Welcome back, everyone, to the fifty-seventh episode of Mecha Space Pirate Quest. I'm Wong, your host, and today you are once again Admiral Roarke S. Starwind of the Iron Kestrels.
Last time, construction began on the Knuckle Kaiser Mk. II. That says it all, really. The Black Ogre is about to become bigger, blacker, and more ogreish.
Over the next few days, you come to a rather humbling realization. You're slowing Karen down. You're a competent mechanic in your own right, with a strong grasp on the basic systems of your mech, but every so often she starts talking about completely unconnected concepts in a way that baffles you, and sometimes, when she doesn't pick up on your confusion, she starts to bridge those concepts together in a way that borders on insanity. For example, she's explaining why the thrusters that were previously attached to the Kaiser's elbows are now mounted as part of the shield assembly, and how she managed to avoid reducing the shield's defensive capabilities in the process of incorporating them. What this has to do with the design of medieval turrets and how they were built to resist cannonfire is a complete mystery to you, but to Karen it makes perfect sense. You think. You can never entirely rule out space madness with this particular daughter of the stars.
On the fourth day, you realize why she's working so slowly, and explaining everything she's doing, and pushing you to do so much of the work herself. She's teaching you. Every time she sees your face light up with understanding, pride washes over her features and she gives you a hug, whether or not it smears you with oil. Some nights, you make love before falling asleep, others you just hold each other close, whispering about fusion cell efficiency and reducing weight through an autolift assembly before drifting into slumber. With all the work you've been doing, it's nice to just spend a few days doing something normal, like improving the Kaiser into its upgraded form, and nicer still to spend time with Karen doing it.
Brayden Thompson
Alright time to be dread pirate Roarke Starwind
Levi Harris
Welp, going to have to go for the obvious; This is MY Colony!
Anywho, figured out why that vote was so important. It wasn't us going after the Paladin, but rather taking away half our best units with us while the prisoner and our support crew are at half efficiency.
Jaxon Peterson
I'm sure everything will go completely fine and have no terrible repercussions whatsoever
Dominic Brooks
>others you just hold each other close, whispering about fusion cell efficiency and reducing weight through an autolift assembly before drifting into slumber Wait, is this not also standard pillow talk for Karen?
Julian Bell
Slowly, the improved Kaiser takes shape. The new armor has a factory-fresh gleam that lets you stop feeling a sense of mild self-consciousness around the Zulfiqar with its heroic sheen that you hadn't even realized was present until you started comparing the two mecha. Realistically, you expect both machines will be scarred and dinged up before two long, but while it lasts you don't want to be outdone by a Martian teenager. The arms are longer, now, the claws reaching past the knees, while the tips of the feet have a cleft (and both sides can move independently, allowing for more precise control of the thrusters there) that makes them resemble hooves.
Karen freely admits that she got the idea for that from the S-Flowerhorn, but hastily adds, “I'm a pirate too, Roarke, I just steal different things. Besides, the rest is original! Although...it helped that I've had four SOUL mecha to study, five counting Mohammed's. Six if you count the Tarrasque since it was supposed to be one.” The shields that were formerly plain walls of metal are now contoured and streamlined to deflect blows rather than just absorb them, while heavy, jointed plates provide additional protection for the leg servos. Even more astounding, although with the additional armor the Kaiser should weigh several tons more than its old self, it actually handles a lot more easily, like a light Morgan II or a Recon Warmouth.
Jaxon Diaz
Wait won't the shields get in the way of the punches if that picture is accurate?
Benjamin White
Ryan Gomez
They move out of the way. Engineering the joints on the shield array to be properly protective and not get in the way of punching everything is one of Karen's personal triumphs, and without a proper cross-section you can't quite see the full range of movement those plates have.
William Smith
See just look at that smug face of agreement Amos is in the clear
Also Wong remember that crazy guy who was talking about GGG and toxic masculinity? Well I took at look at his twitter to see how far down the rabbit hole goes, and holy shit
Huh thats pretty smart of her
Anthony Reed
Justin Jenkins
Still, your heart isn't entirely at ease, as you explain to Karen while you're sharing lunch, “Aren't you worried the other girls will get jealous?”
She snorts with laughter, “Naaah. Samantha and Clemmy said we should spend more time together, Red Menace is busy preening-I mean preparing for that concert, and Fatima is still in the hospital, right?”
