this.
He was a monk you trash.
Actually, no. Bruce Lee's fighting style is much easier to model as a Battlemaster Fighter than as a Monk. He was much more interested in attacks with strategic benefits than just maximum attack output.
Ip Man was totally a monk, though. If anyone deserves a class feature of "while punching someone in the face you can opt to punch them in the face again. If you feel like exerting yourself you can also punch them in the face a third time" it was him.