“Samantha and Clemmy agreed on something? I thought they...” Your voice trails off, frowning. You'd sort of assumed they didn't get along, but it's hard to tell since they're rarely in the same place at the same time.
“Clemmy thinks Samantha is a weakling because she's not very subtle herself and doesn't get the whole indirect thing. Samantha thinks Clemmy is a bloodthirsty animal crossed with a strike missile that could explode any day now. Both of them have complained about the other to me, but they don't really hate each other.” She shrugs.
You sigh and take a bite of your meal bar, “What would it take for all of you to just get along? That's all I want.”
She frowns and pats your arm, “We're trying, okay? Rosita and I are making an effort to get along, at least.”
“Good. You two worry me the most. I'm not completely oblivious to how you two are when I'm not around.” You wag the half-eaten meal-bar at her remonstratingly.
Austin Ramirez
Welp.. think I just realized who crazy paladin chick with a lot of bloodlust is!
Jordan Kelly
Ahit nigger what are you doing?
stop staring at the abyss before you start thinking GGG is high class art too!.
Luke Myers
I mean honestly some of what he's saying does make sense, you know I might have pegged this guy wrong. I mean how can you even argue with this, he's totally correct
Benjamin Turner
Shallchair a best furniture.
>bitching about based Haman-sama
This fucking guy. Seriously, I know she's General Fairchild in this quest, but Haman is a 10/10 girl.
I would say that he's complaining about women who were for the most part explicitly villains as if XX chromosomes mean you can't gas a Colony, but the thing I realized after two threads of that guy is that he's literally mentally ill, and one of those people who has made being mentally ill into part of their identity and will actively nurture it. His views on women, and on people in general, are legitimately unhealthy...but so much of what he thinks is unhealthy that it's hard to isolate something specific and go "this needs to be fixed". Odds are he'll be the next CWC.
Brayden Diaz
You're wrong, although there are similarities.
Julian Wright
I'm still betting on Manah.
la la la la la
Wyatt Barnes
This guy is definitely psycho, he compares Austism speaks to genocide and how Autistic peopling wishing to be normal is internalized ableism
Are we sure its not just best girl
Ayden Butler
Speaking of Fairchild. REEEEEEEE when?
Ryder Rivera
Dude, this is why namefagging is cancerous. I've only been posting for less than a year and I can already identify people who need medical help like Virt and Clawshrimpy, the latter who doesn't even post on Veeky Forums
Cameron Carter
Yeah.. screw that bugger. I just want to be able to function in society and have a partner. Bloody hate identity politics.
Jacob Baker
These people sincerely think having mental problems is a super power.
Nolan Lopez
Agreed I honestly don't like people who namefag for no reason. I only namefag here and thats because it was orignally for the mixtapes, and now its just habit.
I hate it too user I have to see shit like this hanging up in my dorms, like how "Men shouldn't rape"
Joshua Watson
Peter Pan complexes seem pretty common and pretty dangerous when mixed with autism. I don't know if you lads remember Helpful_Comrade and Edward/Drawde/Lace/Rory/Whateverthehellhewentby, but Veeky Forums has had its share of Clawshrimpies too.
Ian Ramirez
She smiles innocently, so innocently that you suspect she's taken a few tips from Samantha, “Just mostly oblivious?”
“Hey now, you can't speak to an Admiral that way!” You tease her.
She sticks her tongue out, undeterred, “I've known you since before you were an officer, idiot, I can speak to you however I please. That's my privilege as your girlfriend.” Her smile brightens a little, and she says it again, more quietly, “Your girlfriend.” She reaches across the Kaiser-sized metal finger you're using as an impromptu table and pats your head, “Somebody has to keep you honest. If your head gets too big it won't fit into your helmet.”
“And if somebody doesn't pull your pigtails, you get a smart mouth and a cocky attitude.” You tug on one of them.
“You pull them all the time and it hasn't stopped me.” She points out, a bit smugly.
"I just have to find the right input code. I think it's left-right-right-left-left-left-right-left-both." You posit contemplatively.
She shakes her head, "That just activates my super mode. You don't want to know what that does."
You immediately make a grab for her pigtails, but she was expecting it, grabbing your hands and pulling you in close with a smile, "Riposte!" She purrs, and kisses you. It's a nice kiss.
Brandon Edwards
Wow just get here now and...
...Who is this namefag your're talking about?
Anyway, hi people, do you really think Amos is okay?
(I started namefaging form start because, 1- Someone asked about BLE here, and i noticed that there's very little about it in english, so i picked a name to appear more easier or something... 2- i have doubts on the level of ability i have on writing english, and thought of letting it clear from the start to not waste time explaining everytime i say something wrong or something... 3- I'm kind of a noob here, what's the problem in namefaging?
Colton Nelson
Wait...Shalltear...Is it you?
Oh noes...
John Nguyen
Meanwhile, on the opposite end of the mechbay, Fatima Ahmad is not in the hospital. Thanks to a combination of upper-class resolve, personal grit, and determination not to laze about, she has regained her footing and returned to duty as a pilot.
As a matter of fact, you knew this because you interfered with her and Shukriya scolding Mohammed, but since she's technically supposed to be taking it easy you neglected to correct Karen.
While you're busy, Fatima is supervising the cleaning and maintenance of the Tarrasque. Unlike when you or Karen supervises the maintenance of something, this involves a lot of delegation and pointing and shouting. Much to the relief of her subordinates, right now she is just musing over her mech with her arms crossed, “Maybe I should paint you pink.” She says to herself contemplatively.
“Yeah, well, s'gonna look even better once I finish altering it for you. Saving some, uh, weight. Removing unnecessary components.” Miles melts out of nowhere, although given her height and the number of crew in the Rhinehawk's bay that isn't particularly difficult.
Fatima glances down at her with the eyes of a hawk that has spotted a weasel. Her voice is dangerously courteous, “And what components of my cutie darling are unnecessary?”
William Lee
More then anything its asking for attention on a board where were all supposed to be anonymous. Also namefagging lets you form opinions on the poster themselves which either leads you to agree with them because you like them, or never agree with them because you hate them.
Tyler Bailey
The entire point of an anonymous image board is that posters remain anonymous unless absolutely necessary. In so doing, each poster is indistinguishable from the next, and no one person's words or opinion holds more intrinsic weight than another - your significance is determined purely by the quality of your post alone. Needless namefagging is therefore seen as attention whoring.
Connor Foster
Well, the reason why is part of the user culture. Basically, we go user to avoid using our identities as collateral. Doesn't matter who you are or where you're from, you are an user. People liking you is determined by if you can make good shit and be a likable person of good merit. It's nice and it takes away some of that cult of personality you see on reddit, tumbler, and facebook.
Camden Turner
Miles shrugs, completely nonchalant, her already narrow eyes narrowing just a shade further, “Eh, nothing you'll miss. Just the big, ugly cannon on the front ruining your aerodynamic profile. You can thank me later, buy me a beer or something and we'll call it square.”
Fatima blinks once, then she simply turns away and resumes looking at the Tarrasque as though it was a giant baby, “Go away. You aren't tall enough to reach it anyway.”
Miles' pupils shrink to the size of pinpoints, and her hands tighten into fists. Dude may be a doofus, but he's been her buddy and part of her personal group for years, there are jokes she can take from him that no arrogant Martian daddy's girl who thinks she's so great just because SHE's over six feet tall instead of unable to top five can safely make. Now getting that cannon isn't just a half-joke, it's personal, “I'll find a lifter. Seems to me without MY hands firing that cannon, you'd still be marrying El Beardo and wearing a fancy bit of jewelry. Don't fuck with me, princess. You may be a hotshot pilot on Mars, but I'm an actual fucking pirate.” She reaches up, and deliberately shoves the taller woman, “You don't get to go crying to Roarke in the Kestrels. You're some kind of ace, you gotta handle shit yourself, you don't get to just inherit rank or sleep your way into it. Now are you going to get the fuck out of my way or not?”
Lincoln Sanders
I tried statting the Zogock semi-acuratly and then in a fit of boredom tried doing the other jaburo assault mechs. Forgot to add the cost of handy to the Zogocks punch hands. Also if you have two servos with a bunch of linked weapons to you have to buy an interservo link once or for each weapon? pastebin.com/xhCLsare pastebin.com/qBQP10TM pastebin.com/nSh41uEc pastebin.com/vdJNAU6W
Zachary Collins
Luis Young
Once for each weapon besides the first. So, if you're linking two weapons, you pay for it once. Three, you pay for it twice. Four, thrice, and so on and so forth.
Anthony Cook
So... Anonimity is the true way of letting go of biased information about the veracity of claims by basing the validity of this information on the reputation of the speaker? Creating a pure opinion basing only in the statements and not on who is saying that?
I think i may be starting to understand it... Thanks you Anons.
I think this may really be somekind of superior discussion form...
Nathan Wright
Thing is if the first weapon that everything is linked to is destroyed shouldn't that destroy the link between all the weapons?
Dominic Ross
Fatima stares down at her as though momentarily not sure how to react, confusion written in her features. Which abruptly harden as she raises her hand and puts her palm across Miles' cheek with enough force to send her spinning to the floor. The sheer, stinging volume of that blow echoes over and over again through the mechbay, heads turning to look...and the older Kestrels wisely stepping well away from the confrontation, "Like that?"
Miles is taken offguard and goes down, but it's not her first time being hit. There are a lot of things she's ran away from, and a lot she's tried to forget. She rolls on her back across the bay floor and comes up on a knee with her hand on the butt of her gun, looking up to find that Fatima's hand is positioned similarly on the grip of her own pistol.
“Small gun.” Fatima remarks.
“Wide target.” Miles responds.
Brandon Myers
That and it's pretty easy to dehumanize someone when all you have is a name and not a human face attached to it.
For all I know, Brazil user could be Adriana Lima and Mr.Wong could be Vin Diesel.
Samuel Lewis
No, not really. Presumably the "first weapon" isn't special, it just makes the initial math less silly.
Let's say I'm a Martian pilot with a scorpion-themed tank. It has a cannon on each pincer arm, and a cannon on the tail, all linked. Any of those could theoretically be the first weapon, it doesn't matter, if I lose my right arm the left arm and tail cannons would still have linked fire.
Dominic Gray
In a way it has some values that are similar to a meritocracy. Good ideas/good workers will become known due to their work and style. You see it in some old quests, like Larro and Moloch.
This is some primo material. I require popcorn.
Jordan Myers
Did Miles just call Fatima fat?
Aaron Edwards
Wow, things went down FAST.
Thomas Edwards
It has its downsides. Since posters are anonymous, people can speak their thoughts more candidly; however, this also means that people are far more likely to get baited, or to brazenly try to bait others. The amount of shitposting is therefore higher.
I suffer no consequences from saying right now, for instance, that you're waifu a shit.
Henry Taylor
You may never know the truth... But in fact, some of you may have know about me before meeting me here...It isn't impossible because of reasons.
>>our face when wong finally reveals his true indentity in the middle of a live interview.
Aaron Cook
geez, it's not like she can help it.
Wyatt Ortiz
But the way it seems to write it as is that the weapons are linked together and the linchpin is the one weapon their all connected too
Ryan Green
You shut your whore mouth. AH64-chan is PURE! PURE I SAY!
Angel Garcia
But that is kind of cool too, i guess, without freespeak we will not advance in some areas because we don't speak about things involving them... That's why i value it so much and fear every tentative of censuring someone because the actual group in power doesn't like what they are saying of something...For me, shitposting in solved itself in a way or another...Probably by creating more resistance to baits as time go on and you find it more useless to keep arguing about the same things with people that aren't willing to care about your opinions anyway, or something...
Elijah White
Cameron Bailey
>creating more resistance to baits as time go on and you find it more useless to keep arguing about the same things with people that aren't willing to care about your opinions anyway I think we're, uh, still working on that one.
Adam Ramirez
Aye, pure slut.
Hudson Taylor
Nah, it's an abstraction. There's no linchpin, they're all just programmed to fire at once.
Gabriel Miller
>But seriously, we all know LORI DRILLBITS IS BEST GIRL
David Phillips
Which is also necessary because certain topics are far too sensitive to discuss without the massive political, cultural, and social stigma tainting it and its participants.
Shitposting are just timewasters that can spawn intelligent discussion or just something fun to do. However, sometimes you'd get the really nasty autists like Virt who has a elf-guro fetish and posts outside our Malaysian batik weaving imageboard to show how plebian we are.
and I think we have derailed enough with the metaboard discussion. Dammit Jim. We're Mecha Space Pirates! Not namefags haters
Jacob Taylor
We can be both user, but back in the game
We should probably let this fight run its course, we know neither of them would kill the other and we have to let Fatima fight for herself
Elijah Roberts
I agree... Just do not let them start shooting.
Wyatt Gonzalez
They won't, they both know we care about them so they won't kill each other
Levi Johnson
>implying they're going to fight >implying they're not going to exchange 5 minutes of increasingly insulting quips before heading off to the bar to get shitfaced together >also, somewhere along the line, Fatima manages to talk Miles into painting her mech
Nicholas Martin
I wonder if our kids are going to do the same to her kids
Adrian Stewart
"Did...you just call me fat?" A vein throbs in Fatima's forehead.
"It's part of your name, isn't it?" Miles smirks, without relaxing her stance in the slightest.
"A pity yours isn't very reflective of you. Did you pick a big name because of your height, or did other people just find it ironic?" Fatima's acid words cause Miles to visibly bristle.
"Did you know all Martians are half-goat due to centuries of fucking goats, which is the national pasttime on Mars?" Miles growls. It's not very creative, but it's what she's got.
"That's only HALF the insult I expected, I'm a LITTLE disappointed, but I know your wits are in SHORT supply." Fatima snaps back, ice in her voice.
"Right, bitch, you're going right back to the hospital bed." Miles' hand tightens on her gun, but just then, both of them hear the sound of eminently scornful laughter.
"OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO~! Zese peasants, ma déesse~" Countess Loriette Marie le Kennedy is doubled over in laughter, "Like two petit farmwives fighting over where the hedge between their fields should be, it is most droll, non? Ohohohohoho~!"
Fatima's eyes narrow with dislike. Miles' do the same.
"Did you hear that? She called you a peasant." Miles observes.
"I did. I believe she called you petite as well." Fatima notes.
Loriette is too busy laughing at them to realize the danger she's in until they're looming over her and she feels Fatima grab her hands by the wrists, "Oi! Non! I am not involved in this!" She protests, to no avail.
"Pirates know how to tie knots, correct?" Fatima inquires, smiling speculatively at Miles, "It seems a shame to waste these ringlets nature has given this enemy of mankind."
"I'm the best at tying knots, just ask Richard!" Miles announces proudly, going up on tiptoe to grab a handful of drills and loop them around Loriette's wrists while she squawks in outrage.
Fatima shudders at the thought, "I'd rather not, but feel free to demonstrate your skills here."
Leo Cook
This would be great, but does Fatima have the THUNDER to do it?
Hudson Young
Man i need more popcorn for this.
Aiden Cook
>Lori gets involved Jesus whose next, Dozle?
Elijah Flores
Lori, you fool.
Also HI EVERYONE, how's the day find you? Do you have a moment to hear the good word of our lord and king, VERNIERS?
Jace Clark
To that user from a couple of threads ago, Geist was really good I ended up liking the second one better though. The music was god like in both though.
Benjamin Morales
Meanwhile, back on your side of the mechbay, Karen Cohen is making out with the man she's loved ever since he joined her father's crew when she spots, briefly, through the crowd, something magical. Namely, Fatima and Miles tying the Paladin's hands together with her own hair. She considers this briefly while she's hugging you and getting her breath back, running her fingers through your pretty orange hair. On the one hand, the Avalonian deserves it for calling her and your precious mech names during the duel between the Knuckle Kaiser and the Anseis. On the other hand...Karen prides herself on her abilities as a mechanic, and the mystery of how, exactly, the Anseis works is one that has nagged away at her brain nonstop ever since she popped open the Anseis' head and found veins of dead plant matter inside. She sincerely doubts that the Countess would share her secrets with her normally...but people are vulnerable when they're isolated, and it certainly wouldn't hurt Roarke to be nice to the girl a little. The only problem is, how to make sure she's the one who handles this rather than you. If you do it, the Countess will just get more starry-eyed and start clinging to you more and generally get in Karen's way, being a huge annoyance.
The gears start to turn in Karen's brain, and she smiles as she kisses your cheek, "Hey, I have some tests I need to run...you should go down to Auditorium and get some fresh air, maybe check in with your teacher. All work and no play makes Roarke a dull boy." She smiles sweetly, "See? I know when I'm being selfish, at least a little. Go get some exercise, you like it better than I do." She scratches your chest, "I think Clemmy went down there already, maybe you'll bump into her. Captain Oda and Mohammed too, he was saying something about it being the next step of Mohammed's training. It's healthy for a man to spend time with his friends."
>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros] >[Stay on the Rhinehawk]
Jose Sanders
>>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros]
Thomas Morales
>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros] Have the Countess tag along to save her maybe?
Caleb Scott
>>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros] We never taken Clemmy on a date so now the perfect time
Liam Russell
>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros]
Owen Ramirez
>>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros] she has only herself to blame for getting in the way of a cat fight.
Aiden Rogers
Its time to break that damn rock.
Logan Johnson
Why don't we take Clemmy and Athena to Master Asia's? We promised Athena we would do something fun with her and whats more fun then kung fu training
Kevin Baker
Can you go for protecting Lori smile?
John Kelly
Changing that to >>[Go get some fresh air and see Clemmy and your bros]
Luke Lee
>Have the Countess tag along to save her maybe? Nah, if we get involved its to make all three of them paint our mech. Gotta show the countess that we can put our foot down.
Carter Wilson
"Alright." You suspect something is up, you see the gleam in her eyes and know she's plotting something. On the other hand, you can't micromanage a grown woman's life, and if she messes up she'll learn and grow from the experience. You give her one last kiss, "You know I love you, right?"
"I know, and you know I love you too, and always have." She smiles, with a pretty little blush.
You smile at her, and head for the shuttle down to the colony.
You go for a run, then a swim to wash the sweat off, and it's exhilarating. Being able to properly stretch after days spent hunkered over your mech's internal frame makes you feel good all over, and you're in a fantastic mood. Your hair is still damp as you wander through the city. You're thinking about picking something up for one of the girls, when your keen nose detects something delicious. It's the scent of fresh coffee, with a hint of hazelnut. It's a familiar scent.
You turn your head, and notice the source. Surely it can't be...but it is. The little maid cafe has the Storm Dragon sigil on a sign by the door, tucked onto a hillside. The sign is in the ancient runes of far-off Nippon, so you've never quite picked up the name of this chain, but you'd recognize one of Oda's establishments anywhere.
The other thing you recognize is the voice, yelling, "You call this a tip!? Jerk, don't you have any consideration for proper service!? I'm an innocent maiden saving up for marriage, show some compassion! Bastards who'd cheat a poor, hardworking girl deserve a kick in the balls!"
You peek through the window, and what you see astounds you.
Thomas Allen
Karen is going to her in order to discover the secrets of the Anseis, do not worry.
William Cook
Wong you crazy bastard
Leo Ross
Never change Oda, never change.
Here's comes the maid Waifu, boys!
Aaron Brooks
Madman, Wong. You glorious bastard. Ca/tg/irls and Veeky Forumsents, this here is the classic example of what we call the flying brick joke.
Jaxson Robinson
Lieutenant Alice Farragut Clementine, the ace of SOUL B, the Butcher, the terror of the UJCIDF, has a tray slung under her arm, with its edge pressed against the throat of a portly businessman who is most likely one of Red Siren's guest/hostages. With her other hand she's brandishing a receipt. The violence isn't what surprises you, it's her outfit.
Lacy black and white, with high stockings, a frilly skirt, black bustier over a puffy white shirt, shiny black shoes, and a white lace headband. No matter how many times you look, she's clearly dressed as a maid.
"Clemmy-chan, no! Not our beloved customers!" Oda protests, hovering behind her.
"A-a-alright!" The businessman hurriedly scrawls an extra zero on the receipt, and the pressure of the tray's edge eases on his throat.
"Yay! Thank you for your patronage, sir! Please come again any time!" She smiles, all sunshine and rainbows suddenly, bowing deeply.
The man dabs his brow with a hankerchief, and glances sidelong at Oda, "...Do you have any more like her that AREN'T getting married?"
The pirate captain shakes his head, "Clemmy-chan is a unique and precious person, betrothed to my dear friend and aniki. There are no others like her."
"Awww." The man seems disappointed, "Well, that's alright. Congratulations on your marriage." He bows awkwardly in return, and shuffles out as you make your way inside. The air outside feels awfully warm even after your swim, Red Siren is probably having a bikini day and wanted the weather to match, so the cool air inside the cafe is a blessed relief.
Elijah Sullivan
Even in the far flung future, there will masochists.Oda is probably rolling in green.
Christopher Phillips
Now if he was really daring He would videotape Roarke's wedding night
Nicholas Williams
Oh hey guys...I'll just leave this here.
Jonathan Hill
Real nice user, the ears are a little fucked but real good overall.
Speaking of if your out there drawfags, you working on anything good right now? Its always nice to see more fanart
Connor Rodriguez
Clemmy's piercing eyes fixate on you immediately, "ROAAAAARKE!" She squeals, vaulting over an empty table so as not to waste fractions of a second in getting to you, the apron around her waist flapping, "HUSBAAAAAND!" She leaps into the air, going fully horizontal in the manner of a leopard pouncing on a gazelle, tackling you and sending you staggering back into the gashapon machines. She rubs her cheek against your chest and digs her fingers into your sides, "Roarke~ My Roarke~ My precious, sweet Roarke~"
Mohammed, surrounded by maids cooing over him and petting his fluffy hair, peeks at you over the back of the booth he's sitting at, giving you an awkward nod and smile, "Salaam, Admiral."
"Hello Moe. Hello Yoritomo. Hello beloved wife." You lean down and kiss her, and she shivers with happiness, kissing you as if trying to breathe you in, her fingernails raking gently along your back.
Eventually, you disentangle yourself, "Clemmy, what are you doing here? Why are you dressed like that? I mean, besides for me, because I like it." You squeeze her, and she coos happily.
"I'm working!" She announces cheerfully.
You blink in surprise, "Working? Why?"
She harrumphs, "Ask Colonel Re-mean-a Saggybutt."
"Hey!" Mohammed protests.
She sticks her tongue out at him, "Little Mohammed hush, I'm mad at her!"
You blink in surprise, "Why? What did she do to you?"
She harrumphs again, more angrily, "Nothing! That's the problem! She could discharge me from the UJCIDF, but...she said she couldn't give me my pension because TECHNICALLY SOUL B is directly under Fairy, so Fairy's my boss and would have to sign the papers. It's not fair! That sneaky little Sam is lounging about enjoying her pension...and the money she already had because she's a dirty rich girl...while poor, hardworking me had to find a job to make ends meet. Oda's a nice guy, though, he said since I'm an imouto 'cause I'm your special girl I could work for him."
Anthony Sanders
...Pretty sure she's payed. We pay our crews right?
Carson Evans
I would suppose, I think Richard takes care of that
Jason Mitchell
Custom Roarke pillows don't come cheap and she's planning on building a home.
Jaxon Allen
But why would she need them she has the real thing now
Ryder Roberts
"...Course, I didn't know what an imouto was at first, so I kind of wounded him a little, but that's okay! It was just his arm, and it didn't hit a vein! He's fine, he's fine, right boss?" She smiles prettily.
Oda gives her a thumbs-up, "Everything's daijobu, barely a scratch. It was worth it to see such a sugoi yandere in full swing."
"See? Oh Roarke...I'm gonna make you so proud of me, yes I am~ I'm good with the customers, they all give me lots of tips! I'll be able to afford to take you on DATES!" She grabs your hands and pulls you down into a booth, "Boss! I'm going on break!"
Oda rubs his head, looking concerned, "Clemmy-chan, you just took a break, you've only waited one table since coming back, you can't just..."
"ROARKE IS HERE! I'M ON BREAK!" She snarls, her lips pulling back to bare sharp, white teeth.
"H-hai, since it's for aniki's sake, go ahead." He sighs. Poor Oda.
"Hold on. You should have money." You protest, "The Kestrels are all paid, I'll have a word with Richard and..." You stop talking as she presses a finger to your lips.
"Shhh, Roarkey. First, I've kinda...held off on becoming an Iron Kestrel. I mean, deciding to become a pirate, like, formally instead of unofficially is kind of a big deal, right? Besides, there haven't been any big hauls since I joined. Mars was pro-bono, except for Rosie and the loot she got. Besides, there's stuff I want to buy myself, and...and someday I want us to have our very own home together." She smiles, and there's not a trace of violence in it, just the smile of a young woman in love. She kisses your nose and skips away, returning shortly with coffee for the two of you.
>[What say?]
Jordan Robinson
>Why don't we blow this place I know the perfect date spot that you'll just love Time to introduce Clemmy to Master Asia
Jacob Wright
"That's great. Do you know how Fairchild took my announcement?"
Xavier Ortiz
I suppose you could always ask Fairy to sign your retirement papers when she comes for the prisoner negotiations. that gives you three months to decide if becoming a Pirate is what you really want.Or perhaps you can find something else more legal to do that keeps you close at hand
William Price
Well, we were planning on going treasure hunting for an old factory that might have some parts to improve the Kaiser. Could keep it a light raid to not attract attention and you could be compensated for your assistance. The outfit does look nice though.
Blake Torres
>It was worth it to see such a sugoi yandere in full swing It still eludes me how Oda is such a massive fucking weeb, and yet so fucking based, at the same time.